[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Gitignore;

 * @author Michael Voříšek <vorismi3@fel.cvut.cz>
class GitignoreTest extends TestCase
     * @dataProvider provider
     * @dataProvider providerExtended
    public function testToRegex(array $gitignoreLines, array $matchingCases, array $nonMatchingCases)
        $patterns = implode("\n", $gitignoreLines);

        $regex = Gitignore::toRegex($patterns);
        $this->assertSame($regex, Gitignore::toRegex(implode("\r\n", $gitignoreLines)));
        $this->assertSame($regex, Gitignore::toRegex(implode("\r", $gitignoreLines)));

        foreach ($matchingCases as $matchingCase) {
                    "Failed asserting path:\n%s\nmatches gitignore patterns:\n%s",
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $matchingCase),
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $patterns)

        foreach ($nonMatchingCases as $nonMatchingCase) {
                sprintf("Failed asserting path:\n%s\nNOT matching gitignore patterns:\n%s",
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $nonMatchingCase),
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $patterns)

    public static function provider(): array
        $cases = [
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],
                ['a', 'X'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'X', 'b/a', 'b/c/a', 'a/X', 'a/X/y', 'b/a/X/y'],
                ['A', 'x', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],
                ['/a', 'x', 'd/'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'x', 'a/x', 'a/x/y', 'b/a/x/y', 'd/', 'd/u', 'e/d/', 'e/d/u'],
                ['b/a', 'b/c/a', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa', 'e/d'],
                ['a/', 'x'],
                ['a/b', 'a/b/c', 'x', 'a/x', 'a/x/y', 'b/a/x/y'],
                ['a', 'b/a', 'b/c/a', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],
                ['/a', 'm/*', 'o/**', 'p/**/', 'x**y'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'm/', 'o/', 'p/', 'xy', 'xuy', 'x/y', 'x/u/y', 'xu/y', 'x/uy', 'xu/uy'],
                ['aa', 'm', 'b/m', 'b/m/', 'o', 'b/o', 'b/o/', 'p', 'b/p', 'b/p/'],
                ['a', '!x'],
                ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'b/a', 'b/c/a'],
                ['x', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],
                ['a', '!a/', 'b', '!b/b'],
                ['a', 'a/x', 'x/a', 'x/a/x', 'b', 'b'],
                ['a/', 'x/a/', 'bb', 'b/b', 'bb'],
                ['[a-c]', 'x[C-E][][o]', 'g-h'],
                ['a', 'b', 'c', 'xDo', 'g-h'],
                ['A', 'xdo', 'u', 'g', 'h'],
                ['a?', '*/??b?'],
                ['ax', 'x/xxbx'],
                ['a', 'axy', 'xxax', 'x/xxax', 'x/y/xxax'],
                [' ', ' \ ', '  \  ', '/a ', '/b/c \ '],
                ['  ', '   ', 'x/  ', 'x/   ', 'a', 'a/x', 'b/c  '],
                [' ', '    ', 'x/ ', 'x/    ', 'a ', 'b/c   '],
                ['#', ' #', '/ #', '  #', '/  #', '  \ #', '   \  #', 'a #', 'a  #', 'a  \ #', 'a   \  #'],
                ['   ', '    ', 'a', 'a   ', 'a    '],
                [' ', '  ', 'a ', 'a  '],
                ["\t", "\t\\\t", " \t\\\t ", "\t#", "a\t#", "a\t\t#", "a \t#", "a\t\t\\\t#", "a \t\t\\\t\t#"],
                ["\t\t", " \t\t", 'a', "a\t\t\t", "a \t\t\t"],
                ["\t", "\t\t ", " \t\t ", "a\t", 'a ', "a \t", "a\t\t"],
                [' a', 'b ', '\ ', 'c\ '],
                [' a', 'b', ' ', 'c '],
                ['a', 'b ', 'c'],
                ['#a', '\#b', '\#/'],
                ['#b', '#/'],
                ['#a', 'a', 'b'],
                ['*', '!!', '!!*x', '\!!b'],
                ['a', '!!', '!!b'],
                ['!', '!x', '!xx'],
                ['bin/cat', 'abc/bin/cat'],
                ['file.pyc', 'file.pyc'],
                ['filexpyc', 'file.pycx', 'file.py'],
                ['dir1/dir2/', 'dir1/dirA/dir2/', 'dir1/dirA/dirB/dir2/'],
                ['dir1dir2/', 'dir1xdir2/', 'dir1/xdir2/', 'dir1x/dir2/'],
                ['app/file.php', 'file.php'],
                ['file.phps', 'file.phps', 'filephps'],
                ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/dir1/dir2/file.txt'],
                ['#IamComment', '/app/cache/'],
                ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt'],
                ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#IamComment', 'IamComment'],
                ['/app/cache/', '#LastLineIsComment'],
                ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt'],
                ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment', 'LastLineIsComment'],
                ['/app/cache/', '\#file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment'],
                ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt', '#file.txt'],
                ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment', 'LastLineIsComment'],
                ['/app/cache/', '\#file.txt', '#IamComment', 'another_file.txt'],
                ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt', '#file.txt', 'another_file.txt'],
                ['a/app/cache/file.txt', 'IamComment', '#IamComment'],
                ['app/test/file', 'app/bin/file'],
                ['app/a/img', 'app/a/img/x', 'app/a/img/src/x'],
                ['app/a/img/src', 'app/a/img/src/'],
                ['app/a/img', 'app/a/img/x', 'app/a/img/src/x', 'app/a/b/img', 'app/a/b/img/x', 'app/a/b/img/src/x', 'app/a/b/c/img'],
                ['app/a/img/src', 'app/a/b/img/src', 'app/a/c/b/img/src'],
                ['bar', 'foo/ba', 'foo/barx', 'x/foo/bar'],
                ['foo', 'foo/bar'],
                ['example/test', 'example/example.txt2', 'example/packages/foo.yaml'],
                ['example/example.txt', 'example/packages', 'example/packages/'],
            // based on https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes/gitignore
                ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/monday/foo.bar'],
                ['logs/debug.log', 'build/logs/debug.log'],
                ['debug.log', 'foo.log', '.log', 'logs/debug.log'],
                ['debug.log', 'trace.log'],
                ['important.log', 'logs/important.log'],
                ['debug.log', 'important/trace.log'],
                ['debug.log', 'logs/debug.log'],
                ['debug0.log', 'debugg.log'],
                ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log'],
                ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log'],
                ['debug2.log', 'debug01.log'],
                ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log', 'debug01.log'],
                ['debuga.log', 'debugb.log'],
                ['logs', 'logs/debug.log', 'logs/latest/foo.bar', 'build/logs', 'build/logs/debug.log'],
                ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/latest/foo.bar', 'build/logs/foo.bar', 'build/logs/latest/debug.log'],
                ['logs/debug.log'/* must be pruned on traversal 'logs/important.log' */],
                ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/monday/debug.log', 'logs/monday/pm/debug.log'],
                ['logs/monday/debug.log', 'logs/tuesday/debug.log'],
                ['debug.log', 'build/logs/debug.log'],
                ['a/vendor/', 'a/vendor/b', 'a/vendor/b/c'],
                ['a', 'vendor', 'vendor/', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor', 'a/b/vendor/c'],
                ['vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],
                ['a', 'vendor', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor'],
                ['vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],
                ['a', 'vendor', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor'],
                ['vendor', 'vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],

        return $cases;

    public static function providerExtended(): array
        $basicCases = self::provider();

        $cases = [];
        foreach ($basicCases as $case) {
            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['never'], $case[0], ['!never']),

            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['!*'], $case[0]),

            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['*', '!*'], $case[0]),

            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['never', '**/never2', 'never3/**'], $case[0]),

            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['!never', '!**/never2', '!never3/**'], $case[0]),

            $lines = [];
            for ($i = 0; $i < 30; ++$i) {
                foreach ($case[0] as $line) {
                    $lines[] = $line;
            $cases[] = [
                array_merge(['!never', '!**/never2', '!never3/**'], $lines),

        return $cases;

     * @dataProvider provideNegatedPatternsCases
    public function testToRegexMatchingNegatedPatterns(array $gitignoreLines, array $matchingCases, array $nonMatchingCases)
        $patterns = implode("\n", $gitignoreLines);

