[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\WrappableOutputFormatterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleSectionOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * Provides helpers to display a table.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * @author Саша Стаменковић <umpirsky@gmail.com>
 * @author Abdellatif Ait boudad <a.aitboudad@gmail.com>
 * @author Max Grigorian <maxakawizard@gmail.com>
 * @author Dany Maillard <danymaillard93b@gmail.com>
class Table
    private const SEPARATOR_TOP = 0;
    private const SEPARATOR_TOP_BOTTOM = 1;
    private const SEPARATOR_MID = 2;
    private const SEPARATOR_BOTTOM = 3;
    private const BORDER_OUTSIDE = 0;
    private const BORDER_INSIDE = 1;
    private const DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 'default';
    private const DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal';
    private const DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL = 'vertical';

    private ?string $headerTitle = null;
    private ?string $footerTitle = null;
    private array $headers = [];
    private array $rows = [];
    private array $effectiveColumnWidths = [];
    private int $numberOfColumns;
    private OutputInterface $output;
    private TableStyle $style;
    private array $columnStyles = [];
    private array $columnWidths = [];
    private array $columnMaxWidths = [];
    private bool $rendered = false;
    private string $displayOrientation = self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT;

    private static array $styles;

    public function __construct(OutputInterface $output)
        $this->output = $output;

        self::$styles ??= self::initStyles();


     * Sets a style definition.
    public static function setStyleDefinition(string $name, TableStyle $style)
        self::$styles ??= self::initStyles();

        self::$styles[$name] = $style;

     * Gets a style definition by name.
    public static function getStyleDefinition(string $name): TableStyle
        self::$styles ??= self::initStyles();

        return self::$styles[$name] ?? throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));

     * Sets table style.
     * @return $this
    public function setStyle(TableStyle|string $name): static
        $this->style = $this->resolveStyle($name);

        return $this;

     * Gets the current table style.
    public function getStyle(): TableStyle
        return $this->style;

     * Sets table column style.
     * @param TableStyle|string $name The style name or a TableStyle instance
     * @return $this
    public function setColumnStyle(int $columnIndex, TableStyle|string $name): static
        $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] = $this->resolveStyle($name);

        return $this;

     * Gets the current style for a column.
     * If style was not set, it returns the global table style.
    public function getColumnStyle(int $columnIndex): TableStyle
        return $this->columnStyles[$columnIndex] ?? $this->getStyle();

     * Sets the minimum width of a column.
     * @return $this
    public function setColumnWidth(int $columnIndex, int $width): static
        $this->columnWidths[$columnIndex] = $width;

        return $this;

     * Sets the minimum width of all columns.
     * @return $this
    public function setColumnWidths(array $widths): static
        $this->columnWidths = [];
        foreach ($widths as $index => $width) {
            $this->setColumnWidth($index, $width);

        return $this;

     * Sets the maximum width of a column.
     * Any cell within this column which contents exceeds the specified width will be wrapped into multiple lines, while
     * formatted strings are preserved.
     * @return $this
    public function setColumnMaxWidth(int $columnIndex, int $width): static
        if (!$this->output->getFormatter() instanceof WrappableOutputFormatterInterface) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Setting a maximum column width is only supported when using a "%s" formatter, got "%s".', WrappableOutputFormatterInterface::class, get_debug_type($this->output->getFormatter())));

        $this->columnMaxWidths[$columnIndex] = $width;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setHeaders(array $headers): static
        $headers = array_values($headers);
        if ($headers && !\is_array($headers[0])) {
            $headers = [$headers];

        $this->headers = $headers;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setRows(array $rows)
        $this->rows = [];

        return $this->addRows($rows);

     * @return $this
    public function addRows(array $rows): static
        foreach ($rows as $row) {

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function addRow(TableSeparator|array $row): static
        if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
            $this->rows[] = $row;

            return $this;

        $this->rows[] = array_values($row);

        return $this;

