* Copyright (c) Ne-Lexa
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
* @see https://github.com/Ne-Lexa/google-play-scraper
namespace Nelexa\GPlay;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\EachPromise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request as PsrRequest;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;
use Nelexa\GPlay\Enum\CategoryEnum;
use Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException;
use Nelexa\GPlay\HttpClient\HttpClient;
use Nelexa\GPlay\HttpClient\Request;
use Nelexa\GPlay\Model\Category;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
* Contains methods for extracting information about Android applications from the Google Play store.
class GPlayApps
/** @var string Default request locale. */
public const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en_US';
/** @var string Default request country. */
public const DEFAULT_COUNTRY = 'us';
/** @var string Google Play base url. */
public const GOOGLE_PLAY_URL = 'https://play.google.com';
/** @var string Google Play apps url. */
public const GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_URL . '/store/apps';
/** @var int Unlimit results. */
public const UNLIMIT = -1;
/** @internal */
public const REQ_PARAM_LOCALE = 'hl';
/** @internal */
public const REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY = 'gl';
/** @internal */
public const REQ_PARAM_ID = 'id';
/** @var string Locale (language) for HTTP requests to Google Play */
protected $defaultLocale;
/** @var string Country for HTTP requests to Google Play */
protected $defaultCountry;
* Creates an object to retrieve data about Android applications from the Google Play store.
* @param string $locale locale (language) for HTTP requests to Google Play
* or {@see GPlayApps::DEFAULT_LOCALE}
* @param string $country country for HTTP requests to Google Play
* or {@see GPlayApps::DEFAULT_COUNTRY}
* @see GPlayApps::DEFAULT_LOCALE Default request locale.
* @see GPlayApps::DEFAULT_COUNTRY Default request country.
public function __construct(
string $locale = self::DEFAULT_LOCALE,
string $country = self::DEFAULT_COUNTRY
) {
* Sets caching for HTTP requests.
* @param CacheInterface|null $cache PSR-16 Simple Cache instance
* @param \DateInterval|int|null $cacheTtl TTL cached data
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setCache(?CacheInterface $cache, $cacheTtl = null): self
return $this;
* Sets cache ttl.
* @param \DateInterval|int|null $cacheTtl TTL cached data
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setCacheTtl($cacheTtl): self
$this->getHttpClient()->setOption('cache_ttl', $cacheTtl);
return $this;
* Returns an instance of HTTP client.
* @return HttpClient http client
protected function getHttpClient(): HttpClient
static $httpClient;
if ($httpClient === null) {
$httpClient = new HttpClient();
return $httpClient;
* Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @param int $concurrency maximum number of concurrent HTTP requests
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setConcurrency(int $concurrency): self
return $this;
* Sets proxy for outgoing HTTP requests.
* @param string|null $proxy Proxy url, ex. socks5:// or
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
* @see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PROXY.html Description of proxy URL formats in CURL.
public function setProxy(?string $proxy): self
$this->getHttpClient()->setOption(RequestOptions::PROXY, $proxy);
return $this;
* Returns the full detail of an application.
* For information, you must specify the application ID (android package name).
* The application ID can be viewed in the Google Play store:
* `https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=XXXXXX` , where
* XXXXXX is the application id.
* Or it can be found in the APK file.
* ```shell
* aapt dump badging file.apk | grep package | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/name=//g | sed s/\'//g
* ```
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId google play app id (Android package name)
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\AppInfo full detail of an application or exception
* @api
public function getAppInfo($appId): Model\AppInfo
return $this->getAppsInfo([$appId])[0];
* Returns the full detail of multiple applications.
* The keys of the returned array matches to the passed array.
* HTTP requests are executed in parallel.
* @param string[]|Model\AppId[] $appIds array of application ids
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\AppInfo[] an array of detailed information for each application
* @see GPlayApps::setConcurrency() Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @api
public function getAppsInfo(array $appIds): array
if (empty($appIds)) {
return [];
$infoScraper = new Scraper\AppInfoScraper();
$requests = [];
foreach ($appIds as $key => $appId) {
$fullUrl = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry)->getFullUrl();
$psrRequest = new PsrRequest('GET', $fullUrl);
$requests[$key] = new Request($psrRequest, [], $infoScraper);
try {
return $this->getHttpClient()->requestPool($requests);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns the full details of an application in multiple languages.
