[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace Kreait\Firebase\Contract;

use DateInterval;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\ActionCodeSettings;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\CreateActionLink\FailedToCreateActionLink;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\CreateSessionCookie\FailedToCreateSessionCookie;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\DeleteUsersResult;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SendActionLink\FailedToSendActionLink;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignIn\FailedToSignIn;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\SignInResult;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\UserQuery;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\UserRecord;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\ExpiredOobCode;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\FailedToVerifySessionCookie;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\FailedToVerifyToken;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\InvalidOobCode;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\OperationNotAllowed;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\RevokedIdToken;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\RevokedSessionCookie;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\UserDisabled;
use Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\UserNotFound;
use Kreait\Firebase\Request;
use Kreait\Firebase\Request\CreateUser;
use Kreait\Firebase\Request\UpdateUser;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Token;
use Lcobucci\JWT\UnencryptedToken;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Stringable;
use Traversable;

 * @phpstan-import-type UserQueryShape from UserQuery
interface Auth
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @throws UserNotFound
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function getUser(Stringable|string $uid): UserRecord;

     * @param non-empty-list<Stringable|non-empty-string> $uids
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
     * @return array<non-empty-string, UserRecord|null>
    public function getUsers(array $uids): array;

     * @param UserQuery|UserQueryShape $query
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @return array<non-empty-string, UserRecord>
    public function queryUsers(UserQuery|array $query): array;

     * @param positive-int $maxResults
     * @param positive-int $batchSize
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @return Traversable<UserRecord>
    public function listUsers(int $maxResults = 1000, int $batchSize = 1000): Traversable;

     * Creates a new user with the provided properties.
     * @param array<non-empty-string, mixed>|Request\CreateUser $properties
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function createUser(array|CreateUser $properties): UserRecord;

     * Updates the given user with the given properties.
     * @param non-empty-array<non-empty-string, mixed>|Request\UpdateUser $properties
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function updateUser(Stringable|string $uid, array|UpdateUser $properties): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $password
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function createUserWithEmailAndPassword(Stringable|string $email, Stringable|string $password): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @throws UserNotFound
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function getUserByEmail(Stringable|string $email): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $phoneNumber
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function getUserByPhoneNumber(Stringable|string $phoneNumber): UserRecord;

     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function createAnonymousUser(): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $newPassword
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function changeUserPassword(Stringable|string $uid, Stringable|string $newPassword): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $newEmail
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function changeUserEmail(Stringable|string $uid, Stringable|string $newEmail): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function enableUser(Stringable|string $uid): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function disableUser(Stringable|string $uid): UserRecord;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @throws UserNotFound
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function deleteUser(Stringable|string $uid): void;

     * @param iterable<Stringable|non-empty-string> $uids
     * @param bool $forceDeleteEnabledUsers Whether to force deleting accounts that are not in disabled state. If false, only disabled accounts will be deleted, and accounts that are not disabled will be added to the errors.
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
    public function deleteUsers(iterable $uids, bool $forceDeleteEnabledUsers = false): DeleteUsersResult;

     * @param non-empty-string $type
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink
    public function getEmailActionLink(string $type, Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): string;

     * @param non-empty-string $type
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws UserNotFound
     * @throws FailedToSendActionLink
    public function sendEmailActionLink(string $type, Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink
    public function getEmailVerificationLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): string;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToSendActionLink
    public function sendEmailVerificationLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink
    public function getPasswordResetLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): string;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToSendActionLink
    public function sendPasswordResetLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToCreateActionLink
    public function getSignInWithEmailLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): string;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param ActionCodeSettings|array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $actionCodeSettings
     * @param non-empty-string|null $locale
     * @throws FailedToSendActionLink
    public function sendSignInWithEmailLink(Stringable|string $email, $actionCodeSettings = null, ?string $locale = null): void;

     * Sets additional developer claims on an existing user identified by the provided UID.
     * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/custom-claims
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @param array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $claims
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function setCustomUserClaims(Stringable|string $uid, ?array $claims): void;

     * @param array<non-empty-string, mixed> $claims
     * @param int<0, 3600>|DateInterval|non-empty-string $ttl
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function createCustomToken(Stringable|string $uid, array $claims = [], int|DateInterval|string $ttl = 3600): UnencryptedToken;

     * @param non-empty-string $tokenString
    public function parseToken(string $tokenString): UnencryptedToken;

     * Creates a new Firebase session cookie with the given lifetime.
     * The session cookie JWT will have the same payload claims as the provided ID token.
     * @param Token|non-empty-string $idToken The Firebase ID token to exchange for a session cookie
     * @param DateInterval|positive-int $ttl
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the token or TTL is invalid
     * @throws FailedToCreateSessionCookie
    public function createSessionCookie(Token|string $idToken, DateInterval|int $ttl): string;

