[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of Psy Shell.
 * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Psy;

use Psy\CodeCleaner\NoReturnValue;
use Psy\Exception\BreakException;
use Psy\Exception\ErrorException;
use Psy\Exception\Exception as PsyException;
use Psy\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Psy\Exception\ThrowUpException;
use Psy\ExecutionLoop\ProcessForker;
use Psy\ExecutionLoop\RunkitReloader;
use Psy\Formatter\TraceFormatter;
use Psy\Input\ShellInput;
use Psy\Input\SilentInput;
use Psy\Output\ShellOutput;
use Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher;
use Psy\VarDumper\PresenterAware;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command as BaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StringInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * The Psy Shell application.
 * Usage:
 *     $shell = new Shell;
 *     $shell->run();
 * @author Justin Hileman <justin@justinhileman.info>
class Shell extends Application
    const VERSION = 'v0.11.15';

    /** @deprecated */
    const PROMPT = '>>> ';
    /** @deprecated */
    const BUFF_PROMPT = '... ';
    /** @deprecated */
    const REPLAY = '--> ';
    /** @deprecated */
    const RETVAL = '=> ';

    private $config;
    private $cleaner;
    private $output;
    private $originalVerbosity;
    private $readline;
    private $inputBuffer;
    private $code;
    private $codeBuffer;
    private $codeBufferOpen;
    private $codeStack;
    private $stdoutBuffer;
    private $context;
    private $includes;
    private $outputWantsNewline = false;
    private $loopListeners;
    private $autoCompleter;
    private $matchers = [];
    private $commandsMatcher;
    private $lastExecSuccess = true;
    private $nonInteractive = false;
    private $errorReporting;

     * Create a new Psy Shell.
     * @param Configuration|null $config (default: null)
    public function __construct(Configuration $config = null)
        $this->config = $config ?: new Configuration();
        $this->cleaner = $this->config->getCodeCleaner();
        $this->context = new Context();
        $this->includes = [];
        $this->readline = $this->config->getReadline();
        $this->inputBuffer = [];
        $this->codeStack = [];
        $this->stdoutBuffer = '';
        $this->loopListeners = $this->getDefaultLoopListeners();

        parent::__construct('Psy Shell', self::VERSION);


        // Register the current shell session's config with \Psy\info

     * Check whether the first thing in a backtrace is an include call.
     * This is used by the psysh bin to decide whether to start a shell on boot,
     * or to simply autoload the library.
    public static function isIncluded(array $trace): bool
        $isIncluded = isset($trace[0]['function']) &&
          \in_array($trace[0]['function'], ['require', 'include', 'require_once', 'include_once']);

        // Detect Composer PHP bin proxies.
        if ($isIncluded && \array_key_exists('_composer_autoload_path', $GLOBALS) && \preg_match('{[\\\\/]psysh$}', $trace[0]['file'])) {
            // If we're in a bin proxy, we'll *always* see one include, but we
            // care if we see a second immediately after that.
            return isset($trace[1]['function']) &&
                \in_array($trace[1]['function'], ['require', 'include', 'require_once', 'include_once']);

        return $isIncluded;

     * Check if the currently running PsySH bin is a phar archive.
    public static function isPhar(): bool
        return \class_exists("\Phar") && \Phar::running() !== '' && \strpos(__FILE__, \Phar::running(true)) === 0;

     * Invoke a Psy Shell from the current context.
     * @see Psy\debug
     * @deprecated will be removed in 1.0. Use \Psy\debug instead
     * @param array         $vars   Scope variables from the calling context (default: [])
     * @param object|string $bindTo Bound object ($this) or class (self) value for the shell
     * @return array Scope variables from the debugger session
    public static function debug(array $vars = [], $bindTo = null): array
        return \Psy\debug($vars, $bindTo);

     * Adds a command object.
     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param BaseCommand $command A Symfony Console Command object
     * @return BaseCommand The registered command
    public function add(BaseCommand $command): BaseCommand
        if ($ret = parent::add($command)) {
            if ($ret instanceof ContextAware) {

            if ($ret instanceof PresenterAware) {

            if (isset($this->commandsMatcher)) {

        return $ret;

