[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace Ramsey\Uuid\Test\Generator;

use Ramsey\Uuid\BinaryUtils;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\NameException;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Generator\PeclUuidNameGenerator;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Test\TestCase;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

use function hash;
use function pack;
use function substr;
use function substr_replace;
use function unpack;

class PeclUuidNameGeneratorTest extends TestCase
     * @param non-empty-string $ns
     * @dataProvider provideNamesForHashingTest
     * @requires extension uuid
    public function testPeclUuidNameGeneratorHashesName(string $ns, string $name, string $algorithm): void
        $namespace = Uuid::fromString($ns);
        $version = $algorithm === 'md5' ? 3 : 5;
        $expectedBytes = substr(hash($algorithm, $namespace->getBytes() . $name, true), 0, 16);

        // Need to add the version and variant, since ext-uuid already includes
        // these in the values returned.
        /** @var array $unpackedTime */
        $unpackedTime = unpack('n*', substr($expectedBytes, 6, 2));
        $timeHi = (int) $unpackedTime[1];
        $timeHiAndVersion = pack('n*', BinaryUtils::applyVersion($timeHi, $version));

        /** @var array $unpackedClockSeq */
        $unpackedClockSeq = unpack('n*', substr($expectedBytes, 8, 2));
        $clockSeqHi = (int) $unpackedClockSeq[1];
        $clockSeqHiAndReserved = pack('n*', BinaryUtils::applyVariant($clockSeqHi));

        $expectedBytes = substr_replace($expectedBytes, $timeHiAndVersion, 6, 2);
        $expectedBytes = substr_replace($expectedBytes, $clockSeqHiAndReserved, 8, 2);

        $generator = new PeclUuidNameGenerator();
        $generatedBytes = $generator->generate($namespace, $name, $algorithm);

            'Expected: ' . bin2hex($expectedBytes) . '; Received: ' . bin2hex($generatedBytes)

     * @return array<array{ns: string, name: string, algorithm: string}>
    public function provideNamesForHashingTest(): array
        return [
                'ns' => Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL,
                'name' => 'https://example.com/foobar',
                'algorithm' => 'md5',
                'ns' => Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL,
                'name' => 'https://example.com/foobar',
                'algorithm' => 'sha1',
                'ns' => Uuid::NAMESPACE_OID,
                'name' => '',
                'algorithm' => 'sha1',
                'ns' => Uuid::NAMESPACE_OID,
                'name' => '',
                'algorithm' => 'md5',
                'ns' => 'd988ae29-674e-48e7-b93c-2825e2a96fbe',
                'name' => 'foobar',
                'algorithm' => 'sha1',

    public function testGenerateThrowsException(): void
        $namespace = Uuid::fromString('cd998804-c661-4264-822c-00cada75a87b');
        $generator = new PeclUuidNameGenerator();

            'Unable to hash namespace and name with algorithm \'aBadAlgorithm\''

        /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
        $generator->generate($namespace, 'a test name', 'aBadAlgorithm');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CombGeneratorTest.php File 4.65 KB 0644
DceSecurityGeneratorTest.php File 11.4 KB 0644
DefaultNameGeneratorTest.php File 2.48 KB 0644
DefaultTimeGeneratorTest.php File 6.88 KB 0644
NameGeneratorFactoryTest.php File 464 B 0644
PeclUuidNameGeneratorTest.php File 3.48 KB 0644
PeclUuidRandomGeneratorTest.php File 757 B 0644
PeclUuidTimeGeneratorTest.php File 747 B 0644
RandomBytesGeneratorTest.php File 1.89 KB 0644
RandomGeneratorFactoryTest.php File 498 B 0644
RandomLibAdapterTest.php File 2.28 KB 0644
TimeGeneratorFactoryTest.php File 1.21 KB 0644
UnixTimeGeneratorTest.php File 7.36 KB 0644