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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * This file is part of the Monolog package.
 * (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Monolog\Handler;

use Monolog\Level;
use Monolog\LogRecord;

 * Stores to STDIN of any process, specified by a command.
 * Usage example:
 * <pre>
 * $log = new Logger('myLogger');
 * $log->pushHandler(new ProcessHandler('/usr/bin/php /var/www/monolog/someScript.php'));
 * </pre>
 * @author Kolja Zuelsdorf <koljaz@web.de>
class ProcessHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler
     * Holds the process to receive data on its STDIN.
     * @var resource|bool|null
    private $process;

    private string $command;

    private ?string $cwd;

     * @var resource[]
    private array $pipes = [];

     * @var array<int, string[]>
    protected const DESCRIPTOR_SPEC = [
        0 => ['pipe', 'r'],  // STDIN is a pipe that the child will read from
        1 => ['pipe', 'w'],  // STDOUT is a pipe that the child will write to
        2 => ['pipe', 'w'],  // STDERR is a pipe to catch the any errors

     * @param  string                    $command Command for the process to start. Absolute paths are recommended,
     *                                            especially if you do not use the $cwd parameter.
     * @param  string|null               $cwd     "Current working directory" (CWD) for the process to be executed in.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function __construct(string $command, int|string|Level $level = Level::Debug, bool $bubble = true, ?string $cwd = null)
        if ($command === '') {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The command argument must be a non-empty string.');
        if ($cwd === '') {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The optional CWD argument must be a non-empty string or null.');

        parent::__construct($level, $bubble);

        $this->command = $command;
        $this->cwd = $cwd;

     * Writes the record down to the log of the implementing handler
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
    protected function write(LogRecord $record): void


        $errors = $this->readProcessErrors();
        if ($errors !== '') {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Errors while writing to process: %s', $errors));

     * Makes sure that the process is actually started, and if not, starts it,
     * assigns the stream pipes, and handles startup errors, if any.
    private function ensureProcessIsStarted(): void
        if (is_resource($this->process) === false) {


     * Starts the actual process and sets all streams to non-blocking.
    private function startProcess(): void
        $this->process = proc_open($this->command, static::DESCRIPTOR_SPEC, $this->pipes, $this->cwd);

        foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) {
            stream_set_blocking($pipe, false);

     * Selects the STDERR stream, handles upcoming startup errors, and throws an exception, if any.
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
    private function handleStartupErrors(): void
        $selected = $this->selectErrorStream();
        if (false === $selected) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Something went wrong while selecting a stream.');

        $errors = $this->readProcessErrors();

        if (is_resource($this->process) === false || $errors !== '') {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                sprintf('The process "%s" could not be opened: ' . $errors, $this->command)

     * Selects the STDERR stream.
     * @return int|bool
    protected function selectErrorStream()
        $empty = [];
        $errorPipes = [$this->pipes[2]];

        return stream_select($errorPipes, $empty, $empty, 1);

     * Reads the errors of the process, if there are any.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
     * @return string Empty string if there are no errors.
    protected function readProcessErrors(): string
        return (string) stream_get_contents($this->pipes[2]);

     * Writes to the input stream of the opened process.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    protected function writeProcessInput(string $string): void
        fwrite($this->pipes[0], $string);

     * @inheritDoc
    public function close(): void
        if (is_resource($this->process)) {
            foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) {
            $this->process = null;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Curl Folder 0755
FingersCrossed Folder 0755
Slack Folder 0755
SyslogUdp Folder 0755
AbstractHandler.php File 2.58 KB 0644
AbstractProcessingHandler.php File 1.46 KB 0644
AbstractSyslogHandler.php File 3.15 KB 0644
AmqpHandler.php File 4.7 KB 0644
BrowserConsoleHandler.php File 9.02 KB 0644
BufferHandler.php File 4.44 KB 0644
ChromePHPHandler.php File 5.02 KB 0644
CouchDBHandler.php File 2.55 KB 0644
CubeHandler.php File 5.31 KB 0644
DeduplicationHandler.php File 5.8 KB 0644
DoctrineCouchDBHandler.php File 1.12 KB 0644
DynamoDbHandler.php File 1.89 KB 0644
ElasticaHandler.php File 3.58 KB 0644
ElasticsearchHandler.php File 6.79 KB 0644
ErrorLogHandler.php File 2.61 KB 0644
FallbackGroupHandler.php File 1.63 KB 0644
FilterHandler.php File 6.95 KB 0644
FingersCrossedHandler.php File 7.97 KB 0644
FirePHPHandler.php File 5.03 KB 0644
FleepHookHandler.php File 3.44 KB 0644
FlowdockHandler.php File 3.4 KB 0644
FormattableHandlerInterface.php File 757 B 0644
FormattableHandlerTrait.php File 1.24 KB 0644
GelfHandler.php File 1.42 KB 0644
GroupHandler.php File 3.15 KB 0644
Handler.php File 1.21 KB 0644
HandlerInterface.php File 2.72 KB 0644
HandlerWrapper.php File 3.28 KB 0644
IFTTTHandler.php File 2.21 KB 0644
InsightOpsHandler.php File 2.04 KB 0644
LogEntriesHandler.php File 1.86 KB 0644
LogglyHandler.php File 3.99 KB 0644
LogmaticHandler.php File 2.57 KB 0644
MailHandler.php File 2.19 KB 0644
MandrillHandler.php File 2.47 KB 0644
MissingExtensionException.php File 473 B 0644
MongoDBHandler.php File 2.31 KB 0644
NativeMailerHandler.php File 4.78 KB 0644
NewRelicHandler.php File 5.69 KB 0644
NoopHandler.php File 908 B 0644
NullHandler.php File 1.3 KB 0644
OverflowHandler.php File 4.21 KB 0644
PHPConsoleHandler.php File 11.92 KB 0644
ProcessHandler.php File 5.06 KB 0644
ProcessableHandlerInterface.php File 1.16 KB 0644
ProcessableHandlerTrait.php File 1.58 KB 0644
PsrHandler.php File 2.3 KB 0644
PushoverHandler.php File 7.87 KB 0644
RedisHandler.php File 2.68 KB 0644
RedisPubSubHandler.php File 1.64 KB 0644
RollbarHandler.php File 3.52 KB 0644
RotatingFileHandler.php File 6.18 KB 0644
SamplingHandler.php File 3.82 KB 0644
SendGridHandler.php File 2.87 KB 0644
SlackHandler.php File 6.77 KB 0644
SlackWebhookHandler.php File 3.89 KB 0644
SocketHandler.php File 11.71 KB 0644
SqsHandler.php File 1.71 KB 0644
StreamHandler.php File 6.41 KB 0644
SymfonyMailerHandler.php File 3.47 KB 0644
SyslogHandler.php File 1.85 KB 0644
SyslogUdpHandler.php File 4.6 KB 0644
TelegramBotHandler.php File 8.05 KB 0644
TestHandler.php File 5.95 KB 0644
WebRequestRecognizerTrait.php File 504 B 0644
WhatFailureGroupHandler.php File 1.82 KB 0644
ZendMonitorHandler.php File 2.78 KB 0644