[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler;

use Composer\InstalledVersions;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy as LegacyProxy;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy;
use Mockery\MockInterface;
use Phake\IMock;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Matcher\StatelessInvocation;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecySubjectInterface;
use ProxyManager\Proxy\ProxyInterface;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Internal\TentativeTypes;
use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\LazyObjectInterface;

 * Autoloader checking if the class is really defined in the file found.
 * The ClassLoader will wrap all registered autoloaders
 * and will throw an exception if a file is found but does
 * not declare the class.
 * It can also patch classes to turn docblocks into actual return types.
 * This behavior is controlled by the SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS env var,
 * which is a url-encoded array with the follow parameters:
 *  - "force": any value enables deprecation notices - can be any of:
 *      - "phpdoc" to patch only docblock annotations
 *      - "2" to add all possible return types
 *      - "1" to add return types but only to tests/final/internal/private methods
 *  - "php": the target version of PHP - e.g. "7.1" doesn't generate "object" types
 *  - "deprecations": "1" to trigger a deprecation notice when a child class misses a
 *                    return type while the parent declares an "@return" annotation
 * Note that patching doesn't care about any coding style so you'd better to run
 * php-cs-fixer after, with rules "phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation"
 * and "no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags" enabled typically.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * @author Christophe Coevoet <stof@notk.org>
 * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
 * @author Guilhem Niot <guilhem.niot@gmail.com>
class DebugClassLoader
    private const SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES = [
        'void' => 'void',
        'null' => 'null',
        'resource' => 'resource',
        'boolean' => 'bool',
        'true' => 'true',
        'false' => 'false',
        'integer' => 'int',
        'array' => 'array',
        'bool' => 'bool',
        'callable' => 'callable',
        'float' => 'float',
        'int' => 'int',
        'iterable' => 'iterable',
        'object' => 'object',
        'string' => 'string',
        'self' => 'self',
        'parent' => 'parent',
        'mixed' => 'mixed',
        'static' => 'static',
        '$this' => 'static',
        'list' => 'array',
        'class-string' => 'string',
        'never' => 'never',

    private const BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES = [
        'void' => true,
        'array' => true,
        'false' => true,
        'bool' => true,
        'callable' => true,
        'float' => true,
        'int' => true,
        'iterable' => true,
        'object' => true,
        'string' => true,
        'self' => true,
        'parent' => true,
        'mixed' => true,
        'static' => true,
        'null' => true,
        'true' => true,
        'never' => true,

    private const MAGIC_METHODS = [
        '__isset' => 'bool',
        '__sleep' => 'array',
        '__toString' => 'string',
        '__debugInfo' => 'array',
        '__serialize' => 'array',

     * @var callable
    private $classLoader;
    private bool $isFinder;
    private array $loaded = [];
    private array $patchTypes = [];

    private static int $caseCheck;
    private static array $checkedClasses = [];
    private static array $final = [];
    private static array $finalMethods = [];
    private static array $finalProperties = [];
    private static array $finalConstants = [];
    private static array $deprecated = [];
    private static array $internal = [];
    private static array $internalMethods = [];
    private static array $annotatedParameters = [];
    private static array $darwinCache = ['/' => ['/', []]];
    private static array $method = [];
    private static array $returnTypes = [];
    private static array $methodTraits = [];
    private static array $fileOffsets = [];

    public function __construct(callable $classLoader)
        $this->classLoader = $classLoader;
        $this->isFinder = \is_array($classLoader) && method_exists($classLoader[0], 'findFile');
        parse_str(getenv('SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS') ?: '', $this->patchTypes);
        $this->patchTypes += [
            'force' => null,
            'php' => \PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.'.'.\PHP_MINOR_VERSION,
            'deprecations' => true,

        if ('phpdoc' === $this->patchTypes['force']) {
            $this->patchTypes['force'] = 'docblock';

        if (!isset(self::$caseCheck)) {
            $file = is_file(__FILE__) ? __FILE__ : rtrim(realpath('.'), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
            $i = strrpos($file, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
            $dir = substr($file, 0, 1 + $i);
            $file = substr($file, 1 + $i);
            $test = strtoupper($file) === $file ? strtolower($file) : strtoupper($file);
            $test = realpath($dir.$test);

            if (false === $test || false === $i) {
                // filesystem is case sensitive
                self::$caseCheck = 0;
            } elseif (str_ends_with($test, $file)) {
                // filesystem is case insensitive and realpath() normalizes the case of characters
                self::$caseCheck = 1;
            } elseif ('Darwin' === \PHP_OS_FAMILY) {
                // on MacOSX, HFS+ is case insensitive but realpath() doesn't normalize the case of characters
                self::$caseCheck = 2;
            } else {
                // filesystem case checks failed, fallback to disabling them
                self::$caseCheck = 0;

    public function getClassLoader(): callable
        return $this->classLoader;