     * Adds a row to the table, and re-renders the table.
     * @return $this
    public function appendRow(TableSeparator|array $row): static
        if (!$this->output instanceof ConsoleSectionOutput) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Output should be an instance of "%s" when calling "%s".', ConsoleSectionOutput::class, __METHOD__));

        if ($this->rendered) {


        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setRow(int|string $column, array $row): static
        $this->rows[$column] = $row;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setHeaderTitle(?string $title): static
        $this->headerTitle = $title;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setFooterTitle(?string $title): static
        $this->footerTitle = $title;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setHorizontal(bool $horizontal = true): static
        $this->displayOrientation = $horizontal ? self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL : self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT;

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    public function setVertical(bool $vertical = true): static
        $this->displayOrientation = $vertical ? self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT;

        return $this;

     * Renders table to output.
     * Example:
     *     +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
     *     | ISBN          | Title                 | Author           |
     *     +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
     *     | 99921-58-10-7 | Divine Comedy         | Dante Alighieri  |
     *     | 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities  | Charles Dickens  |
     *     | 960-425-059-0 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |
     *     +---------------+-----------------------+------------------+
    public function render()
        $divider = new TableSeparator();
        $isCellWithColspan = static fn ($cell) => $cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() >= 2;

        $horizontal = self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL === $this->displayOrientation;
        $vertical = self::DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL === $this->displayOrientation;

        $rows = [];
        if ($horizontal) {
            foreach ($this->headers[0] ?? [] as $i => $header) {
                $rows[$i] = [$header];
                foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
                    if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {
                    if (isset($row[$i])) {
                        $rows[$i][] = $row[$i];
                    } elseif ($isCellWithColspan($rows[$i][0])) {
                        // Noop, there is a "title"
                    } else {
                        $rows[$i][] = null;
        } elseif ($vertical) {
            $formatter = $this->output->getFormatter();
            $maxHeaderLength = array_reduce($this->headers[0] ?? [], static fn ($max, $header) => max($max, Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($formatter, $header))), 0);

            foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
                if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {

                if ($rows) {
                    $rows[] = [$divider];

                $containsColspan = false;
                foreach ($row as $cell) {
                    if ($containsColspan = $isCellWithColspan($cell)) {

                $headers = $this->headers[0] ?? [];
                $maxRows = max(\count($headers), \count($row));
                for ($i = 0; $i < $maxRows; ++$i) {
                    $cell = (string) ($row[$i] ?? '');
                    if ($headers && !$containsColspan) {
                        $rows[] = [sprintf(
                            '<comment>%s</>: %s',
                            str_pad($headers[$i] ?? '', $maxHeaderLength, ' ', \STR_PAD_LEFT),
                    } elseif ('' !== $cell) {
                        $rows[] = [$cell];
        } else {
            $rows = array_merge($this->headers, [$divider], $this->rows);


        $rowGroups = $this->buildTableRows($rows);

        $isHeader = !$horizontal;
        $isFirstRow = $horizontal;
        $hasTitle = (bool) $this->headerTitle;

        foreach ($rowGroups as $rowGroup) {
            $isHeaderSeparatorRendered = false;

            foreach ($rowGroup as $row) {
                if ($divider === $row) {
                    $isHeader = false;
                    $isFirstRow = true;


                if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {


                if (!$row) {

                if ($isHeader && !$isHeaderSeparatorRendered) {
                        $isHeader ? self::SEPARATOR_TOP : self::SEPARATOR_TOP_BOTTOM,
                        $hasTitle ? $this->headerTitle : null,
                        $hasTitle ? $this->style->getHeaderTitleFormat() : null
                    $hasTitle = false;
                    $isHeaderSeparatorRendered = true;

                if ($isFirstRow) {
                        $isHeader ? self::SEPARATOR_TOP : self::SEPARATOR_TOP_BOTTOM,
                        $hasTitle ? $this->headerTitle : null,
                        $hasTitle ? $this->style->getHeaderTitleFormat() : null
                    $isFirstRow = false;
                    $hasTitle = false;

                if ($vertical) {
                    $isHeader = false;
                    $isFirstRow = false;

                if ($horizontal) {
                    $this->renderRow($row, $this->style->getCellRowFormat(), $this->style->getCellHeaderFormat());
                } else {
                    $this->renderRow($row, $isHeader ? $this->style->getCellHeaderFormat() : $this->style->getCellRowFormat());
        $this->renderRowSeparator(self::SEPARATOR_BOTTOM, $this->footerTitle, $this->style->getFooterTitleFormat());