* HTTP requests are executed in parallel.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId google Play app ID (Android package name)
* @param string[] $locales array of locales
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return array<string, Model\AppInfo> An array of detailed information for each locale.
* The array key is the locale.
* @see GPlayApps::setConcurrency() Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @api
public function getAppInfoForLocales($appId, array $locales): array
$appId = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry);
$apps = [];
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$apps[$locale] = new Model\AppId($appId->getId(), $locale, $appId->getCountry());
return $this->getAppsInfo($apps);
* Returns detailed application information for all available locales.
* Information is returned only for the description loaded by the developer.
* All locales with automated translation from Google Translate will be ignored.
* HTTP requests are executed in parallel.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId application ID (Android package name) as
* a string or {@see Model\AppId} object
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return array<string, Model\AppInfo> An array with detailed information about the application
* on all available locales. The array key is the locale.
* @see GPlayApps::setConcurrency() Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @api
public function getAppInfoForAvailableLocales($appId): array
return $this->getAppInfoForLocales($appId, Util\LocaleHelper::SUPPORTED_LOCALES);
* Checks if the specified application exists in the Google Play store.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId application ID (Android package name) as
* a string or {@see Model\AppId} object
* @return bool returns `true` if the application exists, or `false` if not
* @api
public function existsApp($appId): bool
$appId = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry);
$fullUrl = $appId->getFullUrl();
$psrRequest = new PsrRequest('HEAD', $fullUrl);
$request = new Request($psrRequest, [
RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => false,
], new Scraper\ExistsAppScraper());
try {
return (bool) $this->getHttpClient()->request($request);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return false;
* Checks if the specified applications exist in the Google Play store.
* HTTP requests are executed in parallel.
* @param string[]|Model\AppId[] $appIds Array of application identifiers.
* The keys of the returned array correspond to the transferred array.
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if an HTTP error other than 404 is received
* @return bool[] An array of information about the existence of each
* application in the store Google Play. The keys of the returned
* array matches to the passed array.
* @see GPlayApps::setConcurrency() Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @api
public function existsApps(array $appIds): array
if (empty($appIds)) {
return [];
$parseHandler = new Scraper\ExistsAppScraper();
$requests = array_map(function ($appId) use ($parseHandler) {
$fullUrl = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry)->getFullUrl();
$psrRequest = new PsrRequest('HEAD', $fullUrl);
return new Request($psrRequest, [
RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => false,
], $parseHandler);
}, $appIds);
try {
return $this->getHttpClient()->requestPool($requests);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns reviews of the Android app in the Google Play store.
* Getting a lot of reviews can take a lot of time.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId application ID (Android package name) as
* a string or {@see Model\AppId} object
* @param int $limit Maximum number of reviews. To extract all
* reviews, use {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}.
* @param Enum\SortEnum|null $sort Sort reviews of the application.
* If null, then sort by the newest reviews.
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\Review[] app reviews
* @see Enum\SortEnum Contains all valid values for the "sort" parameter.
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
* @api
public function getReviews($appId, int $limit = 100, ?Enum\SortEnum $sort = null): array
$appId = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry);
$sort = $sort ?? Enum\SortEnum::NEWEST();
$allCount = 0;
$token = null;
$allReviews = [];
$cacheTtl = $sort === Enum\SortEnum::NEWEST()
? \DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 min')
: \DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 hour');
try {
do {
$count = $limit === self::UNLIMIT
? Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::LIMIT_REVIEW_ON_PAGE
: min(Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::LIMIT_REVIEW_ON_PAGE, max($limit - $allCount, 1));
$psrRequest = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getReviewsRequest($appId, $count, $sort, $token);
$request = new Request($psrRequest, [
'cache_ttl' => $cacheTtl,
], new Scraper\ReviewsScraper($appId));
[$reviews, $token] = $this->getHttpClient()->request($request);
$allCount += \count($reviews);
$allReviews[] = $reviews;
} while ($token !== null && ($limit === self::UNLIMIT || $allCount < $limit));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
$reviews = empty($allReviews) ? $allReviews : array_merge(...$allReviews);
if ($limit !== self::UNLIMIT) {
$reviews = \array_slice($reviews, 0, $limit);
return $reviews;
* @deprecated Feature no longer available
* @param mixed $appId
* @param string $reviewId
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
public function getReviewById($appId, string $reviewId): Model\Review
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException('Feature no longer available', 0);
* Returns a list of permissions for the application.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId application ID (Android package name) as
* a string or {@see Model\AppId} object
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\Permission[] an array of permissions for the application
* @api
public function getPermissions($appId): array
$appId = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry);
try {
$psrRequest = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getPermissionsRequest($appId);
return $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new Scraper\PermissionScraper()
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns an array of application categories from the Google Play store.