     * Wraps all autoloaders.
    public static function enable(): void
        // Ensures we don't hit https://bugs.php.net/42098

        if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) {

        foreach ($functions as $function) {

        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            if (!\is_array($function) || !$function[0] instanceof self) {
                $function = [new static($function), 'loadClass'];


     * Disables the wrapping.
    public static function disable(): void
        if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) {

        foreach ($functions as $function) {

        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            if (\is_array($function) && $function[0] instanceof self) {
                $function = $function[0]->getClassLoader();


    public static function checkClasses(): bool
        if (!\is_array($functions = spl_autoload_functions())) {
            return false;

        $loader = null;

        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            if (\is_array($function) && $function[0] instanceof self) {
                $loader = $function[0];

        if (null === $loader) {
            return false;

        static $offsets = [
            'get_declared_interfaces' => 0,
            'get_declared_traits' => 0,
            'get_declared_classes' => 0,

        foreach ($offsets as $getSymbols => $i) {
            $symbols = $getSymbols();

            for (; $i < \count($symbols); ++$i) {
                if (!is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], MockObject::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], ProphecySubjectInterface::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], Proxy::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], ProxyInterface::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], LazyObjectInterface::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], LegacyProxy::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], MockInterface::class)
                    && !is_subclass_of($symbols[$i], IMock::class)
                ) {

            $offsets[$getSymbols] = $i;

        return true;

    public function findFile(string $class): ?string
        return $this->isFinder ? ($this->classLoader[0]->findFile($class) ?: null) : null;

     * Loads the given class or interface.
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public function loadClass(string $class): void
        $e = error_reporting(error_reporting() | \E_PARSE | \E_ERROR | \E_CORE_ERROR | \E_COMPILE_ERROR);

        try {
            if ($this->isFinder && !isset($this->loaded[$class])) {
                $this->loaded[$class] = true;
                if (!$file = $this->classLoader[0]->findFile($class) ?: '') {
                    // no-op
                } elseif (\function_exists('opcache_is_script_cached') && @opcache_is_script_cached($file)) {
                    include $file;

                } elseif (false === include $file) {
            } else {
                $file = '';
        } finally {

        $this->checkClass($class, $file);

    private function checkClass(string $class, string $file = null): void
        $exists = null === $file || class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false) || trait_exists($class, false);

        if (null !== $file && $class && '\\' === $class[0]) {
            $class = substr($class, 1);

        if ($exists) {
            if (isset(self::$checkedClasses[$class])) {
            self::$checkedClasses[$class] = true;

            $refl = new \ReflectionClass($class);
            if (null === $file && $refl->isInternal()) {
            $name = $refl->getName();

            if ($name !== $class && 0 === strcasecmp($name, $class)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names: "%s" vs "%s".', $class, $name));

            $deprecations = $this->checkAnnotations($refl, $name);

            foreach ($deprecations as $message) {
                @trigger_error($message, \E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        if (!$file) {

        if (!$exists) {
            if (str_contains($class, '/')) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Trying to autoload a class with an invalid name "%s". Be careful that the namespace separator is "\" in PHP, not "/".', $class));

            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The autoloader expected class "%s" to be defined in file "%s". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.', $class, $file));

        if (self::$caseCheck && $message = $this->checkCase($refl, $file, $class)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Case mismatch between class and real file names: "%s" vs "%s" in "%s".', $message[0], $message[1], $message[2]));

    public function checkAnnotations(\ReflectionClass $refl, string $class): array
        if (
            'Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV7' === $class
            || 'Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV6' === $class
        ) {
            return [];
        $deprecations = [];

        $className = str_contains($class, "@anonymous\0") ? (get_parent_class($class) ?: key(class_implements($class)) ?: 'class').'@anonymous' : $class;

        // Don't trigger deprecations for classes in the same vendor
        if ($class !== $className) {
            $vendor = preg_match('/^namespace ([^;\\\\\s]++)[;\\\\]/m', @file_get_contents($refl->getFileName()), $vendor) ? $vendor[1].'\\' : '';
            $vendorLen = \strlen($vendor);
        } elseif (2 > $vendorLen = 1 + (strpos($class, '\\') ?: strpos($class, '_'))) {
            $vendorLen = 0;
            $vendor = '';
        } else {
            $vendor = str_replace('_', '\\', substr($class, 0, $vendorLen));

        $parent = get_parent_class($class) ?: null;
        self::$returnTypes[$class] = [];
        $classIsTemplate = false;

