[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

return [

    | Default Configurations
    | In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
    | that will be generated from any database.

    '*' => [

        | Model Files Location
        | We need a location to store your new generated files. All files will be
        | placed within this directory. When you turn on base files, they will
        | be placed within a Base directory inside this location.

        'path' => app_path('Models'),

        | Model Namespace
        | Every generated model will belong to this namespace. It is suggested
        | that this namespace should follow PSR-4 convention and be very
        | similar to the path of your models defined above.

        'namespace' => 'App\Models',

        | Parent Class
        | All Eloquent models should inherit from Eloquent Model class. However,
        | you can define a custom Eloquent model that suits your needs.
        | As an example one custom model has been added for you which
        | will allow you to create custom database castings.

        'parent' => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,

        | Traits
        | Sometimes you may want to append certain traits to all your models.
        | If that is what you need, you may list them bellow.
        | As an example we have a BitBooleans trait which will treat MySQL bit
        | data type as booleans. You might probably not need it, but it is
        | an example of how you can customize your models.

        'use' => [
            // Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BitBooleans::class,
            // Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BlamableBehavior::class,

        | Model Connection
        | If you wish your models had appended the connection from which they
        | were generated, you should set this value to true and your
        | models will have the connection property filled.

        'connection' => false,

        | Timestamps
        | If your tables have CREATED_AT and UPDATED_AT timestamps you may
        | enable them and your models will fill their values as needed.
        | You can also specify which fields should be treated as timestamps
        | in case you don't follow the naming convention Eloquent uses.
        | If your table doesn't have these fields, timestamps will be
        | disabled for your model.

        'timestamps' => true,

        // 'timestamps' => [
        //     'enabled' => true,
        //     'fields' => [
        //         'CREATED_AT' => 'created_at',
        //         'UPDATED_AT' => 'updated_at',
        //     ]
        // ],

        | Soft Deletes
        | If your tables support soft deletes with a DELETED_AT attribute,
        | you can enable them here. You can also specify which field
        | should be treated as a soft delete attribute in case you
        | don't follow the naming convention Eloquent uses.
        | If your table doesn't have this field, soft deletes will be
        | disabled for your model.

        'soft_deletes' => true,

        // 'soft_deletes' => [
        //     'enabled' => true,
        //     'field' => 'deleted_at',
        // ],

        | Date Format
        | Here you may define your models' date format. The following format
        | is the default format Eloquent uses. You won't see it in your
        | models unless you change it to a more convenient value.

        'date_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',

        | Pagination
        | Here you may define how many models Eloquent should display when
        | paginating them. The default number is 15, so you might not
        | see this number in your models unless you change it.

        'per_page' => 15,

        | Base Files
        | By default, your models will be generated in your models path, but
        | when you generate them again they will be replaced by new ones.
        | You may want to customize your models and, at the same time, be
        | able to generate them as your tables change. For that, you
        | can enable base files. These files will be replaced whenever
        | you generate them, but your customized files will not be touched.

        'base_files' => false,

        | Snake Attributes
        | Eloquent treats your model attributes as snake cased attributes, but
        | if you have camel-cased fields in your database you can disable
        | that behaviour and use camel case attributes in your models.

        'snake_attributes' => true,

        | Indent options
        | As default indention is done with tabs, but you can change it by setting
        | this to the amount of spaces you that you want to use for indentation.
        | Usually you will use 4 spaces instead of tabs.

        'indent_with_space' => 0,

        | Qualified Table Names
        | If some of your tables have cross-database relationships (probably in
        | MySQL), you can make sure your models take into account their
        | respective database schema.
        | Can Either be NULL, FALSE or TRUE
        | TRUE: Schema name will be prepended on the table
        | FALSE:Table name will be set without schema name.
        | NULL: Table name will follow laravel pattern,
        |   i.e if class name(plural) matches table name, then table name will not be added

        'qualified_tables' => false,

        | Hidden Attributes
        | When casting your models into arrays or json, the need to hide some
        | attributes sometimes arise. If your tables have some fields you
        | want to hide, you can define them bellow.
        | Some fields were defined for you.

        'hidden' => [
            '*secret*', '*password', '*token',

        | Mass Assignment Guarded Attributes
        | You may want to protect some fields from mass assignment. You can
        | define them bellow. Some fields were defined for you.
        | Your fillable attributes will be those which are not in the list
        | excluding your models' primary keys.

        'guarded' => [
            // 'created_by', 'updated_by'

        | Casts
        | You may want to specify which of your table fields should be casted as
        | something different than a string. For instance, you may want a
        | text field be casted as an array or and object.
        | You may define column patterns which will be casted using the value
        | assigned. We have defined some fields for you. Feel free to
        | modify them to fit your needs.

        'casts' => [
            '*_json' => 'json',

        | Excluded Tables
        | When performing the generation of models you may want to skip some of
        | them, because you don't want a model for them or any other reason.
        | You can define those tables bellow. The migrations table was
        | filled for you, since you may not want a model for it.

        'except' => [

        | Specified Tables
        | You can specify specific tables. This will generate the models only
        | for selected tables, ignoring the rest.

