[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of sebastian/comparator.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SebastianBergmann\Comparator;

use function tmpfile;
use DateTime;
use DOMDocument;
use Exception;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\UsesClass;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use SplObjectStorage;
use stdClass;

final class FactoryTest extends TestCase
    public static function instanceProvider()
        $tmpfile = tmpfile();

        return [
            [null, null, ScalarComparator::class],
            [null, true, ScalarComparator::class],
            [true, null, ScalarComparator::class],
            [true, true, ScalarComparator::class],
            [false, false, ScalarComparator::class],
            [true, false, ScalarComparator::class],
            [false, true, ScalarComparator::class],
            ['', '', ScalarComparator::class],
            ['0', '0', ScalarComparator::class],
            ['0', 0, NumericComparator::class],
            [0, '0', NumericComparator::class],
            [0, 0, NumericComparator::class],
            [1.0, 0, NumericComparator::class],
            [0, 1.0, NumericComparator::class],
            [1.0, 1.0, NumericComparator::class],
            [[1], [1], ArrayComparator::class],
            [$tmpfile, $tmpfile, ResourceComparator::class],
            [new stdClass, new stdClass, ObjectComparator::class],
            [new DateTime, new DateTime, DateTimeComparator::class],
            [new SplObjectStorage, new SplObjectStorage, SplObjectStorageComparator::class],
            [new Exception, new Exception, ExceptionComparator::class],
            [new DOMDocument, new DOMDocument, DOMNodeComparator::class],
            // mixed types
            [$tmpfile, [1], TypeComparator::class],
            [[1], $tmpfile, TypeComparator::class],
            [$tmpfile, '1', TypeComparator::class],
            ['1', $tmpfile, TypeComparator::class],
            [$tmpfile, new stdClass, TypeComparator::class],
            [new stdClass, $tmpfile, TypeComparator::class],
            [new stdClass, [1], TypeComparator::class],
            [[1], new stdClass, TypeComparator::class],
            [new stdClass, '1', TypeComparator::class],
            ['1', new stdClass, TypeComparator::class],
            [new ClassWithToString, '1', ScalarComparator::class],
            ['1', new ClassWithToString, ScalarComparator::class],
            [1.0, new stdClass, TypeComparator::class],
            [new stdClass, 1.0, TypeComparator::class],
            [1.0, [1], TypeComparator::class],
            [[1], 1.0, TypeComparator::class],

    public function testGetComparatorFor($a, $b, $expected): void
        $factory = new Factory;
        $actual  = $factory->getComparatorFor($a, $b);
        $this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);

    public function testCustomComparatorCanBeRegistered(): void
        $comparator = new TestClassComparator;

        $factory = new Factory;

        $a        = new TestClass;
        $b        = new TestClass;
        $expected = TestClassComparator::class;
        $actual   = $factory->getComparatorFor($a, $b);

        $this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);

    public function testCustomComparatorCanBeUnregistered(): void
        $comparator = new TestClassComparator;

        $factory = new Factory;

        $a        = new TestClass;
        $b        = new TestClass;
        $expected = ObjectComparator::class;
        $actual   = $factory->getComparatorFor($a, $b);

        $this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);

    public function testCustomComparatorsCanBeReset(): void
        $comparator = new TestClassComparator;

        $factory = new Factory;

        $a        = new TestClass;
        $b        = new TestClass;
        $expected = ObjectComparator::class;
        $actual   = $factory->getComparatorFor($a, $b);

        $this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);

    public function testIsSingleton(): void
        $f = Factory::getInstance();
        $this->assertSame($f, Factory::getInstance());


Name Type Size Permission Actions
_fixture Folder 0755
ArrayComparatorTest.php File 4.03 KB 0644
ComparisonFailureTest.php File 1.63 KB 0644
DOMNodeComparatorTest.php File 5.17 KB 0644
DateTimeComparatorTest.php File 7.36 KB 0644
ExceptionComparatorTest.php File 3.76 KB 0644
FactoryTest.php File 4.81 KB 0644
MockObjectComparatorTest.php File 5.88 KB 0644
NumericComparatorTest.php File 4.35 KB 0644
ObjectComparatorTest.php File 4.34 KB 0644
ResourceComparatorTest.php File 2.92 KB 0644
ScalarComparatorTest.php File 5.13 KB 0644
SplObjectStorageComparatorTest.php File 3.84 KB 0644
TypeComparatorTest.php File 2.62 KB 0644