* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Caster;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\FFICaster;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Test\VarDumperTestTrait;
* @author Kirill Nesmeyanov <nesk@xakep.ru>
* @requires extension ffi
class FFICasterTest extends TestCase
use VarDumperTestTrait;
protected function setUp(): void
if (\in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'], true) && 'preload' === \ini_get('ffi.enable')) {
if (!filter_var(\ini_get('ffi.enable'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('FFI not enabled for CLI SAPI');
public function testCastAnonymousStruct()
FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 4 align 4 {
uint32_t x: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('struct { uint32_t x; }'));
public function testCastNamedStruct()
FFI\CData<struct Example> size 4 align 4 {
uint32_t x: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('struct Example { uint32_t x; }'));
public function testCastAnonymousUnion()
FFI\CData<union <anonymous>> size 4 align 4 {
uint32_t x: 0
uint32_t y: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('union { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; }'));
public function testCastNamedUnion()
FFI\CData<union Example> size 4 align 4 {
uint32_t x: 0
uint32_t y: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('union Example { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; }'));
public function testCastAnonymousEnum()
FFI\CData<enum <anonymous>> size 4 align 4 {
cdata: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('enum { a, b }'));
public function testCastNamedEnum()
FFI\CData<enum Example> size 4 align 4 {
cdata: 0
PHP, \FFI::new('enum Example { a, b }'));
public static function scalarsDataProvider(): array
return [
'int8_t' => ['int8_t', '0', 1, 1],
'uint8_t' => ['uint8_t', '0', 1, 1],
'int16_t' => ['int16_t', '0', 2, 2],
'uint16_t' => ['uint16_t', '0', 2, 2],
'int32_t' => ['int32_t', '0', 4, 4],
'uint32_t' => ['uint32_t', '0', 4, 4],
'int64_t' => ['int64_t', '0', 8, 8],
'uint64_t' => ['uint64_t', '0', 8, 8],
'bool' => ['bool', 'false', 1, 1],
'char' => ['char', '"\x00"', 1, 1],
'float' => ['float', '0.0', 4, 4],
'double' => ['double', '0.0', 8, 8],
* @dataProvider scalarsDataProvider
public function testCastScalar(string $type, string $value, int $size, int $align)
FFI\CData<$type> size $size align $align {
cdata: $value
PHP, \FFI::new($type));
public function testCastVoidFunction()
$abi = \PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows' ? '[cdecl]' : '[fastcall]';
$abi callable(): void {
returnType: FFI\CType<void> size 1 align 1 {}
PHP, \FFI::new('void (*)(void)'));
public function testCastIntFunction()
$abi = \PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows' ? '[cdecl]' : '[fastcall]';
$abi callable(): uint64_t {
returnType: FFI\CType<uint64_t> size 8 align 8 {}
PHP, \FFI::new('unsigned long long (*)(void)'));
public function testCastFunctionWithArguments()
$abi = \PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows' ? '[cdecl]' : '[fastcall]';
$abi callable(int32_t, char*): void {
returnType: FFI\CType<void> size 1 align 1 {}
PHP, \FFI::new('void (*)(int a, const char* b)'));
public function testCastNonCuttedPointerToChar()
$actualMessage = "Hello World!\0";
$string = \FFI::new('char[100]');
$pointer = \FFI::addr($string[0]);
\FFI::memcpy($pointer, $actualMessage, \strlen($actualMessage));
FFI\CData<char*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: "Hello World!\x00"
PHP, $pointer);
public function testCastCuttedPointerToChar()
$actualMessage = str_repeat('Hello World!', 30)."\0";
$actualLength = \strlen($actualMessage);
$expectedMessage = 'Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!'
.'Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hel'
.'lo World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello '
.'World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello World!Hello Wor'
.'ld!Hello World!Hel';
$string = \FFI::new('char['.$actualLength.']');
$pointer = \FFI::addr($string[0]);
\FFI::memcpy($pointer, $actualMessage, $actualLength);
FFI\CData<char*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: "$expectedMessage"…
PHP, $pointer);
* It is worth noting that such a test can cause SIGSEGV, as it breaks
* into "foreign" memory. However, this is only theoretical, since
* memory is allocated within the PHP process and almost always "garbage
* data" will be read from the PHP process itself.
* If this test fails for some reason, please report it: We may have to
* disable the dumping of strings ("char*") feature in VarDumper.
