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.. _reference.exceptions:


All exceptions in the :php:ns:`Ramsey\\Uuid` namespace implement
:php:interface:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Exception\\UuidExceptionInterface`. This provides
a base type you may use to catch any and all exceptions that originate from this

.. php:namespace:: Ramsey\Uuid\Exception

.. php:interface:: UuidExceptionInterface

    This is the interface all exceptions in ramsey/uuid must implement.

.. php:exception:: BuilderNotFoundException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that no suitable UUID builder could be found.

.. php:exception:: DateTimeException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the PHP DateTime extension encountered an
    exception or error.

.. php:exception:: DceSecurityException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate an exception occurred while dealing with DCE Security
    (version 2) UUIDs

.. php:exception:: InvalidArgumentException

    Extends `InvalidArgumentException <https://www.php.net/invalidargumentexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the argument received is not valid.

.. php:exception:: InvalidBytesException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the bytes being operated on are invalid in some way.

.. php:exception:: InvalidUuidStringException

    Extends :php:exc:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException`.

    Thrown to indicate that the string received is not a valid UUID.

.. php:exception:: NameException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that an error occurred while attempting to hash a
    namespace and name

.. php:exception:: NodeException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that attempting to fetch or create a node ID encountered
    an error.

.. php:exception:: RandomSourceException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the source of random data encountered an error.

.. php:exception:: TimeSourceException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the source of time encountered an error.

.. php:exception:: UnableToBuildUuidException

    Extends `RuntimeException <https://www.php.net/runtimeexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate a builder is unable to build a UUID.

.. php:exception:: UnsupportedOperationException

    Extends `LogicException <https://www.php.net/logicexception>`_.

    Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
calculators.rst File 6.92 KB 0644
exceptions.rst File 2.83 KB 0644
fields-fieldsinterface.rst File 363 B 0644
guid-fields.rst File 263 B 0644
guid-guid.rst File 510 B 0644
helper.rst File 2.68 KB 0644
name-based-namespaces.rst File 1.12 KB 0644
nonstandard-fields.rst File 317 B 0644
nonstandard-uuid.rst File 562 B 0644
nonstandard-uuidv6.rst File 1.3 KB 0644
rfc4122-fieldsinterface.rst File 2.35 KB 0644
rfc4122-uuidinterface.rst File 587 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv1.rst File 608 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv2.rst File 1.65 KB 0644
rfc4122-uuidv3.rst File 311 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv4.rst File 301 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv5.rst File 313 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv6.rst File 1012 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv7.rst File 609 B 0644
rfc4122-uuidv8.rst File 301 B 0644
types.rst File 2.45 KB 0644
uuid.rst File 6.91 KB 0644
uuidfactoryinterface.rst File 4.05 KB 0644
uuidinterface.rst File 1.68 KB 0644
validators.rst File 920 B 0644