[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ServerInfoAwareConnection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\ParameterType;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\DefaultMarshaller;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller\MarshallerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\PruneableInterface;

class DoctrineDbalAdapter extends AbstractAdapter implements PruneableInterface
    protected $maxIdLength = 255;

    private MarshallerInterface $marshaller;
    private Connection $conn;
    private string $platformName;
    private string $serverVersion;
    private string $table = 'cache_items';
    private string $idCol = 'item_id';
    private string $dataCol = 'item_data';
    private string $lifetimeCol = 'item_lifetime';
    private string $timeCol = 'item_time';
    private string $namespace;

     * You can either pass an existing database Doctrine DBAL Connection or
     * a DSN string that will be used to connect to the database.
     * The cache table is created automatically when possible.
     * Otherwise, use the createTable() method.
     * List of available options:
     *  * db_table: The name of the table [default: cache_items]
     *  * db_id_col: The column where to store the cache id [default: item_id]
     *  * db_data_col: The column where to store the cache data [default: item_data]
     *  * db_lifetime_col: The column where to store the lifetime [default: item_lifetime]
     *  * db_time_col: The column where to store the timestamp [default: item_time]
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException When namespace contains invalid characters
    public function __construct(Connection|string $connOrDsn, string $namespace = '', int $defaultLifetime = 0, array $options = [], MarshallerInterface $marshaller = null)
        if (isset($namespace[0]) && preg_match('#[^-+.A-Za-z0-9]#', $namespace, $match)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Namespace contains "%s" but only characters in [-+.A-Za-z0-9] are allowed.', $match[0]));

        if ($connOrDsn instanceof Connection) {
            $this->conn = $connOrDsn;
        } else {
            if (!class_exists(DriverManager::class)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Failed to parse the DSN "%s". Try running "composer require doctrine/dbal".', $connOrDsn));
            $this->conn = DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => $connOrDsn]);

        $this->table = $options['db_table'] ?? $this->table;
        $this->idCol = $options['db_id_col'] ?? $this->idCol;
        $this->dataCol = $options['db_data_col'] ?? $this->dataCol;
        $this->lifetimeCol = $options['db_lifetime_col'] ?? $this->lifetimeCol;
        $this->timeCol = $options['db_time_col'] ?? $this->timeCol;
        $this->namespace = $namespace;
        $this->marshaller = $marshaller ?? new DefaultMarshaller();

        parent::__construct($namespace, $defaultLifetime);

     * Creates the table to store cache items which can be called once for setup.
     * Cache ID are saved in a column of maximum length 255. Cache data is
     * saved in a BLOB.
     * @throws DBALException When the table already exists
    public function createTable(): void
        $schema = new Schema();

        foreach ($schema->toSql($this->conn->getDatabasePlatform()) as $sql) {

    public function configureSchema(Schema $schema, Connection $forConnection): void
        // only update the schema for this connection
        if ($forConnection !== $this->conn) {

        if ($schema->hasTable($this->table)) {


    public function prune(): bool
        $deleteSql = "DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->lifetimeCol + $this->timeCol <= ?";
        $params = [time()];
        $paramTypes = [ParameterType::INTEGER];

        if ('' !== $this->namespace) {
            $deleteSql .= " AND $this->idCol LIKE ?";
            $params[] = sprintf('%s%%', $this->namespace);
            $paramTypes[] = ParameterType::STRING;

        try {
            $this->conn->executeStatement($deleteSql, $params, $paramTypes);
        } catch (TableNotFoundException) {

        return true;

    protected function doFetch(array $ids): iterable
        $now = time();
        $expired = [];

