[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Cursor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\MissingInputException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StreamableInputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleSectionOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal;

use function Symfony\Component\String\s;

 * The QuestionHelper class provides helpers to interact with the user.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
class QuestionHelper extends Helper
     * @var resource|null
    private $inputStream;

    private static bool $stty = true;
    private static bool $stdinIsInteractive;

     * Asks a question to the user.
     * @return mixed The user answer
     * @throws RuntimeException If there is no data to read in the input stream
    public function ask(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Question $question): mixed
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();

        if (!$input->isInteractive()) {
            return $this->getDefaultAnswer($question);

        if ($input instanceof StreamableInputInterface && $stream = $input->getStream()) {
            $this->inputStream = $stream;

        try {
            if (!$question->getValidator()) {
                return $this->doAsk($output, $question);

            $interviewer = function () use ($output, $question) {
                return $this->doAsk($output, $question);

            return $this->validateAttempts($interviewer, $output, $question);
        } catch (MissingInputException $exception) {

            if (null === $fallbackOutput = $this->getDefaultAnswer($question)) {
                throw $exception;

            return $fallbackOutput;

    public function getName(): string
        return 'question';

     * Prevents usage of stty.
    public static function disableStty()
        self::$stty = false;

     * Asks the question to the user.
     * @throws RuntimeException In case the fallback is deactivated and the response cannot be hidden
    private function doAsk(OutputInterface $output, Question $question): mixed
        $this->writePrompt($output, $question);

        $inputStream = $this->inputStream ?: \STDIN;
        $autocomplete = $question->getAutocompleterCallback();

        if (null === $autocomplete || !self::$stty || !Terminal::hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $ret = false;
            if ($question->isHidden()) {
                try {
                    $hiddenResponse = $this->getHiddenResponse($output, $inputStream, $question->isTrimmable());
                    $ret = $question->isTrimmable() ? trim($hiddenResponse) : $hiddenResponse;
                } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                    if (!$question->isHiddenFallback()) {
                        throw $e;

            if (false === $ret) {
                $ret = $this->readInput($inputStream, $question);
                if (false === $ret) {
                    throw new MissingInputException('Aborted.');
                if ($question->isTrimmable()) {
                    $ret = trim($ret);
        } else {
            $autocomplete = $this->autocomplete($output, $question, $inputStream, $autocomplete);
            $ret = $question->isTrimmable() ? trim($autocomplete) : $autocomplete;

        if ($output instanceof ConsoleSectionOutput) {
            $output->addContent(''); // add EOL to the question

        $ret = \strlen($ret) > 0 ? $ret : $question->getDefault();

        if ($normalizer = $question->getNormalizer()) {
            return $normalizer($ret);

        return $ret;

    private function getDefaultAnswer(Question $question): mixed
        $default = $question->getDefault();

        if (null === $default) {
            return $default;

        if ($validator = $question->getValidator()) {
            return \call_user_func($question->getValidator(), $default);
        } elseif ($question instanceof ChoiceQuestion) {
            $choices = $question->getChoices();

            if (!$question->isMultiselect()) {
                return $choices[$default] ?? $default;

            $default = explode(',', $default);
            foreach ($default as $k => $v) {
                $v = $question->isTrimmable() ? trim($v) : $v;
                $default[$k] = $choices[$v] ?? $v;

        return $default;

     * Outputs the question prompt.
    protected function writePrompt(OutputInterface $output, Question $question)
        $message = $question->getQuestion();

        if ($question instanceof ChoiceQuestion) {
            ], $this->formatChoiceQuestionChoices($question, 'info')));

            $message = $question->getPrompt();


     * @return string[]
    protected function formatChoiceQuestionChoices(ChoiceQuestion $question, string $tag): array
        $messages = [];

        $maxWidth = max(array_map([__CLASS__, 'width'], array_keys($choices = $question->getChoices())));

        foreach ($choices as $key => $value) {
            $padding = str_repeat(' ', $maxWidth - self::width($key));

            $messages[] = sprintf("  [<$tag>%s$padding</$tag>] %s", $key, $value);

        return $messages;

     * Outputs an error message.
    protected function writeError(OutputInterface $output, \Exception $error)
        if (null !== $this->getHelperSet() && $this->getHelperSet()->has('formatter')) {
            $message = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock($error->getMessage(), 'error');
        } else {
            $message = '<error>'.$error->getMessage().'</error>';


     * Autocompletes a question.
     * @param resource $inputStream
    private function autocomplete(OutputInterface $output, Question $question, $inputStream, callable $autocomplete): string
        $cursor = new Cursor($output, $inputStream);

        $fullChoice = '';
        $ret = '';

        $i = 0;
        $ofs = -1;
        $matches = $autocomplete($ret);
        $numMatches = \count($matches);

        $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
        $isStdin = 'php://stdin' === (stream_get_meta_data($inputStream)['uri'] ?? null);
        $r = [$inputStream];
        $w = [];

