[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

namespace Faker;

use Faker\Container\ContainerInterface;

 * @property string $citySuffix
 * @method string citySuffix()
 * @property string $streetSuffix
 * @method string streetSuffix()
 * @property string $buildingNumber
 * @method string buildingNumber()
 * @property string $city
 * @method string city()
 * @property string $streetName
 * @method string streetName()
 * @property string $streetAddress
 * @method string streetAddress()
 * @property string $postcode
 * @method string postcode()
 * @property string $address
 * @method string address()
 * @property string $country
 * @method string country()
 * @property float $latitude
 * @method float latitude($min = -90, $max = 90)
 * @property float $longitude
 * @method float longitude($min = -180, $max = 180)
 * @property float[] $localCoordinates
 * @method float[] localCoordinates()
 * @property int $randomDigitNotNull
 * @method int randomDigitNotNull()
 * @property mixed $passthrough
 * @method mixed passthrough($value)
 * @property string $randomLetter
 * @method string randomLetter()
 * @property string $randomAscii
 * @method string randomAscii()
 * @property array $randomElements
 * @method array randomElements($array = ['a', 'b', 'c'], $count = 1, $allowDuplicates = false)
 * @property mixed $randomElement
 * @method mixed randomElement($array = ['a', 'b', 'c'])
 * @property int|string|null $randomKey
 * @method int|string|null randomKey($array = [])
 * @property array|string $shuffle
 * @method array|string shuffle($arg = '')
 * @property array $shuffleArray
 * @method array shuffleArray($array = [])
 * @property string $shuffleString
 * @method string shuffleString($string = '', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
 * @property string $numerify
 * @method string numerify($string = '###')
 * @property string $lexify
 * @method string lexify($string = '????')
 * @property string $bothify
 * @method string bothify($string = '## ??')
 * @property string $asciify
 * @method string asciify($string = '****')
 * @property string $regexify
 * @method string regexify($regex = '')
 * @property string $toLower
 * @method string toLower($string = '')
 * @property string $toUpper
 * @method string toUpper($string = '')
 * @property int $biasedNumberBetween
 * @method int biasedNumberBetween($min = 0, $max = 100, $function = 'sqrt')
 * @property string $hexColor
 * @method string hexColor()
 * @property string $safeHexColor
 * @method string safeHexColor()
 * @property array $rgbColorAsArray
 * @method array rgbColorAsArray()
 * @property string $rgbColor
 * @method string rgbColor()
 * @property string $rgbCssColor
 * @method string rgbCssColor()
 * @property string $rgbaCssColor
 * @method string rgbaCssColor()
 * @property string $safeColorName
 * @method string safeColorName()
 * @property string $colorName
 * @method string colorName()
 * @property string $hslColor
 * @method string hslColor()
 * @property array $hslColorAsArray
 * @method array hslColorAsArray()
 * @property string $company
 * @method string company()
 * @property string $companySuffix
 * @method string companySuffix()
 * @property string $jobTitle
 * @method string jobTitle()
 * @property int $unixTime
 * @method int unixTime($max = 'now')
 * @property \DateTime $dateTime
 * @method \DateTime dateTime($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeAD
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeAD($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property string $iso8601
 * @method string iso8601($max = 'now')
 * @property string $date
 * @method string date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now')
 * @property string $time
 * @method string time($format = 'H:i:s', $max = 'now')
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeBetween
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-30 years', $endDate = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeInInterval
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeInInterval($date = '-30 years', $interval = '+5 days', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisCentury
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeThisCentury($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisDecade
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeThisDecade($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisYear
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeThisYear($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisMonth
 * @method \DateTime dateTimeThisMonth($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
 * @property string $amPm
 * @method string amPm($max = 'now')
 * @property string $dayOfMonth
 * @method string dayOfMonth($max = 'now')
 * @property string $dayOfWeek
 * @method string dayOfWeek($max = 'now')
 * @property string $month
 * @method string month($max = 'now')
 * @property string $monthName
 * @method string monthName($max = 'now')
 * @property string $year
 * @method string year($max = 'now')
 * @property string $century
 * @method string century()
 * @property string $timezone
 * @method string timezone($countryCode = null)
 * @property void $setDefaultTimezone
 * @method void setDefaultTimezone($timezone = null)
 * @property string $getDefaultTimezone
 * @method string getDefaultTimezone()
 * @property string $file
 * @method string file($sourceDirectory = '/tmp', $targetDirectory = '/tmp', $fullPath = true)
