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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Helper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal;

 * @author Pierre du Plessis <pdples@gmail.com>
 * @author Gabriel Ostrolucký <gabriel.ostrolucky@gmail.com>
class ConsoleSectionOutput extends StreamOutput
    private array $content = [];
    private int $lines = 0;
    private array $sections;
    private Terminal $terminal;
    private int $maxHeight = 0;

     * @param resource               $stream
     * @param ConsoleSectionOutput[] $sections
    public function __construct($stream, array &$sections, int $verbosity, bool $decorated, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter)
        parent::__construct($stream, $verbosity, $decorated, $formatter);
        array_unshift($sections, $this);
        $this->sections = &$sections;
        $this->terminal = new Terminal();

     * Defines a maximum number of lines for this section.
     * When more lines are added, the section will automatically scroll to the
     * end (i.e. remove the first lines to comply with the max height).
    public function setMaxHeight(int $maxHeight): void
        // when changing max height, clear output of current section and redraw again with the new height
        $existingContent = $this->popStreamContentUntilCurrentSection($this->maxHeight ? min($this->maxHeight, $this->lines) : $this->lines);

        $this->maxHeight = $maxHeight;

        parent::doWrite($this->getVisibleContent(), false);
        parent::doWrite($existingContent, false);

     * Clears previous output for this section.
     * @param int $lines Number of lines to clear. If null, then the entire output of this section is cleared
    public function clear(int $lines = null)
        if (empty($this->content) || !$this->isDecorated()) {

        if ($lines) {
            array_splice($this->content, -$lines);
        } else {
            $lines = $this->lines;
            $this->content = [];

        $this->lines -= $lines;

        parent::doWrite($this->popStreamContentUntilCurrentSection($this->maxHeight ? min($this->maxHeight, $lines) : $lines), false);

     * Overwrites the previous output with a new message.
    public function overwrite(string|iterable $message)

    public function getContent(): string
        return implode('', $this->content);

    public function getVisibleContent(): string
        if (0 === $this->maxHeight) {
            return $this->getContent();

        return implode('', \array_slice($this->content, -$this->maxHeight));

     * @internal
    public function addContent(string $input, bool $newline = true): int
        $width = $this->terminal->getWidth();
        $lines = explode(\PHP_EOL, $input);
        $linesAdded = 0;
        $count = \count($lines) - 1;
        foreach ($lines as $i => $lineContent) {
            // re-add the line break (that has been removed in the above `explode()` for
            // - every line that is not the last line
            // - if $newline is required, also add it to the last line
            // - if it's not new line, but input ending with `\PHP_EOL`
            if ($i < $count || $newline || str_ends_with($input, \PHP_EOL)) {
                $lineContent .= \PHP_EOL;

            // skip line if there is no text (or newline for that matter)
            if ('' === $lineContent) {

            // For the first line, check if the previous line (last entry of `$this->content`)
            // needs to be continued (i.e. does not end with a line break).
            if (0 === $i
                && (false !== $lastLine = end($this->content))
                && !str_ends_with($lastLine, \PHP_EOL)
            ) {
                // deduct the line count of the previous line
                $this->lines -= (int) ceil($this->getDisplayLength($lastLine) / $width) ?: 1;
                // concatenate previous and new line
                $lineContent = $lastLine.$lineContent;
                // replace last entry of `$this->content` with the new expanded line
                array_splice($this->content, -1, 1, $lineContent);
            } else {
                // otherwise just add the new content
                $this->content[] = $lineContent;

            $linesAdded += (int) ceil($this->getDisplayLength($lineContent) / $width) ?: 1;

        $this->lines += $linesAdded;

        return $linesAdded;

     * @internal
    public function addNewLineOfInputSubmit()
        $this->content[] = \PHP_EOL;

    protected function doWrite(string $message, bool $newline)
        if (!$this->isDecorated()) {
            parent::doWrite($message, $newline);


        // Check if the previous line (last entry of `$this->content`) needs to be continued
        // (i.e. does not end with a line break). In which case, it needs to be erased first.
        $linesToClear = $deleteLastLine = ($lastLine = end($this->content) ?: '') && !str_ends_with($lastLine, \PHP_EOL) ? 1 : 0;

        $linesAdded = $this->addContent($message, $newline);

        if ($lineOverflow = $this->maxHeight > 0 && $this->lines > $this->maxHeight) {
            // on overflow, clear the whole section and redraw again (to remove the first lines)
            $linesToClear = $this->maxHeight;

        $erasedContent = $this->popStreamContentUntilCurrentSection($linesToClear);

        if ($lineOverflow) {
            // redraw existing lines of the section
            $previousLinesOfSection = \array_slice($this->content, $this->lines - $this->maxHeight, $this->maxHeight - $linesAdded);
            parent::doWrite(implode('', $previousLinesOfSection), false);

        // if the last line was removed, re-print its content together with the new content.
        // otherwise, just print the new content.
        parent::doWrite($deleteLastLine ? $lastLine.$message : $message, true);
        parent::doWrite($erasedContent, false);

     * At initial stage, cursor is at the end of stream output. This method makes cursor crawl upwards until it hits
     * current section. Then it erases content it crawled through. Optionally, it erases part of current section too.
    private function popStreamContentUntilCurrentSection(int $numberOfLinesToClearFromCurrentSection = 0): string
        $numberOfLinesToClear = $numberOfLinesToClearFromCurrentSection;
        $erasedContent = [];

        foreach ($this->sections as $section) {
            if ($section === $this) {

            $numberOfLinesToClear += $section->lines;
            if ('' !== $sectionContent = $section->getVisibleContent()) {
                if (!str_ends_with($sectionContent, \PHP_EOL)) {
                    $sectionContent .= \PHP_EOL;
                $erasedContent[] = $sectionContent;

        if ($numberOfLinesToClear > 0) {
            // move cursor up n lines
            parent::doWrite(sprintf("\x1b[%dA", $numberOfLinesToClear), false);
            // erase to end of screen
            parent::doWrite("\x1b[0J", false);

        return implode('', array_reverse($erasedContent));

    private function getDisplayLength(string $text): int
        return Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($this->getFormatter(), str_replace("\t", '        ', $text)));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AnsiColorMode.php File 3.99 KB 0644
BufferedOutput.php File 842 B 0644
ConsoleOutput.php File 4.77 KB 0644
ConsoleOutputInterface.php File 809 B 0644
ConsoleSectionOutput.php File 8.15 KB 0644
NullOutput.php File 1.95 KB 0644
Output.php File 4.13 KB 0644
OutputInterface.php File 2.65 KB 0644
StreamOutput.php File 3.47 KB 0644
TrimmedBufferOutput.php File 1.57 KB 0644