        // Disable icanon (so we can fread each keypress) and echo (we'll do echoing here instead)
        shell_exec('stty -icanon -echo');

        // Add highlighted text style
        $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('hl', new OutputFormatterStyle('black', 'white'));

        // Read a keypress
        while (!feof($inputStream)) {
            while ($isStdin && 0 === @stream_select($r, $w, $w, 0, 100)) {
                // Give signal handlers a chance to run
                $r = [$inputStream];
            $c = fread($inputStream, 1);

            // as opposed to fgets(), fread() returns an empty string when the stream content is empty, not false.
            if (false === $c || ('' === $ret && '' === $c && null === $question->getDefault())) {
                shell_exec('stty '.$sttyMode);
                throw new MissingInputException('Aborted.');
            } elseif ("\177" === $c) { // Backspace Character
                if (0 === $numMatches && 0 !== $i) {

                    $fullChoice = self::substr($fullChoice, 0, $i);

                if (0 === $i) {
                    $ofs = -1;
                    $matches = $autocomplete($ret);
                    $numMatches = \count($matches);
                } else {
                    $numMatches = 0;

                // Pop the last character off the end of our string
                $ret = self::substr($ret, 0, $i);
            } elseif ("\033" === $c) {
                // Did we read an escape sequence?
                $c .= fread($inputStream, 2);

                // A = Up Arrow. B = Down Arrow
                if (isset($c[2]) && ('A' === $c[2] || 'B' === $c[2])) {
                    if ('A' === $c[2] && -1 === $ofs) {
                        $ofs = 0;

                    if (0 === $numMatches) {

                    $ofs += ('A' === $c[2]) ? -1 : 1;
                    $ofs = ($numMatches + $ofs) % $numMatches;
            } elseif (\ord($c) < 32) {
                if ("\t" === $c || "\n" === $c) {
                    if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                        $ret = (string) $matches[$ofs];
                        // Echo out remaining chars for current match
                        $remainingCharacters = substr($ret, \strlen(trim($this->mostRecentlyEnteredValue($fullChoice))));
                        $fullChoice .= $remainingCharacters;
                        $i = (false === $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($fullChoice, null, true)) ? \strlen($fullChoice) : mb_strlen($fullChoice, $encoding);

                        $matches = array_filter(
                            function ($match) use ($ret) {
                                return '' === $ret || str_starts_with($match, $ret);
                        $numMatches = \count($matches);
                        $ofs = -1;

                    if ("\n" === $c) {

                    $numMatches = 0;

            } else {
                if ("\x80" <= $c) {
                    $c .= fread($inputStream, ["\xC0" => 1, "\xD0" => 1, "\xE0" => 2, "\xF0" => 3][$c & "\xF0"]);

                $ret .= $c;
                $fullChoice .= $c;

                $tempRet = $ret;

                if ($question instanceof ChoiceQuestion && $question->isMultiselect()) {
                    $tempRet = $this->mostRecentlyEnteredValue($fullChoice);

                $numMatches = 0;
                $ofs = 0;

                foreach ($autocomplete($ret) as $value) {
                    // If typed characters match the beginning chunk of value (e.g. [AcmeDe]moBundle)
                    if (str_starts_with($value, $tempRet)) {
                        $matches[$numMatches++] = $value;


            if ($numMatches > 0 && -1 !== $ofs) {
                // Write highlighted text, complete the partially entered response
                $charactersEntered = \strlen(trim($this->mostRecentlyEnteredValue($fullChoice)));
                $output->write('<hl>'.OutputFormatter::escapeTrailingBackslash(substr($matches[$ofs], $charactersEntered)).'</hl>');

        // Reset stty so it behaves normally again
        shell_exec('stty '.$sttyMode);

        return $fullChoice;

    private function mostRecentlyEnteredValue(string $entered): string
        // Determine the most recent value that the user entered
        if (!str_contains($entered, ',')) {
            return $entered;

        $choices = explode(',', $entered);
        if ('' !== $lastChoice = trim($choices[\count($choices) - 1])) {
            return $lastChoice;

        return $entered;

     * Gets a hidden response from user.
     * @param resource $inputStream The handler resource
     * @param bool     $trimmable   Is the answer trimmable
     * @throws RuntimeException In case the fallback is deactivated and the response cannot be hidden
    private function getHiddenResponse(OutputInterface $output, $inputStream, bool $trimmable = true): string
        if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $exe = __DIR__.'/../Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe';

            // handle code running from a phar
            if (str_starts_with(__FILE__, 'phar:')) {
                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir().'/hiddeninput.exe';
                copy($exe, $tmpExe);
                $exe = $tmpExe;

            $sExec = shell_exec('"'.$exe.'"');
            $value = $trimmable ? rtrim($sExec) : $sExec;

            if (isset($tmpExe)) {

            return $value;

        if (self::$stty && Terminal::hasSttyAvailable()) {
            $sttyMode = shell_exec('stty -g');
            shell_exec('stty -echo');
        } elseif ($this->isInteractiveInput($inputStream)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Unable to hide the response.');

