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elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Cursor;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleSectionOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Terminal;

 * The ProgressBar provides helpers to display progress output.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * @author Chris Jones <leeked@gmail.com>
final class ProgressBar
    public const FORMAT_VERBOSE = 'verbose';
    public const FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE = 'very_verbose';
    public const FORMAT_DEBUG = 'debug';
    public const FORMAT_NORMAL = 'normal';

    private const FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX = 'verbose_nomax';
    private const FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE_NOMAX = 'very_verbose_nomax';
    private const FORMAT_DEBUG_NOMAX = 'debug_nomax';
    private const FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX = 'normal_nomax';

    private int $barWidth = 28;
    private string $barChar;
    private string $emptyBarChar = '-';
    private string $progressChar = '>';
    private ?string $format = null;
    private ?string $internalFormat = null;
    private ?int $redrawFreq = 1;
    private int $writeCount = 0;
    private float $lastWriteTime = 0;
    private float $minSecondsBetweenRedraws = 0;
    private float $maxSecondsBetweenRedraws = 1;
    private OutputInterface $output;
    private int $step = 0;
    private int $startingStep = 0;
    private ?int $max = null;
    private int $startTime;
    private int $stepWidth;
    private float $percent = 0.0;
    private array $messages = [];
    private bool $overwrite = true;
    private Terminal $terminal;
    private ?string $previousMessage = null;
    private Cursor $cursor;

    private static array $formatters;
    private static array $formats;

     * @param int $max Maximum steps (0 if unknown)
    public function __construct(OutputInterface $output, int $max = 0, float $minSecondsBetweenRedraws = 1 / 25)
        if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
            $output = $output->getErrorOutput();

        $this->output = $output;
        $this->terminal = new Terminal();

        if (0 < $minSecondsBetweenRedraws) {
            $this->redrawFreq = null;
            $this->minSecondsBetweenRedraws = $minSecondsBetweenRedraws;

        if (!$this->output->isDecorated()) {
            // disable overwrite when output does not support ANSI codes.
            $this->overwrite = false;

            // set a reasonable redraw frequency so output isn't flooded
            $this->redrawFreq = null;

        $this->startTime = time();
        $this->cursor = new Cursor($output);

     * Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.
     * This method also allow you to override an existing placeholder.
     * @param string   $name     The placeholder name (including the delimiter char like %)
     * @param callable $callable A PHP callable
    public static function setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name, callable $callable): void
        self::$formatters ??= self::initPlaceholderFormatters();

        self::$formatters[$name] = $callable;

     * Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name.
     * @param string $name The placeholder name (including the delimiter char like %)
    public static function getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name): ?callable
        self::$formatters ??= self::initPlaceholderFormatters();

        return self::$formatters[$name] ?? null;

     * Sets a format for a given name.
     * This method also allow you to override an existing format.
     * @param string $name   The format name
     * @param string $format A format string
    public static function setFormatDefinition(string $name, string $format): void
        self::$formats ??= self::initFormats();

        self::$formats[$name] = $format;

     * Gets the format for a given name.
     * @param string $name The format name
    public static function getFormatDefinition(string $name): ?string
        self::$formats ??= self::initFormats();

        return self::$formats[$name] ?? null;

     * Associates a text with a named placeholder.
     * The text is displayed when the progress bar is rendered but only
     * when the corresponding placeholder is part of the custom format line
     * (by wrapping the name with %).
     * @param string $message The text to associate with the placeholder
     * @param string $name    The name of the placeholder
    public function setMessage(string $message, string $name = 'message')
        $this->messages[$name] = $message;

    public function getMessage(string $name = 'message')
        return $this->messages[$name];

    public function getStartTime(): int
        return $this->startTime;

    public function getMaxSteps(): int
        return $this->max;

    public function getProgress(): int
        return $this->step;

    private function getStepWidth(): int
        return $this->stepWidth;

    public function getProgressPercent(): float
        return $this->percent;

    public function getBarOffset(): float
        return floor($this->max ? $this->percent * $this->barWidth : (null === $this->redrawFreq ? (int) (min(5, $this->barWidth / 15) * $this->writeCount) : $this->step) % $this->barWidth);

    public function getEstimated(): float
        if (0 === $this->step || $this->step === $this->startingStep) {
            return 0;

        return round((time() - $this->startTime) / ($this->step - $this->startingStep) * $this->max);

    public function getRemaining(): float
        if (!$this->step) {
            return 0;

        return round((time() - $this->startTime) / ($this->step - $this->startingStep) * ($this->max - $this->step));

    public function setBarWidth(int $size)
        $this->barWidth = max(1, $size);

    public function getBarWidth(): int
        return $this->barWidth;

    public function setBarCharacter(string $char)
        $this->barChar = $char;

    public function getBarCharacter(): string
        return $this->barChar ?? ($this->max ? '=' : $this->emptyBarChar);

    public function setEmptyBarCharacter(string $char)
        $this->emptyBarChar = $char;

    public function getEmptyBarCharacter(): string
        return $this->emptyBarChar;

    public function setProgressCharacter(string $char)
        $this->progressChar = $char;

    public function getProgressCharacter(): string
        return $this->progressChar;

    public function setFormat(string $format)
        $this->format = null;
        $this->internalFormat = $format;

