[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Carbon package.
 * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Carbon\Traits;

use Carbon\CarbonConverterInterface;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\CarbonInterval;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnitException;
use Closure;
use DateInterval;
use ReturnTypeWillChange;

 * Trait Units.
 * Add, subtract and set units.
trait Units
     * Add seconds to the instance using timestamp. Positive $value travels
     * forward while negative $value travels into the past.
     * @param string $unit
     * @param int    $value
     * @return static
    public function addRealUnit($unit, $value = 1)
        switch ($unit) {
            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'micro':

            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'microsecond':
                /* @var CarbonInterface $this */
                $diff = $this->microsecond + $value;
                $time = $this->getTimestamp();
                $seconds = (int) floor($diff / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND);
                $time += $seconds;
                $diff -= $seconds * static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
                $microtime = str_pad((string) $diff, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $tz = $this->tz;

                return $this->tz('UTC')->modify("@$time.$microtime")->tz($tz);

            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'milli':
            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'millisecond':
                return $this->addRealUnit('microsecond', $value * static::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);

            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'second':

            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'minute':
                $value *= static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'hour':
                $value *= static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'day':
                $value *= static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'week':
                $value *= static::DAYS_PER_WEEK * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'month':
                $value *= 30 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'quarter':
                $value *= static::MONTHS_PER_QUARTER * 30 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'year':
                $value *= 365 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'decade':
                $value *= static::YEARS_PER_DECADE * 365 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'century':
                $value *= static::YEARS_PER_CENTURY * 365 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


            // @call addRealUnit
            case 'millennium':
                $value *= static::YEARS_PER_MILLENNIUM * 365 * static::HOURS_PER_DAY * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;


                if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
                    throw new UnitException("Invalid unit for real timestamp add/sub: '$unit'");

                return $this;

        /* @var CarbonInterface $this */
        return $this->setTimestamp((int) ($this->getTimestamp() + $value));

    public function subRealUnit($unit, $value = 1)
        return $this->addRealUnit($unit, -$value);

     * Returns true if a property can be changed via setter.
     * @param string $unit
     * @return bool
    public static function isModifiableUnit($unit)
        static $modifiableUnits = [
            // @call addUnit
            // @call addUnit
            // @call addUnit
            // @call addUnit
            // @call addUnit
            // @call addUnit

        return \in_array($unit, $modifiableUnits, true) || \in_array($unit, static::$units, true);

     * Call native PHP DateTime/DateTimeImmutable add() method.
     * @param DateInterval $interval
     * @return static
    public function rawAdd(DateInterval $interval)
        return parent::add($interval);

     * Add given units or interval to the current instance.
     * @example $date->add('hour', 3)
     * @example $date->add(15, 'days')
     * @example $date->add(CarbonInterval::days(4))
     * @param string|DateInterval|Closure|CarbonConverterInterface $unit
     * @param int                                                  $value
     * @param bool|null                                            $overflow
     * @return static
    public function add($unit, $value = 1, $overflow = null)
        if (\is_string($unit) && \func_num_args() === 1) {
            $unit = CarbonInterval::make($unit);

        if ($unit instanceof CarbonConverterInterface) {
            return $this->resolveCarbon($unit->convertDate($this, false));

        if ($unit instanceof Closure) {
            return $this->resolveCarbon($unit($this, false));

        if ($unit instanceof DateInterval) {
            return parent::add($unit);

        if (is_numeric($unit)) {
            [$value, $unit] = [$unit, $value];

        return $this->addUnit($unit, $value, $overflow);

     * Add given units to the current instance.
     * @param string    $unit
     * @param int       $value
     * @param bool|null $overflow
     * @return static
    public function addUnit($unit, $value = 1, $overflow = null)
        $originalArgs = \func_get_args();

        $date = $this;

        if (!is_numeric($value) || !(float) $value) {
            return $date->isMutable() ? $date : $date->avoidMutation();

        $unit = self::singularUnit($unit);
        $metaUnits = [
            'millennium' => [static::YEARS_PER_MILLENNIUM, 'year'],
            'century' => [static::YEARS_PER_CENTURY, 'year'],
            'decade' => [static::YEARS_PER_DECADE, 'year'],
            'quarter' => [static::MONTHS_PER_QUARTER, 'month'],

        if (isset($metaUnits[$unit])) {
            [$factor, $unit] = $metaUnits[$unit];
            $value *= $factor;

        if ($unit === 'weekday') {
            $weekendDays = static::getWeekendDays();

            if ($weekendDays !== [static::SATURDAY, static::SUNDAY]) {
                $absoluteValue = abs($value);
                $sign = $value / max(1, $absoluteValue);
                $weekDaysCount = 7 - min(6, \count(array_unique($weekendDays)));
                $weeks = floor($absoluteValue / $weekDaysCount);

                for ($diff = $absoluteValue % $weekDaysCount; $diff; $diff--) {
                    /** @var static $date */
                    $date = $date->addDays($sign);

                    while (\in_array($date->dayOfWeek, $weekendDays, true)) {
                        $date = $date->addDays($sign);

