[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Carbon package.
 * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Carbon\Traits;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\CarbonInterval;
use Carbon\CarbonPeriod;
use Carbon\Translator;
use Closure;
use DateInterval;
use DateTimeInterface;
use ReturnTypeWillChange;

 * Trait Difference.
 * Depends on the following methods:
 * @method bool lessThan($date)
 * @method static copy()
 * @method static resolveCarbon($date = null)
 * @method static Translator translator()
trait Difference
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
     * @param CarbonInterval $diff
    protected static function fixNegativeMicroseconds(CarbonInterval $diff)
        if ($diff->s !== 0 || $diff->i !== 0 || $diff->h !== 0 || $diff->d !== 0 || $diff->m !== 0 || $diff->y !== 0) {
            $diff->f = (round($diff->f * 1000000) + 1000000) / 1000000;

            if ($diff->s < 0) {
                $diff->s += 60;

                if ($diff->i < 0) {
                    $diff->i += 60;

                    if ($diff->h < 0) {
                        $diff->h += 24;

                        if ($diff->d < 0) {
                            $diff->d += 30;

                            if ($diff->m < 0) {
                                $diff->m += 12;


        $diff->f *= -1;

     * @param DateInterval $diff
     * @param bool         $absolute
     * @return CarbonInterval
    protected static function fixDiffInterval(DateInterval $diff, $absolute, array $skip = [])
        $diff = CarbonInterval::instance($diff, $skip);

        // Work-around for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=77145
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
        if ($diff->f > 0 && $diff->y === -1 && $diff->m === 11 && $diff->d >= 27 && $diff->h === 23 && $diff->i === 59 && $diff->s === 59) {
            $diff->y = 0;
            $diff->m = 0;
            $diff->d = 0;
            $diff->h = 0;
            $diff->i = 0;
            $diff->s = 0;
            $diff->f = (1000000 - round($diff->f * 1000000)) / 1000000;
        } elseif ($diff->f < 0) {
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        if ($absolute && $diff->invert) {

        return $diff;

     * Get the difference as a DateInterval instance.
     * Return relative interval (negative if $absolute flag is not set to true and the given date is before
     * current one).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return DateInterval
    public function diff($date = null, $absolute = false)
        $other = $this->resolveCarbon($date);

        // Work-around for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81458
        // It was initially introduced for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=80998
        // The very specific case of 80998 was fixed in PHP 8.1beta3, but it introduced 81458
        // So we still need to keep this for now
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0-dev', '>=') && $other->tz !== $this->tz) {
            $other = $other->avoidMutation()->tz($this->tz);
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        return parent::diff($other, (bool) $absolute);

     * Get the difference as a CarbonInterval instance.
     * Return relative interval (negative if $absolute flag is not set to true and the given date is before
     * current one).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return CarbonInterval
    public function diffAsCarbonInterval($date = null, $absolute = true, array $skip = [])
        return static::fixDiffInterval($this->diff($this->resolveCarbon($date), $absolute), $absolute, $skip);

     * Get the difference in years
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInYears($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) $this->diff($this->resolveCarbon($date), $absolute)->format('%r%y');

     * Get the difference in quarters rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInQuarters($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInMonths($date, $absolute) / static::MONTHS_PER_QUARTER);

     * Get the difference in months rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInMonths($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date)->avoidMutation()->tz($this->tz);

        [$yearStart, $monthStart, $dayStart] = explode('-', $this->format('Y-m-dHisu'));
        [$yearEnd, $monthEnd, $dayEnd] = explode('-', $date->format('Y-m-dHisu'));

        $diff = (((int) $yearEnd) - ((int) $yearStart)) * static::MONTHS_PER_YEAR +
            ((int) $monthEnd) - ((int) $monthStart);

        if ($diff > 0) {
            $diff -= ($dayStart > $dayEnd ? 1 : 0);
        } elseif ($diff < 0) {
            $diff += ($dayStart < $dayEnd ? 1 : 0);

        return $absolute ? abs($diff) : $diff;

     * Get the difference in weeks rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInWeeks($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInDays($date, $absolute) / static::DAYS_PER_WEEK);

     * Get the difference in days rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInDays($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->getIntervalDayDiff($this->diff($this->resolveCarbon($date), $absolute));

     * Get the difference in days using a filter closure rounded down.
     * @param Closure                                                $callback
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInDaysFiltered(Closure $callback, $date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->diffFiltered(CarbonInterval::day(), $callback, $date, $absolute);