     * Gets the default input definition.
     * @return InputDefinition An InputDefinition instance
    protected function getDefaultInputDefinition(): InputDefinition
        return new InputDefinition([
            new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The command to execute'),
            new InputOption('--help', '-h', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display this help message.'),

     * Gets the default commands that should always be available.
     * @return array An array of default Command instances
    protected function getDefaultCommands(): array
        $sudo = new Command\SudoCommand();

        $hist = new Command\HistoryCommand();

        return [
            new Command\HelpCommand(),
            new Command\ListCommand(),
            new Command\DumpCommand(),
            new Command\DocCommand(),
            new Command\ShowCommand(),
            new Command\WtfCommand(),
            new Command\WhereamiCommand(),
            new Command\ThrowUpCommand(),
            new Command\TimeitCommand(),
            new Command\TraceCommand(),
            new Command\BufferCommand(),
            new Command\ClearCommand(),
            new Command\EditCommand($this->config->getRuntimeDir()),
            // new Command\PsyVersionCommand(),
            new Command\ExitCommand(),

     * @return Matcher\AbstractMatcher[]
    protected function getDefaultMatchers(): array
        // Store the Commands Matcher for later. If more commands are added,
        // we'll update the Commands Matcher too.
        $this->commandsMatcher = new Matcher\CommandsMatcher($this->all());

        return [
            new Matcher\KeywordsMatcher(),
            new Matcher\VariablesMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ConstantsMatcher(),
            new Matcher\FunctionsMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ClassNamesMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ClassMethodsMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ClassAttributesMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ObjectMethodsMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ObjectAttributesMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ClassMethodDefaultParametersMatcher(),
            new Matcher\ObjectMethodDefaultParametersMatcher(),
            new Matcher\FunctionDefaultParametersMatcher(),

     * @deprecated Nothing should use this anymore
    protected function getTabCompletionMatchers()
        @\trigger_error('getTabCompletionMatchers is no longer used', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);

     * Gets the default command loop listeners.
     * @return array An array of Execution Loop Listener instances
    protected function getDefaultLoopListeners(): array
        $listeners = [];

        if (ProcessForker::isSupported() && $this->config->usePcntl()) {
            $listeners[] = new ProcessForker();

        if (RunkitReloader::isSupported()) {
            $listeners[] = new RunkitReloader();

        return $listeners;

     * Add tab completion matchers.
     * @param array $matchers
    public function addMatchers(array $matchers)
        $this->matchers = \array_merge($this->matchers, $matchers);

        if (isset($this->autoCompleter)) {

     * @deprecated Call `addMatchers` instead
     * @param array $matchers
    public function addTabCompletionMatchers(array $matchers)

     * Set the Shell output.
     * @param OutputInterface $output
    public function setOutput(OutputInterface $output)
        $this->output = $output;
        $this->originalVerbosity = $output->getVerbosity();

     * Runs PsySH.
     * @param InputInterface|null  $input  An Input instance
     * @param OutputInterface|null $output An Output instance
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
    public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null): int
        // We'll just ignore the input passed in, and set up our own!
        $input = new ArrayInput([]);

        if ($output === null) {
            $output = $this->config->getOutput();


        try {
            return parent::run($input, $output);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

        return 1;

     * Runs PsySH.
     * @throws \Throwable if thrown via the `throw-up` command
     * @param InputInterface  $input  An Input instance
     * @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
    public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int

        if ($input->isInteractive()) {
            // @todo should it be possible to have raw output in an interactive run?
            return $this->doInteractiveRun();
        } else {
            return $this->doNonInteractiveRun($this->config->rawOutput());

     * Run PsySH in interactive mode.
     * Initializes tab completion and readline history, then spins up the
     * execution loop.
     * @throws \Throwable if thrown via the `throw-up` command
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
    private function doInteractiveRun(): int


        try {
            $loop = new ExecutionLoopClosure($this);
        } catch (ThrowUpException $e) {
            throw $e->getPrevious();
        } catch (BreakException $e) {
            // The ProcessForker throws a BreakException to finish the main thread.

        return 0;

     * Run PsySH in non-interactive mode.
     * Note that this isn't very useful unless you supply "include" arguments at
     * the command line, or code via stdin.
     * @param bool $rawOutput
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
    private function doNonInteractiveRun(bool $rawOutput): int
        $this->nonInteractive = true;

