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elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)


namespace Nette\Utils;

use Nette;

 * Validation utilities.
class Validators
	use Nette\StaticClass;

	private const BuiltinTypes = [
		'string' => 1, 'int' => 1, 'float' => 1, 'bool' => 1, 'array' => 1, 'object' => 1,
		'callable' => 1, 'iterable' => 1, 'void' => 1, 'null' => 1, 'mixed' => 1, 'false' => 1,
		'never' => 1, 'true' => 1,

	/** @var array<string,?callable> */
	protected static $validators = [
		// PHP types
		'array' => 'is_array',
		'bool' => 'is_bool',
		'boolean' => 'is_bool',
		'float' => 'is_float',
		'int' => 'is_int',
		'integer' => 'is_int',
		'null' => 'is_null',
		'object' => 'is_object',
		'resource' => 'is_resource',
		'scalar' => 'is_scalar',
		'string' => 'is_string',

		// pseudo-types
		'callable' => [self::class, 'isCallable'],
		'iterable' => 'is_iterable',
		'list' => [Arrays::class, 'isList'],
		'mixed' => [self::class, 'isMixed'],
		'none' => [self::class, 'isNone'],
		'number' => [self::class, 'isNumber'],
		'numeric' => [self::class, 'isNumeric'],
		'numericint' => [self::class, 'isNumericInt'],

		// string patterns
		'alnum' => 'ctype_alnum',
		'alpha' => 'ctype_alpha',
		'digit' => 'ctype_digit',
		'lower' => 'ctype_lower',
		'pattern' => null,
		'space' => 'ctype_space',
		'unicode' => [self::class, 'isUnicode'],
		'upper' => 'ctype_upper',
		'xdigit' => 'ctype_xdigit',

		// syntax validation
		'email' => [self::class, 'isEmail'],
		'identifier' => [self::class, 'isPhpIdentifier'],
		'uri' => [self::class, 'isUri'],
		'url' => [self::class, 'isUrl'],

		// environment validation
		'class' => 'class_exists',
		'interface' => 'interface_exists',
		'directory' => 'is_dir',
		'file' => 'is_file',
		'type' => [self::class, 'isType'],

	/** @var array<string,callable> */
	protected static $counters = [
		'string' => 'strlen',
		'unicode' => [Strings::class, 'length'],
		'array' => 'count',
		'list' => 'count',
		'alnum' => 'strlen',
		'alpha' => 'strlen',
		'digit' => 'strlen',
		'lower' => 'strlen',
		'space' => 'strlen',
		'upper' => 'strlen',
		'xdigit' => 'strlen',

	 * Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
	 * @throws AssertionException
	public static function assert(mixed $value, string $expected, string $label = 'variable'): void
		if (!static::is($value, $expected)) {
			$expected = str_replace(['|', ':'], [' or ', ' in range '], $expected);
			$translate = ['boolean' => 'bool', 'integer' => 'int', 'double' => 'float', 'NULL' => 'null'];
			$type = $translate[gettype($value)] ?? gettype($value);
			if (is_int($value) || is_float($value) || (is_string($value) && strlen($value) < 40)) {
				$type .= ' ' . var_export($value, true);
			} elseif (is_object($value)) {
				$type .= ' ' . $value::class;

			throw new AssertionException("The $label expects to be $expected, $type given.");

	 * Verifies that element $key in array is of expected types separated by pipe.
	 * @param  mixed[]  $array
	 * @throws AssertionException
	public static function assertField(
		array $array,
		?string $expected = null,
		string $label = "item '%' in array",
	): void
		if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
			throw new AssertionException('Missing ' . str_replace('%', $key, $label) . '.');

		} elseif ($expected) {
			static::assert($array[$key], $expected, str_replace('%', $key, $label));

	 * Verifies that the value is of expected types separated by pipe.
	public static function is(mixed $value, string $expected): bool
		foreach (explode('|', $expected) as $item) {
			if (str_ends_with($item, '[]')) {
				if (is_iterable($value) && self::everyIs($value, substr($item, 0, -2))) {
					return true;

			} elseif (str_starts_with($item, '?')) {
				$item = substr($item, 1);
				if ($value === null) {
					return true;

			[$type] = $item = explode(':', $item, 2);
			if (isset(static::$validators[$type])) {
				try {
					if (!static::$validators[$type]($value)) {
				} catch (\TypeError $e) {
			} elseif ($type === 'pattern') {
				if (Strings::match($value, '|^' . ($item[1] ?? '') . '$|D')) {
					return true;

			} elseif (!$value instanceof $type) {

			if (isset($item[1])) {
				$length = $value;
				if (isset(static::$counters[$type])) {
					$length = static::$counters[$type]($value);

				$range = explode('..', $item[1]);
				if (!isset($range[1])) {
					$range[1] = $range[0];

				if (($range[0] !== '' && $length < $range[0]) || ($range[1] !== '' && $length > $range[1])) {

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Finds whether all values are of expected types separated by pipe.
	 * @param  mixed[]  $values
	public static function everyIs(iterable $values, string $expected): bool
		foreach ($values as $value) {
			if (!static::is($value, $expected)) {
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Checks if the value is an integer or a float.
	public static function isNumber(mixed $value): bool
		return is_int($value) || is_float($value);

	 * Checks if the value is an integer or a integer written in a string.
	public static function isNumericInt(mixed $value): bool
		return is_int($value) || (is_string($value) && preg_match('#^[+-]?[0-9]+$#D', $value));

