[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


 * This file is part of the league/commonmark package.
 * (c) Colin O'Dell <colinodell@gmail.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace League\CommonMark\Parser;

use League\CommonMark\Exception\UnexpectedEncodingException;

class Cursor
    public const INDENT_LEVEL = 4;

    /** @psalm-readonly */
    private string $line;

    /** @psalm-readonly */
    private int $length;

     * @var int
     * It's possible for this to be 1 char past the end, meaning we've parsed all chars and have
     * reached the end.  In this state, any character-returning method MUST return null.
    private int $currentPosition = 0;

    private int $column = 0;

    private int $indent = 0;

    private int $previousPosition = 0;

    private ?int $nextNonSpaceCache = null;

    private bool $partiallyConsumedTab = false;

     * @var int|false
     * @psalm-readonly
    private $lastTabPosition;

    /** @psalm-readonly */
    private bool $isMultibyte;

    /** @var array<int, string> */
    private array $charCache = [];

     * @param string $line The line being parsed (ASCII or UTF-8)
    public function __construct(string $line)
        if (! \mb_check_encoding($line, 'UTF-8')) {
            throw new UnexpectedEncodingException('Unexpected encoding - UTF-8 or ASCII was expected');

        $this->line            = $line;
        $this->length          = \mb_strlen($line, 'UTF-8') ?: 0;
        $this->isMultibyte     = $this->length !== \strlen($line);
        $this->lastTabPosition = $this->isMultibyte ? \mb_strrpos($line, "\t", 0, 'UTF-8') : \strrpos($line, "\t");

     * Returns the position of the next character which is not a space (or tab)
    public function getNextNonSpacePosition(): int
        if ($this->nextNonSpaceCache !== null) {
            return $this->nextNonSpaceCache;

        if ($this->currentPosition >= $this->length) {
            return $this->length;

        $cols = $this->column;

        for ($i = $this->currentPosition; $i < $this->length; $i++) {
            // This if-else was copied out of getCharacter() for performance reasons
            if ($this->isMultibyte) {
                $c = $this->charCache[$i] ??= \mb_substr($this->line, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
            } else {
                $c = $this->line[$i];

            if ($c === ' ') {
            } elseif ($c === "\t") {
                $cols += 4 - ($cols % 4);
            } else {

        $this->indent = $cols - $this->column;

        return $this->nextNonSpaceCache = $i;

     * Returns the next character which isn't a space (or tab)
    public function getNextNonSpaceCharacter(): ?string
        $index = $this->getNextNonSpacePosition();
        if ($index >= $this->length) {
            return null;

        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            return $this->charCache[$index] ??= \mb_substr($this->line, $index, 1, 'UTF-8');

        return $this->line[$index];

     * Calculates the current indent (number of spaces after current position)
    public function getIndent(): int
        if ($this->nextNonSpaceCache === null) {

        return $this->indent;

     * Whether the cursor is indented to INDENT_LEVEL
    public function isIndented(): bool
        if ($this->nextNonSpaceCache === null) {

        return $this->indent >= self::INDENT_LEVEL;

    public function getCharacter(?int $index = null): ?string
        if ($index === null) {
            $index = $this->currentPosition;

        // Index out-of-bounds, or we're at the end
        if ($index < 0 || $index >= $this->length) {
            return null;

        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            return $this->charCache[$index] ??= \mb_substr($this->line, $index, 1, 'UTF-8');

        return $this->line[$index];

     * Slightly-optimized version of getCurrent(null)
    public function getCurrentCharacter(): ?string
        if ($this->currentPosition >= $this->length) {
            return null;

        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            return $this->charCache[$this->currentPosition] ??= \mb_substr($this->line, $this->currentPosition, 1, 'UTF-8');

        return $this->line[$this->currentPosition];

     * Returns the next character (or null, if none) without advancing forwards
    public function peek(int $offset = 1): ?string
        return $this->getCharacter($this->currentPosition + $offset);

     * Whether the remainder is blank
    public function isBlank(): bool
        return $this->nextNonSpaceCache === $this->length || $this->getNextNonSpacePosition() === $this->length;

     * Move the cursor forwards
    public function advance(): void

     * Move the cursor forwards
     * @param int  $characters       Number of characters to advance by
     * @param bool $advanceByColumns Whether to advance by columns instead of spaces
    public function advanceBy(int $characters, bool $advanceByColumns = false): void
        $this->previousPosition  = $this->currentPosition;
        $this->nextNonSpaceCache = null;

        if ($this->currentPosition >= $this->length || $characters === 0) {

        // Optimization to avoid tab handling logic if we have no tabs
        if ($this->lastTabPosition === false || $this->currentPosition > $this->lastTabPosition) {
            $length                     = \min($characters, $this->length - $this->currentPosition);
            $this->partiallyConsumedTab = false;
            $this->currentPosition     += $length;
            $this->column              += $length;