        // If raw output is enabled (or output is piped) we don't want startup messages.
        if (!$rawOutput && !$this->config->outputIsPiped()) {


        // For non-interactive execution, read only from the input buffer or from piped input.
        // Otherwise it'll try to readline and hang, waiting for user input with no indication of
        // what's holding things up.
        if (!empty($this->inputBuffer) || $this->config->inputIsPiped()) {

        if ($this->hasCode()) {
            $ret = $this->execute($this->flushCode());
            $this->writeReturnValue($ret, $rawOutput);

        $this->nonInteractive = false;

        return 0;

     * Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options.
    protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        // @todo overrides via environment variables (or should these happen in config? ... probably config)

        if ($this->config->getOutputDecorated() !== null) {


     * Load user-defined includes.
    private function loadIncludes()
        // Load user-defined includes
        $load = function (self $__psysh__) {
            \set_error_handler([$__psysh__, 'handleError']);
            foreach ($__psysh__->getIncludes() as $__psysh_include__) {
                try {
                    include_once $__psysh_include__;
                } catch (\Exception $_e) {

            // Override any new local variables with pre-defined scope variables

            // ... then add the whole mess of variables back.


     * Read user input.
     * This will continue fetching user input until the code buffer contains
     * valid code.
     * @throws BreakException if user hits Ctrl+D
     * @param bool $interactive
    public function getInput(bool $interactive = true)
        $this->codeBufferOpen = false;

        do {
            // reset output verbosity (in case it was altered by a subcommand)

            $input = $this->readline();

             * Handle Ctrl+D. It behaves differently in different cases:
             *   1) In an expression, like a function or "if" block, clear the input buffer
             *   2) At top-level session, behave like the exit command
             *   3) When non-interactive, return, because that's the end of stdin
            if ($input === false) {
                if (!$interactive) {


                if ($this->hasCode()) {
                } else {
                    throw new BreakException('Ctrl+D');

            // handle empty input
            if (\trim($input) === '' && !$this->codeBufferOpen) {

            $input = $this->onInput($input);

            // If the input isn't in an open string or comment, check for commands to run.
            if ($this->hasCommand($input) && !$this->inputInOpenStringOrComment($input)) {


        } while (!$interactive || !$this->hasValidCode());

     * Check whether the code buffer (plus current input) is in an open string or comment.
     * @param string $input current line of input
     * @return bool true if the input is in an open string or comment
    private function inputInOpenStringOrComment(string $input): bool
        if (!$this->hasCode()) {
            return false;

        $code = $this->codeBuffer;
        $code[] = $input;
        $tokens = @\token_get_all('<?php '.\implode("\n", $code));
        $last = \array_pop($tokens);

        return $last === '"' || $last === '`' ||
            (\is_array($last) && \in_array($last[0], [\T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, \T_START_HEREDOC, \T_COMMENT]));

     * Run execution loop listeners before the shell session.
    protected function beforeRun()
        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {

     * Run execution loop listeners at the start of each loop.
    public function beforeLoop()
        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {

     * Run execution loop listeners on user input.
     * @param string $input
    public function onInput(string $input): string
        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listeners) {
            if (($return = $listeners->onInput($this, $input)) !== null) {
                $input = $return;

        return $input;

     * Run execution loop listeners on code to be executed.
     * @param string $code
    public function onExecute(string $code): string
        $this->errorReporting = \error_reporting();

        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {
            if (($return = $listener->onExecute($this, $code)) !== null) {
                $code = $return;

        $output = $this->output;
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();

        $output->writeln(\sprintf('<aside>%s</aside>', OutputFormatter::escape($code)), ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_DEBUG);

        return $code;

     * Run execution loop listeners after each loop.
    public function afterLoop()
        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {

     * Run execution loop listers after the shell session.
    protected function afterRun()
        foreach ($this->loopListeners as $listener) {

     * Set the variables currently in scope.
     * @param array $vars
    public function setScopeVariables(array $vars)