     * Get the difference in hours using a filter closure rounded down.
     * @param Closure                                                $callback
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInHoursFiltered(Closure $callback, $date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->diffFiltered(CarbonInterval::hour(), $callback, $date, $absolute);

     * Get the difference by the given interval using a filter closure.
     * @param CarbonInterval                                         $ci       An interval to traverse by
     * @param Closure                                                $callback
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffFiltered(CarbonInterval $ci, Closure $callback, $date = null, $absolute = true)
        $start = $this;
        $end = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $inverse = false;

        if ($end < $start) {
            $start = $end;
            $end = $this;
            $inverse = true;

        $options = CarbonPeriod::EXCLUDE_END_DATE | ($this->isMutable() ? 0 : CarbonPeriod::IMMUTABLE);
        $diff = $ci->toPeriod($start, $end, $options)->filter($callback)->count();

        return $inverse && !$absolute ? -$diff : $diff;

     * Get the difference in weekdays rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInWeekdays($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->diffInDaysFiltered(function (CarbonInterface $date) {
            return $date->isWeekday();
        }, $date, $absolute);

     * Get the difference in weekend days using a filter rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInWeekendDays($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->diffInDaysFiltered(function (CarbonInterface $date) {
            return $date->isWeekend();
        }, $date, $absolute);

     * Get the difference in hours rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInHours($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR);

     * Get the difference in hours rounded down using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInRealHours($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInRealSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR);

     * Get the difference in minutes rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInMinutes($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);

     * Get the difference in minutes rounded down using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInRealMinutes($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInRealSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);

     * Get the difference in seconds rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInSeconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $diff = $this->diff($date);

        if ($diff->days === 0) {
            $diff = static::fixDiffInterval($diff, $absolute);

        $value = (((($diff->m || $diff->y ? $diff->days : $diff->d) * static::HOURS_PER_DAY) +
            $diff->h) * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR +
            $diff->i) * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE +

        return $absolute || !$diff->invert ? $value : -$value;

     * Get the difference in microseconds.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInMicroseconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $diff = $this->diff($date);
        $value = (int) round(((((($diff->m || $diff->y ? $diff->days : $diff->d) * static::HOURS_PER_DAY) +
            $diff->h) * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR +
            $diff->i) * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE +
            ($diff->f + $diff->s)) * static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND);

        return $absolute || !$diff->invert ? $value : -$value;

     * Get the difference in milliseconds rounded down.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInMilliseconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInMicroseconds($date, $absolute) / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);

     * Get the difference in seconds using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInRealSeconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        /** @var CarbonInterface $date */
        $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $value = $date->getTimestamp() - $this->getTimestamp();

        return $absolute ? abs($value) : $value;

     * Get the difference in microseconds using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInRealMicroseconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        /** @var CarbonInterface $date */
        $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $value = ($date->timestamp - $this->timestamp) * static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND +
            $date->micro - $this->micro;

        return $absolute ? abs($value) : $value;

     * Get the difference in milliseconds rounded down using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return int
    public function diffInRealMilliseconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (int) ($this->diffInRealMicroseconds($date, $absolute) / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);

     * Get the difference in seconds as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInSeconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return (float) ($this->diffInMicroseconds($date, $absolute) / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND);

     * Get the difference in minutes as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInMinutes($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;

     * Get the difference in hours as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInHours($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInMinutes($date, $absolute) / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR;

     * Get the difference in days as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInDays($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $hoursDiff = $this->floatDiffInHours($date, $absolute);
        $interval = $this->diff($date, $absolute);

        if ($interval->y === 0 && $interval->m === 0 && $interval->d === 0) {
            return $hoursDiff / static::HOURS_PER_DAY;

        $daysDiff = $this->getIntervalDayDiff($interval);

        return $daysDiff + fmod($hoursDiff, static::HOURS_PER_DAY) / static::HOURS_PER_DAY;

     * Get the difference in weeks as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInWeeks($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInDays($date, $absolute) / static::DAYS_PER_WEEK;

     * Get the difference in months as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInMonths($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $start = $this;
        $end = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $ascending = ($start <= $end);
        $sign = $absolute || $ascending ? 1 : -1;
        if (!$ascending) {
            [$start, $end] = [$end, $start];
        $monthsDiff = $start->diffInMonths($end);
        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $floorEnd */
        $floorEnd = $start->avoidMutation()->addMonths($monthsDiff);

        if ($floorEnd >= $end) {
            return $sign * $monthsDiff;

