[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of Psy Shell.
 * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Psy\Command;

use PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard as Printer;
use Psy\CodeCleaner\NoReturnValue;
use Psy\Context;
use Psy\ContextAware;
use Psy\Exception\ErrorException;
use Psy\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Psy\Exception\UnexpectedTargetException;
use Psy\ParserFactory;
use Psy\Reflection\ReflectionClassConstant;
use Psy\Reflection\ReflectionConstant_;
use Psy\Sudo\SudoVisitor;
use Psy\Util\Mirror;

 * An abstract command with helpers for inspecting the current context.
abstract class ReflectingCommand extends Command implements ContextAware
    const CLASS_OR_FUNC = '/^[\\\\\w]+$/';
    const CLASS_MEMBER = '/^([\\\\\w]+)::(\w+)$/';
    const CLASS_STATIC = '/^([\\\\\w]+)::\$(\w+)$/';
    const INSTANCE_MEMBER = '/^(\$\w+)(::|->)(\w+)$/';

     * Context instance (for ContextAware interface).
     * @var Context
    protected $context;

    private $parser;
    private $traverser;
    private $printer;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __construct($name = null)
        $parserFactory = new ParserFactory();
        $this->parser = $parserFactory->createParser();

        $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser();
        $this->traverser->addVisitor(new SudoVisitor());

        $this->printer = new Printer();


     * ContextAware interface.
     * @param Context $context
    public function setContext(Context $context)
        $this->context = $context;

     * Get the target for a value.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException when the value specified can't be resolved
     * @param string $valueName Function, class, variable, constant, method or property name
     * @return array (class or instance name, member name, kind)
    protected function getTarget(string $valueName): array
        $valueName = \trim($valueName);
        $matches = [];
        switch (true) {
            case \preg_match(self::CLASS_OR_FUNC, $valueName, $matches):
                return [$this->resolveName($matches[0], true), null, 0];

            case \preg_match(self::CLASS_MEMBER, $valueName, $matches):
                return [$this->resolveName($matches[1]), $matches[2], Mirror::CONSTANT | Mirror::METHOD];

            case \preg_match(self::CLASS_STATIC, $valueName, $matches):
                return [$this->resolveName($matches[1]), $matches[2], Mirror::STATIC_PROPERTY | Mirror::PROPERTY];

            case \preg_match(self::INSTANCE_MEMBER, $valueName, $matches):
                if ($matches[2] === '->') {
                    $kind = Mirror::METHOD | Mirror::PROPERTY;
                } else {
                    $kind = Mirror::CONSTANT | Mirror::METHOD;

                return [$this->resolveObject($matches[1]), $matches[3], $kind];

                return [$this->resolveObject($valueName), null, 0];

     * Resolve a class or function name (with the current shell namespace).
     * @throws ErrorException when `self` or `static` is used in a non-class scope
     * @param string $name
     * @param bool   $includeFunctions (default: false)
    protected function resolveName(string $name, bool $includeFunctions = false): string
        $shell = $this->getApplication();

        // While not *technically* 100% accurate, let's treat `self` and `static` as equivalent.
        if (\in_array(\strtolower($name), ['self', 'static'])) {
            if ($boundClass = $shell->getBoundClass()) {
                return $boundClass;

            if ($boundObject = $shell->getBoundObject()) {
                return \get_class($boundObject);

            $msg = \sprintf('Cannot use "%s" when no class scope is active', \strtolower($name));
            throw new ErrorException($msg, 0, \E_USER_ERROR, "eval()'d code", 1);

        if (\substr($name, 0, 1) === '\\') {
            return $name;

        // Check $name against the current namespace and use statements.
        if (self::couldBeClassName($name)) {
            try {
                $name = $this->resolveCode($name.'::class');
            } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                // /shrug

        if ($namespace = $shell->getNamespace()) {
            $fullName = $namespace.'\\'.$name;

            if (\class_exists($fullName) || \interface_exists($fullName) || ($includeFunctions && \function_exists($fullName))) {
                return $fullName;

        return $name;

     * Check whether a given name could be a class name.
    protected function couldBeClassName(string $name): bool
        // Regex based on https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php#language.oop5.basic.class
        return \preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*(\\\\[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*)*$/', $name) === 1;

     * Get a Reflector and documentation for a function, class or instance, constant, method or property.
     * @param string $valueName Function, class, variable, constant, method or property name
     * @return array (value, Reflector)
    protected function getTargetAndReflector(string $valueName): array
        list($value, $member, $kind) = $this->getTarget($valueName);

        return [$value, Mirror::get($value, $member, $kind)];

     * Resolve code to a value in the current scope.
     * @throws RuntimeException when the code does not return a value in the current scope
     * @param string $code
     * @return mixed Variable value
    protected function resolveCode(string $code)
        try {
            // Add an implicit `sudo` to target resolution.
            $nodes = $this->traverser->traverse($this->parse($code));
            $sudoCode = $this->printer->prettyPrint($nodes);
            $value = $this->getApplication()->execute($sudoCode, true);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Swallow all exceptions?