* @return Model\Category[] array of application categories
* @api
public function getCategories(): array
return array_map(static function (CategoryEnum $category) {
$categoryName = $category->value();
$categoryName = str_replace('_', ' ', $categoryName);
$categoryName = ucfirst(strtolower($categoryName));
$categoryName = str_replace(' and ', ' & ', $categoryName);
return new Category($category->name(), $categoryName);
}, CategoryEnum::values());
* Returns information about the developer: name, icon, cover, description and website address.
* @param string|Model\Developer|Model\App $developerId developer id as
* string, {@see Model\Developer}
* or {@see Model\App} object
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if HTTP error is received
* @return Model\Developer information about the application developer
* @see GPlayApps::getDeveloperInfoForLocales() Returns information about the developer for the locale array.
* @api
public function getDeveloperInfo($developerId): Model\Developer
$developerId = Util\Caster::castToDeveloperId($developerId);
if (!is_numeric($developerId)) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException(
'Developer "%s" does not have a personalized page on Google Play.',
$url = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL . '/dev?' . http_build_query([
self::REQ_PARAM_ID => $developerId,
self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE => $this->defaultLocale,
try {
return $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $url),
new Scraper\DeveloperInfoScraper()
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns information about the developer for the specified locales.
* @param string|Model\Developer|Model\App $developerId developer id as
* string, {@see Model\Developer}
* or {@see Model\App} object
* @param string[] $locales array of locales
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if HTTP error is received
* @return Model\Developer[] an array with information about the application developer
* for each requested locale
* @see GPlayApps::setConcurrency() Sets the limit of concurrent HTTP requests.
* @see GPlayApps::getDeveloperInfo() Returns information about the developer: name,
* icon, cover, description and website address.
* @api
public function getDeveloperInfoForLocales($developerId, array $locales = []): array
if (empty($locales)) {
return [];
$locales = Util\LocaleHelper::getNormalizeLocales($locales);
$id = Util\Caster::castToDeveloperId($developerId);
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException(
'Developer "%s" does not have a personalized page on Google Play.',
$requests = [];
$url = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL . '/dev';
$parseHandler = new Scraper\DeveloperInfoScraper();
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$requestUrl = $url . '?' . http_build_query(
self::REQ_PARAM_ID => $id,
self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE => $locale,
$requests[$locale] = new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $requestUrl),
try {
return $this->getHttpClient()->requestPool($requests);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns an array of applications from the Google Play store by developer id.
* @param string|Model\Developer|Model\App $developerId developer id as
* string, {@see Model\Developer}
* or {@see Model\App} object
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if HTTP error is received
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information
* @api
public function getDeveloperApps($developerId): array
$developerId = Util\Caster::castToDeveloperId($developerId);
$query = [
self::REQ_PARAM_ID => $developerId,
self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE => $this->defaultLocale,
self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY => $this->defaultCountry,
if (is_numeric($developerId)) {
$developerUrl = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL . '/dev?' . http_build_query($query);
try {
* @var string|null $developerUrl
$developerUrl = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $developerUrl),
new Scraper\FindDevAppsUrlScraper()
if ($developerUrl === null) {
return [];
$developerUrl .= '&' . self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE . '=' . urlencode($this->defaultLocale)
. '&' . self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY . '=' . urlencode($this->defaultCountry);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
} else {
$developerUrl = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL . '/developer?' . http_build_query($query);
return $this->fetchAppsFromClusterPage(
* Returns an iterator of applications from the Google Play store for the specified cluster page.
