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elspacio@ ~ $
.. _reference.types:


.. php:namespace:: Ramsey\Uuid\Type

.. php:class:: TypeInterface

    Implements `JsonSerializable <https://www.php.net/jsonserializable>`_ and
    `Serializable <https://www.php.net/serializable>`_.

    TypeInterface ensures consistency in typed values returned by ramsey/uuid.

    .. php:method:: toString()

        :returntype: ``string``

    .. php:method:: __toString()

        :returntype: ``string``

.. php:class:: NumberInterface

    Implements :php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\TypeInterface`.

    NumberInterface ensures consistency in numeric values returned by ramsey/uuid.

    .. php:method:: isNegative()

        :returns: True if this number is less than zero, false otherwise.
        :returntype: ``bool``

.. php:class:: Decimal

    Implements :php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface`.

    A value object representing a decimal, for type-safety purposes, to ensure
    that decimals returned from ramsey/uuid methods as strings are truly
    decimals and not some other kind of string.

    To support values as true decimals and not as floats or doubles, we store
    the decimals as strings.

.. php:class:: Hexadecimal

    Implements :php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\TypeInterface`.

    A value object representing a hexadecimal number, for type-safety purposes,
    to ensure that hexadecimal numbers returned from ramsey/uuid methods as
    strings are truly hexadecimal and not some other kind of string.

.. php:class:: Integer

    Implements :php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface`.

    A value object representing an integer, for type-safety purposes, to ensure
    that integers returned from ramsey/uuid methods as strings are truly
    integers and not some other kind of string.

    To support large integers beyond ``PHP_INT_MAX`` and ``PHP_INT_MIN`` on both
    64-bit and 32-bit systems, we store the integers as strings.

.. php:class:: Time

    Implements :php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\TypeInterface`.

    A value object representing a timestamp, for type-safety purposes, to ensure
    that timestamps used by ramsey/uuid are truly timestamp integers and not
    some other kind of string or integer.

    .. php:method:: getSeconds()

        :returntype: :php:class:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer`

    .. php:method:: getMicroseconds()

        :returntype: :php:class:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer`


Name Type Size Permission Actions
calculators.rst File 6.92 KB 0644
exceptions.rst File 2.83 KB 0644
fields-fieldsinterface.rst File 363 B 0644
guid-fields.rst File 263 B 0644
guid-guid.rst File 510 B 0644
helper.rst File 2.68 KB 0644
name-based-namespaces.rst File 1.12 KB 0644
nonstandard-fields.rst File 317 B 0644
nonstandard-uuid.rst File 562 B 0644
nonstandard-uuidv6.rst File 1.3 KB 0644
rfc4122-fieldsinterface.rst File 2.35 KB 0644
rfc4122-uuidinterface.rst File 587 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv1.rst File 608 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv2.rst File 1.65 KB 0644
rfc4122-uuidv3.rst File 311 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv4.rst File 301 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv5.rst File 313 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv6.rst File 1012 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv7.rst File 609 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv8.rst File 301 B 0644
types.rst File 2.45 KB 0644
uuid.rst File 6.91 KB 0644
uuidfactoryinterface.rst File 4.05 KB 0644
uuidinterface.rst File 1.68 KB 0644
validators.rst File 920 B 0644