     * Verifies a JWT auth token.
     * Returns a token with the token's claims or rejects it if the token could not be verified.
     * If checkRevoked is set to true, verifies if the session corresponding to the ID token was revoked.
     * If the corresponding user's session was invalidated, a RevokedIdToken exception is thrown.
     * If not specified the check is not applied.
     * NOTE: Allowing time inconsistencies might impose a security risk. Do this only when you are not able
     * to fix your environment's time to be consistent with Google's servers.
     * @param Token|non-empty-string $idToken the JWT to verify
     * @param bool $checkIfRevoked whether to check if the ID token is revoked
     * @param positive-int|null $leewayInSeconds number of seconds to allow a token to be expired, in case that there
     *                                           is a clock skew between the signing and the verifying server
     * @throws FailedToVerifyToken if the token could not be verified
     * @throws RevokedIdToken if the token has been revoked
    public function verifyIdToken(Token|string $idToken, bool $checkIfRevoked = false, ?int $leewayInSeconds = null): UnencryptedToken;

     * Verifies a JWT session cookie.
     * Returns a token with the cookie's claims or rejects it if the session cookie could not be verified.
     * If checkRevoked is set to true, verifies if the session corresponding to the ID token was revoked.
     * If the corresponding user's session was invalidated, a RevokedSessionCookie exception is thrown.
     * If not specified the check is not applied.
     * NOTE: Allowing time inconsistencies might impose a security risk. Do this only when you are not able
     * to fix your environment's time to be consistent with Google's servers.
     * @param non-empty-string $sessionCookie
     * @param positive-int|null $leewayInSeconds
     * @throws FailedToVerifySessionCookie
     * @throws RevokedSessionCookie
    public function verifySessionCookie(string $sessionCookie, bool $checkIfRevoked = false, ?int $leewayInSeconds = null): UnencryptedToken;

     * Verifies the given password reset code and returns the associated user's email address.
     * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/auth#section-verify-password-reset-code
     * @param non-empty-string $oobCode
     * @throws ExpiredOobCode
     * @throws InvalidOobCode
     * @throws OperationNotAllowed
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function verifyPasswordResetCode(string $oobCode): string;

     * Applies the password reset requested via the given OOB code and returns the associated user's email address.
     * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/auth#section-confirm-reset-password
     * @param non-empty-string $oobCode the email action code sent to the user's email for resetting the password
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $newPassword
     * @param bool $invalidatePreviousSessions Invalidate sessions initialized with the previous credentials
     * @throws ExpiredOobCode
     * @throws InvalidOobCode
     * @throws OperationNotAllowed
     * @throws UserDisabled
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function confirmPasswordReset(string $oobCode, Stringable|string $newPassword, bool $invalidatePreviousSessions = true): string;

     * Revokes all refresh tokens for the specified user identified by the uid provided.
     * In addition to revoking all refresh tokens for a user, all ID tokens issued
     * before revocation will also be revoked on the Auth backend. Any request with an
     * ID token generated before revocation will be rejected with a token expired error.
     * @param Stringable|string $uid the user whose tokens are to be revoked
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function revokeRefreshTokens(Stringable|string $uid): void;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $uid
     * @param list<Stringable|non-empty-string>|Stringable|non-empty-string $provider
     * @throws Exception\AuthException
     * @throws Exception\FirebaseException
    public function unlinkProvider(Stringable|string $uid, array|Stringable|string $provider): UserRecord;

     * @param UserRecord|Stringable|non-empty-string $user
     * @param array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null $claims
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInAsUser(UserRecord|Stringable|string $user, ?array $claims = null): SignInResult;

     * @param Token|non-empty-string $token
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithCustomToken(Token|string $token): SignInResult;

     * @param non-empty-string $refreshToken
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithRefreshToken(string $refreshToken): SignInResult;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $clearTextPassword
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithEmailAndPassword(Stringable|string $email, Stringable|string $clearTextPassword): SignInResult;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $email
     * @param non-empty-string $oobCode
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithEmailAndOobCode(Stringable|string $email, string $oobCode): SignInResult;

     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInAnonymously(): SignInResult;

     * @see https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/reference/rest/v1/accounts/signInWithIdp
     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $provider
     * @param non-empty-string $accessToken
     * @param UriInterface|non-empty-string|null $redirectUrl
     * @param non-empty-string|null $oauthTokenSecret
     * @param non-empty-string|null $linkingIdToken
     * @param non-empty-string|null $rawNonce
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithIdpAccessToken(Stringable|string $provider, string $accessToken, $redirectUrl = null, ?string $oauthTokenSecret = null, ?string $linkingIdToken = null, ?string $rawNonce = null): SignInResult;

     * @param Stringable|non-empty-string $provider
     * @param Token|non-empty-string $idToken
     * @param UriInterface|non-empty-string|null $redirectUrl
     * @param non-empty-string|null $linkingIdToken
     * @param non-empty-string|null $rawNonce
     * @throws FailedToSignIn
    public function signInWithIdpIdToken(Stringable|string $provider, Token|string $idToken, $redirectUrl = null, ?string $linkingIdToken = null, ?string $rawNonce = null): SignInResult;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AppCheck.php File 1.06 KB 0644
Auth.php File 17.2 KB 0644
Database.php File 1.98 KB 0644
DynamicLinks.php File 2.29 KB 0644
Firestore.php File 188 B 0644
Messaging.php File 5.18 KB 0644
RemoteConfig.php File 2.32 KB 0644
Storage.php File 283 B 0644