[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Carbon package.
 * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Carbon\Traits;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidDateException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidFormatException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\OutOfRangeException;
use Carbon\Translator;
use Closure;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
use Exception;
use ReturnTypeWillChange;

 * Trait Creator.
 * Static creators.
 * Depends on the following methods:
 * @method static Carbon|CarbonImmutable getTestNow()
trait Creator
    use ObjectInitialisation;

     * The errors that can occur.
     * @var array
    protected static $lastErrors;

     * Create a new Carbon instance.
     * Please see the testing aids section (specifically static::setTestNow())
     * for more on the possibility of this constructor returning a test instance.
     * @param DateTimeInterface|string|null $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null      $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
    public function __construct($time = null, $tz = null)
        if ($time instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            $time = $this->constructTimezoneFromDateTime($time, $tz)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');

        if (is_numeric($time) && (!\is_string($time) || !preg_match('/^\d{1,14}$/', $time))) {
            $time = static::createFromTimestampUTC($time)->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP');

        // If the class has a test now set and we are trying to create a now()
        // instance then override as required
        $isNow = empty($time) || $time === 'now';

        if (method_exists(static::class, 'hasTestNow') &&
            method_exists(static::class, 'getTestNow') &&
            static::hasTestNow() &&
            ($isNow || static::hasRelativeKeywords($time))
        ) {
            static::mockConstructorParameters($time, $tz);

        // Work-around for PHP bug https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67127
        if (!str_contains((string) .1, '.')) {
            $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '0'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
            setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); // @codeCoverageIgnore

        try {
            parent::__construct($time ?: 'now', static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz) ?: null);
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            throw new InvalidFormatException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);

        $this->constructedObjectId = spl_object_hash($this);

        if (isset($locale)) {
            setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); // @codeCoverageIgnore


     * Get timezone from a datetime instance.
     * @param DateTimeInterface        $date
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return DateTimeInterface
    private function constructTimezoneFromDateTime(DateTimeInterface $date, &$tz)
        if ($tz !== null) {
            $safeTz = static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz);

            if ($safeTz) {
                return $date->setTimezone($safeTz);

            return $date;

        $tz = $date->getTimezone();

        return $date;

     * Update constructedObjectId on cloned.
    public function __clone()
        $this->constructedObjectId = spl_object_hash($this);

     * Create a Carbon instance from a DateTime one.
     * @param DateTimeInterface $date
     * @return static
    public static function instance($date)
        if ($date instanceof static) {
            return clone $date;


        $instance = new static($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $date->getTimezone());

        if ($date instanceof CarbonInterface) {
            $settings = $date->getSettings();

            if (!$date->hasLocalTranslator()) {


        return $instance;

     * Create a carbon instance from a string.
     * This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax
     * as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather
     * than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn().
     * @param string|DateTimeInterface|null $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null      $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function rawParse($time = null, $tz = null)
        if ($time instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            return static::instance($time);

        try {
            return new static($time, $tz);
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            $date = @static::now($tz)->change($time);

            if (!$date) {
                throw new InvalidFormatException("Could not parse '$time': ".$exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);

            return $date;

     * Create a carbon instance from a string.
     * This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax
     * as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather
     * than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn().
     * @param string|DateTimeInterface|null $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null      $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function parse($time = null, $tz = null)
        $function = static::$parseFunction;

        if (!$function) {
            return static::rawParse($time, $tz);

        if (\is_string($function) && method_exists(static::class, $function)) {
            $function = [static::class, $function];

        return $function(...\func_get_args());

     * Create a carbon instance from a localized string (in French, Japanese, Arabic, etc.).
     * @param string                   $time   date/time string in the given language (may also contain English).
     * @param string|null              $locale if locale is null or not specified, current global locale will be
     *                                         used instead.
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz     optional timezone for the new instance.
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function parseFromLocale($time, $locale = null, $tz = null)
        return static::rawParse(static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en'), $tz);