        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd */
        $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd = $floorEnd->avoidMutation()->addMonth()->startOfMonth();

        if ($startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd > $end) {
            return $sign * ($monthsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInDays($end) / $floorEnd->daysInMonth);

        return $sign * ($monthsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInDays($startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd) / $floorEnd->daysInMonth + $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd->floatDiffInDays($end) / $end->daysInMonth);

     * Get the difference in year as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInYears($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $start = $this;
        $end = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $ascending = ($start <= $end);
        $sign = $absolute || $ascending ? 1 : -1;
        if (!$ascending) {
            [$start, $end] = [$end, $start];
        $yearsDiff = $start->diffInYears($end);
        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $floorEnd */
        $floorEnd = $start->avoidMutation()->addYears($yearsDiff);

        if ($floorEnd >= $end) {
            return $sign * $yearsDiff;

        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd */
        $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd = $floorEnd->avoidMutation()->addYear()->startOfYear();

        if ($startOfYearAfterFloorEnd > $end) {
            return $sign * ($yearsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInDays($end) / $floorEnd->daysInYear);

        return $sign * ($yearsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInDays($startOfYearAfterFloorEnd) / $floorEnd->daysInYear + $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd->floatDiffInDays($end) / $end->daysInYear);

     * Get the difference in seconds as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealSeconds($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->diffInRealMicroseconds($date, $absolute) / static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;

     * Get the difference in minutes as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealMinutes($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInRealSeconds($date, $absolute) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;

     * Get the difference in hours as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealHours($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInRealMinutes($date, $absolute) / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR;

     * Get the difference in days as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealDays($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $date = $this->resolveUTC($date);
        $utc = $this->avoidMutation()->utc();
        $hoursDiff = $utc->floatDiffInRealHours($date, $absolute);

        return ($hoursDiff < 0 ? -1 : 1) * $utc->diffInDays($date) + fmod($hoursDiff, static::HOURS_PER_DAY) / static::HOURS_PER_DAY;

     * Get the difference in weeks as float (microsecond-precision).
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealWeeks($date = null, $absolute = true)
        return $this->floatDiffInRealDays($date, $absolute) / static::DAYS_PER_WEEK;

     * Get the difference in months as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealMonths($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $start = $this;
        $end = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $ascending = ($start <= $end);
        $sign = $absolute || $ascending ? 1 : -1;
        if (!$ascending) {
            [$start, $end] = [$end, $start];
        $monthsDiff = $start->diffInMonths($end);
        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $floorEnd */
        $floorEnd = $start->avoidMutation()->addMonths($monthsDiff);

        if ($floorEnd >= $end) {
            return $sign * $monthsDiff;

        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd */
        $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd = $floorEnd->avoidMutation()->addMonth()->startOfMonth();

        if ($startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd > $end) {
            return $sign * ($monthsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($end) / $floorEnd->daysInMonth);

        return $sign * ($monthsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd) / $floorEnd->daysInMonth + $startOfMonthAfterFloorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($end) / $end->daysInMonth);

     * Get the difference in year as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps.
     * @param \Carbon\CarbonInterface|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
     * @param bool                                                   $absolute Get the absolute of the difference
     * @return float
    public function floatDiffInRealYears($date = null, $absolute = true)
        $start = $this;
        $end = $this->resolveCarbon($date);
        $ascending = ($start <= $end);
        $sign = $absolute || $ascending ? 1 : -1;
        if (!$ascending) {
            [$start, $end] = [$end, $start];
        $yearsDiff = $start->diffInYears($end);
        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $floorEnd */
        $floorEnd = $start->avoidMutation()->addYears($yearsDiff);

        if ($floorEnd >= $end) {
            return $sign * $yearsDiff;

        /** @var Carbon|CarbonImmutable $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd */
        $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd = $floorEnd->avoidMutation()->addYear()->startOfYear();

        if ($startOfYearAfterFloorEnd > $end) {
            return $sign * ($yearsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($end) / $floorEnd->daysInYear);

        return $sign * ($yearsDiff + $floorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($startOfYearAfterFloorEnd) / $floorEnd->daysInYear + $startOfYearAfterFloorEnd->floatDiffInRealDays($end) / $end->daysInYear);

     * The number of seconds since midnight.
     * @return int
    public function secondsSinceMidnight()
        return $this->diffInSeconds($this->avoidMutation()->startOfDay());