        $this->rendered = true;

     * Renders horizontal header separator.
     * Example:
     *     +-----+-----------+-------+
    private function renderRowSeparator(int $type = self::SEPARATOR_MID, string $title = null, string $titleFormat = null)
        if (!$count = $this->numberOfColumns) {

        $borders = $this->style->getBorderChars();
        if (!$borders[0] && !$borders[2] && !$this->style->getCrossingChar()) {

        $crossings = $this->style->getCrossingChars();
        if (self::SEPARATOR_MID === $type) {
            [$horizontal, $leftChar, $midChar, $rightChar] = [$borders[2], $crossings[8], $crossings[0], $crossings[4]];
        } elseif (self::SEPARATOR_TOP === $type) {
            [$horizontal, $leftChar, $midChar, $rightChar] = [$borders[0], $crossings[1], $crossings[2], $crossings[3]];
        } elseif (self::SEPARATOR_TOP_BOTTOM === $type) {
            [$horizontal, $leftChar, $midChar, $rightChar] = [$borders[0], $crossings[9], $crossings[10], $crossings[11]];
        } else {
            [$horizontal, $leftChar, $midChar, $rightChar] = [$borders[0], $crossings[7], $crossings[6], $crossings[5]];

        $markup = $leftChar;
        for ($column = 0; $column < $count; ++$column) {
            $markup .= str_repeat($horizontal, $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column]);
            $markup .= $column === $count - 1 ? $rightChar : $midChar;

        if (null !== $title) {
            $titleLength = Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($formatter = $this->output->getFormatter(), $formattedTitle = sprintf($titleFormat, $title)));
            $markupLength = Helper::width($markup);
            if ($titleLength > $limit = $markupLength - 4) {
                $titleLength = $limit;
                $formatLength = Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($formatter, sprintf($titleFormat, '')));
                $formattedTitle = sprintf($titleFormat, Helper::substr($title, 0, $limit - $formatLength - 3).'...');

            $titleStart = intdiv($markupLength - $titleLength, 2);
            if (false === mb_detect_encoding($markup, null, true)) {
                $markup = substr_replace($markup, $formattedTitle, $titleStart, $titleLength);
            } else {
                $markup = mb_substr($markup, 0, $titleStart).$formattedTitle.mb_substr($markup, $titleStart + $titleLength);

        $this->output->writeln(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $markup));

     * Renders vertical column separator.
    private function renderColumnSeparator(int $type = self::BORDER_OUTSIDE): string
        $borders = $this->style->getBorderChars();

        return sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), self::BORDER_OUTSIDE === $type ? $borders[1] : $borders[3]);

     * Renders table row.
     * Example:
     *     | 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities  | Charles Dickens  |
    private function renderRow(array $row, string $cellFormat, string $firstCellFormat = null)
        $rowContent = $this->renderColumnSeparator(self::BORDER_OUTSIDE);
        $columns = $this->getRowColumns($row);
        $last = \count($columns) - 1;
        foreach ($columns as $i => $column) {
            if ($firstCellFormat && 0 === $i) {
                $rowContent .= $this->renderCell($row, $column, $firstCellFormat);
            } else {
                $rowContent .= $this->renderCell($row, $column, $cellFormat);
            $rowContent .= $this->renderColumnSeparator($last === $i ? self::BORDER_OUTSIDE : self::BORDER_INSIDE);

     * Renders table cell with padding.
    private function renderCell(array $row, int $column, string $cellFormat): string
        $cell = $row[$column] ?? '';
        $width = $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column];
        if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
            // add the width of the following columns(numbers of colspan).
            foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $nextColumn) {
                $width += $this->getColumnSeparatorWidth() + $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$nextColumn];