     * Get a Carbon instance for the current date and time.
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return static
    public static function now($tz = null)
        return new static(null, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance for today.
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return static
    public static function today($tz = null)
        return static::rawParse('today', $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance for tomorrow.
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return static
    public static function tomorrow($tz = null)
        return static::rawParse('tomorrow', $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance for yesterday.
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @return static
    public static function yesterday($tz = null)
        return static::rawParse('yesterday', $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance for the greatest supported date.
     * @return static
    public static function maxValue()
        if (self::$PHPIntSize === 4) {
            // 32 bit
            return static::createFromTimestamp(PHP_INT_MAX); // @codeCoverageIgnore

        // 64 bit
        return static::create(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);

     * Create a Carbon instance for the lowest supported date.
     * @return static
    public static function minValue()
        if (self::$PHPIntSize === 4) {
            // 32 bit
            return static::createFromTimestamp(~PHP_INT_MAX); // @codeCoverageIgnore

        // 64 bit
        return static::create(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

    private static function assertBetween($unit, $value, $min, $max)
        if (static::isStrictModeEnabled() && ($value < $min || $value > $max)) {
            throw new OutOfRangeException($unit, $min, $max, $value);

    private static function createNowInstance($tz)
        if (!static::hasTestNow()) {
            return static::now($tz);

        $now = static::getTestNow();

        if ($now instanceof Closure) {
            return $now(static::now($tz));

        return $now->avoidMutation()->tz($tz);

     * Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time.
     * If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will
     * be used.
     * If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default
     * values for $minute and $second will be their now() values.
     * If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second
     * will be 0.
     * @param DateTimeInterface|int|null $year
     * @param int|null                   $month
     * @param int|null                   $day
     * @param int|null                   $hour
     * @param int|null                   $minute
     * @param int|null                   $second
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null   $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function create($year = 0, $month = 1, $day = 1, $hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
        if ((\is_string($year) && !is_numeric($year)) || $year instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            return static::parse($year, $tz ?: (\is_string($month) || $month instanceof DateTimeZone ? $month : null));

        $defaults = null;
        $getDefault = function ($unit) use ($tz, &$defaults) {
            if ($defaults === null) {
                $now = self::createNowInstance($tz);

                $defaults = array_combine([
                ], explode('-', $now->rawFormat('Y-n-j-G-i-s.u')));

            return $defaults[$unit];

        $year = $year ?? $getDefault('year');
        $month = $month ?? $getDefault('month');
        $day = $day ?? $getDefault('day');
        $hour = $hour ?? $getDefault('hour');
        $minute = $minute ?? $getDefault('minute');
        $second = (float) ($second ?? $getDefault('second'));

        self::assertBetween('month', $month, 0, 99);
        self::assertBetween('day', $day, 0, 99);
        self::assertBetween('hour', $hour, 0, 99);
        self::assertBetween('minute', $minute, 0, 99);
        self::assertBetween('second', $second, 0, 99);

        $fixYear = null;

        if ($year < 0) {
            $fixYear = $year;
            $year = 0;
        } elseif ($year > 9999) {
            $fixYear = $year - 9999;
            $year = 9999;

        $second = ($second < 10 ? '0' : '').number_format($second, 6);
        $instance = static::rawCreateFromFormat('!Y-n-j G:i:s.u', sprintf('%s-%s-%s %s:%02s:%02s', $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second), $tz);

        if ($fixYear !== null) {
            $instance = $instance->addYears($fixYear);

        return $instance;

     * Create a new safe Carbon instance from a specific date and time.
     * If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will
     * be used.
     * If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default
     * values for $minute and $second will be their now() values.
     * If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second
     * will be 0.
     * If one of the set values is not valid, an InvalidDateException
     * will be thrown.
     * @param int|null                 $year
     * @param int|null                 $month
     * @param int|null                 $day
     * @param int|null                 $hour
     * @param int|null                 $minute
     * @param int|null                 $second
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidDateException
     * @return static|false
    public static function createSafe($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $hour = null, $minute = null, $second = null, $tz = null)
        $fields = static::getRangesByUnit();

        foreach ($fields as $field => $range) {
            if ($$field !== null && (!\is_int($$field) || $$field < $range[0] || $$field > $range[1])) {
                if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
                    throw new InvalidDateException($field, $$field);

                return false;

