[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


 * This file is part of the league/commonmark package.
 * (c) Colin O'Dell <colinodell@gmail.com>
 * Original code based on the CommonMark JS reference parser (https://bitly.com/commonmark-js)
 *  - (c) John MacFarlane
 * Additional code based on commonmark-java (https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-java)
 *  - (c) Atlassian Pty Ltd
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace League\CommonMark\Parser;

use League\CommonMark\Environment\EnvironmentInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Event\DocumentParsedEvent;
use League\CommonMark\Event\DocumentPreParsedEvent;
use League\CommonMark\Exception\CommonMarkException;
use League\CommonMark\Input\MarkdownInput;
use League\CommonMark\Node\Block\Document;
use League\CommonMark\Node\Block\Paragraph;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockContinueParserInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockContinueParserWithInlinesInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockStart;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockStartParserInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\DocumentBlockParser;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\ParagraphParser;
use League\CommonMark\Reference\ReferenceInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Reference\ReferenceMap;

final class MarkdownParser implements MarkdownParserInterface
    /** @psalm-readonly */
    private EnvironmentInterface $environment;

    /** @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */
    private int $maxNestingLevel;

    /** @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */
    private ReferenceMap $referenceMap;

    /** @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */
    private int $lineNumber = 0;

    /** @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */
    private Cursor $cursor;

     * @var array<int, BlockContinueParserInterface>
     * @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation
    private array $activeBlockParsers = [];

     * @var array<int, BlockContinueParserWithInlinesInterface>
     * @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation
    private array $closedBlockParsers = [];

    public function __construct(EnvironmentInterface $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;

    private function initialize(): void
        $this->referenceMap       = new ReferenceMap();
        $this->lineNumber         = 0;
        $this->activeBlockParsers = [];
        $this->closedBlockParsers = [];

        $this->maxNestingLevel = $this->environment->getConfiguration()->get('max_nesting_level');

     * @throws CommonMarkException
    public function parse(string $input): Document

        $documentParser = new DocumentBlockParser($this->referenceMap);

        $preParsedEvent = new DocumentPreParsedEvent($documentParser->getBlock(), new MarkdownInput($input));
        $markdownInput = $preParsedEvent->getMarkdown();

        foreach ($markdownInput->getLines() as $lineNumber => $line) {
            $this->lineNumber = $lineNumber;

        // finalizeAndProcess
        $this->closeBlockParsers(\count($this->activeBlockParsers), $this->lineNumber);

        $this->environment->dispatch(new DocumentParsedEvent($documentParser->getBlock()));

        return $documentParser->getBlock();

     * Analyze a line of text and update the document appropriately. We parse markdown text by calling this on each
     * line of input, then finalizing the document.
    private function parseLine(string $line): void
        $this->cursor = new Cursor($line);

        $matches = $this->parseBlockContinuation();
        if ($matches === null) {

        $unmatchedBlocks = \count($this->activeBlockParsers) - $matches;
        $blockParser     = $this->activeBlockParsers[$matches - 1];
        $startedNewBlock = false;

        // Unless last matched container is a code block, try new container starts,
        // adding children to the last matched container:
        $tryBlockStarts = $blockParser->getBlock() instanceof Paragraph || $blockParser->isContainer();
        while ($tryBlockStarts) {
            // this is a little performance optimization
            if ($this->cursor->isBlank()) {

            if ($blockParser->getBlock()->getDepth() >= $this->maxNestingLevel) {

            $blockStart = $this->findBlockStart($blockParser);
            if ($blockStart === null || $blockStart->isAborting()) {

            if (($state = $blockStart->getCursorState()) !== null) {

            $startedNewBlock = true;

            // We're starting a new block. If we have any previous blocks that need to be closed, we need to do it now.
            if ($unmatchedBlocks > 0) {
                $this->closeBlockParsers($unmatchedBlocks, $this->lineNumber - 1);
                $unmatchedBlocks = 0;

            if ($blockStart->isReplaceActiveBlockParser()) {

            foreach ($blockStart->getBlockParsers() as $newBlockParser) {
                $blockParser    = $this->addChild($newBlockParser);
                $tryBlockStarts = $newBlockParser->isContainer();

        // What remains at the offset is a text line. Add the text to the appropriate block.