        // Detect annotations on the class
        if ($doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($refl)) {
            $classIsTemplate = isset($doc['template']);

            foreach (['final', 'deprecated', 'internal'] as $annotation) {
                if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) {
                    self::${$annotation}[$class] = '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.';

            if ($refl->isInterface() && isset($doc['method'])) {
                foreach ($doc['method'] as $name => [$static, $returnType, $signature, $description]) {
                    self::$method[$class][] = [$class, $static, $returnType, $name.$signature, $description];

                    if ('' !== $returnType) {
                        $this->setReturnType($returnType, $refl->name, $name, $refl->getFileName(), $parent);

        $parentAndOwnInterfaces = $this->getOwnInterfaces($class, $parent);
        if ($parent) {
            $parentAndOwnInterfaces[$parent] = $parent;

            if (!isset(self::$checkedClasses[$parent])) {

            if (isset(self::$final[$parent])) {
                $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" class is considered final%s It may change without further notice as of its next major version. You should not extend it from "%s".', $parent, self::$final[$parent], $className);

        // Detect if the parent is annotated
        foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces + class_uses($class, false) as $use) {
            if (!isset(self::$checkedClasses[$use])) {
            if (isset(self::$deprecated[$use]) && strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen) && !isset(self::$deprecated[$class])) {
                $type = class_exists($class, false) ? 'class' : (interface_exists($class, false) ? 'interface' : 'trait');
                $verb = class_exists($use, false) || interface_exists($class, false) ? 'extends' : (interface_exists($use, false) ? 'implements' : 'uses');

                $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" %s %s "%s" that is deprecated%s', $className, $type, $verb, $use, self::$deprecated[$use]);
            if (isset(self::$internal[$use]) && strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen)) {
                $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s" %s is considered internal%s It may change without further notice. You should not use it from "%s".', $use, class_exists($use, false) ? 'class' : (interface_exists($use, false) ? 'interface' : 'trait'), self::$internal[$use], $className);
            if (isset(self::$method[$use])) {
                if ($refl->isAbstract()) {
                    if (isset(self::$method[$class])) {
                        self::$method[$class] = array_merge(self::$method[$class], self::$method[$use]);
                    } else {
                        self::$method[$class] = self::$method[$use];
                } elseif (!$refl->isInterface()) {
                    if (!strncmp($vendor, str_replace('_', '\\', $use), $vendorLen)
                        && str_starts_with($className, 'Symfony\\')
                        && (!class_exists(InstalledVersions::class)
                            || 'symfony/symfony' !== InstalledVersions::getRootPackage()['name'])
                    ) {
                        // skip "same vendor" @method deprecations for Symfony\* classes unless symfony/symfony is being tested
                    $hasCall = $refl->hasMethod('__call');
                    $hasStaticCall = $refl->hasMethod('__callStatic');
                    foreach (self::$method[$use] as [$interface, $static, $returnType, $name, $description]) {
                        if ($static ? $hasStaticCall : $hasCall) {
                        $realName = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, '('));
                        if (!$refl->hasMethod($realName) || !($methodRefl = $refl->getMethod($realName))->isPublic() || ($static && !$methodRefl->isStatic()) || (!$static && $methodRefl->isStatic())) {
                            $deprecations[] = sprintf('Class "%s" should implement method "%s::%s%s"%s', $className, ($static ? 'static ' : '').$interface, $name, $returnType ? ': '.$returnType : '', null === $description ? '.' : ': '.$description);

        if (trait_exists($class)) {
            $file = $refl->getFileName();

            foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) {
                if ($method->getFileName() === $file) {
                    self::$methodTraits[$file][$method->getStartLine()] = $class;

            return $deprecations;

        // Inherit @final, @internal, @param and @return annotations for methods
        self::$finalMethods[$class] = [];
        self::$internalMethods[$class] = [];
        self::$annotatedParameters[$class] = [];
        self::$finalProperties[$class] = [];
        self::$finalConstants[$class] = [];
        foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces as $use) {
            foreach (['finalMethods', 'internalMethods', 'annotatedParameters', 'returnTypes', 'finalProperties', 'finalConstants'] as $property) {
                if (isset(self::${$property}[$use])) {
                    self::${$property}[$class] = self::${$property}[$class] ? self::${$property}[$use] + self::${$property}[$class] : self::${$property}[$use];

            if (null !== (TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$use] ?? null)) {
                foreach (TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$use] as $method => $returnType) {
                    $returnType = explode('|', $returnType);
                    foreach ($returnType as $i => $t) {
                        if ('?' !== $t && !isset(self::BUILTIN_RETURN_TYPES[$t])) {
                            $returnType[$i] = '\\'.$t;
                    $returnType = implode('|', $returnType);