     * Sets the redraw frequency.
     * @param int|null $freq The frequency in steps
    public function setRedrawFrequency(?int $freq)
        $this->redrawFreq = null !== $freq ? max(1, $freq) : null;

    public function minSecondsBetweenRedraws(float $seconds): void
        $this->minSecondsBetweenRedraws = $seconds;

    public function maxSecondsBetweenRedraws(float $seconds): void
        $this->maxSecondsBetweenRedraws = $seconds;

     * Returns an iterator that will automatically update the progress bar when iterated.
     * @param int|null $max Number of steps to complete the bar (0 if indeterminate), if null it will be inferred from $iterable
    public function iterate(iterable $iterable, int $max = null): iterable
        $this->start($max ?? (is_countable($iterable) ? \count($iterable) : 0));

        foreach ($iterable as $key => $value) {
            yield $key => $value;



     * Starts the progress output.
     * @param int|null $max     Number of steps to complete the bar (0 if indeterminate), null to leave unchanged
     * @param int      $startAt The starting point of the bar (useful e.g. when resuming a previously started bar)
    public function start(int $max = null, int $startAt = 0): void
        $this->startTime = time();
        $this->step = $startAt;
        $this->startingStep = $startAt;

        $startAt > 0 ? $this->setProgress($startAt) : $this->percent = 0.0;

        if (null !== $max) {


     * Advances the progress output X steps.
     * @param int $step Number of steps to advance
    public function advance(int $step = 1)
        $this->setProgress($this->step + $step);

     * Sets whether to overwrite the progressbar, false for new line.
    public function setOverwrite(bool $overwrite)
        $this->overwrite = $overwrite;

    public function setProgress(int $step)
        if ($this->max && $step > $this->max) {
            $this->max = $step;
        } elseif ($step < 0) {
            $step = 0;

        $redrawFreq = $this->redrawFreq ?? (($this->max ?: 10) / 10);
        $prevPeriod = (int) ($this->step / $redrawFreq);
        $currPeriod = (int) ($step / $redrawFreq);
        $this->step = $step;
        $this->percent = $this->max ? (float) $this->step / $this->max : 0;
        $timeInterval = microtime(true) - $this->lastWriteTime;

        // Draw regardless of other limits
        if ($this->max === $step) {


        // Throttling
        if ($timeInterval < $this->minSecondsBetweenRedraws) {

        // Draw each step period, but not too late
        if ($prevPeriod !== $currPeriod || $timeInterval >= $this->maxSecondsBetweenRedraws) {

    public function setMaxSteps(int $max)
        $this->format = null;
        $this->max = max(0, $max);
        $this->stepWidth = $this->max ? Helper::width((string) $this->max) : 4;

     * Finishes the progress output.
    public function finish(): void
        if (!$this->max) {
            $this->max = $this->step;

        if ($this->step === $this->max && !$this->overwrite) {
            // prevent double 100% output


     * Outputs the current progress string.
    public function display(): void
        if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET === $this->output->getVerbosity()) {

        if (null === $this->format) {
            $this->setRealFormat($this->internalFormat ?: $this->determineBestFormat());


     * Removes the progress bar from the current line.
     * This is useful if you wish to write some output
     * while a progress bar is running.
     * Call display() to show the progress bar again.
    public function clear(): void
        if (!$this->overwrite) {

        if (null === $this->format) {
            $this->setRealFormat($this->internalFormat ?: $this->determineBestFormat());


    private function setRealFormat(string $format)
        // try to use the _nomax variant if available
        if (!$this->max && null !== self::getFormatDefinition($format.'_nomax')) {
            $this->format = self::getFormatDefinition($format.'_nomax');
        } elseif (null !== self::getFormatDefinition($format)) {
            $this->format = self::getFormatDefinition($format);
        } else {
            $this->format = $format;

     * Overwrites a previous message to the output.
    private function overwrite(string $message): void
        if ($this->previousMessage === $message) {

        $originalMessage = $message;

        if ($this->overwrite) {
            if (null !== $this->previousMessage) {
                if ($this->output instanceof ConsoleSectionOutput) {
                    $messageLines = explode("\n", $this->previousMessage);
                    $lineCount = \count($messageLines);
                    foreach ($messageLines as $messageLine) {
                        $messageLineLength = Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), $messageLine));
                        if ($messageLineLength > $this->terminal->getWidth()) {
                            $lineCount += floor($messageLineLength / $this->terminal->getWidth());
                } else {
                    $lineCount = substr_count($this->previousMessage, "\n");
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $lineCount; ++$i) {

