[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of Psy Shell.
 * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Psy;

use Psy\ExecutionLoop\ProcessForker;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\GitHubChecker;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\Installer;
use Psy\VersionUpdater\SelfUpdate;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;

if (!\function_exists('Psy\\sh')) {
     * Command to return the eval-able code to startup PsySH.
     *     eval(\Psy\sh());
    function sh(): string
        if (\version_compare(\PHP_VERSION, '8.0', '<')) {
            return '\extract(\Psy\debug(\get_defined_vars(), isset($this) ? $this : @\get_called_class()));';

        return <<<'EOS'
if (isset($this)) {
    \extract(\Psy\debug(\get_defined_vars(), $this));
} else {
    try {
        \extract(\Psy\debug(\get_defined_vars(), static::class));
    } catch (\Error $e) {

if (!\function_exists('Psy\\debug')) {
     * Invoke a Psy Shell from the current context.
     * For example:
     *     foreach ($items as $item) {
     *         \Psy\debug(get_defined_vars());
     *     }
     * If you would like your shell interaction to affect the state of the
     * current context, you can extract() the values returned from this call:
     *     foreach ($items as $item) {
     *         extract(\Psy\debug(get_defined_vars()));
     *         var_dump($item); // will be whatever you set $item to in Psy Shell
     *     }
     * Optionally, supply an object as the `$bindTo` parameter. This determines
     * the value `$this` will have in the shell, and sets up class scope so that
     * private and protected members are accessible:
     *     class Foo {
     *         function bar() {
     *             \Psy\debug(get_defined_vars(), $this);
     *         }
     *     }
     * For the static equivalent, pass a class name as the `$bindTo` parameter.
     * This makes `self` work in the shell, and sets up static scope so that
     * private and protected static members are accessible:
     *     class Foo {
     *         static function bar() {
     *             \Psy\debug(get_defined_vars(), get_called_class());
     *         }
     *     }
     * @param array         $vars   Scope variables from the calling context (default: [])
     * @param object|string $bindTo Bound object ($this) or class (self) value for the shell
     * @return array Scope variables from the debugger session
    function debug(array $vars = [], $bindTo = null): array
        echo \PHP_EOL;

        $sh = new Shell();

        // Show a couple of lines of call context for the debug session.
        // @todo come up with a better way of doing this which doesn't involve injecting input :-P
        if ($sh->has('whereami')) {
            $sh->addInput('whereami -n2', true);

        if (\is_string($bindTo)) {
        } elseif ($bindTo !== null) {


        return $sh->getScopeVariables(false);

if (!\function_exists('Psy\\info')) {
     * Get a bunch of debugging info about the current PsySH environment and
     * configuration.
     * If a Configuration param is passed, that configuration is stored and
     * used for the current shell session, and no debugging info is returned.
     * @param Configuration|null $config
     * @return array|null
    function info(Configuration $config = null)
        static $lastConfig;
        if ($config !== null) {
            $lastConfig = $config;


        $prettyPath = function ($path) {
            return $path;

        $homeDir = (new ConfigPaths())->homeDir();
        if ($homeDir && $homeDir = \rtrim($homeDir, '/')) {
            $homePattern = '#^'.\preg_quote($homeDir, '#').'/#';
            $prettyPath = function ($path) use ($homePattern) {
                if (\is_string($path)) {
                    return \preg_replace($homePattern, '~/', $path);
                } else {
                    return $path;

        $config = $lastConfig ?: new Configuration();
        $configEnv = (isset($_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG']) && $_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG']) ? $_SERVER['PSYSH_CONFIG'] : false;

        $shellInfo = [
            'PsySH version' => Shell::VERSION,

        $core = [
            'PHP version'         => \PHP_VERSION,
            'OS'                  => \PHP_OS,
            'default includes'    => $config->getDefaultIncludes(),
            'require semicolons'  => $config->requireSemicolons(),
            'error logging level' => $config->errorLoggingLevel(),
            'config file'         => [
                'default config file' => $prettyPath($config->getConfigFile()),
                'local config file'   => $prettyPath($config->getLocalConfigFile()),
                'PSYSH_CONFIG env'    => $prettyPath($configEnv),
            // 'config dir'  => $config->getConfigDir(),
            // 'data dir'    => $config->getDataDir(),
            // 'runtime dir' => $config->getRuntimeDir(),

        // Use an explicit, fresh update check here, rather than relying on whatever is in $config.
        $checker = new GitHubChecker();
        $updateAvailable = null;
        $latest = null;
        try {
            $updateAvailable = !$checker->isLatest();
            $latest = $checker->getLatest();
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