        // str_pad won't work properly with multi-byte strings, we need to fix the padding
        if (false !== $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($cell, null, true)) {
            $width += \strlen($cell) - mb_strwidth($cell, $encoding);

        $style = $this->getColumnStyle($column);

        if ($cell instanceof TableSeparator) {
            return sprintf($style->getBorderFormat(), str_repeat($style->getBorderChars()[2], $width));

        $width += Helper::length($cell) - Helper::length(Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell));
        $content = sprintf($style->getCellRowContentFormat(), $cell);

        $padType = $style->getPadType();
        if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getStyle() instanceof TableCellStyle) {
            $isNotStyledByTag = !preg_match('/^<(\w+|(\w+=[\w,]+;?)*)>.+<\/(\w+|(\w+=\w+;?)*)?>$/', $cell);
            if ($isNotStyledByTag) {
                $cellFormat = $cell->getStyle()->getCellFormat();
                if (!\is_string($cellFormat)) {
                    $tag = http_build_query($cell->getStyle()->getTagOptions(), '', ';');
                    $cellFormat = '<'.$tag.'>%s</>';

                if (str_contains($content, '</>')) {
                    $content = str_replace('</>', '', $content);
                    $width -= 3;
                if (str_contains($content, '<fg=default;bg=default>')) {
                    $content = str_replace('<fg=default;bg=default>', '', $content);
                    $width -= \strlen('<fg=default;bg=default>');

            $padType = $cell->getStyle()->getPadByAlign();

        return sprintf($cellFormat, str_pad($content, $width, $style->getPaddingChar(), $padType));

     * Calculate number of columns for this table.
    private function calculateNumberOfColumns(array $rows)
        $columns = [0];
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {

            $columns[] = $this->getNumberOfColumns($row);

        $this->numberOfColumns = max($columns);

    private function buildTableRows(array $rows): TableRows
        /** @var WrappableOutputFormatterInterface $formatter */
        $formatter = $this->output->getFormatter();
        $unmergedRows = [];
        for ($rowKey = 0; $rowKey < \count($rows); ++$rowKey) {
            $rows = $this->fillNextRows($rows, $rowKey);

            // Remove any new line breaks and replace it with a new line
            foreach ($rows[$rowKey] as $column => $cell) {
                $colspan = $cell instanceof TableCell ? $cell->getColspan() : 1;

                if (isset($this->columnMaxWidths[$column]) && Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($formatter, $cell)) > $this->columnMaxWidths[$column]) {
                    $cell = $formatter->formatAndWrap($cell, $this->columnMaxWidths[$column] * $colspan);
                if (!str_contains($cell ?? '', "\n")) {
                $escaped = implode("\n", array_map(OutputFormatter::escapeTrailingBackslash(...), explode("\n", $cell)));
                $cell = $cell instanceof TableCell ? new TableCell($escaped, ['colspan' => $cell->getColspan()]) : $escaped;
                $lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\n", "<fg=default;bg=default></>\n", $cell));
                foreach ($lines as $lineKey => $line) {
                    if ($colspan > 1) {
                        $line = new TableCell($line, ['colspan' => $colspan]);
                    if (0 === $lineKey) {
                        $rows[$rowKey][$column] = $line;
                    } else {
                        if (!\array_key_exists($rowKey, $unmergedRows) || !\array_key_exists($lineKey, $unmergedRows[$rowKey])) {
                            $unmergedRows[$rowKey][$lineKey] = $this->copyRow($rows, $rowKey);
                        $unmergedRows[$rowKey][$lineKey][$column] = $line;

        return new TableRows(function () use ($rows, $unmergedRows): \Traversable {
            foreach ($rows as $rowKey => $row) {
                $rowGroup = [$row instanceof TableSeparator ? $row : $this->fillCells($row)];

                if (isset($unmergedRows[$rowKey])) {
                    foreach ($unmergedRows[$rowKey] as $row) {
                        $rowGroup[] = $row instanceof TableSeparator ? $row : $this->fillCells($row);
                yield $rowGroup;

    private function calculateRowCount(): int
        $numberOfRows = \count(iterator_to_array($this->buildTableRows(array_merge($this->headers, [new TableSeparator()], $this->rows))));

        if ($this->headers) {
            ++$numberOfRows; // Add row for header separator

        if ($this->rows) {
            ++$numberOfRows; // Add row for footer separator

        return $numberOfRows;