* @param string $clusterPageUrl cluster page url
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return \Generator<Model\App> an iterator with basic information about applications
public function getClusterApps(string $clusterPageUrl): \Generator
$clusterUri = new Uri($clusterPageUrl);
$query = Query::parse($clusterUri->getQuery());
if (!isset($query[self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE])) {
$query[self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE] = $this->defaultLocale;
if (!isset($query[self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY])) {
$query[self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY] = $this->defaultCountry;
$clusterUri = $clusterUri->withQuery(Query::build($query));
$clusterPageUrl = (string) $clusterUri;
try {
[$apps, $token] = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $clusterPageUrl),
new Scraper\ClusterAppsScraper()
foreach ($apps as $app) {
yield $app;
while ($token !== null) {
$request = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getAppsRequest(
[$apps, $token] = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new Scraper\PlayStoreUiAppsScraper()
foreach ($apps as $app) {
yield $app;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns a list of applications with basic information.
* @param string $clusterPageUrl cluster page URL
* @param int $limit Maximum number of applications. To extract all
* applications, use {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}.
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\App[] array of applications with basic information about them
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
protected function fetchAppsFromClusterPage(
string $clusterPageUrl,
int $limit
): array {
$apps = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->getClusterApps($clusterPageUrl) as $app) {
$apps[] = $app;
if ($count === $limit) {
return $apps;
* Returns an array of similar applications with basic information about
* them in the Google Play store.
* @param string|Model\AppId $appId application ID (Android package name)
* as a string or {@see Model\AppId} object
* @param int $limit The maximum number of similar applications.
* To extract all similar applications,
* use {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}.
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if the application is not exists or other HTTP error
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information about them
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
* @api
public function getSimilarApps($appId, int $limit = 50): array
$appId = Util\Caster::castToAppId($appId, $this->defaultLocale, $this->defaultCountry);
try {
/** @var string|null $similarAppsUrl */
$similarAppsUrl = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $appId->getFullUrl()),
new Scraper\FindSimilarAppsUrlScraper($appId)
if ($similarAppsUrl === null) {
return [];
return $this->fetchAppsFromClusterPage(
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns an iterator of cluster pages.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum|null $category application category as
* string, {@see Model\Category},
* {@see Enum\CategoryEnum} or
* `null` for all categories
* @param Enum\AgeEnum|null $age age limit or `null` for no limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return \Generator<Model\ClusterPage> an iterator of cluster pages
public function getClusterPages($category = null, ?Enum\AgeEnum $age = null): \Generator
$queryParams = [
self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE => $this->defaultLocale,
self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY => $this->defaultCountry,
if ($age !== null) {
$queryParams['age'] = $age->value();
$url = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_APPS_URL;
if ($category !== null) {
$url .= '/category/' . Util\Caster::castToCategoryId($category);
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
['results' => $results, 'token' => $token] = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new PsrRequest('GET', $url),
new Scraper\ClusterPagesFromListAppsScraper()
foreach ($results as $result) {
yield $result;
while ($token !== null) {
try {
$psrRequest = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getClusterPagesRequest(
['results' => $results, 'token' => $token] = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new Scraper\ClusterPagesFromClusterResponseScraper()
foreach ($results as $result) {
yield $result;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns the Google Play search suggests.
* @param string $query search query
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if HTTP error is received
* @return string[] array containing search suggestions
* @api
public function getSearchSuggestions(string $query): array
$query = trim($query);
if ($query === '') {
return [];
try {
$psrRequest = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getSuggestRequest(
/** @var string[] $suggestions */
$suggestions = $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new Scraper\SuggestScraper()
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
return $suggestions;
* Returns a list of applications from the Google Play store for a search query.
* @param string $query search query
* @param int $limit the limit on the number of search results
* @param Enum\PriceEnum|null $price price category or `null`
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException if HTTP error is received
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information
* @see Enum\PriceEnum Contains all valid values for the "price" parameter.
