[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace Doctrine\DBAL;

use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PgSQL;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLite3;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLSrv;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\MalformedDsnException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\DsnParser;
use Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation;
use SensitiveParameter;

use function array_keys;
use function array_merge;
use function is_a;

 * Factory for creating {@see Connection} instances.
 * @psalm-type OverrideParams = array{
 *     application_name?: string,
 *     charset?: string,
 *     dbname?: string,
 *     default_dbname?: string,
 *     driver?: key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>,
 *     driverClass?: class-string<Driver>,
 *     driverOptions?: array<mixed>,
 *     host?: string,
 *     password?: string,
 *     path?: string,
 *     persistent?: bool,
 *     platform?: Platforms\AbstractPlatform,
 *     port?: int,
 *     serverVersion?: string,
 *     url?: string,
 *     user?: string,
 *     unix_socket?: string,
 * }
 * @psalm-type Params = array{
 *     application_name?: string,
 *     charset?: string,
 *     dbname?: string,
 *     defaultTableOptions?: array<string, mixed>,
 *     default_dbname?: string,
 *     driver?: key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>,
 *     driverClass?: class-string<Driver>,
 *     driverOptions?: array<mixed>,
 *     host?: string,
 *     keepSlave?: bool,
 *     keepReplica?: bool,
 *     master?: OverrideParams,
 *     memory?: bool,
 *     password?: string,
 *     path?: string,
 *     persistent?: bool,
 *     platform?: Platforms\AbstractPlatform,
 *     port?: int,
 *     primary?: OverrideParams,
 *     replica?: array<OverrideParams>,
 *     serverVersion?: string,
 *     sharding?: array<string,mixed>,
 *     slaves?: array<OverrideParams>,
 *     url?: string,
 *     user?: string,
 *     wrapperClass?: class-string<Connection>,
 *     unix_socket?: string,
 * }
final class DriverManager
     * List of supported drivers and their mappings to the driver classes.
     * To add your own driver use the 'driverClass' parameter to {@see DriverManager::getConnection()}.
    private const DRIVER_MAP = [
        'pdo_mysql'          => PDO\MySQL\Driver::class,
        'pdo_sqlite'         => PDO\SQLite\Driver::class,
        'pdo_pgsql'          => PDO\PgSQL\Driver::class,
        'pdo_oci'            => PDO\OCI\Driver::class,
        'oci8'               => OCI8\Driver::class,
        'ibm_db2'            => IBMDB2\Driver::class,
        'pdo_sqlsrv'         => PDO\SQLSrv\Driver::class,
        'mysqli'             => Mysqli\Driver::class,
        'pgsql'              => PgSQL\Driver::class,
        'sqlsrv'             => SQLSrv\Driver::class,
        'sqlite3'            => SQLite3\Driver::class,

     * List of URL schemes from a database URL and their mappings to driver.
     * @deprecated Use actual driver names instead.
     * @var string[]
    private static array $driverSchemeAliases = [
        'db2'        => 'ibm_db2',
        'mssql'      => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
        'mysql'      => 'pdo_mysql',
        'mysql2'     => 'pdo_mysql', // Amazon RDS, for some weird reason
        'postgres'   => 'pdo_pgsql',
        'postgresql' => 'pdo_pgsql',
        'pgsql'      => 'pdo_pgsql',
        'sqlite'     => 'pdo_sqlite',
        'sqlite3'    => 'pdo_sqlite',

     * Private constructor. This class cannot be instantiated.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    private function __construct()

     * Creates a connection object based on the specified parameters.
     * This method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection which wraps the underlying
     * driver connection.
     * $params must contain at least one of the following.
     * Either 'driver' with one of the array keys of {@see DRIVER_MAP},
     * OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the
     * driver class to instantiate.
     * Other (optional) parameters:
     * <b>user (string)</b>:
     * The username to use when connecting.
     * <b>password (string)</b>:
     * The password to use when connecting.
     * <b>driverOptions (array)</b>:
     * Any additional driver-specific options for the driver. These are just passed
     * through to the driver.
     * <b>wrapperClass</b>:
     * You may specify a custom wrapper class through the 'wrapperClass'
     * parameter but this class MUST inherit from Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.
     * <b>driverClass</b>:
     * The driver class to use.
     * @param Configuration|null $config       The configuration to use.
     * @param EventManager|null  $eventManager The event manager to use.
     * @psalm-param Params $params
     * @psalm-return ($params is array{wrapperClass: class-string<T>} ? T : Connection)
     * @throws Exception
     * @template T of Connection
    public static function getConnection(
        array $params,
        ?Configuration $config = null,
        ?EventManager $eventManager = null
    ): Connection {
        // create default config and event manager, if not set
        $config       ??= new Configuration();
        $eventManager ??= new EventManager();
        $params         = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params);