     * fill rows that contains rowspan > 1.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    private function fillNextRows(array $rows, int $line): array
        $unmergedRows = [];
        foreach ($rows[$line] as $column => $cell) {
            if (null !== $cell && !$cell instanceof TableCell && !\is_scalar($cell) && !$cell instanceof \Stringable) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A cell must be a TableCell, a scalar or an object implementing "__toString()", "%s" given.', get_debug_type($cell)));
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getRowspan() > 1) {
                $nbLines = $cell->getRowspan() - 1;
                $lines = [$cell];
                if (str_contains($cell, "\n")) {
                    $lines = explode("\n", str_replace("\n", "<fg=default;bg=default>\n</>", $cell));
                    $nbLines = \count($lines) > $nbLines ? substr_count($cell, "\n") : $nbLines;

                    $rows[$line][$column] = new TableCell($lines[0], ['colspan' => $cell->getColspan(), 'style' => $cell->getStyle()]);

                // create a two dimensional array (rowspan x colspan)
                $unmergedRows = array_replace_recursive(array_fill($line + 1, $nbLines, []), $unmergedRows);
                foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
                    $value = $lines[$unmergedRowKey - $line] ?? '';
                    $unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey][$column] = new TableCell($value, ['colspan' => $cell->getColspan(), 'style' => $cell->getStyle()]);
                    if ($nbLines === $unmergedRowKey - $line) {

        foreach ($unmergedRows as $unmergedRowKey => $unmergedRow) {
            // we need to know if $unmergedRow will be merged or inserted into $rows
            if (isset($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && \is_array($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) && ($this->getNumberOfColumns($rows[$unmergedRowKey]) + $this->getNumberOfColumns($unmergedRows[$unmergedRowKey]) <= $this->numberOfColumns)) {
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $cellKey => $cell) {
                    // insert cell into row at cellKey position
                    array_splice($rows[$unmergedRowKey], $cellKey, 0, [$cell]);
            } else {
                $row = $this->copyRow($rows, $unmergedRowKey - 1);
                foreach ($unmergedRow as $column => $cell) {
                    if (!empty($cell)) {
                        $row[$column] = $unmergedRow[$column];
                array_splice($rows, $unmergedRowKey, 0, [$row]);

        return $rows;

     * fill cells for a row that contains colspan > 1.
    private function fillCells(iterable $row)
        $newRow = [];

        foreach ($row as $column => $cell) {
            $newRow[] = $cell;
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
                foreach (range($column + 1, $column + $cell->getColspan() - 1) as $position) {
                    // insert empty value at column position
                    $newRow[] = '';

        return $newRow ?: $row;

    private function copyRow(array $rows, int $line): array
        $row = $rows[$line];
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cellValue) {
            $row[$cellKey] = '';
            if ($cellValue instanceof TableCell) {
                $row[$cellKey] = new TableCell('', ['colspan' => $cellValue->getColspan()]);

        return $row;

     * Gets number of columns by row.
    private function getNumberOfColumns(array $row): int
        $columns = \count($row);
        foreach ($row as $column) {
            $columns += $column instanceof TableCell ? ($column->getColspan() - 1) : 0;

        return $columns;

     * Gets list of columns for the given row.
    private function getRowColumns(array $row): array
        $columns = range(0, $this->numberOfColumns - 1);
        foreach ($row as $cellKey => $cell) {
            if ($cell instanceof TableCell && $cell->getColspan() > 1) {
                // exclude grouped columns.
                $columns = array_diff($columns, range($cellKey + 1, $cellKey + $cell->getColspan() - 1));

        return $columns;

