[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
namespace JmesPath;

 * Tree visitor used to compile JMESPath expressions into native PHP code.
class TreeCompiler
    private $indentation;
    private $source;
    private $vars;

     * @param array  $ast    AST to compile.
     * @param string $fnName The name of the function to generate.
     * @param string $expr   Expression being compiled.
     * @return string
    public function visit(array $ast, $fnName, $expr)
        $this->vars = [];
        $this->source = $this->indentation = '';
            ->write('use JmesPath\\TreeInterpreter as Ti;')
            ->write('use JmesPath\\FnDispatcher as Fd;')
            ->write('use JmesPath\\Utils;')
            ->write('function %s(Ti $interpreter, $value) {', $fnName)
                ->write('return $value;')

        return $this->source;

     * @param array $node
     * @return mixed
    private function dispatch(array $node)
        return $this->{"visit_{$node['type']}"}($node);

     * Creates a monotonically incrementing unique variable name by prefix.
     * @param string $prefix Variable name prefix
     * @return string
    private function makeVar($prefix)
        if (!isset($this->vars[$prefix])) {
            $this->vars[$prefix] = 0;
            return '$' . $prefix;

        return '$' . $prefix . ++$this->vars[$prefix];

     * Writes the given line of source code. Pass positional arguments to write
     * that match the format of sprintf.
     * @param string $str String to write
     * @return $this
    private function write($str)
        $this->source .= $this->indentation;
        if (func_num_args() == 1) {
            $this->source .= $str . "\n";
            return $this;
        $this->source .= vsprintf($str, array_slice(func_get_args(), 1)) . "\n";
        return $this;

     * Decreases the indentation level of code being written
     * @return $this
    private function outdent()
        $this->indentation = substr($this->indentation, 0, -4);
        return $this;

     * Increases the indentation level of code being written
     * @return $this
    private function indent()
        $this->indentation .= '    ';
        return $this;

    private function visit_or(array $node)
        $a = $this->makeVar('beforeOr');
        return $this
            ->write('%s = $value;', $a)
            ->write('if (!$value && $value !== "0" && $value !== 0) {')
                ->write('$value = %s;', $a)

    private function visit_and(array $node)
        $a = $this->makeVar('beforeAnd');
        return $this
            ->write('%s = $value;', $a)
            ->write('if ($value || $value === "0" || $value === 0) {')
                ->write('$value = %s;', $a)

    private function visit_not(array $node)
        return $this
            ->write('// Visiting not node')
            ->write('// Applying boolean not to result of not node')
            ->write('$value = !Utils::isTruthy($value);');

    private function visit_subexpression(array $node)
        return $this
            ->write('if ($value !== null) {')

    private function visit_field(array $node)
        $arr = '$value[' . var_export($node['value'], true) . ']';
        $obj = '$value->{' . var_export($node['value'], true) . '}';
        $this->write('if (is_array($value) || $value instanceof \\ArrayAccess) {')
                ->write('$value = isset(%s) ? %s : null;', $arr, $arr)
            ->write('} elseif ($value instanceof \\stdClass) {')
                ->write('$value = isset(%s) ? %s : null;', $obj, $obj)
            ->write("} else {")
                ->write('$value = null;')

        return $this;

    private function visit_index(array $node)
        if ($node['value'] >= 0) {
            $check = '$value[' . $node['value'] . ']';
            return $this->write(
                '$value = (is_array($value) || $value instanceof \\ArrayAccess)'
                    . ' && isset(%s) ? %s : null;',
                $check, $check

        $a = $this->makeVar('count');
        return $this
            ->write('if (is_array($value) || ($value instanceof \\ArrayAccess && $value instanceof \\Countable)) {')
                ->write('%s = count($value) + %s;', $a, $node['value'])
                ->write('$value = isset($value[%s]) ? $value[%s] : null;', $a, $a)
            ->write('} else {')
                ->write('$value = null;')

    private function visit_literal(array $node)
        return $this->write('$value = %s;', var_export($node['value'], true));

    private function visit_pipe(array $node)
        return $this

    private function visit_multi_select_list(array $node)
        return $this->visit_multi_select_hash($node);

    private function visit_multi_select_hash(array $node)
        $listVal = $this->makeVar('list');
        $value = $this->makeVar('prev');
        $this->write('if ($value !== null) {')
            ->write('%s = [];', $listVal)
            ->write('%s = $value;', $value);