	 * Checks if the value is a number or a number written in a string.
	public static function isNumeric(mixed $value): bool
		return is_float($value) || is_int($value) || (is_string($value) && preg_match('#^[+-]?([0-9]++\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)$#D', $value));

	 * Checks if the value is a syntactically correct callback.
	public static function isCallable(mixed $value): bool
		return $value && is_callable($value, true);

	 * Checks if the value is a valid UTF-8 string.
	public static function isUnicode(mixed $value): bool
		return is_string($value) && preg_match('##u', $value);

	 * Checks if the value is 0, '', false or null.
	public static function isNone(mixed $value): bool
		return $value == null; // intentionally ==

	/** @internal */
	public static function isMixed(): bool
		return true;

	 * Checks if a variable is a zero-based integer indexed array.
	 * @deprecated  use Nette\Utils\Arrays::isList
	public static function isList(mixed $value): bool
		return Arrays::isList($value);

	 * Checks if the value is in the given range [min, max], where the upper or lower limit can be omitted (null).
	 * Numbers, strings and DateTime objects can be compared.
	public static function isInRange(mixed $value, array $range): bool
		if ($value === null || !(isset($range[0]) || isset($range[1]))) {
			return false;

		$limit = $range[0] ?? $range[1];
		if (is_string($limit)) {
			$value = (string) $value;
		} elseif ($limit instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
			if (!$value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
				return false;
		} elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
			$value *= 1;
		} else {
			return false;

		return (!isset($range[0]) || ($value >= $range[0])) && (!isset($range[1]) || ($value <= $range[1]));

	 * Checks if the value is a valid email address. It does not verify that the domain actually exists, only the syntax is verified.
	public static function isEmail(string $value): bool
		$atom = "[-a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]"; // RFC 5322 unquoted characters in local-part
		$alpha = "a-z\x80-\xFF"; // superset of IDN
		return (bool) preg_match(<<<XX
				("([ !#-[\\]-~]*|\\\\[ -~])+"|$atom+(\\.$atom+)*)  # quoted or unquoted
				([0-9$alpha]([-0-9$alpha]{0,61}[0-9$alpha])?\\.)+  # domain - RFC 1034
				[$alpha]([-0-9$alpha]{0,17}[$alpha])?              # top domain
			XX, $value);

	 * Checks if the value is a valid URL address.
	public static function isUrl(string $value): bool
		$alpha = "a-z\x80-\xFF";
		return (bool) preg_match(<<<XX
					(([-_0-9$alpha]+\\.)*                       # subdomain
						[0-9$alpha]([-0-9$alpha]{0,61}[0-9$alpha])?\\.)?  # domain
						[$alpha]([-0-9$alpha]{0,17}[$alpha])?   # top domain
					|\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}  # IPv4
					|\\[[0-9a-f:]{3,39}\\]                      # IPv6
				)(:\\d{1,5})?                                   # port
				(/\\S*)?                                        # path
				(\\?\\S*)?                                      # query
				(\\#\\S*)?                                      # fragment
			XX, $value);

	 * Checks if the value is a valid URI address, that is, actually a string beginning with a syntactically valid schema.
	public static function isUri(string $value): bool
		return (bool) preg_match('#^[a-z\d+\.-]+:\S+$#Di', $value);

	 * Checks whether the input is a class, interface or trait.
	 * @deprecated
	public static function isType(string $type): bool
		return class_exists($type) || interface_exists($type) || trait_exists($type);

	 * Checks whether the input is a valid PHP identifier.
	public static function isPhpIdentifier(string $value): bool
		return preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$#D', $value) === 1;

	 * Determines if type is PHP built-in type. Otherwise, it is the class name.
	public static function isBuiltinType(string $type): bool
		return isset(self::BuiltinTypes[strtolower($type)]);

	 * Determines if type is special class name self/parent/static.
	public static function isClassKeyword(string $name): bool
		return (bool) preg_match('#^(self|parent|static)$#Di', $name);

	 * Checks whether the given type declaration is syntactically valid.
	public static function isTypeDeclaration(string $type): bool
		return (bool) preg_match(<<<'XX'
				\?? (?<type> \\? (?<name> [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][\w\x7f-\xff]*) (\\ (?&name))* ) |
				(?<intersection> (?&type) (& (?&type))+ ) |
				(?<upart> (?&type) | \( (?&intersection) \) )  (\| (?&upart))+
			XX, $type);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ArrayHash.php File 1.78 KB 0644
ArrayList.php File 2.54 KB 0644
Arrays.php File 10.53 KB 0644
Callback.php File 3.45 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 2.89 KB 0644
FileInfo.php File 1.26 KB 0644
FileSystem.php File 9.09 KB 0644
Finder.php File 12.81 KB 0644
Floats.php File 2.07 KB 0644
Helpers.php File 2.5 KB 0644
Html.php File 19.02 KB 0644
Image.php File 21.27 KB 0644
Json.php File 2.22 KB 0644
ObjectHelpers.php File 6.85 KB 0644
Paginator.php File 4.04 KB 0644
Random.php File 1.07 KB 0644
Reflection.php File 8.35 KB 0644
Strings.php File 21.45 KB 0644
Type.php File 6.2 KB 0644
Validators.php File 10.08 KB 0644
exceptions.php File 775 B 0644