<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\ArrayLoader; use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator; class TranslatableTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider getTransTests */ public function testTrans(string $expected, TranslatableMessage $translatable, array $translation, string $locale) { $translator = new Translator('en'); $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader()); $translator->addResource('array', $translation, $locale, $translatable->getDomain()); $this->assertSame($expected, $translatable->trans($translator, $locale)); } /** * @dataProvider getFlattenedTransTests */ public function testFlattenedTrans($expected, $messages, $translatable) { $translator = new Translator('en'); $translator->addLoader('array', new ArrayLoader()); $translator->addResource('array', $messages, 'fr', ''); $this->assertSame($expected, $translatable->trans($translator, 'fr')); } public function testToString() { $this->assertSame('Symfony is great!', (string) new TranslatableMessage('Symfony is great!')); } public static function getTransTests() { return [ ['Symfony est super !', new TranslatableMessage('Symfony is great!', [], ''), [ 'Symfony is great!' => 'Symfony est super !', ], 'fr'], ['Symfony est awesome !', new TranslatableMessage('Symfony is %what%!', ['%what%' => 'awesome'], ''), [ 'Symfony is %what%!' => 'Symfony est %what% !', ], 'fr'], ['Symfony est superbe !', new TranslatableMessage('Symfony is %what%!', ['%what%' => new TranslatableMessage('awesome', [], '')], ''), [ 'Symfony is %what%!' => 'Symfony est %what% !', 'awesome' => 'superbe', ], 'fr'], ]; } public static function getFlattenedTransTests() { $messages = [ 'symfony' => [ 'is' => [ 'great' => 'Symfony est super!', ], ], 'foo' => [ 'bar' => [ 'baz' => 'Foo Bar Baz', ], 'baz' => 'Foo Baz', ], ]; return [ ['Symfony est super!', $messages, new TranslatableMessage('symfony.is.great', [], '')], ['Foo Bar Baz', $messages, new TranslatableMessage('foo.bar.baz', [], '')], ['Foo Baz', $messages, new TranslatableMessage('foo.baz', [], '')], ]; } }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Catalogue | Folder | 0755 |
Command | Folder | 0755 |
DataCollector | Folder | 0755 |
DependencyInjection | Folder | 0755 |
Dumper | Folder | 0755 |
Exception | Folder | 0755 |
Extractor | Folder | 0755 |
Formatter | Folder | 0755 |
Loader | Folder | 0755 |
Provider | Folder | 0755 |
Util | Folder | 0755 |
Writer | Folder | 0755 |
fixtures | Folder | 0755 |
DataCollectorTranslatorTest.php | File | 3.29 KB | 0644 |
IdentityTranslatorTest.php | File | 985 B | 0644 |
LocaleSwitcherTest.php | File | 3.11 KB | 0644 |
LoggingTranslatorTest.php | File | 953 B | 0644 |
MessageCatalogueTest.php | File | 10.64 KB | 0644 |
PseudoLocalizationTranslatorTest.php | File | 4.94 KB | 0644 |
TranslatableTest.php | File | 2.98 KB | 0644 |
TranslatorBagTest.php | File | 3.28 KB | 0644 |
TranslatorCacheTest.php | File | 12.88 KB | 0644 |
TranslatorTest.php | File | 21.8 KB | 0644 |