        $sql = "SELECT $this->idCol, CASE WHEN $this->lifetimeCol IS NULL OR $this->lifetimeCol + $this->timeCol > ? THEN $this->dataCol ELSE NULL END FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idCol IN (?)";
        $result = $this->conn->executeQuery($sql, [
        ], [

        foreach ($result as $row) {
            if (null === $row[1]) {
                $expired[] = $row[0];
            } else {
                yield $row[0] => $this->marshaller->unmarshall(\is_resource($row[1]) ? stream_get_contents($row[1]) : $row[1]);

        if ($expired) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->lifetimeCol + $this->timeCol <= ? AND $this->idCol IN (?)";
            $this->conn->executeStatement($sql, [
            ], [

    protected function doHave(string $id): bool
        $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idCol = ? AND ($this->lifetimeCol IS NULL OR $this->lifetimeCol + $this->timeCol > ?)";
        $result = $this->conn->executeQuery($sql, [
        ], [

        return (bool) $result->fetchOne();

    protected function doClear(string $namespace): bool
        if ('' === $namespace) {
            if ('sqlite' === $this->getPlatformName()) {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->table";
            } else {
                $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE $this->table";
        } else {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idCol LIKE '$namespace%'";

        try {
        } catch (TableNotFoundException) {

        return true;

    protected function doDelete(array $ids): bool
        $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE $this->idCol IN (?)";
        try {
            $this->conn->executeStatement($sql, [array_values($ids)], [Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY]);
        } catch (TableNotFoundException) {

        return true;

    protected function doSave(array $values, int $lifetime): array|bool
        if (!$values = $this->marshaller->marshall($values, $failed)) {
            return $failed;

        $platformName = $this->getPlatformName();
        $insertSql = "INSERT INTO $this->table ($this->idCol, $this->dataCol, $this->lifetimeCol, $this->timeCol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";

        switch (true) {
            case 'mysql' === $platformName:
                $sql = $insertSql." ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $this->dataCol = VALUES($this->dataCol), $this->lifetimeCol = VALUES($this->lifetimeCol), $this->timeCol = VALUES($this->timeCol)";
            case 'oci' === $platformName:
                // DUAL is Oracle specific dummy table
                $sql = "MERGE INTO $this->table USING DUAL ON ($this->idCol = ?) ".
                    "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ($this->idCol, $this->dataCol, $this->lifetimeCol, $this->timeCol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ".
                    "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET $this->dataCol = ?, $this->lifetimeCol = ?, $this->timeCol = ?";
            case 'sqlsrv' === $platformName && version_compare($this->getServerVersion(), '10', '>='):
                // MERGE is only available since SQL Server 2008 and must be terminated by semicolon
                // It also requires HOLDLOCK according to http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/dang/archive/2009/01/31/UPSERT-Race-Condition-With-MERGE.aspx
                $sql = "MERGE INTO $this->table WITH (HOLDLOCK) USING (SELECT 1 AS dummy) AS src ON ($this->idCol = ?) ".
                    "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ($this->idCol, $this->dataCol, $this->lifetimeCol, $this->timeCol) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ".
                    "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET $this->dataCol = ?, $this->lifetimeCol = ?, $this->timeCol = ?;";
            case 'sqlite' === $platformName:
                $sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE'.substr($insertSql, 6);
            case 'pgsql' === $platformName && version_compare($this->getServerVersion(), '9.5', '>='):
                $sql = $insertSql." ON CONFLICT ($this->idCol) DO UPDATE SET ($this->dataCol, $this->lifetimeCol, $this->timeCol) = (EXCLUDED.$this->dataCol, EXCLUDED.$this->lifetimeCol, EXCLUDED.$this->timeCol)";
                $platformName = null;
                $sql = "UPDATE $this->table SET $this->dataCol = ?, $this->lifetimeCol = ?, $this->timeCol = ? WHERE $this->idCol = ?";

        $now = time();
        $lifetime = $lifetime ?: null;
        try {
            $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
        } catch (TableNotFoundException) {
            if (!$this->conn->isTransactionActive() || \in_array($platformName, ['pgsql', 'sqlite', 'sqlsrv'], true)) {
            $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);

        // $id and $data are defined later in the loop. Binding is done by reference, values are read on execution.
        if ('sqlsrv' === $platformName || 'oci' === $platformName) {
            $stmt->bindParam(1, $id);
            $stmt->bindParam(2, $id);
            $stmt->bindParam(3, $data, ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT);
            $stmt->bindValue(4, $lifetime, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindValue(5, $now, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindParam(6, $data, ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT);
            $stmt->bindValue(7, $lifetime, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindValue(8, $now, ParameterType::INTEGER);
        } elseif (null !== $platformName) {
            $stmt->bindParam(1, $id);
            $stmt->bindParam(2, $data, ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT);
            $stmt->bindValue(3, $lifetime, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindValue(4, $now, ParameterType::INTEGER);
        } else {
            $stmt->bindParam(1, $data, ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT);
            $stmt->bindValue(2, $lifetime, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindValue(3, $now, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $stmt->bindParam(4, $id);