        $instance = static::create($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);

        foreach (array_reverse($fields) as $field => $range) {
            if ($$field !== null && (!\is_int($$field) || $$field !== $instance->$field)) {
                if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
                    throw new InvalidDateException($field, $$field);

                return false;

        return $instance;

     * Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time using strict validation.
     * @see create()
     * @param int|null                 $year
     * @param int|null                 $month
     * @param int|null                 $day
     * @param int|null                 $hour
     * @param int|null                 $minute
     * @param int|null                 $second
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function createStrict(?int $year = 0, ?int $month = 1, ?int $day = 1, ?int $hour = 0, ?int $minute = 0, ?int $second = 0, $tz = null): self
        $initialStrictMode = static::isStrictModeEnabled();

        try {
            $date = static::create($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);
        } finally {

        return $date;

     * Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to now.
     * @param int|null                 $year
     * @param int|null                 $month
     * @param int|null                 $day
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function createFromDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
        return static::create($year, $month, $day, null, null, null, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to midnight.
     * @param int|null                 $year
     * @param int|null                 $month
     * @param int|null                 $day
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function createMidnightDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
        return static::create($year, $month, $day, 0, 0, 0, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from just a time. The date portion is set to today.
     * @param int|null                 $hour
     * @param int|null                 $minute
     * @param int|null                 $second
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function createFromTime($hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
        return static::create(null, null, null, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from a time string. The date portion is set to today.
     * @param string                   $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static
    public static function createFromTimeString($time, $tz = null)
        return static::today($tz)->setTimeFromTimeString($time);

     * @param string                         $format     Datetime format
     * @param string                         $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $originalTz
     * @return DateTimeInterface|false
    private static function createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $originalTz)
        // Work-around for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=75577
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
            $format = str_replace('.v', '.u', $format);
        // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        if ($originalTz === null) {
            return parent::createFromFormat($format, (string) $time);

        $tz = \is_int($originalTz)
            ? @timezone_name_from_abbr('', (int) ($originalTz * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE), 1)
            : $originalTz;

        $tz = static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz, $originalTz);

        if ($tz === false) {
            return false;

        return parent::createFromFormat($format, (string) $time, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from a specific format.
     * @param string                         $format Datetime format
     * @param string                         $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null)
        // Work-around for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=80141
        $format = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\{2})*)c/', '$1Y-m-d\TH:i:sP', $format);

        if (preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(a|A)/', $format, $aMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) &&
            preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(h|g|H|G)/', $format, $hMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) &&
            $aMatches[1][1] < $hMatches[1][1] &&
            preg_match('/(am|pm|AM|PM)/', $time)
        ) {
            $format = preg_replace('/^(.*)(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\{2})*)(a|A)(.*)$/U', '$1$2$4 $3', $format);
            $time = preg_replace('/^(.*)(am|pm|AM|PM)(.*)$/U', '$1$3 $2', $time);

        // First attempt to create an instance, so that error messages are based on the unmodified format.
        $date = self::createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $tz);
        $lastErrors = parent::getLastErrors();
        /** @var \Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\Carbon|null $mock */
        $mock = static::getMockedTestNow($tz);

        if ($mock && $date instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            // Set timezone from mock if custom timezone was neither given directly nor as a part of format.
            // First let's skip the part that will be ignored by the parser.
            $nonEscaped = '(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*';

            $nonIgnored = preg_replace("/^.*{$nonEscaped}!/s", '', $format);

            if ($tz === null && !preg_match("/{$nonEscaped}[eOPT]/", $nonIgnored)) {
                $tz = clone $mock->getTimezone();

            // Set microseconds to zero to match behavior of DateTime::createFromFormat()
            // See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=74332
            $mock = $mock->copy()->microsecond(0);