* @see FFICaster::castFFIStringValue()
public function testCastNonTrailingCharPointer()
$actualMessage = 'Hello World!';
$actualLength = \strlen($actualMessage);
$string = \FFI::new('char['.$actualLength.']');
$pointer = \FFI::addr($string[0]);
\FFI::memcpy($pointer, $actualMessage, $actualLength);
// Remove automatically addition of the trailing "\0" and remove trailing "\0"
$pointer = \FFI::cast('char*', \FFI::cast('void*', $pointer));
$pointer[$actualLength] = "\x01";
FFI\CData<char*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: "$actualMessage%s"
PHP, $pointer);
public function testCastUnionWithDirectReferencedFields()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef union Event {
int32_t x;
float y;
} Event;
FFI\CData<union Event> size 4 align 4 {
int32_t x: 0
float y: 0.0
OUTPUT, $ffi->new('Event'));
public function testCastUnionWithPointerReferencedFields()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef union Event {
void* something;
char* string;
} Event;
FFI\CData<union Event> size 8 align 8 {
something?: FFI\CType<void*> size 8 align 8 {
0: FFI\CType<void> size 1 align 1 {}
string?: FFI\CType<char*> size 8 align 8 {
0: FFI\CType<char> size 1 align 1 {}
OUTPUT, $ffi->new('Event'));
public function testCastUnionWithMixedFields()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef union Event {
void* a;
int32_t b;
char* c;
ptrdiff_t d;
} Event;
FFI\CData<union Event> size 8 align 8 {
a?: FFI\CType<void*> size 8 align 8 {
0: FFI\CType<void> size 1 align 1 {}
int32_t b: 0
c?: FFI\CType<char*> size 8 align 8 {
0: FFI\CType<char> size 1 align 1 {}
int64_t d: 0
OUTPUT, $ffi->new('Event'));
public function testCastPointerToEmptyScalars()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef struct {
int8_t *a;
uint8_t *b;
int64_t *c;
uint64_t *d;
float *e;
double *f;
bool *g;
} Example;
FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 56 align 8 {
int8_t* a: null
uint8_t* b: null
int64_t* c: null
uint64_t* d: null
float* e: null
double* f: null
bool* g: null
OUTPUT, $ffi->new('Example'));
public function testCastPointerToNonEmptyScalars()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef struct {
int8_t *a;
uint8_t *b;
int64_t *c;
uint64_t *d;
float *e;
double *f;
bool *g;
} Example;
// Create values
$int = \FFI::new('int64_t');
$int->cdata = 42;
$float = \FFI::new('float');
$float->cdata = 42.0;
$double = \FFI::new('double');
$double->cdata = 42.2;
$bool = \FFI::new('bool');
$bool->cdata = true;
// Fill struct
$struct = $ffi->new('Example');
$struct->a = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('int8_t', $int));
$struct->b = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('uint8_t', $int));
$struct->c = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('int64_t', $int));
$struct->d = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('uint64_t', $int));
$struct->e = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('float', $float));
$struct->f = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('double', $double));
$struct->g = \FFI::addr(\FFI::cast('bool', $bool));
FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 56 align 8 {
a: FFI\CData<int8_t*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42
b: FFI\CData<uint8_t*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42
c: FFI\CData<int64_t*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42
d: FFI\CData<uint64_t*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42
e: FFI\CData<float*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42.0
f: FFI\CData<double*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: 42.2
g: FFI\CData<bool*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: true
OUTPUT, $struct);
public function testCastPointerToStruct()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef struct {
int8_t a;
} Example;
$struct = $ffi->new('Example', false);
FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 1 align 1 {
int8_t a: 0
OUTPUT, \FFI::addr($struct));
// Save the pointer as variable so that
// it is not cleaned up by the GC
$pointer = \FFI::addr($struct);
FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>**> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>*> size 8 align 8 {
cdata: FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 1 align 1 {
int8_t a: 0
OUTPUT, \FFI::addr($pointer));
public function testCastComplexType()
$ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<<'CPP'
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} Point;
typedef struct Example {
uint8_t a[32];
long b;
__extension__ union {
__extension__ struct {
short c;
long d;
struct {
Point point;
float e;
short f;
bool g;
int (*func)(
struct __sub *h
} Example;
$var = $ffi->new('Example');
$var->func = (static fn (object $p) => 42);
$abi = \PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows' ? '[cdecl]' : '[fastcall]';
$longSize = \FFI::type('long')->getSize();
$longType = 8 === $longSize ? 'int64_t' : 'int32_t';
$structSize = 56 + $longSize * 2;
FFI\CData<struct Example> size $structSize align 8 {
a: FFI\CData<uint8_t[32]> size 32 align 1 {}
$longType b: 0
int16_t c: 0
$longType d: 0
point: FFI\CData<struct <anonymous>> size 8 align 4 {
int32_t x: 0
int32_t y: 0
float e: 0.0
int16_t f: 0
bool g: false
func: $abi callable(struct __sub*): int32_t {
returnType: FFI\CType<int32_t> size 4 align 4 {}
OUTPUT, $var);