            $insertStmt = $this->conn->prepare($insertSql);
            $insertStmt->bindParam(1, $id);
            $insertStmt->bindParam(2, $data, ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT);
            $insertStmt->bindValue(3, $lifetime, ParameterType::INTEGER);
            $insertStmt->bindValue(4, $now, ParameterType::INTEGER);

        foreach ($values as $id => $data) {
            try {
                $rowCount = $stmt->executeStatement();
            } catch (TableNotFoundException) {
                if (!$this->conn->isTransactionActive() || \in_array($platformName, ['pgsql', 'sqlite', 'sqlsrv'], true)) {
                $rowCount = $stmt->executeStatement();
            if (null === $platformName && 0 === $rowCount) {
                try {
                } catch (DBALException) {
                    // A concurrent write won, let it be

        return $failed;

     * @internal
    protected function getId($key)
        if ('pgsql' !== $this->platformName ??= $this->getPlatformName()) {
            return parent::getId($key);

        if (str_contains($key, "\0") || str_contains($key, '%') || !preg_match('//u', $key)) {
            $key = rawurlencode($key);

        return parent::getId($key);

    private function getPlatformName(): string
        if (isset($this->platformName)) {
            return $this->platformName;

        $platform = $this->conn->getDatabasePlatform();

        return match (true) {
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform,
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL57Platform => $this->platformName = 'mysql',
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SqlitePlatform => $this->platformName = 'sqlite',
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform,
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL94Platform => $this->platformName = 'pgsql',
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform => $this->platformName = 'oci',
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform,
            $platform instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServer2012Platform => $this->platformName = 'sqlsrv',
            default => $this->platformName = $platform::class,

    private function getServerVersion(): string
        if (isset($this->serverVersion)) {
            return $this->serverVersion;

        $conn = $this->conn->getWrappedConnection();
        if ($conn instanceof ServerInfoAwareConnection) {
            return $this->serverVersion = $conn->getServerVersion();

        return $this->serverVersion = '0';

    private function addTableToSchema(Schema $schema): void
        $types = [
            'mysql' => 'binary',
            'sqlite' => 'text',

        $table = $schema->createTable($this->table);
        $table->addColumn($this->idCol, $types[$this->getPlatformName()] ?? 'string', ['length' => 255]);
        $table->addColumn($this->dataCol, 'blob', ['length' => 16777215]);
        $table->addColumn($this->lifetimeCol, 'integer', ['unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false]);
        $table->addColumn($this->timeCol, 'integer', ['unsigned' => true]);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AbstractAdapter.php File 7.07 KB 0644
AbstractTagAwareAdapter.php File 12.65 KB 0644
AdapterInterface.php File 861 B 0644
ApcuAdapter.php File 3.49 KB 0644
ArrayAdapter.php File 11.03 KB 0644
ChainAdapter.php File 8.53 KB 0644
CouchbaseBucketAdapter.php File 6.91 KB 0644
CouchbaseCollectionAdapter.php File 6.12 KB 0644
DoctrineDbalAdapter.php File 14.8 KB 0644
FilesystemAdapter.php File 933 B 0644
FilesystemTagAwareAdapter.php File 8.77 KB 0644
MemcachedAdapter.php File 12.89 KB 0644
NullAdapter.php File 2.19 KB 0644
ParameterNormalizer.php File 907 B 0644
PdoAdapter.php File 15.46 KB 0644
PhpArrayAdapter.php File 11.83 KB 0644
PhpFilesAdapter.php File 9.81 KB 0644
ProxyAdapter.php File 6.34 KB 0644
Psr16Adapter.php File 1.72 KB 0644
RedisAdapter.php File 729 B 0644
RedisTagAwareAdapter.php File 11.58 KB 0644
TagAwareAdapter.php File 11.18 KB 0644
TagAwareAdapterInterface.php File 748 B 0644
TraceableAdapter.php File 6.35 KB 0644
TraceableTagAwareAdapter.php File 895 B 0644