                    self::$returnTypes[$class] += [$method => [$returnType, str_starts_with($returnType, '?') ? substr($returnType, 1).'|null' : $returnType, $use, '']];

        foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) {
            if ($method->class !== $class) {

            if (null === $ns = self::$methodTraits[$method->getFileName()][$method->getStartLine()] ?? null) {
                $ns = $vendor;
                $len = $vendorLen;
            } elseif (2 > $len = 1 + (strpos($ns, '\\') ?: strpos($ns, '_'))) {
                $len = 0;
                $ns = '';
            } else {
                $ns = str_replace('_', '\\', substr($ns, 0, $len));

            if ($parent && isset(self::$finalMethods[$parent][$method->name])) {
                [$declaringClass, $message] = self::$finalMethods[$parent][$method->name];
                $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::%s()" method is considered final%s It may change without further notice as of its next major version. You should not extend it from "%s".', $declaringClass, $method->name, $message, $className);

            if (isset(self::$internalMethods[$class][$method->name])) {
                [$declaringClass, $message] = self::$internalMethods[$class][$method->name];
                if (strncmp($ns, $declaringClass, $len)) {
                    $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::%s()" method is considered internal%s It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "%s".', $declaringClass, $method->name, $message, $className);

            // To read method annotations
            $doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($method);

            if (($classIsTemplate || isset($doc['template'])) && $method->hasReturnType()) {

            if (isset(self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name])) {
                $definedParameters = [];
                foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                    $definedParameters[$parameter->name] = true;

                foreach (self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name] as $parameterName => $deprecation) {
                    if (!isset($definedParameters[$parameterName]) && !isset($doc['param'][$parameterName])) {
                        $deprecations[] = sprintf($deprecation, $className);

            $forcePatchTypes = $this->patchTypes['force'];

            if ($canAddReturnType = null !== $forcePatchTypes && !str_contains($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
                if ('void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) {
                    $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes ?: 'docblock';

                $canAddReturnType = 2 === (int) $forcePatchTypes
                    || false !== stripos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Tests'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
                    || $refl->isFinal()
                    || $method->isFinal()
                    || $method->isPrivate()
                    || ('.' === (self::$internal[$class] ?? null) && !$refl->isAbstract())
                    || '.' === (self::$final[$class] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['final'][0] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['internal'][0] ?? null)

            if (null !== ($returnType = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name] ?? null) && 'docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] && !$method->hasReturnType() && isset(TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$returnType[2]][$method->name])) {

            if (null !== ($returnType ??= self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? null) && !$method->hasReturnType() && !isset($doc['return'])) {
                [$normalizedType, $returnType, $declaringClass, $declaringFile] = \is_string($returnType) ? [$returnType, $returnType, '', ''] : $returnType;

                if ($canAddReturnType && 'docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) {
                    $this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType);
                if (!isset($doc['deprecated']) && strncmp($ns, $declaringClass, $len)) {
                    if ('docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force']) {
                        $this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType);
                    } elseif ('' !== $declaringClass && $this->patchTypes['deprecations']) {
                        $deprecations[] = sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" might add "%s" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in %s "%s" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.', $declaringClass, $method->name, $normalizedType, interface_exists($declaringClass) ? 'implementation' : 'child class', $className);

            if (!$doc) {
                $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes;


            if (isset($doc['return']) || 'void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) {
                $this->setReturnType($doc['return'] ?? self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name], $method->class, $method->name, $method->getFileName(), $parent, $method->getReturnType());

                if (isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]) && $canAddReturnType) {
                    $this->fixReturnStatements($method, self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]);

                if ($method->isPrivate()) {

            $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes;

            if ($method->isPrivate()) {

            $finalOrInternal = false;

            foreach (['final', 'internal'] as $annotation) {
                if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) {
                    self::${$annotation.'Methods'}[$class][$method->name] = [$class, '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[[:punct:]]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.'];
                    $finalOrInternal = true;

            if ($finalOrInternal || $method->isConstructor() || !isset($doc['param']) || StatelessInvocation::class === $class) {
            if (!isset(self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name])) {
                $definedParameters = [];
                foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
                    $definedParameters[$parameter->name] = true;
            foreach ($doc['param'] as $parameterName => $parameterType) {
                if (!isset($definedParameters[$parameterName])) {
                    self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name][$parameterName] = sprintf('The "%%s::%s()" method will require a new "%s$%s" argument in the next major version of its %s "%s", not defining it is deprecated.', $method->name, $parameterType ? $parameterType.' ' : '', $parameterName, interface_exists($className) ? 'interface' : 'parent class', $className);