        $regex = Gitignore::toRegexMatchingNegatedPatterns($patterns);
        $this->assertSame($regex, Gitignore::toRegexMatchingNegatedPatterns(implode("\r\n", $gitignoreLines)));
        $this->assertSame($regex, Gitignore::toRegexMatchingNegatedPatterns(implode("\r", $gitignoreLines)));

        foreach ($matchingCases as $matchingCase) {
                    "Failed asserting path:\n%s\nmatches gitignore negated patterns:\n%s",
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $matchingCase),
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $patterns)

        foreach ($nonMatchingCases as $nonMatchingCase) {
                sprintf("Failed asserting path:\n%s\nNOT matching gitignore negated patterns:\n%s",
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $nonMatchingCase),
                    preg_replace('~^~m', '    ', $patterns)

    public static function provideNegatedPatternsCases(): iterable
        yield [
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],

        yield [
            ['!a', '!X'],
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'X', 'b/a', 'b/c/a', 'a/X', 'a/X/y', 'b/a/X/y'],
            ['A', 'x', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],

        yield [
            ['!/a', '!x', '!d/'],
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'x', 'a/x', 'a/x/y', 'b/a/x/y', 'd/', 'd/u', 'e/d/', 'e/d/u'],
            ['b/a', 'b/c/a', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa', 'e/d'],

        yield [
            ['!a/', '!x'],
            ['a/b', 'a/b/c', 'x', 'a/x', 'a/x/y', 'b/a/x/y'],
            ['a', 'b/a', 'b/c/a', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],

        yield [
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],

        yield [
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt'],

        yield [
            ['!/a', '!m/*', '!o/**', '!p/**/', '!x**y'],
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'm/', 'o/', 'p/', 'xy', 'xuy', 'x/y', 'x/u/y', 'xu/y', 'x/uy', 'xu/uy'],
            ['aa', 'm', 'b/m', 'b/m/', 'o', 'b/o', 'b/o/', 'p', 'b/p', 'b/p/'],

        yield [
            ['!a', 'x'],
            ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', 'b/a', 'b/c/a'],
            ['x', 'aa', 'm.txt', '.txt', 'aa/b', 'b/aa'],

        yield [
            ['!a', 'a/', '!b', 'b/b'],
            ['a', 'a/x', 'x/a', 'x/a/x', 'b', 'b'],
            ['a/', 'x/a/', 'bb', 'b/b', 'bb'],

        yield [
            ['![a-c]', '!x[C-E][][o]', '!g-h'],
            ['a', 'b', 'c', 'xDo', 'g-h'],
            ['A', 'xdo', 'u', 'g', 'h'],

        yield [
            ['!a?', '!*/??b?'],
            ['ax', 'x/xxbx'],
            ['a', 'axy', 'xxax', 'x/xxax', 'x/y/xxax'],

        yield [
            ['! ', '! \ ', '!  \  ', '!/a ', '!/b/c \ '],
            ['  ', '   ', 'x/  ', 'x/   ', 'a', 'a/x', 'b/c  '],
            [' ', '    ', 'x/ ', 'x/    ', 'a ', 'b/c   '],

        yield [
            ['!\#', '! #', '!/ #', '!  #', '!/  #', '!  \ #', '!   \  #', '!a #', '!a  #', '!a  \ #', '!a   \  #'],
            ['   ', '    ', 'a', 'a   ', 'a    '],
            [' ', '  ', 'a ', 'a  '],

        yield [
            ["!\t", "!\t\\\t", "! \t\\\t ", "!\t#", "!a\t#", "!a\t\t#", "!a \t#", "!a\t\t\\\t#", "!a \t\t\\\t\t#"],
            ["\t\t", " \t\t", 'a', "a\t\t\t", "a \t\t\t"],
            ["\t", "\t\t ", " \t\t ", "a\t", 'a ', "a \t", "a\t\t"],

        yield [
            ['! a', '!b ', '!\ ', '!c\ '],
            [' a', 'b', ' ', 'c '],
            ['a', 'b ', 'c'],

        yield [
            ['!\#a', '!\#b', '!\#/'],
            ['#a', '#b', '#/'],
            ['a', 'b'],