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
* @api
public function search(string $query, int $limit = 50, ?Enum\PriceEnum $price = null): array
$query = trim($query);
if (empty($query)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Search query missing');
$price = $price ?? Enum\PriceEnum::ALL();
$params = [
'c' => 'apps',
'q' => $query,
self::REQ_PARAM_LOCALE => $this->defaultLocale,
self::REQ_PARAM_COUNTRY => $this->defaultCountry,
'price' => $price->value(),
$clusterPageUrl = self::GOOGLE_PLAY_URL . '/store/search?' . http_build_query($params);
$apps = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->getClusterApps($clusterPageUrl) as $app) {
$apps[] = $app;
if ($count === $limit) {
return $apps;
* Returns an array of applications from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum|null $category application category as
* string, {@see Model\Category},
* {@see Enum\CategoryEnum} or
* `null` for all categories
* @param Enum\AgeEnum|null $age age limit or null for no limit
* @param int $limit limit on the number of results
* or {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}
* for no limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information
* @api
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
public function getListApps($category = null, ?Enum\AgeEnum $age = null, int $limit = self::UNLIMIT): array
return $this->fetchAppsFromClusterPages($category, $age, $limit);
* Returns an array of **top apps** from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum|null $category application category as
* string, {@see Model\Category},
* {@see Enum\CategoryEnum} or
* `null` for all categories
* @param int $limit limit on the number of results
* or {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}
* for no limit
* @param Enum\AgeEnum|null $age
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information
* @api
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
* @deprecated Use {@see \Nelexa\GPlay\GPlayApps::getTopSellingFreeApps}, {@see \Nelexa\GPlay\GPlayApps::getTopSellingPaidApps} and {@see \Nelexa\GPlay\GPlayApps::getTopGrossingApps}
public function getTopApps($category = null, ?Enum\AgeEnum $age = null, int $limit = self::UNLIMIT): array
return $this->getTopSellingFreeApps($category, $limit);
* Returns an array of **top selling free apps** from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum $category application category as string, {@see Model\Category}, {@see Enum\CategoryEnum}, ex. APPLICATION or GAME
* @param int $limit Limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] App list
public function getTopSellingFreeApps($category = 'APPLICATION', int $limit = 500): array
return $this->fetchTopApps($category ?? 'APPLICATION', 'topselling_free', $limit);
* Returns an array of **top selling paid apps** from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum $category application category as string, {@see Model\Category}, {@see Enum\CategoryEnum}, ex. APPLICATION or GAME
* @param int $limit Limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] App list
public function getTopSellingPaidApps($category = 'APPLICATION', int $limit = 500): array
return $this->fetchTopApps($category, 'topselling_paid', $limit);
* Returns an array of **top grossing apps** from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum $category application category as string, {@see Model\Category}, {@see Enum\CategoryEnum}, ex. APPLICATION or GAME
* @param int $limit Limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] App list
public function getTopGrossingApps($category = 'APPLICATION', int $limit = 500): array
return $this->fetchTopApps($category, 'topgrossing', $limit);
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum $category
* @param string $topSlug
* @param int $limit
* @throws Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[]
protected function fetchTopApps($category, string $topSlug, int $limit = 1000): array
try {
$psrRequest = Scraper\PlayStoreUiRequest::getTopCategoryApps(
return $this->getHttpClient()->request(
new Request(
new Scraper\CategoryTopScraper()
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new Exception\GooglePlayException($e->getMessage(), 1, $e);
* Returns an array of **new apps** from the Google Play store for the specified category.
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum|null $category application category as
* string, {@see Model\Category},
* {@see Enum\CategoryEnum} or
* `null` for all categories
* @param Enum\AgeEnum|null $age age limit or null for no limit
* @param int $limit limit on the number of results
* or {@see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT}
* for no limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[] an array of applications with basic information
* @api
* @see GPlayApps::UNLIMIT Limit for all available results.
* @deprecated
public function getNewApps($category = null, ?Enum\AgeEnum $age = null, int $limit = self::UNLIMIT): array
return $this->getListApps($category, $age, $limit);
* @param string|Model\Category|Enum\CategoryEnum|null $category
* @param Enum\AgeEnum|null $age
* @param int $limit
* @throws \Nelexa\GPlay\Exception\GooglePlayException
* @return Model\App[]
protected function fetchAppsFromClusterPages($category, ?Enum\AgeEnum $age, int $limit): array
$apps = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->getClusterPages($category, $age) as $clusterPage) {
try {
foreach ($this->getClusterApps($clusterPage->getUrl()) as $app) {
if (!isset($apps[$app->getId()])) {
$apps[$app->getId()] = $app;
if ($count === $limit) {
break 2;
} catch (GooglePlayException $e) {
return $apps;
* Asynchronously saves images from googleusercontent.com and similar URLs to disk.