        $updates = [
            'update available'       => $updateAvailable,
            'latest release version' => $latest,
            'update check interval'  => $config->getUpdateCheck(),
            'update cache file'      => $prettyPath($config->getUpdateCheckCacheFile()),

        $input = [
            'interactive mode'  => $config->interactiveMode(),
            'input interactive' => $config->getInputInteractive(),
            'yolo'              => $config->yolo(),

        if ($config->hasReadline()) {
            $info = \readline_info();

            $readline = [
                'readline available' => true,
                'readline enabled'   => $config->useReadline(),
                'readline service'   => \get_class($config->getReadline()),

            if (isset($info['library_version'])) {
                $readline['readline library'] = $info['library_version'];

            if (isset($info['readline_name']) && $info['readline_name'] !== '') {
                $readline['readline name'] = $info['readline_name'];
        } else {
            $readline = [
                'readline available' => false,

        $output = [
            'color mode'       => $config->colorMode(),
            'output decorated' => $config->getOutputDecorated(),
            'output verbosity' => $config->verbosity(),
            'output pager'     => $config->getPager(),

        $theme = $config->theme();
        // TODO: show styles (but only if they're different than default?)
        $output['theme'] = [
            'compact'      => $theme->compact(),
            'prompt'       => $theme->prompt(),
            'bufferPrompt' => $theme->bufferPrompt(),
            'replayPrompt' => $theme->replayPrompt(),
            'returnValue'  => $theme->returnValue(),

        $pcntl = [
            'pcntl available' => ProcessForker::isPcntlSupported(),
            'posix available' => ProcessForker::isPosixSupported(),

        if ($disabledPcntl = ProcessForker::disabledPcntlFunctions()) {
            $pcntl['disabled pcntl functions'] = $disabledPcntl;

        if ($disabledPosix = ProcessForker::disabledPosixFunctions()) {
            $pcntl['disabled posix functions'] = $disabledPosix;

        $pcntl['use pcntl'] = $config->usePcntl();

        $history = [
            'history file'     => $prettyPath($config->getHistoryFile()),
            'history size'     => $config->getHistorySize(),
            'erase duplicates' => $config->getEraseDuplicates(),

        $docs = [
            'manual db file'   => $prettyPath($config->getManualDbFile()),
            'sqlite available' => true,

        try {
            if ($db = $config->getManualDb()) {
                if ($q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM meta;')) {
                    $meta = $q->fetchAll();

                    foreach ($meta as $key => $val) {
                        switch ($key) {
                            case 'built_at':
                                $d = new \DateTime('@'.$val);
                                $val = $d->format(\DateTime::RFC2822);
                        $key = 'db '.\str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
                        $docs[$key] = $val;
                } else {
                    $docs['db schema'] = '0.1.0';
        } catch (Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
            if ($e->getMessage() === 'SQLite PDO driver not found') {
                $docs['sqlite available'] = false;
            } else {
                throw $e;

        $autocomplete = [
            'tab completion enabled' => $config->useTabCompletion(),
            'bracketed paste'        => $config->useBracketedPaste(),

        // Shenanigans, but totally justified.
        try {
            if ($shell = Sudo::fetchProperty($config, 'shell')) {
                $shellClass = \get_class($shell);
                if ($shellClass !== 'Psy\\Shell') {
                    $shellInfo = [
                        'PsySH version' => $shell::VERSION,
                        'Shell class'   => $shellClass,

                try {
                    $core['loop listeners'] = \array_map('get_class', Sudo::fetchProperty($shell, 'loopListeners'));
                } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                    // shrug

                $core['commands'] = \array_map('get_class', $shell->all());

                try {
                    $autocomplete['custom matchers'] = \array_map('get_class', Sudo::fetchProperty($shell, 'matchers'));
                } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                    // shrug
        } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
            // shrug

        // @todo Show Presenter / custom casters.