            // Prepend mock datetime only if the format does not contain non escaped unix epoch reset flag.
            if (!preg_match("/{$nonEscaped}[!|]/", $format)) {
                $format = static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT.' '.$format;
                $time = ($mock instanceof self ? $mock->rawFormat(static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT) : $mock->format(static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT)).' '.$time;

            // Regenerate date from the modified format to base result on the mocked instance instead of now.
            $date = self::createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $tz);

        if ($date instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            $instance = static::instance($date);

            return $instance;

        if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
            throw new InvalidFormatException(implode(PHP_EOL, $lastErrors['errors']));

        return false;

     * Create a Carbon instance from a specific format.
     * @param string                         $format Datetime format
     * @param string                         $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function createFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null)
        $function = static::$createFromFormatFunction;

        if (!$function) {
            return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz);

        if (\is_string($function) && method_exists(static::class, $function)) {
            $function = [static::class, $function];

        return $function(...\func_get_args());

     * Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format (same replacements as ->isoFormat()).
     * @param string                                             $format     Datetime format
     * @param string                                             $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null                     $tz         optional timezone
     * @param string|null                                        $locale     locale to be used for LTS, LT, LL, LLL, etc. macro-formats (en by fault, unneeded if no such macro-format in use)
     * @param \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator optional custom translator to use for macro-formats
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function createFromIsoFormat($format, $time, $tz = null, $locale = 'en', $translator = null)
        $format = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*(LTS|LT|[Ll]{1,4})/', function ($match) use ($locale, $translator) {
            [$code] = $match;

            static $formats = null;

            if ($formats === null) {
                $translator = $translator ?: Translator::get($locale);

                $formats = [
                    'LT' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LT', $locale, 'h:mm A'),
                    'LTS' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LTS', $locale, 'h:mm:ss A'),
                    'L' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.L', $locale, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
                    'LL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY'),
                    'LLL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LLL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'),
                    'LLLL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LLLL', $locale, 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'),

            return $formats[$code] ?? preg_replace_callback(
                function ($code) {
                    return mb_substr($code[0], 1);
                $formats[strtoupper($code)] ?? ''
        }, $format);

        $format = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*('.CarbonInterface::ISO_FORMAT_REGEXP.'|[A-Za-z])/', function ($match) {
            [$code] = $match;

            static $replacements = null;

            if ($replacements === null) {
                $replacements = [
                    'OD' => 'd',
                    'OM' => 'M',
                    'OY' => 'Y',
                    'OH' => 'G',
                    'Oh' => 'g',
                    'Om' => 'i',
                    'Os' => 's',
                    'D' => 'd',
                    'DD' => 'd',
                    'Do' => 'd',
                    'd' => '!',
                    'dd' => '!',
                    'ddd' => 'D',
                    'dddd' => 'D',
                    'DDD' => 'z',
                    'DDDD' => 'z',
                    'DDDo' => 'z',
                    'e' => '!',
                    'E' => '!',
                    'H' => 'G',
                    'HH' => 'H',
                    'h' => 'g',
                    'hh' => 'h',
                    'k' => 'G',
                    'kk' => 'G',
                    'hmm' => 'gi',
                    'hmmss' => 'gis',
                    'Hmm' => 'Gi',
                    'Hmmss' => 'Gis',
                    'm' => 'i',
                    'mm' => 'i',
                    'a' => 'a',
                    'A' => 'a',
                    's' => 's',
                    'ss' => 's',
                    'S' => '*',
                    'SS' => '*',
                    'SSS' => '*',
                    'SSSS' => '*',
                    'SSSSS' => '*',
                    'SSSSSS' => 'u',
                    'SSSSSSS' => 'u*',
                    'SSSSSSSS' => 'u*',
                    'SSSSSSSSS' => 'u*',
                    'M' => 'm',
                    'MM' => 'm',
                    'MMM' => 'M',
                    'MMMM' => 'M',
                    'Mo' => 'm',
                    'Q' => '!',
                    'Qo' => '!',
                    'G' => '!',
                    'GG' => '!',
                    'GGG' => '!',
                    'GGGG' => '!',
                    'GGGGG' => '!',
                    'g' => '!',
                    'gg' => '!',
                    'ggg' => '!',
                    'gggg' => '!',
                    'ggggg' => '!',
                    'W' => '!',
                    'WW' => '!',
                    'Wo' => '!',
                    'w' => '!',
                    'ww' => '!',
                    'wo' => '!',
                    'x' => 'U???',
                    'X' => 'U',
                    'Y' => 'Y',
                    'YY' => 'y',
                    'YYYY' => 'Y',
                    'YYYYY' => 'Y',
                    'YYYYYY' => 'Y',
                    'z' => 'e',
                    'zz' => 'e',
                    'Z' => 'e',
                    'ZZ' => 'e',