 * @property string $randomHtml
 * @method string randomHtml($maxDepth = 4, $maxWidth = 4)
 * @property string $imageUrl
 * @method string imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480, $category = null, $randomize = true, $word = null, $gray = false)
 * @property string $image
 * @method string image($dir = null, $width = 640, $height = 480, $category = null, $fullPath = true, $randomize = true, $word = null, $gray = false)
 * @property string $email
 * @method string email()
 * @property string $safeEmail
 * @method string safeEmail()
 * @property string $freeEmail
 * @method string freeEmail()
 * @property string $companyEmail
 * @method string companyEmail()
 * @property string $freeEmailDomain
 * @method string freeEmailDomain()
 * @property string $safeEmailDomain
 * @method string safeEmailDomain()
 * @property string $userName
 * @method string userName()
 * @property string $password
 * @method string password($minLength = 6, $maxLength = 20)
 * @property string $domainName
 * @method string domainName()
 * @property string $domainWord
 * @method string domainWord()
 * @property string $tld
 * @method string tld()
 * @property string $url
 * @method string url()
 * @property string $slug
 * @method string slug($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)
 * @property string $ipv4
 * @method string ipv4()
 * @property string $ipv6
 * @method string ipv6()
 * @property string $localIpv4
 * @method string localIpv4()
 * @property string $macAddress
 * @method string macAddress()
 * @property string $word
 * @method string word()
 * @property array|string $words
 * @method array|string words($nb = 3, $asText = false)
 * @property string $sentence
 * @method string sentence($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)
 * @property array|string $sentences
 * @method array|string sentences($nb = 3, $asText = false)
 * @property string $paragraph
 * @method string paragraph($nbSentences = 3, $variableNbSentences = true)
 * @property array|string $paragraphs
 * @method array|string paragraphs($nb = 3, $asText = false)
 * @property string $text
 * @method string text($maxNbChars = 200)
 * @property bool $boolean
 * @method bool boolean($chanceOfGettingTrue = 50)
 * @property string $md5
 * @method string md5()
 * @property string $sha1
 * @method string sha1()
 * @property string $sha256
 * @method string sha256()
 * @property string $locale
 * @method string locale()
 * @property string $countryCode
 * @method string countryCode()
 * @property string $countryISOAlpha3
 * @method string countryISOAlpha3()
 * @property string $languageCode
 * @method string languageCode()
 * @property string $currencyCode
 * @method string currencyCode()
 * @property string $emoji
 * @method string emoji()
 * @property string $creditCardType
 * @method string creditCardType()
 * @property string $creditCardNumber
 * @method string creditCardNumber($type = null, $formatted = false, $separator = '-')
 * @property \DateTime $creditCardExpirationDate
 * @method \DateTime creditCardExpirationDate($valid = true)
 * @property string $creditCardExpirationDateString
 * @method string creditCardExpirationDateString($valid = true, $expirationDateFormat = null)
 * @property array $creditCardDetails
 * @method array creditCardDetails($valid = true)
 * @property string $iban
 * @method string iban($countryCode = null, $prefix = '', $length = null)
 * @property string $swiftBicNumber
 * @method string swiftBicNumber()
 * @property string $name
 * @method string name($gender = null)
 * @property string $firstName
 * @method string firstName($gender = null)
 * @property string $firstNameMale
 * @method string firstNameMale()
 * @property string $firstNameFemale
 * @method string firstNameFemale()
 * @property string $lastName
 * @method string lastName()
 * @property string $title
 * @method string title($gender = null)
 * @property string $titleMale
 * @method string titleMale()
 * @property string $titleFemale
 * @method string titleFemale()
 * @property string $phoneNumber
 * @method string phoneNumber()
 * @property string $e164PhoneNumber
 * @method string e164PhoneNumber()
 * @property int $imei
 * @method int imei()
 * @property string $realText
 * @method string realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
 * @property string $realTextBetween
 * @method string realTextBetween($minNbChars = 160, $maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
 * @property string $macProcessor
 * @method string macProcessor()
 * @property string $linuxProcessor
 * @method string linuxProcessor()
 * @property string $userAgent
 * @method string userAgent()
 * @property string $chrome
 * @method string chrome()
 * @property string $msedge
 * @method string msedge()
 * @property string $firefox
 * @method string firefox()
 * @property string $safari
 * @method string safari()
 * @property string $opera
 * @method string opera()
 * @property string $internetExplorer
 * @method string internetExplorer()
 * @property string $windowsPlatformToken
 * @method string windowsPlatformToken()
 * @property string $macPlatformToken
 * @method string macPlatformToken()
 * @property string $iosMobileToken
 * @method string iosMobileToken()
 * @property string $linuxPlatformToken
 * @method string linuxPlatformToken()
 * @property string $uuid
 * @method string uuid()
class Generator
    protected $providers = [];
    protected $formatters = [];

    private $container;