        $finals = isset(self::$final[$class]) || $refl->isFinal() ? [] : [
            'finalConstants' => $refl->getReflectionConstants(\ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PROTECTED),
            'finalProperties' => $refl->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED),
        foreach ($finals as $type => $reflectors) {
            foreach ($reflectors as $r) {
                if ($r->class !== $class) {

                $doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($r);

                foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces as $use) {
                    if (isset(self::${$type}[$use][$r->name]) && !isset($doc['deprecated']) && ('finalConstants' === $type || substr($use, 0, strrpos($use, '\\')) !== substr($use, 0, strrpos($class, '\\')))) {
                        $msg = 'finalConstants' === $type ? '%s" constant' : '$%s" property';
                        $deprecations[] = sprintf('The "%s::'.$msg.' is considered final. You should not override it in "%s".', self::${$type}[$use][$r->name], $r->name, $class);

                if (isset($doc['final']) || ('finalProperties' === $type && str_starts_with($class, 'Symfony\\') && !$r->hasType())) {
                    self::${$type}[$class][$r->name] = $class;

        return $deprecations;

    public function checkCase(\ReflectionClass $refl, string $file, string $class): ?array
        $real = explode('\\', $class.strrchr($file, '.'));
        $tail = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace('/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file));

        $i = \count($tail) - 1;
        $j = \count($real) - 1;

        while (isset($tail[$i], $real[$j]) && $tail[$i] === $real[$j]) {

        array_splice($tail, 0, $i + 1);

        if (!$tail) {
            return null;

        $tail = \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tail);
        $tailLen = \strlen($tail);
        $real = $refl->getFileName();

        if (2 === self::$caseCheck) {
            $real = $this->darwinRealpath($real);

        if (0 === substr_compare($real, $tail, -$tailLen, $tailLen, true)
            && 0 !== substr_compare($real, $tail, -$tailLen, $tailLen, false)
        ) {
            return [substr($tail, -$tailLen + 1), substr($real, -$tailLen + 1), substr($real, 0, -$tailLen + 1)];

        return null;

     * `realpath` on MacOSX doesn't normalize the case of characters.
    private function darwinRealpath(string $real): string
        $i = 1 + strrpos($real, '/');
        $file = substr($real, $i);
        $real = substr($real, 0, $i);

        if (isset(self::$darwinCache[$real])) {
            $kDir = $real;
        } else {
            $kDir = strtolower($real);

            if (isset(self::$darwinCache[$kDir])) {
                $real = self::$darwinCache[$kDir][0];
            } else {
                $dir = getcwd();

                if (!@chdir($real)) {
                    return $real.$file;

                $real = getcwd().'/';

                $dir = $real;
                $k = $kDir;
                $i = \strlen($dir) - 1;
                while (!isset(self::$darwinCache[$k])) {
                    self::$darwinCache[$k] = [$dir, []];
                    self::$darwinCache[$dir] = &self::$darwinCache[$k];

                    while ('/' !== $dir[--$i]) {
                    $k = substr($k, 0, ++$i);
                    $dir = substr($dir, 0, $i--);

        $dirFiles = self::$darwinCache[$kDir][1];

        if (!isset($dirFiles[$file]) && str_ends_with($file, ') : eval()\'d code')) {
            // Get the file name from "file_name.php(123) : eval()'d code"
            $file = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '(', -17));

        if (isset($dirFiles[$file])) {
            return $real.$dirFiles[$file];

        $kFile = strtolower($file);

        if (!isset($dirFiles[$kFile])) {
            foreach (scandir($real, 2) as $f) {
                if ('.' !== $f[0]) {
                    $dirFiles[$f] = $f;
                    if ($f === $file) {
                        $kFile = $k = $file;
                    } elseif ($f !== $k = strtolower($f)) {
                        $dirFiles[$k] = $f;
            self::$darwinCache[$kDir][1] = $dirFiles;

        return $real.$dirFiles[$kFile];