        'only' => [
            // 'users',

        | Table Prefix
        | If you have a prefix on your table names but don't want it in the model
        | and relation names, specify it here.

        'table_prefix' => '',

        | Lower table name before doing studly
        | If tables names are capitalised using studly produces incorrect name
        | this can help fix it ie TABLE_NAME now becomes TableName

        'lower_table_name_first' => false,

        | Model Names
        | By default the generator will create models with names that match your tables.
        | However, if you wish to manually override the naming, you can specify a mapping
        | here between table and model names.
        | Example:
        |   A table called 'billing_invoices' will generate a model called `BillingInvoice`,
        |   but you'd prefer it to generate a model called 'Invoice'. Therefore, you'd add
        |   the following array key and value:
        |     'billing_invoices' => 'Invoice',

        'model_names' => [


        | Relation Name Strategy
        | How the relations should be named in your models.
        | 'related'     Use the related table as the relation name.
        |               (post.author --> user.id)
                            generates Post::user() and User::posts()
        | 'foreign_key' Use the foreign key as the relation name.
        |               This can help to provide more meaningful relationship names, and avoids naming conflicts
        |               if you have more than one relationship between two tables.
        |                   (post.author_id --> user.id)
        |                       generates Post::author() and User::posts_where_author()
        |                   (post.editor_id --> user.id)
        |                       generates Post::editor() and User::posts_where_editor()
        |               ID suffixes can be omitted from foreign keys.
        |                   (post.author --> user.id)
        |                   (post.editor --> user.id)
        |                       generates the same as above.
        |               Where the foreign key matches the related table name, it behaves as per the 'related' strategy.
        |                   (post.user_id --> user.id)
        |                       generates Post::user() and User::posts()

        'relation_name_strategy' => 'related',
        // 'relation_name_strategy' => 'foreign_key',

         | Determines need or not to generate constants with properties names like
         | ...
         | const AGE = 'age';
         | const USER_NAME = 'user_name';
         | ...
         | that later can be used in QueryBuilder like
         | ...
         | $builder->select([User::USER_NAME])->where(User::AGE, '<=', 18);
         | ...
         | that helps to avoid typos in strings when typing field names and allows to use
         | code competition with available model's field names.
        'with_property_constants' => false,

        | Disable Pluralization Name
        | You can disable pluralization tables and relations
        'pluralize' => true,

        | Disable Pluralization Except For Certain Tables
        | You can enable pluralization for certain tables
        'override_pluralize_for' => [

        | Move $fillable property to base files
        | When base_files is true you can set fillable_in_base_files to true 
        | if you want the $fillable to be generated in base files
        'fillable_in_base_files' => false,

        | Generate return types for relation methods.
        | When enable_return_types is set to true, return type declarations are added
        | to all generated relation methods for your models.
        | NOTE: This requires PHP 7.0 or later.
        'enable_return_types' => false,

    | Database Specifics
    | In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
    | that will be generated from a specific database. You can also nest
    | table specific configurations.
    | These values will override those defined in the section above.

    // 'shop' => [
    //     'path' => app_path(),
    //     'namespace' => 'App',
    //     'snake_attributes' => false,
    //     'qualified_tables' => true,
    //     'use' => [
    //         Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BitBooleans::class,
    //     ],
    //     'except' => ['migrations'],
    //     'only' => ['users'],
    //      // Table Specifics Bellow:
    //     'user' => [
    //      // Don't use any default trait
    //         'use' => [],
    //     ]
    // ],

    | Connection Specifics
    | In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
    | that will be generated from a specific connection. You can also nest
    | database and table specific configurations.
    | You may wish to use connection specific config for setting a parent
    | model with a read only setup, or enforcing a different set of rules
    | for a connection, e.g. using snake_case naming over CamelCase naming.
    | This supports nesting with the following key configuration values, in
    | reverse precedence order (i.e. the last one found becomes the value).
    |       connections.{connection_name}.property
    |       connections.{connection_name}.{database_name}.property
    |       connections.{connection_name}.{table_name}.property
    |       connections.{connection_name}.{database_name}.{table_name}.property
    | These values will override those defined in the section above.

//    'connections' => [
//        'read_only_external' => [
//            'parent' => \App\Models\ReadOnlyModel::class,
//            'connection' => true,
//            'users' => [
//                'connection' => false,
//            ],
//            'my_other_database' => [
//                'password_resets' => [
//                    'connection' => false,
//                ]
//            ]
//        ],
//    ],


Name Type Size Permission Actions
app.php File 7.77 KB 0644
auth.php File 4.19 KB 0644
broadcasting.php File 2.04 KB 0644
cache.php File 3.2 KB 0644
cors.php File 846 B 0644
database.php File 5.17 KB 0644
datatables.php File 4.02 KB 0644
filesystems.php File 2.31 KB 0644
firebase.php File 7.83 KB 0644
hashing.php File 1.54 KB 0644
logging.php File 3.7 KB 0644
mail.php File 3.69 KB 0644
models.php File 18.84 KB 0644
queue.php File 2.84 KB 0644
sanctum.php File 2.24 KB 0644
services.php File 979 B 0644
session.php File 6.86 KB 0644
view.php File 1.03 KB 0644