* Before use, you can set the parameters of the width-height of images.
* Example:
* ```php
* $gplay->saveGoogleImages(
* $images,
* static function (\Nelexa\GPlay\Model\GoogleImage $image): string {
* $hash = $image->getHashUrl($hashAlgo = 'md5', $parts = 2, $partLength = 2);
* return 'path/to/screenshots/' . $hash . '.{ext}';
* },
* $overwrite = false
* );
* ```
* @param Model\GoogleImage[] $images array of {@see Model\GoogleImage} objects
* @param callable $destPathCallback The function to which the
* {@see Model\GoogleImage} object is
* passed, and you must return the full
* output. path to save this file.
* @param bool $overwrite overwrite files if exists
* @return Model\ImageInfo[] returns an array with information about saved images
* @see Model\GoogleImage Contains a link to the image, allows you to customize its size and download it.
* @see Model\ImageInfo Contains information about the image.
* @api
public function saveGoogleImages(
array $images,
callable $destPathCallback,
bool $overwrite = false
): array {
/** @var array<string, \Nelexa\GPlay\Util\LazyStream> $mapping */
$mapping = [];
foreach ($images as $image) {
if (!$image instanceof Model\GoogleImage) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'An array of ' . Model\GoogleImage::class . ' objects is expected.'
$destPath = $destPathCallback($image);
$url = $image->getUrl();
$mapping[$url] = new Util\LazyStream($destPath, 'w+b');
$httpClient = $this->getHttpClient();
$promises = (static function () use ($mapping, $overwrite, $httpClient) {
foreach ($mapping as $url => $stream) {
$destPath = $stream->getFilename();
$dynamicPath = strpos($destPath, '{url}') !== false;
if (!$overwrite && !$dynamicPath && is_file($destPath)) {
yield $url => new FulfilledPromise($url);
} else {
yield $url => $httpClient->getClient()
RequestOptions::COOKIES => null,
RequestOptions::SINK => $stream,
RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => true,
RequestOptions::ON_HEADERS => static function (ResponseInterface $response) use (
): void {
Model\GoogleImage::onHeaders($response, $url, $stream);
static function (
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
ResponseInterface $response
) use ($url) {
return $url;
* @var Model\ImageInfo[] $imageInfoList
$imageInfoList = [];
$eachPromise = (new EachPromise(
'concurrency' => $this->getHttpClient()->getConcurrency(),
'fulfilled' => static function (string $url) use (&$imageInfoList, $mapping): void {
$imageInfoList[] = new Model\ImageInfo($url, $mapping[$url]->getFilename());
'rejected' => static function (\Throwable $reason, string $exceptionUrl) use ($mapping): void {
foreach ($mapping as $destPath => $url) {
if (is_file($destPath)) {
throw (new Exception\GooglePlayException(
if ($eachPromise !== null) {
return $imageInfoList;
* Returns the locale (language) of the requests.
* @return string locale (language) for HTTP requests to Google Play
public function getDefaultLocale(): string
return $this->defaultLocale;
* Sets the locale (language) of requests.
* @param string $defaultLocale locale (language) for HTTP requests to Google Play
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setDefaultLocale(string $defaultLocale): self
$this->defaultLocale = Util\LocaleHelper::getNormalizeLocale($defaultLocale);
return $this;
* Returns the country of the requests.
* @return string country for HTTP requests to Google Play
public function getDefaultCountry(): string
return $this->defaultCountry;
* Sets the country of requests.
* @param string $defaultCountry country for HTTP requests to Google Play
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setDefaultCountry(string $defaultCountry): self
$this->defaultCountry = !empty($defaultCountry)
? $defaultCountry
return $this;
* Sets the number of seconds to wait when trying to connect to the server.
* @param float $connectTimeout Connection timeout in seconds, for example 3.14. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setConnectTimeout(float $connectTimeout): self
return $this;
* Sets the timeout of the request in second.
* @param float $timeout Waiting timeout in seconds, for example 3.14. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
* @return GPlayApps returns the current class instance to allow method chaining
public function setTimeout(float $timeout): self
return $this;