     * `class_implements` includes interfaces from the parents so we have to manually exclude them.
     * @return string[]
    private function getOwnInterfaces(string $class, ?string $parent): array
        $ownInterfaces = class_implements($class, false);

        if ($parent) {
            foreach (class_implements($parent, false) as $interface) {

        foreach ($ownInterfaces as $interface) {
            foreach (class_implements($interface) as $interface) {

        return $ownInterfaces;

    private function setReturnType(string $types, string $class, string $method, string $filename, ?string $parent, \ReflectionType $returnType = null): void
        if ('__construct' === $method) {

        if ('null' === $types) {
            self::$returnTypes[$class][$method] = ['null', 'null', $class, $filename];


        if ($nullable = str_starts_with($types, 'null|')) {
            $types = substr($types, 5);
        } elseif ($nullable = str_ends_with($types, '|null')) {
            $types = substr($types, 0, -5);
        $arrayType = ['array' => 'array'];
        $typesMap = [];
        $glue = str_contains($types, '&') ? '&' : '|';
        foreach (explode($glue, $types) as $t) {
            $t = self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[strtolower($t)] ?? $t;
            $typesMap[$this->normalizeType($t, $class, $parent, $returnType)][$t] = $t;

        if (isset($typesMap['array'])) {
            if (isset($typesMap['Traversable']) || isset($typesMap['\Traversable'])) {
                $typesMap['iterable'] = $arrayType !== $typesMap['array'] ? $typesMap['array'] : ['iterable'];
                unset($typesMap['array'], $typesMap['Traversable'], $typesMap['\Traversable']);
            } elseif ($arrayType !== $typesMap['array'] && isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method]) && !$returnType) {

        if (isset($typesMap['array']) && isset($typesMap['iterable'])) {
            if ($arrayType !== $typesMap['array']) {
                $typesMap['iterable'] = $typesMap['array'];

        $iterable = $object = true;
        foreach ($typesMap as $n => $t) {
            if ('null' !== $n) {
                $iterable = $iterable && (\in_array($n, ['array', 'iterable']) || str_contains($n, 'Iterator'));
                $object = $object && (\in_array($n, ['callable', 'object', '$this', 'static']) || !isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$n]));

        $phpTypes = [];
        $docTypes = [];

        foreach ($typesMap as $n => $t) {
            if ('null' === $n) {
                $nullable = true;

            $docTypes[] = $t;

            if ('mixed' === $n || 'void' === $n) {
                $nullable = false;
                $phpTypes = ['' => $n];

            if ('resource' === $n) {
                // there is no native type for "resource"

            if (!preg_match('/^(?:\\\\?[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)+$/', $n)) {
                // exclude any invalid PHP class name (e.g. `Cookie::SAMESITE_*`)

            if (!isset($phpTypes[''])) {
                $phpTypes[] = $n;
        $docTypes = array_merge([], ...$docTypes);

        if (!$phpTypes) {

        if (1 < \count($phpTypes)) {
            if ($iterable && '8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php']) {
                $phpTypes = $docTypes = ['iterable'];
            } elseif ($object && 'object' === $this->patchTypes['force']) {
                $phpTypes = $docTypes = ['object'];
            } elseif ('8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php']) {
                // ignore multi-types return declarations

        $phpType = sprintf($nullable ? (1 < \count($phpTypes) ? '%s|null' : '?%s') : '%s', implode($glue, $phpTypes));
        $docType = sprintf($nullable ? '%s|null' : '%s', implode($glue, $docTypes));

        self::$returnTypes[$class][$method] = [$phpType, $docType, $class, $filename];

    private function normalizeType(string $type, string $class, ?string $parent, ?\ReflectionType $returnType): string
        if (isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$lcType = strtolower($type)])) {
            if ('parent' === $lcType = self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$lcType]) {
                $lcType = null !== $parent ? '\\'.$parent : 'parent';
            } elseif ('self' === $lcType) {
                $lcType = '\\'.$class;

            return $lcType;

        // We could resolve "use" statements to return the FQDN
        // but this would be too expensive for a runtime checker

        if (!str_ends_with($type, '[]')) {
            return $type;

        if ($returnType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) {
            $type = $returnType->getName();

            if ('mixed' !== $type) {
                return isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$type]) ? $type : '\\'.$type;

        return 'array';

     * Utility method to add #[ReturnTypeWillChange] where php triggers deprecations.
    private function patchReturnTypeWillChange(\ReflectionMethod $method)
        if (\count($method->getAttributes(\ReturnTypeWillChange::class))) {

        if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName())) {

        $fileOffset = self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0;

        $code = file($file);

        $startLine = $method->getStartLine() + $fileOffset - 2;

        if (false !== stripos($code[$startLine], 'ReturnTypeWillChange')) {

        $code[$startLine] .= "    #[\\ReturnTypeWillChange]\n";
        self::$fileOffsets[$file] = 1 + $fileOffset;
        file_put_contents($file, $code);

     * Utility method to add @return annotations to the Symfony code-base where it triggers self-deprecations.
    private function patchMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType, string $declaringFile, string $normalizedType)
        static $patchedMethods = [];
        static $useStatements = [];

        if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName()) || isset($patchedMethods[$file][$startLine = $method->getStartLine()])) {