        // First check for a lazy paragraph continuation:
        if (! $startedNewBlock && ! $this->cursor->isBlank() && $this->getActiveBlockParser()->canHaveLazyContinuationLines()) {
        } else {
            // finalize any blocks not matched
            if ($unmatchedBlocks > 0) {
                $this->closeBlockParsers($unmatchedBlocks, $this->lineNumber);

            if (! $blockParser->isContainer()) {
            } elseif (! $this->cursor->isBlank()) {
                $this->addChild(new ParagraphParser());

    private function parseBlockContinuation(): ?int
        // For each containing block, try to parse the associated line start.
        // The document will always match, so we can skip the first block parser and start at 1 matches
        $matches = 1;
        for ($i = 1; $i < \count($this->activeBlockParsers); $i++) {
            $blockParser   = $this->activeBlockParsers[$i];
            $blockContinue = $blockParser->tryContinue(clone $this->cursor, $this->getActiveBlockParser());
            if ($blockContinue === null) {

            if ($blockContinue->isFinalize()) {
                $this->closeBlockParsers(\count($this->activeBlockParsers) - $i, $this->lineNumber);

                return null;

            if (($state = $blockContinue->getCursorState()) !== null) {


        return $matches;

    private function findBlockStart(BlockContinueParserInterface $lastMatchedBlockParser): ?BlockStart
        $matchedBlockParser = new MarkdownParserState($this->getActiveBlockParser(), $lastMatchedBlockParser);

        foreach ($this->environment->getBlockStartParsers() as $blockStartParser) {
            \assert($blockStartParser instanceof BlockStartParserInterface);
            if (($result = $blockStartParser->tryStart(clone $this->cursor, $matchedBlockParser)) !== null) {
                return $result;

        return null;

    private function closeBlockParsers(int $count, int $endLineNumber): void
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $blockParser = $this->deactivateBlockParser();
            $this->finalize($blockParser, $endLineNumber);

            // phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.EarlyExit.EarlyExitNotUsed
            if ($blockParser instanceof BlockContinueParserWithInlinesInterface) {
                // Remember for inline parsing
                $this->closedBlockParsers[] = $blockParser;

     * Finalize a block. Close it and do any necessary postprocessing, e.g. creating string_content from strings,
     * setting the 'tight' or 'loose' status of a list, and parsing the beginnings of paragraphs for reference
     * definitions.
    private function finalize(BlockContinueParserInterface $blockParser, int $endLineNumber): void
        if ($blockParser instanceof ParagraphParser) {


     * Walk through a block & children recursively, parsing string content into inline content where appropriate.
    private function processInlines(): void
        $p = new InlineParserEngine($this->environment, $this->referenceMap);

        foreach ($this->closedBlockParsers as $blockParser) {

     * Add block of type tag as a child of the tip. If the tip can't accept children, close and finalize it and try
     * its parent, and so on til we find a block that can accept children.
    private function addChild(BlockContinueParserInterface $blockParser): BlockContinueParserInterface

        while (! $this->getActiveBlockParser()->canContain($blockParser->getBlock())) {
            $this->closeBlockParsers(1, $this->lineNumber - 1);


        return $blockParser;

    private function activateBlockParser(BlockContinueParserInterface $blockParser): void
        $this->activeBlockParsers[] = $blockParser;

     * @throws ParserLogicException
    private function deactivateBlockParser(): BlockContinueParserInterface
        $popped = \array_pop($this->activeBlockParsers);
        if ($popped === null) {
            throw new ParserLogicException('The last block parser should not be deactivated');

        return $popped;

    private function prepareActiveBlockParserForReplacement(): void
        // Note that we don't want to parse inlines or finalize this block, as it's getting replaced.
        $old = $this->deactivateBlockParser();

        if ($old instanceof ParagraphParser) {


     * @param ReferenceInterface[] $references
    private function updateReferenceMap(iterable $references): void
        foreach ($references as $reference) {
            if (! $this->referenceMap->contains($reference->getLabel())) {

     * @throws ParserLogicException
    public function getActiveBlockParser(): BlockContinueParserInterface
        $active = \end($this->activeBlockParsers);
        if ($active === false) {
            throw new ParserLogicException('No active block parsers are available');

        return $active;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Block Folder 0755
Inline Folder 0755
Cursor.php File 13.88 KB 0644
CursorState.php File 1.1 KB 0644
InlineParserContext.php File 2.8 KB 0644
InlineParserEngine.php File 6.49 KB 0644
InlineParserEngineInterface.php File 643 B 0644
MarkdownParser.php File 11.87 KB 0644
MarkdownParserInterface.php File 547 B 0644
MarkdownParserState.php File 1.59 KB 0644
MarkdownParserStateInterface.php File 1.05 KB 0644
ParserLogicException.php File 449 B 0644