        $value = fgets($inputStream, 4096);

        if (4095 === \strlen($value)) {
            $errOutput = $output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface ? $output->getErrorOutput() : $output;
            $errOutput->warning('The value was possibly truncated by your shell or terminal emulator');

        if (self::$stty && Terminal::hasSttyAvailable()) {
            shell_exec('stty '.$sttyMode);

        if (false === $value) {
            throw new MissingInputException('Aborted.');
        if ($trimmable) {
            $value = trim($value);

        return $value;

     * Validates an attempt.
     * @param callable $interviewer A callable that will ask for a question and return the result
     * @throws \Exception In case the max number of attempts has been reached and no valid response has been given
    private function validateAttempts(callable $interviewer, OutputInterface $output, Question $question): mixed
        $error = null;
        $attempts = $question->getMaxAttempts();

        while (null === $attempts || $attempts--) {
            if (null !== $error) {
                $this->writeError($output, $error);

            try {
                return $question->getValidator()($interviewer());
            } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                throw $e;
            } catch (\Exception $error) {

        throw $error;

    private function isInteractiveInput($inputStream): bool
        if ('php://stdin' !== (stream_get_meta_data($inputStream)['uri'] ?? null)) {
            return false;

        if (isset(self::$stdinIsInteractive)) {
            return self::$stdinIsInteractive;

        if (\function_exists('stream_isatty')) {
            return self::$stdinIsInteractive = @stream_isatty(fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));

        if (\function_exists('posix_isatty')) {
            return self::$stdinIsInteractive = @posix_isatty(fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));

        if (!\function_exists('exec')) {
            return self::$stdinIsInteractive = true;

        exec('stty 2> /dev/null', $output, $status);

        return self::$stdinIsInteractive = 1 !== $status;

     * Reads one or more lines of input and returns what is read.
     * @param resource $inputStream The handler resource
     * @param Question $question    The question being asked
    private function readInput($inputStream, Question $question): string|false
        if (!$question->isMultiline()) {
            $cp = $this->setIOCodepage();
            $ret = fgets($inputStream, 4096);

            return $this->resetIOCodepage($cp, $ret);

        $multiLineStreamReader = $this->cloneInputStream($inputStream);
        if (null === $multiLineStreamReader) {
            return false;

        $ret = '';
        $cp = $this->setIOCodepage();
        while (false !== ($char = fgetc($multiLineStreamReader))) {
            if (\PHP_EOL === "{$ret}{$char}") {
            $ret .= $char;

        return $this->resetIOCodepage($cp, $ret);

    private function setIOCodepage(): int
        if (\function_exists('sapi_windows_cp_set')) {
            $cp = sapi_windows_cp_get();

            return $cp;

        return 0;

     * Sets console I/O to the specified code page and converts the user input.
    private function resetIOCodepage(int $cp, string|false $input): string|false
        if (0 !== $cp) {

            if (false !== $input && '' !== $input) {
                $input = sapi_windows_cp_conv(sapi_windows_cp_get('oem'), $cp, $input);

        return $input;

     * Clones an input stream in order to act on one instance of the same
     * stream without affecting the other instance.
     * @param resource $inputStream The handler resource
     * @return resource|null The cloned resource, null in case it could not be cloned
    private function cloneInputStream($inputStream)
        $streamMetaData = stream_get_meta_data($inputStream);
        $seekable = $streamMetaData['seekable'] ?? false;
        $mode = $streamMetaData['mode'] ?? 'rb';
        $uri = $streamMetaData['uri'] ?? null;

        if (null === $uri) {
            return null;

        $cloneStream = fopen($uri, $mode);

        // For seekable and writable streams, add all the same data to the
        // cloned stream and then seek to the same offset.
        if (true === $seekable && !\in_array($mode, ['r', 'rb', 'rt'])) {
            $offset = ftell($inputStream);
            stream_copy_to_stream($inputStream, $cloneStream);
            fseek($inputStream, $offset);
            fseek($cloneStream, $offset);

        return $cloneStream;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DebugFormatterHelper.php File 3.34 KB 0644
DescriptorHelper.php File 2.51 KB 0644
Dumper.php File 1.91 KB 0644
FormatterHelper.php File 2.26 KB 0644
Helper.php File 4.46 KB 0644
HelperInterface.php File 851 B 0644
HelperSet.php File 1.86 KB 0644
InputAwareHelper.php File 740 B 0644
OutputWrapper.php File 3.01 KB 0644
ProcessHelper.php File 4.77 KB 0644
ProgressBar.php File 19.14 KB 0644
ProgressIndicator.php File 7.08 KB 0644
QuestionHelper.php File 19.71 KB 0644
SymfonyQuestionHelper.php File 3.23 KB 0644
Table.php File 31.46 KB 0644
TableCell.php File 1.79 KB 0644
TableCellStyle.php File 2.29 KB 0644
TableRows.php File 620 B 0644
TableSeparator.php File 556 B 0644
TableStyle.php File 12.81 KB 0644