        $nextFewChars = $this->isMultibyte ?
            \mb_substr($this->line, $this->currentPosition, $characters, 'UTF-8') :
            \substr($this->line, $this->currentPosition, $characters);

        if ($characters === 1) {
            $asArray = [$nextFewChars];
        } elseif ($this->isMultibyte) {
            /** @var string[] $asArray */
            $asArray = \mb_str_split($nextFewChars, 1, 'UTF-8');
        } else {
            $asArray = \str_split($nextFewChars);

        foreach ($asArray as $c) {
            if ($c === "\t") {
                $charsToTab = 4 - ($this->column % 4);
                if ($advanceByColumns) {
                    $this->partiallyConsumedTab = $charsToTab > $characters;
                    $charsToAdvance             = $charsToTab > $characters ? $characters : $charsToTab;
                    $this->column              += $charsToAdvance;
                    $this->currentPosition     += $this->partiallyConsumedTab ? 0 : 1;
                    $characters                -= $charsToAdvance;
                } else {
                    $this->partiallyConsumedTab = false;
                    $this->column              += $charsToTab;
            } else {
                $this->partiallyConsumedTab = false;

            if ($characters <= 0) {

     * Advances the cursor by a single space or tab, if present
    public function advanceBySpaceOrTab(): bool
        $character = $this->getCurrentCharacter();

        if ($character === ' ' || $character === "\t") {
            $this->advanceBy(1, true);

            return true;

        return false;

     * Parse zero or more space/tab characters
     * @return int Number of positions moved
    public function advanceToNextNonSpaceOrTab(): int
        $newPosition = $this->nextNonSpaceCache ?? $this->getNextNonSpacePosition();
        if ($newPosition === $this->currentPosition) {
            return 0;

        $this->advanceBy($newPosition - $this->currentPosition);
        $this->partiallyConsumedTab = false;

        // We've just advanced to where that non-space is,
        // so any subsequent calls to find the next one will
        // always return the current position.
        $this->nextNonSpaceCache = $this->currentPosition;
        $this->indent            = 0;

        return $this->currentPosition - $this->previousPosition;

     * Parse zero or more space characters, including at most one newline.
     * Tab characters are not parsed with this function.
     * @return int Number of positions moved
    public function advanceToNextNonSpaceOrNewline(): int
        $remainder = $this->getRemainder();

        // Optimization: Avoid the regex if we know there are no spaces or newlines
        if ($remainder === '' || ($remainder[0] !== ' ' && $remainder[0] !== "\n")) {
            $this->previousPosition = $this->currentPosition;

            return 0;

        $matches = [];
        \preg_match('/^ *(?:\n *)?/', $remainder, $matches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

        // [0][0] contains the matched text
        // [0][1] contains the index of that match
        $increment = $matches[0][1] + \strlen($matches[0][0]);


        return $this->currentPosition - $this->previousPosition;

     * Move the position to the very end of the line
     * @return int The number of characters moved
    public function advanceToEnd(): int
        $this->previousPosition  = $this->currentPosition;
        $this->nextNonSpaceCache = null;

        $this->currentPosition = $this->length;

        return $this->currentPosition - $this->previousPosition;

    public function getRemainder(): string
        if ($this->currentPosition >= $this->length) {
            return '';

        $prefix   = '';
        $position = $this->currentPosition;
        if ($this->partiallyConsumedTab) {
            $charsToTab = 4 - ($this->column % 4);
            $prefix     = \str_repeat(' ', $charsToTab);

        $subString = $this->isMultibyte ?
            \mb_substr($this->line, $position, null, 'UTF-8') :
            \substr($this->line, $position);

        return $prefix . $subString;

    public function getLine(): string
        return $this->line;

    public function isAtEnd(): bool
        return $this->currentPosition >= $this->length;

     * Try to match a regular expression
     * Returns the matching text and advances to the end of that match
    public function match(string $regex): ?string
        $subject = $this->getRemainder();

        if (! \preg_match($regex, $subject, $matches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
            return null;

        // $matches[0][0] contains the matched text
        // $matches[0][1] contains the index of that match

        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            // PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE always returns the byte offset, not the char offset, which is annoying
            $offset      = \mb_strlen(\substr($subject, 0, $matches[0][1]), 'UTF-8');
            $matchLength = \mb_strlen($matches[0][0], 'UTF-8');
        } else {
            $offset      = $matches[0][1];
            $matchLength = \strlen($matches[0][0]);

        // [0][0] contains the matched text
        // [0][1] contains the index of that match
        $this->advanceBy($offset + $matchLength);

        return $matches[0][0];

     * Encapsulates the current state of this cursor in case you need to rollback later.
     * WARNING: Do not parse or use the return value for ANYTHING except for
     * passing it back into restoreState(), as the number of values and their
     * contents may change in any future release without warning.
    public function saveState(): CursorState
        return new CursorState([

     * Restore the cursor to a previous state.
     * Pass in the value previously obtained by calling saveState().
    public function restoreState(CursorState $state): void
        ] = $state->toArray();

    public function getPosition(): int
        return $this->currentPosition;

    public function getPreviousText(): string
        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            return \mb_substr($this->line, $this->previousPosition, $this->currentPosition - $this->previousPosition, 'UTF-8');

        return \substr($this->line, $this->previousPosition, $this->currentPosition - $this->previousPosition);

    public function getSubstring(int $start, ?int $length = null): string
        if ($this->isMultibyte) {
            return \mb_substr($this->line, $start, $length, 'UTF-8');

        if ($length !== null) {
            return \substr($this->line, $start, $length);

        return \substr($this->line, $start);

    public function getColumn(): int
        return $this->column;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Block Folder 0755
Inline Folder 0755
Cursor.php File 13.88 KB 0644
CursorState.php File 1.1 KB 0644
InlineParserContext.php File 2.8 KB 0644
InlineParserEngine.php File 6.49 KB 0644
InlineParserEngineInterface.php File 643 B 0644
MarkdownParser.php File 11.87 KB 0644
MarkdownParserInterface.php File 547 B 0644
MarkdownParserState.php File 1.59 KB 0644
MarkdownParserStateInterface.php File 1.05 KB 0644
ParserLogicException.php File 449 B 0644