                $value = $weeks * $sign;
                $unit = 'week';

            $timeString = $date->toTimeString();
        } elseif ($canOverflow = (\in_array($unit, [
            ]) && ($overflow === false || (
                $overflow === null &&
                ($ucUnit = ucfirst($unit).'s') &&
                !($this->{'local'.$ucUnit.'Overflow'} ?? static::{'shouldOverflow'.$ucUnit}())
            )))) {
            $day = $date->day;

        $value = (int) $value;

        if ($unit === 'milli' || $unit === 'millisecond') {
            $unit = 'microsecond';
            $value *= static::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;

        // Work-around for bug https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=75642
        if ($unit === 'micro' || $unit === 'microsecond') {
            $microseconds = $this->micro + $value;
            $second = (int) floor($microseconds / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND);
            $microseconds %= static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
            if ($microseconds < 0) {
                $microseconds += static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
            $date = $date->microseconds($microseconds);
            $unit = 'second';
            $value = $second;
        $date = $date->modify("$value $unit");

        if (isset($timeString)) {
            $date = $date->setTimeFromTimeString($timeString);
        } elseif (isset($canOverflow, $day) && $canOverflow && $day !== $date->day) {
            $date = $date->modify('last day of previous month');

        if (!$date) {
            throw new UnitException('Unable to add unit '.var_export($originalArgs, true));

        return $date;

     * Subtract given units to the current instance.
     * @param string    $unit
     * @param int       $value
     * @param bool|null $overflow
     * @return static
    public function subUnit($unit, $value = 1, $overflow = null)
        return $this->addUnit($unit, -$value, $overflow);

     * Call native PHP DateTime/DateTimeImmutable sub() method.
     * @param DateInterval $interval
     * @return static
    public function rawSub(DateInterval $interval)
        return parent::sub($interval);

     * Subtract given units or interval to the current instance.
     * @example $date->sub('hour', 3)
     * @example $date->sub(15, 'days')
     * @example $date->sub(CarbonInterval::days(4))
     * @param string|DateInterval|Closure|CarbonConverterInterface $unit
     * @param int                                                  $value
     * @param bool|null                                            $overflow
     * @return static
    public function sub($unit, $value = 1, $overflow = null)
        if (\is_string($unit) && \func_num_args() === 1) {
            $unit = CarbonInterval::make($unit);

        if ($unit instanceof CarbonConverterInterface) {
            return $this->resolveCarbon($unit->convertDate($this, true));

        if ($unit instanceof Closure) {
            return $this->resolveCarbon($unit($this, true));

        if ($unit instanceof DateInterval) {
            return parent::sub($unit);

        if (is_numeric($unit)) {
            [$value, $unit] = [$unit, $value];

        return $this->addUnit($unit, -(float) $value, $overflow);

     * Subtract given units or interval to the current instance.
     * @see sub()
     * @param string|DateInterval $unit
     * @param int                 $value
     * @param bool|null           $overflow
     * @return static
    public function subtract($unit, $value = 1, $overflow = null)
        if (\is_string($unit) && \func_num_args() === 1) {
            $unit = CarbonInterval::make($unit);

        return $this->sub($unit, $value, $overflow);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Boundaries.php File 11.04 KB 0644
Cast.php File 1.06 KB 0644
Comparison.php File 34.63 KB 0644
Converter.php File 14.84 KB 0644
Creator.php File 30.37 KB 0644
Date.php File 161.43 KB 0644
DeprecatedProperties.php File 1.57 KB 0644
Difference.php File 52.91 KB 0644
IntervalRounding.php File 1.54 KB 0644
IntervalStep.php File 2.29 KB 0644
Localization.php File 28.59 KB 0644
Macro.php File 3.02 KB 0644
MagicParameter.php File 721 B 0644
Mixin.php File 4.58 KB 0644
Modifiers.php File 13.44 KB 0644
Mutability.php File 1.3 KB 0644
ObjectInitialisation.php File 422 B 0644
Options.php File 12.78 KB 0644
Rounding.php File 7.54 KB 0644
Serialization.php File 8.29 KB 0644
Test.php File 7.56 KB 0644
Timestamp.php File 6.44 KB 0644
ToStringFormat.php File 1.43 KB 0644
Units.php File 11.89 KB 0644
Week.php File 7.22 KB 0644