     * The number of seconds until 23:59:59.
     * @return int
    public function secondsUntilEndOfDay()
        return $this->diffInSeconds($this->avoidMutation()->endOfDay());

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
     * instance given (or now if null given).
     * @example
     * ```
     * echo Carbon::tomorrow()->diffForHumans() . "\n";
     * echo Carbon::tomorrow()->diffForHumans(['parts' => 2]) . "\n";
     * echo Carbon::tomorrow()->diffForHumans(['parts' => 3, 'join' => true]) . "\n";
     * echo Carbon::tomorrow()->diffForHumans(Carbon::yesterday()) . "\n";
     * echo Carbon::tomorrow()->diffForHumans(Carbon::yesterday(), ['short' => true]) . "\n";
     * ```
     * @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other   if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
     *                                                             if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
     *                                                             if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
     * @param int|array                                   $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                                                             - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'skip' entry, list of units to skip (array of strings or a single string,
     *                                                             ` it can be the unit name (singular or plural) or its shortcut
     *                                                             ` (y, m, w, d, h, min, s, ms, µs).
     *                                                             - 'aUnit' entry, prefer "an hour" over "1 hour" if true
     *                                                             - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                                                             `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                                                             `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                                                             `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                                                             - 'other' entry (see above)
     *                                                             - 'minimumUnit' entry determines the smallest unit of time to display can be long or
     *                                                             `  short form of the units, e.g. 'hour' or 'h' (default value: s)
     *                                                             if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                                                             Possible values:
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                                                             Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool                                        $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int                                         $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
     * @param int                                         $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function diffForHumans($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        /* @var CarbonInterface $this */
        if (\is_array($other)) {
            $other['syntax'] = \array_key_exists('syntax', $other) ? $other['syntax'] : $syntax;
            $syntax = $other;
            $other = $syntax['other'] ?? null;

        $intSyntax = &$syntax;
        if (\is_array($syntax)) {
            $syntax['syntax'] = $syntax['syntax'] ?? null;
            $intSyntax = &$syntax['syntax'];
        $intSyntax = (int) ($intSyntax ?? static::DIFF_RELATIVE_AUTO);
        $intSyntax = $intSyntax === static::DIFF_RELATIVE_AUTO && $other === null ? static::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW : $intSyntax;

        $parts = min(7, max(1, (int) $parts));
        $skip = \is_array($syntax) ? ($syntax['skip'] ?? []) : [];

        return $this->diffAsCarbonInterval($other, false, (array) $skip)
            ->forHumans($syntax, (bool) $short, $parts, $options ?? $this->localHumanDiffOptions ?? static::getHumanDiffOptions());

     * @alias diffForHumans
     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
     * instance given (or now if null given).
     * @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other   if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
     *                                                             if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
     *                                                             if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
     * @param int|array                                   $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                                                             - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                                                             `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                                                             `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                                                             `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                                                             - 'other' entry (see above)
     *                                                             if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                                                             Possible values:
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                                                             Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool                                        $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int                                         $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
     * @param int                                         $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function from($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        return $this->diffForHumans($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * @alias diffForHumans
     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
     * instance given (or now if null given).
    public function since($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        return $this->diffForHumans($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
     * instance given (or now if null given) to current instance.
     * When comparing a value in the past to default now:
     * 1 hour from now
     * 5 months from now
     * When comparing a value in the future to default now:
     * 1 hour ago
     * 5 months ago
     * When comparing a value in the past to another value:
     * 1 hour after
     * 5 months after
     * When comparing a value in the future to another value:
     * 1 hour before
     * 5 months before
     * @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other   if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
     *                                                             if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
     *                                                             if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
     * @param int|array                                   $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                                                             - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                                                             `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                                                             `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                                                             `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                                                             - 'other' entry (see above)
     *                                                             if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                                                             Possible values:
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                                                             Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool                                        $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int                                         $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
     * @param int                                         $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function to($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        if (!$syntax && !$other) {
            $syntax = CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW;

        return $this->resolveCarbon($other)->diffForHumans($this, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * @alias to
     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
     * instance given (or now if null given) to current instance.
     * @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other   if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
     *                                                             if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
     *                                                             if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
     * @param int|array                                   $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                                                             - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                                                             - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                                                             `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                                                             `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                                                             `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                                                             `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                                                             `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                                                             - 'other' entry (see above)
     *                                                             if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                                                             Possible values:
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                                                             - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                                                             Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool                                        $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int                                         $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
     * @param int                                         $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function until($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        return $this->to($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current
     * instance to now.
     * @param int|array $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                           - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                           `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                           `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                           `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                           `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                           `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                           `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                           if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                           Possible values:
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                           Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool      $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int       $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
     * @param int       $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function fromNow($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        $other = null;