        $first = true;
        foreach ($node['children'] as $child) {
            if (!$first) {
                $this->write('$value = %s;', $value);
            $first = false;
            if ($node['type'] == 'multi_select_hash') {
                $key = var_export($child['value'], true);
                $this->write('%s[%s] = $value;', $listVal, $key);
            } else {
                $this->write('%s[] = $value;', $listVal);

        return $this
            ->write('$value = %s;', $listVal)

    private function visit_function(array $node)
        $value = $this->makeVar('val');
        $args = $this->makeVar('args');
        $this->write('%s = $value;', $value)
            ->write('%s = [];', $args);

        foreach ($node['children'] as $arg) {
            $this->write('%s[] = $value;', $args)
                ->write('$value = %s;', $value);

        return $this->write(
            '$value = Fd::getInstance()->__invoke("%s", %s);',
            $node['value'], $args

    private function visit_slice(array $node)
        return $this
            ->write('$value = !is_string($value) && !Utils::isArray($value)')
            ->write('    ? null : Utils::slice($value, %s, %s, %s);',
                var_export($node['value'][0], true),
                var_export($node['value'][1], true),
                var_export($node['value'][2], true)

    private function visit_current(array $node)
        return $this->write('// Visiting current node (no-op)');

    private function visit_expref(array $node)
        $child = var_export($node['children'][0], true);
        return $this->write('$value = function ($value) use ($interpreter) {')
            ->write('return $interpreter->visit(%s, $value);', $child)

    private function visit_flatten(array $node)
        $merged = $this->makeVar('merged');
        $val = $this->makeVar('val');

            ->write('// Visiting merge node')
            ->write('if (!Utils::isArray($value)) {')
                ->write('$value = null;')
            ->write('} else {')
                ->write('%s = [];', $merged)
                ->write('foreach ($value as %s) {', $val)
                    ->write('if (is_array(%s) && isset(%s[0])) {', $val, $val)
                        ->write('%s = array_merge(%s, %s);', $merged, $merged, $val)
                    ->write('} elseif (%s !== []) {', $val)
                        ->write('%s[] = %s;', $merged, $val)
                ->write('$value = %s;', $merged)

        return $this;

    private function visit_projection(array $node)
        $val = $this->makeVar('val');
        $collected = $this->makeVar('collected');
        $this->write('// Visiting projection node')

        if (!isset($node['from'])) {
            $this->write('if (!is_array($value) || !($value instanceof \stdClass)) { $value = null; }');
        } elseif ($node['from'] == 'object') {
            $this->write('if (!Utils::isObject($value)) { $value = null; }');
        } elseif ($node['from'] == 'array') {
            $this->write('if (!Utils::isArray($value)) { $value = null; }');

        $this->write('if ($value !== null) {')
            ->write('%s = [];', $collected)
            ->write('foreach ((array) $value as %s) {', $val)
                ->write('$value = %s;', $val)
                ->write('if ($value !== null) {')
                    ->write('%s[] = $value;', $collected)
            ->write('$value = %s;', $collected)

        return $this;

    private function visit_condition(array $node)
        $value = $this->makeVar('beforeCondition');
        return $this
            ->write('%s = $value;', $value)
            ->write('// Visiting condition node')
            ->write('// Checking result of condition node')
            ->write('if (Utils::isTruthy($value)) {')
                ->write('$value = %s;', $value)
            ->write('} else {')
                ->write('$value = null;')

    private function visit_comparator(array $node)
        $value = $this->makeVar('val');
        $a = $this->makeVar('left');
        $b = $this->makeVar('right');

            ->write('// Visiting comparator node')
            ->write('%s = $value;', $value)
            ->write('%s = $value;', $a)
            ->write('$value = %s;', $value)
            ->write('%s = $value;', $b);

        if ($node['value'] == '==') {
            $this->write('$value = Utils::isEqual(%s, %s);', $a, $b);
        } elseif ($node['value'] == '!=') {
            $this->write('$value = !Utils::isEqual(%s, %s);', $a, $b);
        } else {
                '$value = (is_int(%s) || is_float(%s)) && (is_int(%s) || is_float(%s)) && %s %s %s;',
                $a, $a, $b, $b, $a, $node['value'], $b

        return $this;

    /** @internal */
    public function __call($method, $args)
        throw new \RuntimeException(
            sprintf('Invalid node encountered: %s', json_encode($args[0]))


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AstRuntime.php File 1.43 KB 0644
CompilerRuntime.php File 2.56 KB 0644
DebugRuntime.php File 3.11 KB 0644
Env.php File 2.42 KB 0644
FnDispatcher.php File 12.18 KB 0644
JmesPath.php File 373 B 0644
Lexer.php File 14.9 KB 0644
Parser.php File 13.89 KB 0644
SyntaxErrorException.php File 1.11 KB 0644
TreeCompiler.php File 12.78 KB 0644
TreeInterpreter.php File 7.65 KB 0644
Utils.php File 7.27 KB 0644