     * Return the set of variables currently in scope.
     * @param bool $includeBoundObject Pass false to exclude 'this'. If you're
     *                                 passing the scope variables to `extract`
     *                                 in PHP 7.1+, you _must_ exclude 'this'
     * @return array Associative array of scope variables
    public function getScopeVariables(bool $includeBoundObject = true): array
        $vars = $this->context->getAll();

        if (!$includeBoundObject) {

        return $vars;

     * Return the set of magic variables currently in scope.
     * @param bool $includeBoundObject Pass false to exclude 'this'. If you're
     *                                 passing the scope variables to `extract`
     *                                 in PHP 7.1+, you _must_ exclude 'this'
     * @return array Associative array of magic scope variables
    public function getSpecialScopeVariables(bool $includeBoundObject = true): array
        $vars = $this->context->getSpecialVariables();

        if (!$includeBoundObject) {

        return $vars;

     * Return the set of variables currently in scope which differ from the
     * values passed as $currentVars.
     * This is used inside the Execution Loop Closure to pick up scope variable
     * changes made by commands while the loop is running.
     * @param array $currentVars
     * @return array Associative array of scope variables which differ from $currentVars
    public function getScopeVariablesDiff(array $currentVars): array
        $newVars = [];

        foreach ($this->getScopeVariables(false) as $key => $value) {
            if (!\array_key_exists($key, $currentVars) || $currentVars[$key] !== $value) {
                $newVars[$key] = $value;

        return $newVars;

     * Get the set of unused command-scope variable names.
     * @return array Array of unused variable names
    public function getUnusedCommandScopeVariableNames(): array
        return $this->context->getUnusedCommandScopeVariableNames();

     * Get the set of variable names currently in scope.
     * @return array Array of variable names
    public function getScopeVariableNames(): array
        return \array_keys($this->context->getAll());

     * Get a scope variable value by name.
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed
    public function getScopeVariable(string $name)
        return $this->context->get($name);

     * Set the bound object ($this variable) for the interactive shell.
     * @param object|null $boundObject
    public function setBoundObject($boundObject)

     * Get the bound object ($this variable) for the interactive shell.
     * @return object|null
    public function getBoundObject()
        return $this->context->getBoundObject();

     * Set the bound class (self) for the interactive shell.
     * @param string|null $boundClass
    public function setBoundClass($boundClass)

     * Get the bound class (self) for the interactive shell.
     * @return string|null
    public function getBoundClass()
        return $this->context->getBoundClass();

     * Add includes, to be parsed and executed before running the interactive shell.
     * @param array $includes
    public function setIncludes(array $includes = [])
        $this->includes = $includes;

     * Get PHP files to be parsed and executed before running the interactive shell.
     * @return string[]
    public function getIncludes(): array
        return \array_merge($this->config->getDefaultIncludes(), $this->includes);

     * Check whether this shell's code buffer contains code.
     * @return bool True if the code buffer contains code
    public function hasCode(): bool
        return !empty($this->codeBuffer);

     * Check whether the code in this shell's code buffer is valid.
     * If the code is valid, the code buffer should be flushed and evaluated.
     * @return bool True if the code buffer content is valid
    protected function hasValidCode(): bool
        return !$this->codeBufferOpen && $this->code !== false;

     * Add code to the code buffer.
     * @param string $code
     * @param bool   $silent
    public function addCode(string $code, bool $silent = false)
        try {
            // Code lines ending in \ keep the buffer open
            if (\substr(\rtrim($code), -1) === '\\') {
                $this->codeBufferOpen = true;
                $code = \substr(\rtrim($code), 0, -1);
            } else {
                $this->codeBufferOpen = false;

            $this->codeBuffer[] = $silent ? new SilentInput($code) : $code;
            $this->code = $this->cleaner->clean($this->codeBuffer, $this->config->requireSemicolons());
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Add failed code blocks to the readline history.

            throw $e;

     * Set the code buffer.
     * This is mostly used by `Shell::execute`. Any existing code in the input
     * buffer is pushed onto a stack and will come back after this new code is
     * executed.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $code isn't a complete statement
     * @param string $code
     * @param bool   $silent
    private function setCode(string $code, bool $silent = false)
        if ($this->hasCode()) {
            $this->codeStack[] = [$this->codeBuffer, $this->codeBufferOpen, $this->code];

        try {
            $this->addCode($code, $silent);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

            throw $e;

        if (!$this->hasValidCode()) {

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unexpected end of input');