     * Calculates columns widths.
    private function calculateColumnsWidth(iterable $groups)
        for ($column = 0; $column < $this->numberOfColumns; ++$column) {
            $lengths = [];
            foreach ($groups as $group) {
                foreach ($group as $row) {
                    if ($row instanceof TableSeparator) {

                    foreach ($row as $i => $cell) {
                        if ($cell instanceof TableCell) {
                            $textContent = Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell);
                            $textLength = Helper::width($textContent);
                            if ($textLength > 0) {
                                $contentColumns = str_split($textContent, ceil($textLength / $cell->getColspan()));
                                foreach ($contentColumns as $position => $content) {
                                    $row[$i + $position] = $content;

                    $lengths[] = $this->getCellWidth($row, $column);

            $this->effectiveColumnWidths[$column] = max($lengths) + Helper::width($this->style->getCellRowContentFormat()) - 2;

    private function getColumnSeparatorWidth(): int
        return Helper::width(sprintf($this->style->getBorderFormat(), $this->style->getBorderChars()[3]));

    private function getCellWidth(array $row, int $column): int
        $cellWidth = 0;

        if (isset($row[$column])) {
            $cell = $row[$column];
            $cellWidth = Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $cell));

        $columnWidth = $this->columnWidths[$column] ?? 0;
        $cellWidth = max($cellWidth, $columnWidth);

        return isset($this->columnMaxWidths[$column]) ? min($this->columnMaxWidths[$column], $cellWidth) : $cellWidth;

     * Called after rendering to cleanup cache data.
    private function cleanup()
        $this->effectiveColumnWidths = [];

     * @return array<string, TableStyle>
    private static function initStyles(): array
        $borderless = new TableStyle();
            ->setVerticalBorderChars(' ')
            ->setDefaultCrossingChar(' ')

        $compact = new TableStyle();
            ->setCellRowContentFormat('%s ')

        $styleGuide = new TableStyle();
            ->setVerticalBorderChars(' ')
            ->setDefaultCrossingChar(' ')

        $box = (new TableStyle())
            ->setCrossingChars('┼', '┌', '┬', '┐', '┤', '┘', '┴', '└', '├')

        $boxDouble = (new TableStyle())
            ->setHorizontalBorderChars('═', '─')
            ->setVerticalBorderChars('║', '│')
            ->setCrossingChars('┼', '╔', '╤', '╗', '╢', '╝', '╧', '╚', '╟', '╠', '╪', '╣')

        return [
            'default' => new TableStyle(),
            'borderless' => $borderless,
            'compact' => $compact,
            'symfony-style-guide' => $styleGuide,
            'box' => $box,
            'box-double' => $boxDouble,

    private function resolveStyle(TableStyle|string $name): TableStyle
        if ($name instanceof TableStyle) {
            return $name;

        return self::$styles[$name] ?? throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" is not defined.', $name));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DebugFormatterHelper.php File 3.34 KB 0644
DescriptorHelper.php File 2.51 KB 0644
Dumper.php File 1.91 KB 0644
FormatterHelper.php File 2.26 KB 0644
Helper.php File 4.46 KB 0644
HelperInterface.php File 851 B 0644
HelperSet.php File 1.86 KB 0644
InputAwareHelper.php File 740 B 0644
OutputWrapper.php File 3.01 KB 0644
ProcessHelper.php File 4.77 KB 0644
ProgressBar.php File 19.14 KB 0644
ProgressIndicator.php File 7.08 KB 0644
QuestionHelper.php File 19.71 KB 0644
SymfonyQuestionHelper.php File 3.23 KB 0644
Table.php File 31.46 KB 0644
TableCell.php File 1.79 KB 0644
TableCellStyle.php File 2.29 KB 0644
TableRows.php File 620 B 0644
TableSeparator.php File 556 B 0644
TableStyle.php File 12.81 KB 0644