        $patchedMethods[$file][$startLine] = true;
        $fileOffset = self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0;
        $startLine += $fileOffset - 2;
        if ($nullable = str_ends_with($returnType, '|null')) {
            $returnType = substr($returnType, 0, -5);
        $glue = str_contains($returnType, '&') ? '&' : '|';
        $returnType = explode($glue, $returnType);
        $code = file($file);

        foreach ($returnType as $i => $type) {
            if (preg_match('/((?:\[\])+)$/', $type, $m)) {
                $type = substr($type, 0, -\strlen($m[1]));
                $format = '%s'.$m[1];
            } else {
                $format = null;

            if (isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$type]) || ('\\' === $type[0] && !$p = strrpos($type, '\\', 1))) {

            [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap] = $useStatements[$file] ??= self::getUseStatements($file);

            if ('\\' !== $type[0]) {
                [$declaringNamespace, , $declaringUseMap] = $useStatements[$declaringFile] ??= self::getUseStatements($declaringFile);

                $p = strpos($type, '\\', 1);
                $alias = $p ? substr($type, 0, $p) : $type;

                if (isset($declaringUseMap[$alias])) {
                    $type = '\\'.$declaringUseMap[$alias].($p ? substr($type, $p) : '');
                } else {
                    $type = '\\'.$declaringNamespace.$type;

                $p = strrpos($type, '\\', 1);

            $alias = substr($type, 1 + $p);
            $type = substr($type, 1);

            if (!isset($useMap[$alias]) && (class_exists($c = $namespace.$alias) || interface_exists($c) || trait_exists($c))) {
                $useMap[$alias] = $c;

            if (!isset($useMap[$alias])) {
                $useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type;
                $code[$useOffset] = "use $type;\n".$code[$useOffset];
            } elseif ($useMap[$alias] !== $type) {
                $alias .= 'FIXME';
                $useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type;
                $code[$useOffset] = "use $type as $alias;\n".$code[$useOffset];

            $returnType[$i] = null !== $format ? sprintf($format, $alias) : $alias;

        if ('docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] || ('object' === $normalizedType && '7.1' === $this->patchTypes['php'])) {
            $returnType = implode($glue, $returnType).($nullable ? '|null' : '');

            if (str_contains($code[$startLine], '#[')) {

            if ($method->getDocComment()) {
                $code[$startLine] = "     * @return $returnType\n".$code[$startLine];
            } else {
                $code[$startLine] .= <<<EOTXT
     * @return $returnType


            $fileOffset += substr_count($code[$startLine], "\n") - 1;

        self::$fileOffsets[$file] = $fileOffset;
        file_put_contents($file, $code);

        $this->fixReturnStatements($method, $normalizedType);

    private static function getUseStatements(string $file): array
        $namespace = '';
        $useMap = [];
        $useOffset = 0;

        if (!is_file($file)) {
            return [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap];

        $file = file($file);

        for ($i = 0; $i < \count($file); ++$i) {
            if (preg_match('/^(class|interface|trait|abstract) /', $file[$i])) {

            if (str_starts_with($file[$i], 'namespace ')) {
                $namespace = substr($file[$i], \strlen('namespace '), -2).'\\';
                $useOffset = $i + 2;

            if (str_starts_with($file[$i], 'use ')) {
                $useOffset = $i;

                for (; str_starts_with($file[$i], 'use '); ++$i) {
                    $u = explode(' as ', substr($file[$i], 4, -2), 2);

                    if (1 === \count($u)) {
                        $p = strrpos($u[0], '\\');
                        $useMap[substr($u[0], false !== $p ? 1 + $p : 0)] = $u[0];
                    } else {
                        $useMap[$u[1]] = $u[0];


        return [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap];

    private function fixReturnStatements(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType)
        if ('docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) {
            if ('7.1' === $this->patchTypes['php'] && 'object' === ltrim($returnType, '?')) {

            if ('7.4' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && $method->hasReturnType()) {

            if ('8.0' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && (str_contains($returnType, '|') || \in_array($returnType, ['mixed', 'static'], true))) {

            if ('8.1' > $this->patchTypes['php'] && str_contains($returnType, '&')) {

        if (!is_file($file = $method->getFileName())) {

        $fixedCode = $code = file($file);
        $i = (self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0) + $method->getStartLine();

        if ('?' !== $returnType && 'docblock' !== $this->patchTypes['force']) {
            $fixedCode[$i - 1] = preg_replace('/\)(?::[^;\n]++)?(;?\n)/', "): $returnType\\1", $code[$i - 1]);

