* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Mailer\Tests\Transport;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Dsn;
class DsnTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider fromStringProvider
public function testFromString(string $string, Dsn $dsn)
$this->assertEquals($dsn, Dsn::fromString($string));
public function testGetOption()
$options = ['with_value' => 'some value', 'nullable' => null];
$dsn = new Dsn('smtp', 'example.com', null, null, null, $options);
$this->assertSame('some value', $dsn->getOption('with_value'));
$this->assertSame('default', $dsn->getOption('nullable', 'default'));
$this->assertSame('default', $dsn->getOption('not_existent_property', 'default'));
* @dataProvider invalidDsnProvider
public function testInvalidDsn(string $dsn, string $exceptionMessage)
public static function fromStringProvider(): iterable
yield 'simple smtp without user and pass' => [
new Dsn('smtp', 'example.com'),
yield 'simple dsn including @ sign, but no user/password/token' => [
new Dsn('scheme', 'localhost', null, null),
yield 'simple dsn including : sign and @ sign, but no user/password/token' => [
new Dsn('scheme', 'localhost', null, null),
yield 'simple dsn including user, : sign and @ sign, but no password' => [
new Dsn('scheme', 'localhost', 'user1', null),
yield 'simple dsn including : sign, password, and @ sign, but no user' => [
new Dsn('scheme', 'localhost', null, 'pass'),
yield 'simple smtp with custom port' => [
new Dsn('smtp', 'example.com', 'user1', 'pass2', 99),
yield 'gmail smtp with urlencoded user and pass' => [
new Dsn('smtp', 'gmail', 'u$er', 'pa$s'),
yield 'mailgun api with custom options' => [
new Dsn('api', 'mailgun', 'u$er', 'pa$s', null, ['region' => 'eu']),
public static function invalidDsnProvider(): iterable
yield [
'The "some://" mailer DSN is invalid.',
yield [
'The "//sendmail" mailer DSN must contain a scheme.',
yield [
'The "file:///some/path" mailer DSN must contain a host (use "default" by default).',