            $format = $replacements[$code] ?? '?';

            if ($format === '!') {
                throw new InvalidFormatException("Format $code not supported for creation.");

            return $format;
        }, $format);

        return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from a specific format and a string in a given language.
     * @param string                         $format Datetime format
     * @param string                         $locale
     * @param string                         $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function createFromLocaleFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null)
        $format = preg_replace_callback(
            static function (array $match) use ($locale): string {
                $word = str_replace('\\', '', $match[0]);
                $translatedWord = static::translateTimeString($word, $locale, 'en');

                return $word === $translatedWord
                    ? $match[0]
                    : preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]/', '\\\\$0', $translatedWord);

        return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en'), $tz);

     * Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format and a string in a given language.
     * @param string                         $format Datetime ISO format
     * @param string                         $locale
     * @param string                         $time
     * @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|false
    public static function createFromLocaleIsoFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null)
        $time = static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en', CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_MONTHS | CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_DAYS | CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_MERIDIEM);

        return static::createFromIsoFormat($format, $time, $tz, $locale);

     * Make a Carbon instance from given variable if possible.
     * Always return a new instance. Parse only strings and only these likely to be dates (skip intervals
     * and recurrences). Throw an exception for invalid format, but otherwise return null.
     * @param mixed $var
     * @throws InvalidFormatException
     * @return static|null
    public static function make($var)
        if ($var instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
            return static::instance($var);

        $date = null;

        if (\is_string($var)) {
            $var = trim($var);

            if (!preg_match('/^P[\dT]/', $var) &&
                !preg_match('/^R\d/', $var) &&
                preg_match('/[a-z\d]/i', $var)
            ) {
                $date = static::parse($var);

        return $date;

     * Set last errors.
     * @param array|bool $lastErrors
     * @return void
    private static function setLastErrors($lastErrors)
        if (\is_array($lastErrors) || $lastErrors === false) {
            static::$lastErrors = \is_array($lastErrors) ? $lastErrors : [
                'warning_count' => 0,
                'warnings' => [],
                'error_count' => 0,
                'errors' => [],

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return array
    public static function getLastErrors()
        return static::$lastErrors;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Boundaries.php File 11.04 KB 0644
Cast.php File 1.06 KB 0644
Comparison.php File 34.63 KB 0644
Converter.php File 14.84 KB 0644
Creator.php File 30.37 KB 0644
Date.php File 161.43 KB 0644
DeprecatedProperties.php File 1.57 KB 0644
Difference.php File 52.91 KB 0644
IntervalRounding.php File 1.54 KB 0644
IntervalStep.php File 2.29 KB 0644
Localization.php File 28.59 KB 0644
Macro.php File 3.02 KB 0644
MagicParameter.php File 721 B 0644
Mixin.php File 4.58 KB 0644
Modifiers.php File 13.44 KB 0644
Mutability.php File 1.3 KB 0644
ObjectInitialisation.php File 422 B 0644
Options.php File 12.78 KB 0644
Rounding.php File 7.54 KB 0644
Serialization.php File 8.29 KB 0644
Test.php File 7.56 KB 0644
Timestamp.php File 6.44 KB 0644
ToStringFormat.php File 1.43 KB 0644
Units.php File 11.89 KB 0644
Week.php File 7.22 KB 0644