[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\SelfCheckingResourceInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue;
use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator;

class TranslatorCacheTest extends TestCase
    protected $tmpDir;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir().'/sf_translation';

    protected function tearDown(): void

    protected function deleteTmpDir()
        if (!file_exists($dir = $this->tmpDir)) {

        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->tmpDir), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
        foreach ($iterator as $path) {
            if (preg_match('#[/\\\\]\.\.?$#', $path->__toString())) {
            if ($path->isDir()) {
            } else {

     * @dataProvider runForDebugAndProduction
    public function testThatACacheIsUsed($debug)
        if (!class_exists(\MessageFormatter::class)) {
            $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Skipping test as the required "%s" class does not exist. Consider installing the "intl" PHP extension or the "symfony/polyfill-intl-messageformatter" package.', \MessageFormatter::class));

        $locale = 'any_locale';
        $format = 'some_format';
        $msgid = 'test';

        // Prime the cache
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, $debug);
        $translator->addLoader($format, new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid => 'OK'], $locale);
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid.'+intl' => 'OK'], $locale, 'messages+intl-icu');
        $translator->trans($msgid.'+intl', [], 'messages+intl-icu');

        // Try again and see we get a valid result whilst no loader can be used
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, $debug);
        $translator->addLoader($format, $this->createFailingLoader());
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid => 'OK'], $locale);
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid.'+intl' => 'OK'], $locale, 'messages+intl-icu');
        $this->assertEquals('OK', $translator->trans($msgid), '-> caching does not work in '.($debug ? 'debug' : 'production'));
        $this->assertEquals('OK', $translator->trans($msgid.'+intl', [], 'messages+intl-icu'));

    public function testCatalogueIsReloadedWhenResourcesAreNoLongerFresh()
         * The testThatACacheIsUsed() test showed that we don't need the loader as long as the cache
         * is fresh.
         * Now we add a Resource that is never fresh and make sure that the
         * cache is discarded (the loader is called twice).
         * We need to run this for debug=true only because in production the cache
         * will never be revalidated.

        $locale = 'any_locale';
        $format = 'some_format';
        $msgid = 'test';

        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale, []);
        $catalogue->addResource(new StaleResource()); // better use a helper class than a mock, because it gets serialized in the cache and re-loaded

        /** @var MockObject&LoaderInterface $loader */
        $loader = $this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class);

        // 1st pass
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, true);
        $translator->addLoader($format, $loader);
        $translator->addResource($format, null, $locale);

        // 2nd pass
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, true);
        $translator->addLoader($format, $loader);
        $translator->addResource($format, null, $locale);

     * @dataProvider runForDebugAndProduction
    public function testDifferentTranslatorsForSameLocaleDoNotOverwriteEachOthersCache($debug)
         * Similar to the previous test. After we used the second translator, make
         * sure there's still a usable cache for the first one.

        $locale = 'any_locale';
        $format = 'some_format';
        $msgid = 'test';

        // Create a Translator and prime its cache
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, $debug);
        $translator->addLoader($format, new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid => 'OK'], $locale);

        // Create another Translator with a different catalogue for the same locale
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, $debug);
        $translator->addLoader($format, new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid => 'FAIL'], $locale);

        // Now the first translator must still have a usable cache.
        $translator = new Translator($locale, null, $this->tmpDir, $debug);
        $translator->addLoader($format, $this->createFailingLoader());
        $translator->addResource($format, [$msgid => 'OK'], $locale);
        $this->assertEquals('OK', $translator->trans($msgid), '-> the cache was overwritten by another translator instance in '.($debug ? 'debug' : 'production'));

    public function testGeneratedCacheFilesAreOnlyBelongRequestedLocales()
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir);

        $cachedFiles = glob($this->tmpDir.'/*.php');

        $this->assertCount(1, $cachedFiles);

    public function testDifferentCacheFilesAreUsedForDifferentSetsOfFallbackLocales()
         * Because the cache file contains a catalogue including all of its fallback
         * catalogues, we must take the set of fallback locales into consideration when
         * loading a catalogue from the cache.
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir);

        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (a)'], 'a');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['bar' => 'bar (b)'], 'b');

        $this->assertEquals('bar (b)', $translator->trans('bar'));

        // Remove fallback locale
        $this->assertEquals('bar', $translator->trans('bar'));

        // Use a fresh translator with no fallback locales, result should be the same
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir);

        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (a)'], 'a');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['bar' => 'bar (b)'], 'b');

        $this->assertEquals('bar', $translator->trans('bar'));

    public function testPrimaryAndFallbackCataloguesContainTheSameMessagesRegardlessOfCaching()
         * As a safeguard against potential BC breaks, make sure that primary and fallback
         * catalogues (reachable via getFallbackCatalogue()) always contain the full set of
         * messages provided by the loader. This must also be the case when these catalogues
         * are (internally) read from a cache.
         * Optimizations inside the translator must not change this behavior.