        yield [
            ['*', '!!', '!!*x', '\!!b'],
            ['!', '!x', '!xx'],
            ['a', '!!', '!!b'],

        yield [
            ['bin/bash', 'bin/cat'],

        yield [

        yield [

        yield [
            ['file.pyc', 'file.pyc'],
            ['filexpyc', 'file.pycx', 'file.py'],

        yield [
            ['dir1/dir2/', 'dir1/dirA/dir2/', 'dir1/dirA/dirB/dir2/'],
            ['dir1dir2/', 'dir1xdir2/', 'dir1/xdir2/', 'dir1x/dir2/'],

        yield [

        yield [

        yield [

        yield [
            ['app/file.php', 'file.php'],
            ['file.phps', 'file.phps', 'filephps'],

        yield [
            ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/dir1/dir2/file.txt'],

        yield [
            ['#IamComment', '!/app/cache/'],
            ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt'],
            ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#IamComment', 'IamComment'],

        yield [
            ['!/app/cache/', '#LastLineIsComment'],
            ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt'],
            ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment', 'LastLineIsComment'],

        yield [
            ['!/app/cache/', '!\#file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment'],
            ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt', '#file.txt'],
            ['a/app/cache/file.txt', '#LastLineIsComment', 'LastLineIsComment'],

        yield [
            ['!/app/cache/', '!\#file.txt', '#IamComment', '!another_file.txt'],
            ['app/cache/file.txt', 'app/cache/subdir/ile.txt', '#file.txt', 'another_file.txt'],
            ['a/app/cache/file.txt', 'IamComment', '#IamComment'],

        yield [
            ['app/bin/file', 'app/bin/test'],

        yield [
            ['app/a/img/src', 'app/a/img/src/', 'app/a/img/src/x'],
            ['app/a/img', 'app/a/img/x'],

        yield [
            ['app/a/img/src', 'app/a/b/img/src', 'app/a/c/b/img/src', 'app/a/img/src/x', 'app/a/b/img/src/x'],
            ['app/a/img', 'app/a/img/x', 'app/a/b/img', 'app/a/b/img/x', 'app/a/b/c/img'],

        yield [
            ['foo', 'foo/bar'],
            ['bar', 'foo/ba', 'foo/barx', 'x/foo/bar'],

        yield [
            ['example/example.txt', 'example/packages', 'example/packages/', 'example/packages/foo.yaml'],
            ['example/test', 'example/example.txt2'],

        // based on https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes/gitignore
        yield [
            ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/monday/foo.bar'],

        yield [
            ['logs/debug.log', 'build/logs/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug.log', 'foo.log', '.log', 'logs/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['important.log', 'logs/important.log'],
            ['debug.log', 'trace.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug.log', 'important/trace.log'],

        yield [

        yield [
            ['debug.log', 'logs/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug0.log', 'debugg.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log'],
            ['debug2.log', 'debug01.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug0.log', 'debug1.log', 'debug01.log'],

        yield [
            ['debuga.log', 'debugb.log'],

        yield [
            ['logs', 'logs/debug.log', 'logs/latest/foo.bar', 'build/logs', 'build/logs/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/latest/foo.bar', 'build/logs/foo.bar', 'build/logs/latest/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['logs/debug.log'/* must be pruned on traversal 'logs/important.log' */],

        yield [
            ['logs/debug.log', 'logs/monday/debug.log', 'logs/monday/pm/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['logs/monday/debug.log', 'logs/tuesday/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['debug.log', 'build/logs/debug.log'],

        yield [
            ['a/vendor/', 'a/vendor/b', 'a/vendor/b/c'],
            ['a', 'vendor', 'vendor/', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor', 'a/b/vendor/c'],

        yield [
            ['vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],
            ['a', 'vendor', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor'],

        yield [
            ['vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],
            ['a', 'vendor', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor'],

        yield [
            ['vendor', 'vendor/', 'vendor/a', 'vendor/a/b', 'a/vendor', 'a/b/vendor', 'a/b/vendor/c/d'],


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Comparator Folder 0755
Fixtures Folder 0755
Iterator Folder 0755
FinderTest.php File 51.66 KB 0644
GitignoreTest.php File 26.82 KB 0644
GlobTest.php File 3.14 KB 0644