[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)


namespace Nette\Utils;

use Nette;

 * PHP reflection helpers.
final class Reflection
	use Nette\StaticClass;

	/** @deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isBuiltinType() */
	public static function isBuiltinType(string $type): bool
		return Validators::isBuiltinType($type);

	/** @deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isClassKeyword() */
	public static function isClassKeyword(string $name): bool
		return Validators::isClassKeyword($name);

	/** @deprecated use native ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue() */
	public static function getParameterDefaultValue(\ReflectionParameter $param): mixed
		if ($param->isDefaultValueConstant()) {
			$const = $orig = $param->getDefaultValueConstantName();
			$pair = explode('::', $const);
			if (isset($pair[1])) {
				$pair[0] = Type::resolve($pair[0], $param);
				try {
					$rcc = new \ReflectionClassConstant($pair[0], $pair[1]);
				} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
					$name = self::toString($param);
					throw new \ReflectionException("Unable to resolve constant $orig used as default value of $name.", 0, $e);

				return $rcc->getValue();

			} elseif (!defined($const)) {
				$const = substr((string) strrchr($const, '\\'), 1);
				if (!defined($const)) {
					$name = self::toString($param);
					throw new \ReflectionException("Unable to resolve constant $orig used as default value of $name.");

			return constant($const);

		return $param->getDefaultValue();

	 * Returns a reflection of a class or trait that contains a declaration of given property. Property can also be declared in the trait.
	public static function getPropertyDeclaringClass(\ReflectionProperty $prop): \ReflectionClass
		foreach ($prop->getDeclaringClass()->getTraits() as $trait) {
			if ($trait->hasProperty($prop->name)
				// doc-comment guessing as workaround for insufficient PHP reflection
				&& $trait->getProperty($prop->name)->getDocComment() === $prop->getDocComment()
			) {
				return self::getPropertyDeclaringClass($trait->getProperty($prop->name));

		return $prop->getDeclaringClass();

	 * Returns a reflection of a method that contains a declaration of $method.
	 * Usually, each method is its own declaration, but the body of the method can also be in the trait and under a different name.
	public static function getMethodDeclaringMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method): \ReflectionMethod
		// file & line guessing as workaround for insufficient PHP reflection
		$decl = $method->getDeclaringClass();
		if ($decl->getFileName() === $method->getFileName()
			&& $decl->getStartLine() <= $method->getStartLine()
			&& $decl->getEndLine() >= $method->getEndLine()
		) {
			return $method;

		$hash = [$method->getFileName(), $method->getStartLine(), $method->getEndLine()];
		if (($alias = $decl->getTraitAliases()[$method->name] ?? null)
			&& ($m = new \ReflectionMethod($alias))
			&& $hash === [$m->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $m->getEndLine()]
		) {
			return self::getMethodDeclaringMethod($m);

		foreach ($decl->getTraits() as $trait) {
			if ($trait->hasMethod($method->name)
				&& ($m = $trait->getMethod($method->name))
				&& $hash === [$m->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $m->getEndLine()]
			) {
				return self::getMethodDeclaringMethod($m);

		return $method;

	 * Finds out if reflection has access to PHPdoc comments. Comments may not be available due to the opcode cache.
	public static function areCommentsAvailable(): bool
		static $res;
		return $res ?? $res = (bool) (new \ReflectionMethod(__METHOD__))->getDocComment();

	public static function toString(\Reflector $ref): string
		if ($ref instanceof \ReflectionClass) {
			return $ref->name;
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionMethod) {
			return $ref->getDeclaringClass()->name . '::' . $ref->name . '()';
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionFunction) {
			return $ref->name . '()';
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionProperty) {
			return self::getPropertyDeclaringClass($ref)->name . '::$' . $ref->name;
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionParameter) {
			return '$' . $ref->name . ' in ' . self::toString($ref->getDeclaringFunction());
		} else {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException;

	 * Expands the name of the class to full name in the given context of given class.
	 * Thus, it returns how the PHP parser would understand $name if it were written in the body of the class $context.
	 * @throws Nette\InvalidArgumentException
	public static function expandClassName(string $name, \ReflectionClass $context): string
		$lower = strtolower($name);
		if (empty($name)) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Class name must not be empty.');