        } elseif ($this->step > 0) {
            $message = \PHP_EOL.$message;

        $this->previousMessage = $originalMessage;
        $this->lastWriteTime = microtime(true);


    private function determineBestFormat(): string
        return match ($this->output->getVerbosity()) {
            // OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET: display is disabled anyway
            OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE => $this->max ? self::FORMAT_VERBOSE : self::FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX,
            OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE => $this->max ? self::FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE : self::FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE_NOMAX,
            OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG => $this->max ? self::FORMAT_DEBUG : self::FORMAT_DEBUG_NOMAX,
            default => $this->max ? self::FORMAT_NORMAL : self::FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX,

    private static function initPlaceholderFormatters(): array
        return [
            'bar' => function (self $bar, OutputInterface $output) {
                $completeBars = $bar->getBarOffset();
                $display = str_repeat($bar->getBarCharacter(), $completeBars);
                if ($completeBars < $bar->getBarWidth()) {
                    $emptyBars = $bar->getBarWidth() - $completeBars - Helper::length(Helper::removeDecoration($output->getFormatter(), $bar->getProgressCharacter()));
                    $display .= $bar->getProgressCharacter().str_repeat($bar->getEmptyBarCharacter(), $emptyBars);

                return $display;
            'elapsed' => function (self $bar) {
                return Helper::formatTime(time() - $bar->getStartTime());
            'remaining' => function (self $bar) {
                if (!$bar->getMaxSteps()) {
                    throw new LogicException('Unable to display the remaining time if the maximum number of steps is not set.');

                return Helper::formatTime($bar->getRemaining());
            'estimated' => function (self $bar) {
                if (!$bar->getMaxSteps()) {
                    throw new LogicException('Unable to display the estimated time if the maximum number of steps is not set.');

                return Helper::formatTime($bar->getEstimated());
            'memory' => function (self $bar) {
                return Helper::formatMemory(memory_get_usage(true));
            'current' => function (self $bar) {
                return str_pad($bar->getProgress(), $bar->getStepWidth(), ' ', \STR_PAD_LEFT);
            'max' => function (self $bar) {
                return $bar->getMaxSteps();
            'percent' => function (self $bar) {
                return floor($bar->getProgressPercent() * 100);

    private static function initFormats(): array
        return [
            self::FORMAT_NORMAL => ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%%',
            self::FORMAT_NORMAL_NOMAX => ' %current% [%bar%]',

            self::FORMAT_VERBOSE => ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%',
            self::FORMAT_VERBOSE_NOMAX => ' %current% [%bar%] %elapsed:6s%',

            self::FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE => ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s%',
            self::FORMAT_VERY_VERBOSE_NOMAX => ' %current% [%bar%] %elapsed:6s%',

            self::FORMAT_DEBUG => ' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%',
            self::FORMAT_DEBUG_NOMAX => ' %current% [%bar%] %elapsed:6s% %memory:6s%',

    private function buildLine(): string
        \assert(null !== $this->format);

        $regex = "{%([a-z\-_]+)(?:\:([^%]+))?%}i";
        $callback = function ($matches) {
            if ($formatter = $this::getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition($matches[1])) {
                $text = $formatter($this, $this->output);
            } elseif (isset($this->messages[$matches[1]])) {
                $text = $this->messages[$matches[1]];
            } else {
                return $matches[0];

            if (isset($matches[2])) {
                $text = sprintf('%'.$matches[2], $text);

            return $text;
        $line = preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $this->format);

        // gets string length for each sub line with multiline format
        $linesLength = array_map(function ($subLine) {
            return Helper::width(Helper::removeDecoration($this->output->getFormatter(), rtrim($subLine, "\r")));
        }, explode("\n", $line));

        $linesWidth = max($linesLength);

        $terminalWidth = $this->terminal->getWidth();
        if ($linesWidth <= $terminalWidth) {
            return $line;

        $this->setBarWidth($this->barWidth - $linesWidth + $terminalWidth);

        return preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $this->format);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DebugFormatterHelper.php File 3.34 KB 0644
DescriptorHelper.php File 2.51 KB 0644
Dumper.php File 1.91 KB 0644
FormatterHelper.php File 2.26 KB 0644
Helper.php File 4.46 KB 0644
HelperInterface.php File 851 B 0644
HelperSet.php File 1.86 KB 0644
InputAwareHelper.php File 740 B 0644
OutputWrapper.php File 3.01 KB 0644
ProcessHelper.php File 4.77 KB 0644
ProgressBar.php File 19.14 KB 0644
ProgressIndicator.php File 7.08 KB 0644
QuestionHelper.php File 19.71 KB 0644
SymfonyQuestionHelper.php File 3.23 KB 0644
Table.php File 31.46 KB 0644
TableCell.php File 1.79 KB 0644
TableCellStyle.php File 2.29 KB 0644
TableRows.php File 620 B 0644
TableSeparator.php File 556 B 0644
TableStyle.php File 12.81 KB 0644