     * Get the current code buffer.
     * This is useful for commands which manipulate the buffer.
     * @return string[]
    public function getCodeBuffer(): array
        return $this->codeBuffer;

     * Run a Psy Shell command given the user input.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the input is not a valid command
     * @param string $input User input string
     * @return mixed Who knows?
    protected function runCommand(string $input)
        $command = $this->getCommand($input);

        if (empty($command)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Command not found: '.$input);

        $input = new ShellInput(\str_replace('\\', '\\\\', \rtrim($input, " \t\n\r\0\x0B;")));

        if ($input->hasParameterOption(['--help', '-h'])) {
            $helpCommand = $this->get('help');
            if (!$helpCommand instanceof Command\HelpCommand) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Invalid help command instance');

            return $helpCommand->run(new StringInput(''), $this->output);

        return $command->run($input, $this->output);

     * Reset the current code buffer.
     * This should be run after evaluating user input, catching exceptions, or
     * on demand by commands such as BufferCommand.
    public function resetCodeBuffer()
        $this->codeBuffer = [];
        $this->code = false;

     * Inject input into the input buffer.
     * This is useful for commands which want to replay history.
     * @param string|array $input
     * @param bool         $silent
    public function addInput($input, bool $silent = false)
        foreach ((array) $input as $line) {
            $this->inputBuffer[] = $silent ? new SilentInput($line) : $line;

     * Flush the current (valid) code buffer.
     * If the code buffer is valid, resets the code buffer and returns the
     * current code.
     * @return string|null PHP code buffer contents
    public function flushCode()
        if ($this->hasValidCode()) {
            $code = $this->code;

            return $code;

     * Reset the code buffer and restore any code pushed during `execute` calls.
    private function popCodeStack()

        if (empty($this->codeStack)) {

        list($codeBuffer, $codeBufferOpen, $code) = \array_pop($this->codeStack);

        $this->codeBuffer = $codeBuffer;
        $this->codeBufferOpen = $codeBufferOpen;
        $this->code = $code;

     * (Possibly) add a line to the readline history.
     * Like Bash, if the line starts with a space character, it will be omitted
     * from history. Note that an entire block multi-line code input will be
     * omitted iff the first line begins with a space.
     * Additionally, if a line is "silent", i.e. it was initially added with the
     * silent flag, it will also be omitted.
     * @param string|SilentInput $line
    private function addHistory($line)
        if ($line instanceof SilentInput) {

        // Skip empty lines and lines starting with a space
        if (\trim($line) !== '' && \substr($line, 0, 1) !== ' ') {

     * Filter silent input from code buffer, write the rest to readline history.
    private function addCodeBufferToHistory()
        $codeBuffer = \array_filter($this->codeBuffer, function ($line) {
            return !$line instanceof SilentInput;

        $this->addHistory(\implode("\n", $codeBuffer));

     * Get the current evaluation scope namespace.
     * @see CodeCleaner::getNamespace
     * @return string|null Current code namespace
    public function getNamespace()
        if ($namespace = $this->cleaner->getNamespace()) {
            return \implode('\\', $namespace);

     * Write a string to stdout.
     * This is used by the shell loop for rendering output from evaluated code.
     * @param string $out
     * @param int    $phase Output buffering phase
    public function writeStdout(string $out, int $phase = \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END)
        if ($phase & \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START) {
            if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {

        $isCleaning = $phase & \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEAN;

        // Incremental flush
        if ($out !== '' && !$isCleaning) {
            $this->output->write($out, false, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
            $this->outputWantsNewline = (\substr($out, -1) !== "\n");
            $this->stdoutBuffer .= $out;

        // Output buffering is done!
        if ($phase & \PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END) {
            // Write an extra newline if stdout didn't end with one
            if ($this->outputWantsNewline) {
                if (!$this->config->rawOutput() && !$this->config->outputIsPiped()) {
                    $this->output->writeln(\sprintf('<whisper>%s</whisper>', $this->config->useUnicode() ? '⏎' : '\\n'));
                } else {
                $this->outputWantsNewline = false;