		} elseif (Validators::isBuiltinType($lower)) {
			return $lower;

		} elseif ($lower === 'self' || $lower === 'static') {
			return $context->name;

		} elseif ($lower === 'parent') {
			return $context->getParentClass()
				? $context->getParentClass()->name
				: 'parent';

		} elseif ($name[0] === '\\') { // fully qualified name
			return ltrim($name, '\\');

		$uses = self::getUseStatements($context);
		$parts = explode('\\', $name, 2);
		if (isset($uses[$parts[0]])) {
			$parts[0] = $uses[$parts[0]];
			return implode('\\', $parts);

		} elseif ($context->inNamespace()) {
			return $context->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $name;

		} else {
			return $name;

	/** @return array of [alias => class] */
	public static function getUseStatements(\ReflectionClass $class): array
		if ($class->isAnonymous()) {
			throw new Nette\NotImplementedException('Anonymous classes are not supported.');

		static $cache = [];
		if (!isset($cache[$name = $class->name])) {
			if ($class->isInternal()) {
				$cache[$name] = [];
			} else {
				$code = file_get_contents($class->getFileName());
				$cache = self::parseUseStatements($code, $name) + $cache;

		return $cache[$name];

	 * Parses PHP code to [class => [alias => class, ...]]
	private static function parseUseStatements(string $code, ?string $forClass = null): array
		try {
			$tokens = \PhpToken::tokenize($code, TOKEN_PARSE);
		} catch (\ParseError $e) {
			trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_NOTICE);
			$tokens = [];

		$namespace = $class = $classLevel = $level = null;
		$res = $uses = [];


		while ($token = current($tokens)) {
			switch ($token->id) {
				case T_NAMESPACE:
					$namespace = ltrim(self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens) . '\\', '\\');
					$uses = [];

				case T_CLASS:
				case T_INTERFACE:
				case T_TRAIT:
				case PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100
					? T_CLASS
					: T_ENUM:
					if ($name = self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)) {
						$class = $namespace . $name;
						$classLevel = $level + 1;
						$res[$class] = $uses;
						if ($class === $forClass) {
							return $res;


				case T_USE:
					while (!$class && ($name = self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens))) {
						$name = ltrim($name, '\\');
						if (self::fetch($tokens, '{')) {
							while ($suffix = self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens)) {
								if (self::fetch($tokens, T_AS)) {
									$uses[self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)] = $name . $suffix;
								} else {
									$tmp = explode('\\', $suffix);
									$uses[end($tmp)] = $name . $suffix;

								if (!self::fetch($tokens, ',')) {
						} elseif (self::fetch($tokens, T_AS)) {
							$uses[self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)] = $name;

						} else {
							$tmp = explode('\\', $name);
							$uses[end($tmp)] = $name;

						if (!self::fetch($tokens, ',')) {


				case T_CURLY_OPEN:
				case ord('{'):

				case ord('}'):
					if ($level === $classLevel) {
						$class = $classLevel = null;


		return $res;

	private static function fetch(array &$tokens, string|int|array $take): ?string
		$res = null;
		while ($token = current($tokens)) {
			if ($token->is($take)) {
				$res .= $token->text;
			} elseif (!$token->is([T_DOC_COMMENT, T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT])) {


		return $res;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ArrayHash.php File 1.78 KB 0644
ArrayList.php File 2.54 KB 0644
Arrays.php File 10.53 KB 0644
Callback.php File 3.45 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 2.89 KB 0644
FileInfo.php File 1.26 KB 0644
FileSystem.php File 9.09 KB 0644
Finder.php File 12.81 KB 0644
Floats.php File 2.07 KB 0644
Helpers.php File 2.5 KB 0644
Html.php File 19.02 KB 0644
Image.php File 21.27 KB 0644
Json.php File 2.22 KB 0644
ObjectHelpers.php File 6.85 KB 0644
Paginator.php File 4.04 KB 0644
Random.php File 1.07 KB 0644
Reflection.php File 8.35 KB 0644
Strings.php File 21.45 KB 0644
Type.php File 6.2 KB 0644
Validators.php File 10.08 KB 0644
exceptions.php File 775 B 0644