     * @var UniqueGenerator
    private $uniqueGenerator;

    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container ?: Container\ContainerBuilder::getDefault();

     * @template T of Extension\Extension
     * @param class-string<T> $id
     * @throws Extension\ExtensionNotFound
     * @return T
    public function ext(string $id): Extension\Extension
        if (!$this->container->has($id)) {
            throw new Extension\ExtensionNotFound(sprintf(
                'No Faker extension with id "%s" was loaded.',

        $extension = $this->container->get($id);

        if ($extension instanceof Extension\GeneratorAwareExtension) {
            $extension = $extension->withGenerator($this);

        return $extension;

    public function addProvider($provider)
        array_unshift($this->providers, $provider);

        $this->formatters = [];

    public function getProviders()
        return $this->providers;

     * With the unique generator you are guaranteed to never get the same two
     * values.
     * <code>
     * // will never return twice the same value
     * $faker->unique()->randomElement(array(1, 2, 3));
     * </code>
     * @param bool $reset      If set to true, resets the list of existing values
     * @param int  $maxRetries Maximum number of retries to find a unique value,
     *                         After which an OverflowException is thrown.
     * @throws \OverflowException When no unique value can be found by iterating $maxRetries times
     * @return self A proxy class returning only non-existing values
    public function unique($reset = false, $maxRetries = 10000)
        if ($reset || $this->uniqueGenerator === null) {
            $this->uniqueGenerator = new UniqueGenerator($this, $maxRetries);

        return $this->uniqueGenerator;

     * Get a value only some percentage of the time.
     * @param float $weight A probability between 0 and 1, 0 means that we always get the default value.
     * @return self
    public function optional(float $weight = 0.5, $default = null)
        if ($weight > 1) {
            trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.16', 'First argument ($weight) to method "optional()" must be between 0 and 1. You passed %f, we assume you meant %f.', $weight, $weight / 100);
            $weight = $weight / 100;

        return new ChanceGenerator($this, $weight, $default);

     * To make sure the value meet some criteria, pass a callable that verifies the
     * output. If the validator fails, the generator will try again.
     * The value validity is determined by a function passed as first argument.
     * <code>
     * $values = array();
     * $evenValidator = function ($digit) {
     *   return $digit % 2 === 0;
     * };
     * for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
     *   $values []= $faker->valid($evenValidator)->randomDigit;
     * }
     * print_r($values); // [0, 4, 8, 4, 2, 6, 0, 8, 8, 6]
     * </code>
     * @param ?\Closure $validator  A function returning true for valid values
     * @param int       $maxRetries Maximum number of retries to find a valid value,
     *                              After which an OverflowException is thrown.
     * @throws \OverflowException When no valid value can be found by iterating $maxRetries times
     * @return self A proxy class returning only valid values
    public function valid(?\Closure $validator = null, int $maxRetries = 10000)
        return new ValidGenerator($this, $validator, $maxRetries);

    public function seed($seed = null)
        if ($seed === null) {
        } else {
            mt_srand((int) $seed, MT_RAND_PHP);

    public function format($format, $arguments = [])
        return call_user_func_array($this->getFormatter($format), $arguments);

     * @param string $format
     * @return callable
    public function getFormatter($format)
        if (isset($this->formatters[$format])) {
            return $this->formatters[$format];

        if (method_exists($this, $format)) {
            $this->formatters[$format] = [$this, $format];

            return $this->formatters[$format];

        // "Faker\Core\Barcode->ean13"
        if (preg_match('|^([a-zA-Z0-9\\\]+)->([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$|', $format, $matches)) {
            $this->formatters[$format] = [$this->ext($matches[1]), $matches[2]];

            return $this->formatters[$format];

        foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {
            if (method_exists($provider, $format)) {
                $this->formatters[$format] = [$provider, $format];

                return $this->formatters[$format];