        return \array_merge($shellInfo, $core, \compact('updates', 'pcntl', 'input', 'readline', 'output', 'history', 'docs', 'autocomplete'));

if (!\function_exists('Psy\\bin')) {
     * `psysh` command line executable.
     * @return \Closure
    function bin(): \Closure
        return function () {
            if (!isset($_SERVER['PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV']) || !$_SERVER['PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV']) {
                if (\defined('HHVM_VERSION_ID')) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'PsySH v0.11 and higher does not support HHVM. Install an older version, or set the environment variable PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV=1 to override this restriction and proceed anyway.'.\PHP_EOL);

                if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'PHP 7.0.0 or higher is required. You can set the environment variable PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV=1 to override this restriction and proceed anyway.'.\PHP_EOL);

                if (\PHP_VERSION_ID > 89999) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'PHP 9 or higher is not supported. You can set the environment variable PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV=1 to override this restriction and proceed anyway.'.\PHP_EOL);

                if (!\function_exists('json_encode')) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'The JSON extension is required. Please install it. You can set the environment variable PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV=1 to override this restriction and proceed anyway.'.\PHP_EOL);

                if (!\function_exists('token_get_all')) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'The Tokenizer extension is required. Please install it. You can set the environment variable PSYSH_IGNORE_ENV=1 to override this restriction and proceed anyway.'.\PHP_EOL);

            $usageException = null;
            $shellIsPhar = Shell::isPhar();

            $input = new ArgvInput();
            try {
                $input->bind(new InputDefinition(\array_merge(Configuration::getInputOptions(), [
                    new InputOption('help', 'h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE),
                    new InputOption('version', 'V', InputOption::VALUE_NONE),
                    new InputOption('self-update', 'u', InputOption::VALUE_NONE),

                    new InputArgument('include', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY),
            } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
                $usageException = $e;

            try {
                $config = Configuration::fromInput($input);
            } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $usageException = $e;

            // Handle --help
            if ($usageException !== null || $input->getOption('help')) {
                if ($usageException !== null) {
                    echo $usageException->getMessage().\PHP_EOL.\PHP_EOL;

                $version = Shell::getVersionHeader(false);
                $argv = isset($_SERVER['argv']) ? $_SERVER['argv'] : [];
                $name = $argv ? \basename(\reset($argv)) : 'psysh';

                echo <<<EOL

  $name [--version] [--help] [files...]

  -h, --help            Display this help message.
  -c, --config FILE     Use an alternate PsySH config file location.
      --cwd PATH        Use an alternate working directory.
  -V, --version         Display the PsySH version.

                if ($shellIsPhar) {
                    echo <<<EOL
  -u, --self-update     Install a newer version if available.

                echo <<<EOL
      --color           Force colors in output.
      --no-color        Disable colors in output.
  -i, --interactive     Force PsySH to run in interactive mode.
  -n, --no-interactive  Run PsySH without interactive input. Requires input from stdin.
  -r, --raw-output      Print var_export-style return values (for non-interactive input)
      --compact         Run PsySH with compact output.
  -q, --quiet           Shhhhhh.
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages.
      --yolo            Run PsySH without input validation. You don't want this.


                exit($usageException === null ? 0 : 1);

            // Handle --version
            if ($input->getOption('version')) {
                echo Shell::getVersionHeader($config->useUnicode()).\PHP_EOL;

            // Handle --self-update
            if ($input->getOption('self-update')) {
                if (!$shellIsPhar) {
                    \fwrite(\STDERR, 'The --self-update option can only be used with with a phar based install.'.\PHP_EOL);
                $selfUpdate = new SelfUpdate(new GitHubChecker(), new Installer());
                $result = $selfUpdate->run($input, $config->getOutput());

            $shell = new Shell($config);

            // Pass additional arguments to Shell as 'includes'

            try {
                // And go!
            } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                \fwrite(\STDERR, $e->getMessage().\PHP_EOL);

                // @todo this triggers the "exited unexpectedly" logic in the
                // ForkingLoop, so we can't exit(1) after starting the shell...
                // fix this :)

                // exit(1);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CodeCleaner Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
ExecutionLoop Folder 0755
Formatter Folder 0755
Input Folder 0755
Output Folder 0755
Readline Folder 0755
Reflection Folder 0755
Sudo Folder 0755
TabCompletion Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
VarDumper Folder 0755
VersionUpdater Folder 0755
CodeCleaner.php File 11.86 KB 0644
ConfigPaths.php File 11.39 KB 0644
Configuration.php File 54.35 KB 0644
Context.php File 7.71 KB 0644
ContextAware.php File 567 B 0644
EnvInterface.php File 443 B 0644
ExecutionClosure.php File 2.25 KB 0644
ExecutionLoopClosure.php File 2.81 KB 0644
ParserFactory.php File 1.58 KB 0644
Shell.php File 47.2 KB 0644
Sudo.php File 5.28 KB 0644
SuperglobalsEnv.php File 620 B 0644
functions.php File 16.51 KB 0644