            // Save the stdout buffer as $__out
            if ($this->stdoutBuffer !== '') {
                $this->stdoutBuffer = '';

            if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {

     * Write a return value to stdout.
     * The return value is formatted or pretty-printed, and rendered in a
     * visibly distinct manner (in this case, as cyan).
     * @see self::presentValue
     * @param mixed $ret
     * @param bool  $rawOutput Write raw var_export-style values
    public function writeReturnValue($ret, bool $rawOutput = false)
        $this->lastExecSuccess = true;

        if ($ret instanceof NoReturnValue) {


        if ($rawOutput) {
            $formatted = \var_export($ret, true);
        } else {
            $prompt = $this->config->theme()->returnValue();
            $indent = \str_repeat(' ', \strlen($prompt));
            $formatted = $this->presentValue($ret);
            $formattedRetValue = \sprintf('<whisper>%s</whisper>', $prompt);

            $formatted = $formattedRetValue.\str_replace(\PHP_EOL, \PHP_EOL.$indent, $formatted);

        if ($this->output instanceof ShellOutput) {
        } else {

     * Renders a caught Exception or Error.
     * Exceptions are formatted according to severity. ErrorExceptions which were
     * warnings or Strict errors aren't rendered as harshly as real errors.
     * Stores $e as the last Exception in the Shell Context.
     * @param \Throwable $e An exception or error instance
    public function writeException(\Throwable $e)
        // No need to write the break exception during a non-interactive run.
        if ($e instanceof BreakException && $this->nonInteractive) {


        // Break exceptions don't count :)
        if (!$e instanceof BreakException) {
            $this->lastExecSuccess = false;

        $output = $this->output;
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutput) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();

        if (!$this->config->theme()->compact()) {


        if (!$this->config->theme()->compact()) {

        // Include an exception trace (as long as this isn't a BreakException).
        if (!$e instanceof BreakException && $output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) {
            $trace = TraceFormatter::formatTrace($e);
            if (\count($trace) !== 0) {
                $output->write($trace, true);


     * Check whether the last exec was successful.
     * Returns true if a return value was logged rather than an exception.
    public function getLastExecSuccess(): bool
        return $this->lastExecSuccess;

     * Helper for formatting an exception or error for writeException().
     * @todo extract this to somewhere it makes more sense
     * @param \Throwable $e
    public function formatException(\Throwable $e): string
        $indent = $this->config->theme()->compact() ? '' : '  ';

        if ($e instanceof BreakException) {
            return \sprintf('%s<info> INFO </info> %s.', $indent, \rtrim($e->getRawMessage(), '.'));
        } elseif ($e instanceof PsyException) {
            $message = $e->getLine() > 1
                ? \sprintf('%s in %s on line %d', $e->getRawMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine())
                : \sprintf('%s in %s', $e->getRawMessage(), $e->getFile());

            $messageLabel = \strtoupper($this->getMessageLabel($e));
        } else {
            $message = $e->getMessage();
            $messageLabel = $this->getMessageLabel($e);

        $message = \preg_replace(
            "#(\\w:)?([\\\\/]\\w+)*[\\\\/]src[\\\\/]Execution(?:Loop)?Closure.php\(\d+\) : eval\(\)'d code#",
            "eval()'d code",

        $message = \str_replace(" in eval()'d code", '', $message);
        $message = \trim($message);

        // Ensures the given string ends with punctuation...
        if (!empty($message) && !\in_array(\substr($message, -1), ['.', '?', '!', ':'])) {
            $message = "$message.";

        // Ensures the given message only contains relative paths...
        $message = \str_replace(\getcwd().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $message);

        $severity = ($e instanceof \ErrorException) ? $this->getSeverity($e) : 'error';

        return \sprintf('%s<%s> %s </%s> %s', $indent, $severity, $messageLabel, $severity, OutputFormatter::escape($message));

     * Helper for getting an output style for the given ErrorException's level.
     * @param \ErrorException $e
    protected function getSeverity(\ErrorException $e): string
        $severity = $e->getSeverity();
        if ($severity & \error_reporting()) {
            switch ($severity) {
                case \E_WARNING:
                case \E_NOTICE:
                case \E_CORE_WARNING:
                case \E_COMPILE_WARNING:
                case \E_USER_WARNING:
                case \E_USER_NOTICE:
                case \E_USER_DEPRECATED:
                case \E_DEPRECATED:
                case \E_STRICT:
                    return 'warning';

                    return 'error';
        } else {
            // Since this is below the user's reporting threshold, it's always going to be a warning.
            return 'warning';