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown format "%s"', $format));

     * Replaces tokens ('{{ tokenName }}') with the result from the token method call
     * @param string $string String that needs to bet parsed
     * @return string
    public function parse($string)
        $callback = function ($matches) {
            return $this->format($matches[1]);

        return preg_replace_callback('/{{\s?(\w+|[\w\\\]+->\w+?)\s?}}/u', $callback, $string);

     * Get a random MIME type
     * @example 'video/avi'
    public function mimeType()
        return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->mimeType();

     * Get a random file extension (without a dot)
     * @example avi
    public function fileExtension()
        return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->extension();

     * Get a full path to a new real file on the system.
    public function filePath()
        return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->filePath();

     * Get an actual blood type
     * @example 'AB'
    public function bloodType(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodType();

     * Get a random resis value
     * @example '+'
    public function bloodRh(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodRh();

     * Get a full blood group
     * @example 'AB+'
    public function bloodGroup(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodGroup();

     * Get a random EAN13 barcode.
     * @example '4006381333931'
    public function ean13(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->ean13();

     * Get a random EAN8 barcode.
     * @example '73513537'
    public function ean8(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->ean8();

     * Get a random ISBN-10 code
     * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number
     * @example '4881416324'
    public function isbn10(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->isbn10();

     * Get a random ISBN-13 code
     * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number
     * @example '9790404436093'
    public function isbn13(): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->isbn13();

     * Returns a random number between $int1 and $int2 (any order)
     * @example 79907610
    public function numberBetween($int1 = 0, $int2 = 2147483647): int
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->numberBetween((int) $int1, (int) $int2);

     * Returns a random number between 0 and 9
    public function randomDigit(): int
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigit();

     * Generates a random digit, which cannot be $except
    public function randomDigitNot($except): int
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigitNot((int) $except);

     * Returns a random number between 1 and 9
    public function randomDigitNotZero(): int
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigitNotZero();

     * Return a random float number
     * @example 48.8932
    public function randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = null, $min = 0, $max = null): float
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomFloat(
            $nbMaxDecimals !== null ? (int) $nbMaxDecimals : null,
            (float) $min,
            $max !== null ? (float) $max : null,

     * Returns a random integer with 0 to $nbDigits digits.
     * The maximum value returned is mt_getrandmax()
     * @param int|null $nbDigits Defaults to a random number between 1 and 9
     * @param bool     $strict   Whether the returned number should have exactly $nbDigits
     * @example 79907610
    public function randomNumber($nbDigits = null, $strict = false): int
        return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomNumber(
            $nbDigits !== null ? (int) $nbDigits : null,
            (bool) $strict,

     * Get a version number in semantic versioning syntax 2.0.0. (https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html)
     * @param bool $preRelease Pre release parts may be randomly included
     * @param bool $build      Build parts may be randomly included
     * @example 1.0.0
     * @example 1.0.0-alpha.1
     * @example 1.0.0-alpha.1+b71f04d
    public function semver(bool $preRelease = false, bool $build = false): string
        return $this->ext(Extension\VersionExtension::class)->semver($preRelease, $build);

     * @deprecated
    protected function callFormatWithMatches($matches)
        trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.14', 'Protected method "callFormatWithMatches()" is deprecated and will be removed.');

        return $this->format($matches[1]);

     * @param string $attribute
     * @deprecated Use a method instead.
    public function __get($attribute)
        trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.14', 'Accessing property "%s" is deprecated, use "%s()" instead.', $attribute, $attribute);

        return $this->format($attribute);

     * @param string $method
     * @param array  $attributes
    public function __call($method, $attributes)
        return $this->format($method, $attributes);

    public function __destruct()

    public function __wakeup()
        $this->formatters = [];


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Calculator Folder 0755
Container Folder 0755
Core Folder 0755
Extension Folder 0755
Guesser Folder 0755
ORM Folder 0755
Provider Folder 0755
ChanceGenerator.php File 1.39 KB 0644
DefaultGenerator.php File 1 KB 0644
Documentor.php File 2.35 KB 0644
Factory.php File 1.99 KB 0644
Generator.php File 22.15 KB 0644
UniqueGenerator.php File 2.28 KB 0644
ValidGenerator.php File 2.08 KB 0644