[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of Psy Shell.
 * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Psy\Command;

use Psy\Formatter\DocblockFormatter;
use Psy\Formatter\SignatureFormatter;
use Psy\Input\CodeArgument;
use Psy\Output\ShellOutput;
use Psy\Reflection\ReflectionClassConstant;
use Psy\Reflection\ReflectionConstant_;
use Psy\Reflection\ReflectionLanguageConstruct;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * Read the documentation for an object, class, constant, method or property.
class DocCommand extends ReflectingCommand
    const INHERIT_DOC_TAG = '{@inheritdoc}';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()
            ->setAliases(['rtfm', 'man'])
                new InputOption('all', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show documentation for superclasses as well as the current class.'),
                new CodeArgument('target', CodeArgument::REQUIRED, 'Function, class, instance, constant, method or property to document.'),
            ->setDescription('Read the documentation for an object, class, constant, method or property.')
Read the documentation for an object, class, constant, method or property.

It's awesome for well-documented code, not quite as awesome for poorly documented code.

<return>>>> doc preg_replace</return>
<return>>>> doc Psy\Shell</return>
<return>>>> doc Psy\Shell::debug</return>
<return>>>> \$s = new Psy\Shell</return>
<return>>>> doc \$s->run</return>

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an exit code
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $value = $input->getArgument('target');
        if (ReflectionLanguageConstruct::isLanguageConstruct($value)) {
            $reflector = new ReflectionLanguageConstruct($value);
            $doc = $this->getManualDocById($value);
        } else {
            list($target, $reflector) = $this->getTargetAndReflector($value);
            $doc = $this->getManualDoc($reflector) ?: DocblockFormatter::format($reflector);

        $db = $this->getApplication()->getManualDb();

        if ($output instanceof ShellOutput) {

        // Maybe include the declaring class
        if ($reflector instanceof \ReflectionMethod || $reflector instanceof \ReflectionProperty) {


        if (empty($doc) && !$db) {
            $output->writeln('<warning>PHP manual not found</warning>');
            $output->writeln('    To document core PHP functionality, download the PHP reference manual:');
            $output->writeln('    https://github.com/bobthecow/psysh/wiki/PHP-manual');
        } else {

        // Implicit --all if the original docblock has an {@inheritdoc} tag.
        if ($input->getOption('all') || \stripos($doc, self::INHERIT_DOC_TAG) !== false) {
            $parent = $reflector;
            foreach ($this->getParentReflectors($reflector) as $parent) {

                // Maybe include the declaring class
                if ($parent instanceof \ReflectionMethod || $parent instanceof \ReflectionProperty) {


                if ($doc = $this->getManualDoc($parent) ?: DocblockFormatter::format($parent)) {

        if ($output instanceof ShellOutput) {

        // Set some magic local variables

        return 0;

    private function getManualDoc($reflector)
        switch (\get_class($reflector)) {
            case \ReflectionClass::class:
            case \ReflectionObject::class:
            case \ReflectionFunction::class:
                $id = $reflector->name;

            case \ReflectionMethod::class:
                $id = $reflector->class.'::'.$reflector->name;

            case \ReflectionProperty::class:
                $id = $reflector->class.'::$'.$reflector->name;

            case \ReflectionClassConstant::class:
            case ReflectionClassConstant::class:
                // @todo this is going to collide with ReflectionMethod ids
                // someday... start running the query by id + type if the DB
                // supports it.
                $id = $reflector->class.'::'.$reflector->name;

            case ReflectionConstant_::class:
                $id = $reflector->name;

                return false;

        return $this->getManualDocById($id);

     * Get all all parent Reflectors for a given Reflector.
     * For example, passing a Class, Object or TraitReflector will yield all
     * traits and parent classes. Passing a Method or PropertyReflector will
     * yield Reflectors for the same-named method or property on all traits and
     * parent classes.
     * @return \Generator a whole bunch of \Reflector instances
    private function getParentReflectors($reflector): \Generator
        $seenClasses = [];

        switch (\get_class($reflector)) {
            case \ReflectionClass::class:
            case \ReflectionObject::class:
                foreach ($reflector->getTraits() as $trait) {
                    if (!\in_array($trait->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                        $seenClasses[] = $trait->getName();
                        yield $trait;

                foreach ($reflector->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
                    if (!\in_array($interface->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                        $seenClasses[] = $interface->getName();
                        yield $interface;

                while ($reflector = $reflector->getParentClass()) {
                    yield $reflector;

                    foreach ($reflector->getTraits() as $trait) {
                        if (!\in_array($trait->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                            $seenClasses[] = $trait->getName();
                            yield $trait;

                    foreach ($reflector->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
                        if (!\in_array($interface->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                            $seenClasses[] = $interface->getName();
                            yield $interface;


            case \ReflectionMethod::class:
                foreach ($this->getParentReflectors($reflector->getDeclaringClass()) as $parent) {
                    if ($parent->hasMethod($reflector->getName())) {
                        $parentMethod = $parent->getMethod($reflector->getName());
                        if (!\in_array($parentMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                            $seenClasses[] = $parentMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
                            yield $parentMethod;


            case \ReflectionProperty::class:
                foreach ($this->getParentReflectors($reflector->getDeclaringClass()) as $parent) {
                    if ($parent->hasProperty($reflector->getName())) {
                        $parentProperty = $parent->getProperty($reflector->getName());
                        if (!\in_array($parentProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $seenClasses)) {
                            $seenClasses[] = $parentProperty->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
                            yield $parentProperty;

    private function getManualDocById($id)
        if ($db = $this->getApplication()->getManualDb()) {
            $result = $db->query(\sprintf('SELECT doc FROM php_manual WHERE id = %s', $db->quote($id)));
            if ($result !== false) {
                return $result->fetchColumn(0);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ListCommand Folder 0755
TimeitCommand Folder 0755
BufferCommand.php File 2.43 KB 0644
ClearCommand.php File 1.1 KB 0644
Command.php File 7.67 KB 0644
DocCommand.php File 9.03 KB 0644
DumpCommand.php File 2.55 KB 0644
EditCommand.php File 5.72 KB 0644
ExitCommand.php File 1.13 KB 0644
HelpCommand.php File 2.95 KB 0644
HistoryCommand.php File 7.51 KB 0644
ListCommand.php File 9.81 KB 0644
ParseCommand.php File 4.67 KB 0644
PsyVersionCommand.php File 953 B 0644
ReflectingCommand.php File 11.6 KB 0644
ShowCommand.php File 9.64 KB 0644
SudoCommand.php File 3.76 KB 0644
ThrowUpCommand.php File 4.36 KB 0644
TimeitCommand.php File 5.29 KB 0644
TraceCommand.php File 2.63 KB 0644
WhereamiCommand.php File 4.26 KB 0644
WtfCommand.php File 3.76 KB 0644