[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
document.getElementById("sa-basic") && document.getElementById("sa-basic").addEventListener("click", function () {
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}), document.getElementById("sa-title") && document.getElementById("sa-title").addEventListener("click", function () {
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        cancelButtonText: "No, cancel!",
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}), document.getElementById("custom-padding-width-alert") && document.getElementById("custom-padding-width-alert").addEventListener("click", function () {
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}), document.getElementById("ajax-alert") && document.getElementById("ajax-alert").addEventListener("click", function () {
        title: "Submit email to run ajax request",
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                setTimeout(function () {
                    "taken@example.com" === n ? e("This email is already taken.") : t()
                }, 2e3)
        allowOutsideClick: !1
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}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-success") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-success").addEventListener("click", function () {
        html: '<div class="mt-3"><lord-icon src="https://cdn.lordicon.com/lupuorrc.json" trigger="loop" colors="primary:#0ab39c,secondary:#405189" style="width:120px;height:120px"></lord-icon><div class="mt-4 pt-2 fs-15"><h4>Well done !</h4><p class="text-muted mx-4 mb-0">Aww yeah, you successfully read this important message.</p></div></div>',
        showCancelButton: !0,
        showConfirmButton: !1,
        cancelButtonClass: "btn btn-primary w-xs mb-1",
        cancelButtonText: "Back",
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}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-error") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-error").addEventListener("click", function () {
        html: '<div class="mt-3"><lord-icon src="https://cdn.lordicon.com/tdrtiskw.json" trigger="loop" colors="primary:#f06548,secondary:#f7b84b" style="width:120px;height:120px"></lord-icon><div class="mt-4 pt-2 fs-15"><h4>Oops...! Something went Wrong !</h4><p class="text-muted mx-4 mb-0">Your email Address is invalid</p></div></div>',
        showCancelButton: !0,
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        cancelButtonText: "Dismiss",
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}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-warning") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-warning").addEventListener("click", function () {
        html: '<div class="mt-3"><lord-icon src="https://cdn.lordicon.com/gsqxdxog.json" trigger="loop" colors="primary:#f7b84b,secondary:#f06548" style="width:100px;height:100px"></lord-icon><div class="mt-4 pt-2 fs-15 mx-5"><h4>Are you Sure ?</h4><p class="text-muted mx-4 mb-0">Are you Sure You want to Delete this Account ?</p></div></div>',
        showCancelButton: !0,
        confirmButtonClass: "btn btn-primary w-xs me-2 mb-1",
        confirmButtonText: "Yes, Delete It!",
        cancelButtonClass: "btn btn-danger w-xs mb-1",
        buttonsStyling: !1,
        showCloseButton: !0
}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-community") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-community").addEventListener("click", function () {
        title: "Join Our Community",
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        imageUrl: "assets/images/logo-sm.png",
        footer: '<p class="fs-13 text-muted mb-0">Already have an account ? <a href="#" class="fw-semibold text-decoration-underline"> Signin </a> </p>',
        imageHeight: 40,
        confirmButtonClass: "btn btn-primary w-xs mb-2",
        confirmButtonText: 'Register <i class="ri-arrow-right-line ms-1 align-bottom"></i>',
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}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-email-verify") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-email-verify").addEventListener("click", function () {
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        confirmButtonText: "Verify Email",
        buttonsStyling: !1,
        footer: '<p class="fs-14 text-muted mb-0">Didn\'t receive an email ? <a href="#" class="fw-semibold text-decoration-underline">Resend</a></p>',
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}), document.getElementById("custom-sa-notification") && document.getElementById("custom-sa-notification").addEventListener("click", function () {
        html: '<div class="mt-3"><div class="avatar-lg mx-auto"><img src="assets/images/users/avatar-2.jpg" class="rounded-circle img-thumbnail" alt="thumbnail"></div><div class="mt-4 pt-2 fs-15"><h4 class="fs-18 fw-semibold">Welcome <span class="fw-semibold">Mike Mayer</span></h4><p class="text-muted mb-0 fs-13">You have <span class="fw-semibold text-success">2</span> Notifications</p></div></div>',
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        confirmButtonText: 'Show Me <i class="ri-arrow-right-line ms-1 align-bottom"></i>',
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