     * Helper for getting an output style for the given ErrorException's level.
     * @param \Throwable $e
    protected function getMessageLabel(\Throwable $e): string
        if ($e instanceof \ErrorException) {
            $severity = $e->getSeverity();

            if ($severity & \error_reporting()) {
                switch ($severity) {
                    case \E_WARNING:
                        return 'Warning';
                    case \E_NOTICE:
                        return 'Notice';
                    case \E_CORE_WARNING:
                        return 'Core Warning';
                    case \E_COMPILE_WARNING:
                        return 'Compile Warning';
                    case \E_USER_WARNING:
                        return 'User Warning';
                    case \E_USER_NOTICE:
                        return 'User Notice';
                    case \E_USER_DEPRECATED:
                        return 'User Deprecated';
                    case \E_DEPRECATED:
                        return 'Deprecated';
                    case \E_STRICT:
                        return 'Strict';

        if ($e instanceof PsyException) {
            $exceptionShortName = (new \ReflectionClass($e))->getShortName();
            $typeParts = \preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $exceptionShortName);
            \array_pop($typeParts); // Removes "Exception"

            return \trim(\strtoupper(\implode(' ', $typeParts)));

        return \get_class($e);

     * Execute code in the shell execution context.
     * @param string $code
     * @param bool   $throwExceptions
     * @return mixed
    public function execute(string $code, bool $throwExceptions = false)
        $this->setCode($code, true);
        $closure = new ExecutionClosure($this);

        if ($throwExceptions) {
            return $closure->execute();

        try {
            return $closure->execute();
        } catch (\Throwable $_e) {

     * Helper for throwing an ErrorException.
     * This allows us to:
     *     set_error_handler([$psysh, 'handleError']);
     * Unlike ErrorException::throwException, this error handler respects error
     * levels; i.e. it logs warnings and notices, but doesn't throw exceptions.
     * This should probably only be used in the inner execution loop of the
     * shell, as most of the time a thrown exception is much more useful.
     * If the error type matches the `errorLoggingLevel` config, it will be
     * logged as well, regardless of the `error_reporting` level.
     * @see \Psy\Exception\ErrorException::throwException
     * @see \Psy\Shell::writeException
     * @throws \Psy\Exception\ErrorException depending on the error level
     * @param int    $errno   Error type
     * @param string $errstr  Message
     * @param string $errfile Filename
     * @param int    $errline Line number
    public function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        // This is an error worth throwing.
        // n.b. Technically we can't handle all of these in userland code, but
        // we'll list 'em all for good measure
            ErrorException::throwException($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);

        // When errors are suppressed, the error_reporting value will differ
        // from when we started executing. In that case, we won't log errors.
        $errorsSuppressed = $this->errorReporting !== null && $this->errorReporting !== \error_reporting();

        // Otherwise log it and continue.
        if ($errno & \error_reporting() || (!$errorsSuppressed && ($errno & $this->config->errorLoggingLevel()))) {
            $this->writeException(new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline));

     * Format a value for display.
     * @see Presenter::present
     * @param mixed $val
     * @return string Formatted value
    protected function presentValue($val): string
        return $this->config->getPresenter()->present($val);

     * Get a command (if one exists) for the current input string.
     * @param string $input
     * @return BaseCommand|null
    protected function getCommand(string $input)
        $input = new StringInput($input);
        if ($name = $input->getFirstArgument()) {
            return $this->get($name);

     * Check whether a command is set for the current input string.
     * @param string $input
     * @return bool True if the shell has a command for the given input
    protected function hasCommand(string $input): bool
        if (\preg_match('/([^\s]+?)(?:\s|$)/A', \ltrim($input), $match)) {
            return $this->has($match[1]);

        return false;

     * Get the current input prompt.
     * @return string|null
    protected function getPrompt()
        if ($this->output->isQuiet()) {
            return null;