        $end = $method->isGenerator() ? $i : $method->getEndLine();
        $inClosure = false;
        $braces = 0;
        for (; $i < $end; ++$i) {
            if (!$inClosure) {
                $inClosure = str_contains($code[$i], 'function (');

            if ($inClosure) {
                $braces += substr_count($code[$i], '{') - substr_count($code[$i], '}');
                $inClosure = $braces > 0;


            if ('void' === $returnType) {
                $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace('    return null;', '    return;', $code[$i]);
            } elseif ('mixed' === $returnType || '?' === $returnType[0]) {
                $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace('    return;', '    return null;', $code[$i]);
            } else {
                $fixedCode[$i] = str_replace('    return;', "    return $returnType!?;", $code[$i]);

        if ($fixedCode !== $code) {
            file_put_contents($file, $fixedCode);

     * @param \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty $reflector
    private function parsePhpDoc(\Reflector $reflector): array
        if (!$doc = $reflector->getDocComment()) {
            return [];

        $tagName = '';
        $tagContent = '';

        $tags = [];

        foreach (explode("\n", substr($doc, 3, -2)) as $line) {
            $line = ltrim($line);
            $line = ltrim($line, '*');

            if ('' === $line = trim($line)) {
                if ('' !== $tagName) {
                    $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent;
                $tagName = $tagContent = '';

            if ('@' === $line[0]) {
                if ('' !== $tagName) {
                    $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent;
                    $tagContent = '';

                if (preg_match('{^@([-a-zA-Z0-9_:]++)(\s|$)}', $line, $m)) {
                    $tagName = $m[1];
                    $tagContent = str_replace("\t", ' ', ltrim(substr($line, 2 + \strlen($tagName))));
                } else {
                    $tagName = '';
            } elseif ('' !== $tagName) {
                $tagContent .= ' '.str_replace("\t", ' ', $line);

        if ('' !== $tagName) {
            $tags[$tagName][] = $tagContent;

        foreach ($tags['method'] ?? [] as $i => $method) {

            $parts = preg_split('{(\s++|\((?:[^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<(?:[^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{(?:[^{}]*+|(?R))*\})}', $method, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
            $returnType = '';
            $static = 'static' === $parts[0];

            for ($i = $static ? 2 : 0; null !== $p = $parts[$i] ?? null; $i += 2) {
                if (\in_array($p, ['', '|', '&', 'callable'], true) || \in_array(substr($returnType, -1), ['|', '&'], true)) {
                    $returnType .= trim($parts[$i - 1] ?? '').$p;

                $signature = '(' === ($parts[$i + 1][0] ?? '(') ? $parts[$i + 1] ?? '()' : null;

                if (null === $signature && '' === $returnType) {
                    $returnType = $p;

                if ($static && 2 === $i) {
                    $static = false;
                    $returnType = 'static';

                if (\in_array($description = trim(implode('', \array_slice($parts, 2 + $i))), ['', '.'], true)) {
                    $description = null;
                } elseif (!preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description)) {
                    $description .= '.';

                $tags['method'][$p] = [$static, $returnType, $signature ?? '()', $description];

        foreach ($tags['param'] ?? [] as $i => $param) {

            if (\strlen($param) !== strcspn($param, '<{(')) {
                $param = preg_replace('{\(([^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<([^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{([^{}]*+|(?R))*\}}', '', $param);

            if (false === $i = strpos($param, '$')) {

            $type = 0 === $i ? '' : rtrim(substr($param, 0, $i), ' &');
            $param = substr($param, 1 + $i, (strpos($param, ' ', $i) ?: (1 + $i + \strlen($param))) - $i - 1);

            $tags['param'][$param] = $type;

        foreach (['var', 'return'] as $k) {
            if (null === $v = $tags[$k][0] ?? null) {
            if (\strlen($v) !== strcspn($v, '<{(')) {
                $v = preg_replace('{\(([^()]*+|(?R))*\)(?: *: *[^ ]++)?|<([^<>]*+|(?R))*>|\{([^{}]*+|(?R))*\}}', '', $v);

            $tags[$k] = substr($v, 0, strpos($v, ' ') ?: \strlen($v)) ?: null;

        return $tags;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Error Folder 0755
ErrorEnhancer Folder 0755
ErrorRenderer Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Internal Folder 0755
Resources Folder 0755
BufferingLogger.php File 1.99 KB 0644
CHANGELOG.md File 774 B 0644
Debug.php File 1.08 KB 0644
DebugClassLoader.php File 47.96 KB 0644
ErrorHandler.php File 26.33 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
README.md File 1.31 KB 0644
ThrowableUtils.php File 865 B 0644
composer.json File 1015 B 0644