        if ($syntax instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            [$other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options] = array_pad(\func_get_args(), 5, null);

        return $this->from($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
     * instance given to now
     * @param int|array $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                           - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                           `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                           `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                           `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                           `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                           `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                           `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                           if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                           Possible values:
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                           Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool      $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int       $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single part)
     * @param int       $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function toNow($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        return $this->to(null, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
     * instance given to now
     * @param int|array $syntax  if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
     *                           - 'syntax' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'short' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'parts' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'options' entry (see below)
     *                           - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
     *                           `  - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
     *                           `  - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
     *                           `  - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
     *                           `    will be used instead of the glue for the last item
     *                           `  - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
     *                           `  - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
     *                           if int passed, it add modifiers:
     *                           Possible values:
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE          no modifiers
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW   add ago/from now modifier
     *                           - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
     *                           Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
     * @param bool      $short   displays short format of time units
     * @param int       $parts   maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single part)
     * @param int       $options human diff options
     * @return string
    public function ago($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
        $other = null;

        if ($syntax instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            [$other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options] = array_pad(\func_get_args(), 5, null);

        return $this->from($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);

     * Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
     * instance given (or now if null given).
     * @return string
    public function timespan($other = null, $timezone = null)
        if (!$other instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            $other = static::parse($other, $timezone);

        return $this->diffForHumans($other, [
            'join' => ', ',
            'syntax' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE,
            'options' => CarbonInterface::NO_ZERO_DIFF,
            'parts' => -1,

     * Returns either day of week + time (e.g. "Last Friday at 3:30 PM") if reference time is within 7 days,
     * or a calendar date (e.g. "10/29/2017") otherwise.
     * Language, date and time formats will change according to the current locale.
     * @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $referenceTime
     * @param array                                 $formats
     * @return string
    public function calendar($referenceTime = null, array $formats = [])
        /** @var CarbonInterface $current */
        $current = $this->avoidMutation()->startOfDay();
        /** @var CarbonInterface $other */
        $other = $this->resolveCarbon($referenceTime)->avoidMutation()->setTimezone($this->getTimezone())->startOfDay();
        $diff = $other->diffInDays($current, false);
        $format = $diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' : (
            $diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' : (
                $diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' : (
                    $diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' : (
                        $diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' : (
                            $diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse'
        $format = array_merge($this->getCalendarFormats(), $formats)[$format];
        if ($format instanceof Closure) {
            $format = $format($current, $other) ?? '';

        return $this->isoFormat((string) $format);

    private function getIntervalDayDiff(DateInterval $interval): int
        $daysDiff = (int) $interval->format('%a');
        $sign = $interval->format('%r') === '-' ? -1 : 1;

        if (\is_int($interval->days) &&
            $interval->y === 0 &&
            $interval->m === 0 &&
            version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0-dev', '<') &&
            abs($interval->d - $daysDiff) === 1
        ) {
            $daysDiff = abs($interval->d); // @codeCoverageIgnore

        return $daysDiff * $sign;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Boundaries.php File 11.04 KB 0644
Cast.php File 1.06 KB 0644
Comparison.php File 34.63 KB 0644
Converter.php File 14.84 KB 0644
Creator.php File 30.37 KB 0644
Date.php File 161.43 KB 0644
DeprecatedProperties.php File 1.57 KB 0644
Difference.php File 52.91 KB 0644
IntervalRounding.php File 1.54 KB 0644
IntervalStep.php File 2.29 KB 0644
Localization.php File 28.59 KB 0644
Macro.php File 3.02 KB 0644
MagicParameter.php File 721 B 0644
Mixin.php File 4.58 KB 0644
Modifiers.php File 13.44 KB 0644
Mutability.php File 1.3 KB 0644
ObjectInitialisation.php File 422 B 0644
Options.php File 12.78 KB 0644
Rounding.php File 7.54 KB 0644
Serialization.php File 8.29 KB 0644
Test.php File 7.56 KB 0644
Timestamp.php File 6.44 KB 0644
ToStringFormat.php File 1.43 KB 0644
Units.php File 11.89 KB 0644
Week.php File 7.22 KB 0644