        if (!isset($value) || $value instanceof NoReturnValue) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Unknown target: '.$code);

        return $value;

     * Lex and parse a string of code into statements.
     * @param string $code
     * @return array Statements
    private function parse($code)
        $code = '<?php '.$code;

        try {
            return $this->parser->parse($code);
        } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) {
            if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), 'unexpected EOF') === false) {
                throw $e;

            // If we got an unexpected EOF, let's try it again with a semicolon.
            return $this->parser->parse($code.';');

     * Resolve code to an object in the current scope.
     * @throws UnexpectedTargetException when the code resolves to a non-object value
     * @param string $code
     * @return object Variable instance
    private function resolveObject(string $code)
        $value = $this->resolveCode($code);

        if (!\is_object($value)) {
            throw new UnexpectedTargetException($value, 'Unable to inspect a non-object');

        return $value;

     * @deprecated Use `resolveCode` instead
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed Variable instance
    protected function resolveInstance(string $name)
        @\trigger_error('`resolveInstance` is deprecated; use `resolveCode` instead.', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        return $this->resolveCode($name);

     * Get a variable from the current shell scope.
     * @param string $name
     * @return mixed
    protected function getScopeVariable(string $name)
        return $this->context->get($name);

     * Get all scope variables from the current shell scope.
     * @return array
    protected function getScopeVariables(): array
        return $this->context->getAll();

     * Given a Reflector instance, set command-scope variables in the shell
     * execution context. This is used to inject magic $__class, $__method and
     * $__file variables (as well as a handful of others).
     * @param \Reflector $reflector
    protected function setCommandScopeVariables(\Reflector $reflector)
        $vars = [];

        switch (\get_class($reflector)) {
            case \ReflectionClass::class:
            case \ReflectionObject::class:
                $vars['__class'] = $reflector->name;
                if ($reflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $reflector->getNamespaceName();

            case \ReflectionMethod::class:
                $vars['__method'] = \sprintf('%s::%s', $reflector->class, $reflector->name);
                $vars['__class'] = $reflector->class;
                $classReflector = $reflector->getDeclaringClass();
                if ($classReflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $classReflector->getNamespaceName();

            case \ReflectionFunction::class:
                $vars['__function'] = $reflector->name;
                if ($reflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $reflector->getNamespaceName();

            case \ReflectionGenerator::class:
                $funcReflector = $reflector->getFunction();
                $vars['__function'] = $funcReflector->name;
                if ($funcReflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $funcReflector->getNamespaceName();
                if ($fileName = $reflector->getExecutingFile()) {
                    $vars['__file'] = $fileName;
                    $vars['__line'] = $reflector->getExecutingLine();
                    $vars['__dir'] = \dirname($fileName);

            case \ReflectionProperty::class:
            case \ReflectionClassConstant::class:
            case ReflectionClassConstant::class:
                $classReflector = $reflector->getDeclaringClass();
                $vars['__class'] = $classReflector->name;
                if ($classReflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $classReflector->getNamespaceName();
                // no line for these, but this'll do
                if ($fileName = $reflector->getDeclaringClass()->getFileName()) {
                    $vars['__file'] = $fileName;
                    $vars['__dir'] = \dirname($fileName);

            case ReflectionConstant_::class:
                if ($reflector->inNamespace()) {
                    $vars['__namespace'] = $reflector->getNamespaceName();

        if ($reflector instanceof \ReflectionClass || $reflector instanceof \ReflectionFunctionAbstract) {
            if ($fileName = $reflector->getFileName()) {
                $vars['__file'] = $fileName;
                $vars['__line'] = $reflector->getStartLine();
                $vars['__dir'] = \dirname($fileName);



Name Type Size Permission Actions
ListCommand Folder 0755
TimeitCommand Folder 0755
BufferCommand.php File 2.43 KB 0644
ClearCommand.php File 1.1 KB 0644
Command.php File 7.67 KB 0644
DocCommand.php File 9.03 KB 0644
DumpCommand.php File 2.55 KB 0644
EditCommand.php File 5.72 KB 0644
ExitCommand.php File 1.13 KB 0644
HelpCommand.php File 2.95 KB 0644
HistoryCommand.php File 7.51 KB 0644
ListCommand.php File 9.81 KB 0644
ParseCommand.php File 4.67 KB 0644
PsyVersionCommand.php File 953 B 0644
ReflectingCommand.php File 11.6 KB 0644
ShowCommand.php File 9.64 KB 0644
SudoCommand.php File 3.76 KB 0644
ThrowUpCommand.php File 4.36 KB 0644
TimeitCommand.php File 5.29 KB 0644
TraceCommand.php File 2.63 KB 0644
WhereamiCommand.php File 4.26 KB 0644
WtfCommand.php File 3.76 KB 0644