         * Create a translator that loads two catalogues for two different locales.
         * The catalogues contain distinct sets of messages.
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir);

        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (a)'], 'a');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (b)'], 'b');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['bar' => 'bar (b)'], 'b');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['baz' => 'baz (b)'], 'b', 'messages+intl-icu');

        $catalogue = $translator->getCatalogue('a');
        $this->assertFalse($catalogue->defines('bar')); // Sure, the "a" catalogue does not contain that message.

        $fallback = $catalogue->getFallbackCatalogue();
        $this->assertTrue($fallback->defines('foo')); // "foo" is present in "a" and "b"

         * Now, repeat the same test.
         * Behind the scenes, the cache is used. But that should not matter, right?
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir);

        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (a)'], 'a');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'foo (b)'], 'b');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['bar' => 'bar (b)'], 'b');
        $translator->addResource('array', ['baz' => 'baz (b)'], 'b', 'messages+intl-icu');

        $catalogue = $translator->getCatalogue('a');

        $fallback = $catalogue->getFallbackCatalogue();
        $this->assertTrue($fallback->defines('baz', 'messages+intl-icu'));

    public function testRefreshCacheWhenResourcesAreNoLongerFresh()
        $resource = $this->createMock(SelfCheckingResourceInterface::class);
        $loader = $this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class);
            ->willReturn($this->getCatalogue('fr', [], [$resource]));

        // prime the cache
        $translator = new Translator('fr', null, $this->tmpDir, true);
        $translator->addLoader('loader', $loader);
        $translator->addResource('loader', 'foo', 'fr');

        // prime the cache second time
        $translator = new Translator('fr', null, $this->tmpDir, true);
        $translator->addLoader('loader', $loader);
        $translator->addResource('loader', 'foo', 'fr');

    public function testCachedCatalogueIsReDumpedWhenCacheVaryChange()
        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir, false, []);
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'bar'], 'a', 'messages');

        // Cached catalogue is dumped
        $this->assertSame('bar', $translator->trans('foo', [], 'messages', 'a'));

        $translator = new Translator('a', null, $this->tmpDir, false, ['vary']);
        $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader());
        $translator->addResource('array', ['foo' => 'ccc'], 'a', 'messages');

        $this->assertSame('ccc', $translator->trans('foo', [], 'messages', 'a'));

    protected function getCatalogue($locale, $messages, $resources = [])
        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale);
        foreach ($messages as $key => $translation) {
            $catalogue->set($key, $translation);
        foreach ($resources as $resource) {

        return $catalogue;

    public static function runForDebugAndProduction()
        return [[true], [false]];

    private function createFailingLoader(): LoaderInterface
        $loader = $this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class);

        return $loader;

class StaleResource implements SelfCheckingResourceInterface
    public function isFresh(int $timestamp): bool
        return false;

    public function getResource()

    public function __toString(): string
        return '';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Catalogue Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
DataCollector Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
Dumper Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Extractor Folder 0755
Formatter Folder 0755
Loader Folder 0755
Provider Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
Writer Folder 0755
fixtures Folder 0755
DataCollectorTranslatorTest.php File 3.29 KB 0644
IdentityTranslatorTest.php File 985 B 0644
LocaleSwitcherTest.php File 3.11 KB 0644
LoggingTranslatorTest.php File 953 B 0644
MessageCatalogueTest.php File 10.64 KB 0644
PseudoLocalizationTranslatorTest.php File 4.94 KB 0644
TranslatableTest.php File 2.98 KB 0644
TranslatorBagTest.php File 3.28 KB 0644
TranslatorCacheTest.php File 12.88 KB 0644
TranslatorTest.php File 21.8 KB 0644