        $theme = $this->config->theme();

        if ($this->hasCode()) {
            return $theme->bufferPrompt();

        return $theme->prompt();

     * Read a line of user input.
     * This will return a line from the input buffer (if any exist). Otherwise,
     * it will ask the user for input.
     * If readline is enabled, this delegates to readline. Otherwise, it's an
     * ugly `fgets` call.
     * @param bool $interactive
     * @return string|false One line of user input
    protected function readline(bool $interactive = true)
        $prompt = $this->config->theme()->replayPrompt();

        if (!empty($this->inputBuffer)) {
            $line = \array_shift($this->inputBuffer);
            if (!$line instanceof SilentInput) {
                $this->output->writeln(\sprintf('<whisper>%s</whisper><aside>%s</aside>', $prompt, OutputFormatter::escape($line)));

            return $line;

        $bracketedPaste = $interactive && $this->config->useBracketedPaste();

        if ($bracketedPaste) {
            \printf("\e[?2004h"); // Enable bracketed paste

        $line = $this->readline->readline($this->getPrompt());

        if ($bracketedPaste) {
            \printf("\e[?2004l"); // ... and disable it again

        return $line;

     * Get the shell output header.
    protected function getHeader(): string
        return \sprintf('<whisper>%s by Justin Hileman</whisper>', $this->getVersion());

     * Get the current version of Psy Shell.
     * @deprecated call self::getVersionHeader instead
    public function getVersion(): string
        return self::getVersionHeader($this->config->useUnicode());

     * Get a pretty header including the current version of Psy Shell.
     * @param bool $useUnicode
    public static function getVersionHeader(bool $useUnicode = false): string
        $separator = $useUnicode ? '—' : '-';

        return \sprintf('Psy Shell %s (PHP %s %s %s)', self::VERSION, \PHP_VERSION, $separator, \PHP_SAPI);

     * Get a PHP manual database instance.
     * @return \PDO|null
    public function getManualDb()
        return $this->config->getManualDb();

     * @deprecated Tab completion is provided by the AutoCompleter service
    protected function autocomplete($text)
        @\trigger_error('Tab completion is provided by the AutoCompleter service', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);

     * Initialize tab completion matchers.
     * If tab completion is enabled this adds tab completion matchers to the
     * auto completer and sets context if needed.
    protected function initializeTabCompletion()
        if (!$this->config->useTabCompletion()) {

        $this->autoCompleter = $this->config->getAutoCompleter();

        // auto completer needs shell to be linked to configuration because of
        // the context aware matchers


     * Add matchers to the auto completer, setting context if needed.
     * @param array $matchers
    private function addMatchersToAutoCompleter(array $matchers)
        foreach ($matchers as $matcher) {
            if ($matcher instanceof ContextAware) {

     * @todo Implement prompt to start update
     * @return void|string
    protected function writeVersionInfo()
        if (\PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {

        try {
            $client = $this->config->getChecker();
            if (!$client->isLatest()) {
                $this->output->writeln(\sprintf('<whisper>New version is available at psysh.org/psysh (current: %s, latest: %s)</whisper>', self::VERSION, $client->getLatest()));
        } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {

     * Write a startup message if set.
    protected function writeStartupMessage()
        $message = $this->config->getStartupMessage();
        if ($message !== null && $message !== '') {


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CodeCleaner Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
ExecutionLoop Folder 0755
Formatter Folder 0755
Input Folder 0755
Output Folder 0755
Readline Folder 0755
Reflection Folder 0755
Sudo Folder 0755
TabCompletion Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
VarDumper Folder 0755
VersionUpdater Folder 0755
CodeCleaner.php File 11.86 KB 0644
ConfigPaths.php File 11.39 KB 0644
Configuration.php File 54.35 KB 0644
Context.php File 7.71 KB 0644
ContextAware.php File 567 B 0644
EnvInterface.php File 443 B 0644
ExecutionClosure.php File 2.25 KB 0644
ExecutionLoopClosure.php File 2.81 KB 0644
ParserFactory.php File 1.58 KB 0644
Shell.php File 47.2 KB 0644
Sudo.php File 5.28 KB 0644
SuperglobalsEnv.php File 620 B 0644
functions.php File 16.51 KB 0644