        // URL support for PrimaryReplicaConnection
        if (isset($params['primary'])) {
            $params['primary'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['primary']);

        if (isset($params['replica'])) {
            foreach ($params['replica'] as $key => $replicaParams) {
                $params['replica'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($replicaParams);

        $driver = self::createDriver($params['driver'] ?? null, $params['driverClass'] ?? null);

        foreach ($config->getMiddlewares() as $middleware) {
            $driver = $middleware->wrap($driver);

        $wrapperClass = $params['wrapperClass'] ?? Connection::class;
        if (! is_a($wrapperClass, Connection::class, true)) {
            throw Exception::invalidWrapperClass($wrapperClass);

        return new $wrapperClass($params, $driver, $config, $eventManager);

     * Returns the list of supported drivers.
     * @return string[]
     * @psalm-return list<key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>>
    public static function getAvailableDrivers(): array
        return array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP);

     * @param class-string<Driver>|null     $driverClass
     * @param key-of<self::DRIVER_MAP>|null $driver
     * @throws Exception
    private static function createDriver(?string $driver, ?string $driverClass): Driver
        if ($driverClass === null) {
            if ($driver === null) {
                throw Exception::driverRequired();

            if (! isset(self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver])) {
                throw Exception::unknownDriver($driver, array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP));

            $driverClass = self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver];
        } elseif (! is_a($driverClass, Driver::class, true)) {
            throw Exception::invalidDriverClass($driverClass);

        return new $driverClass();

     * Extracts parts from a database URL, if present, and returns an
     * updated list of parameters.
     * @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters.
     * @psalm-param Params $params
     * @return mixed[] A modified list of parameters with info from a database
     *                 URL extracted into indidivual parameter parts.
     * @psalm-return Params
     * @throws Exception
    private static function parseDatabaseUrl(
        array $params
    ): array {
        if (! isset($params['url'])) {
            return $params;

            'The "url" connection parameter is deprecated. Please use %s to parse a database url before calling %s.',

        $parser = new DsnParser(self::$driverSchemeAliases);
        try {
            $parsedParams = $parser->parse($params['url']);
        } catch (MalformedDsnException $e) {
            throw new Exception('Malformed parameter "url".', 0, $e);

        if (isset($parsedParams['driver'])) {
            // The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence
            // over the default custom driver from the connection parameters (if any).

        $params = array_merge($params, $parsedParams);

        // If a schemeless connection URL is given, we require a default driver or default custom driver
        // as connection parameter.
        if (! isset($params['driverClass']) && ! isset($params['driver'])) {
            throw Exception::driverRequired($params['url']);

        return $params;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ArrayParameters Folder 0755
Cache Folder 0755
Connections Folder 0755
Driver Folder 0755
Event Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Id Folder 0755
Logging Folder 0755
Platforms Folder 0755
Portability Folder 0755
Query Folder 0755
SQL Folder 0755
Schema Folder 0755
Tools Folder 0755
Types Folder 0755
ArrayParameterType.php File 982 B 0644
ColumnCase.php File 429 B 0644
Configuration.php File 6.52 KB 0644
Connection.php File 62.79 KB 0644
ConnectionException.php File 917 B 0644
Driver.php File 1.62 KB 0644
DriverManager.php File 9.06 KB 0644
Events.php File 1.58 KB 0644
Exception.php File 4.95 KB 0644
ExpandArrayParameters.php File 3.69 KB 0644
FetchMode.php File 333 B 0644
LockMode.php File 419 B 0644
ParameterType.php File 982 B 0644
Query.php File 1.16 KB 0644
Result.php File 7.85 KB 0644
Statement.php File 7.46 KB 0644
TransactionIsolationLevel.php File 601 B 0644
VersionAwarePlatformDriver.php File 1.02 KB 0644