.. _reference.calculators:
.. php:namespace:: Ramsey\Uuid\Math
.. php:interface:: CalculatorInterface
Provides functionality for performing mathematical calculations.
.. php:method:: add($augend, ...$addends)
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface $augend: The first addend (the integer being added to)
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface ...$addends: The additional integers to a add to the augend
:returns: The sum of all the parameters
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface
.. php:method:: subtract($minuend, ...$subtrahends)
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface $minuend: The integer being subtracted from
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface ...$subtrahends: The integers to subtract from the minuend
:returns: The difference after subtracting all parameters
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface
.. php:method:: multiply($multiplicand, ...$multipliers)
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface $multiplicand: The integer to be multiplied
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface ...$multipliers: The factors by which to multiply the multiplicand
:returns: The product of multiplying all the provided parameters
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface
.. php:method:: divide($roundingMode, $scale, $dividend, ...$divisors)
:param int $roundingMode: The strategy for rounding the quotient; one of the :php:class:`Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode` constants
:param int $scale: The scale to use for the operation
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface $dividend: The integer to be divided
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface ...$divisors: The integers to divide ``$dividend`` by, in the order in which the division operations should take place (left-to-right)
:returns: The quotient of dividing the provided parameters left-to-right
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\NumberInterface
.. php:method:: fromBase($value, $base)
Converts a value from an arbitrary base to a base-10 integer value.
:param string $value: The value to convert
:param int $base: The base to convert from (i.e., 2, 16, 32, etc.)
:returns: The base-10 integer value of the converted value
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer
.. php:method:: toBase($value, $base)
Converts a base-10 integer value to an arbitrary base.
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer $value: The integer value to convert
:param int $base: The base to convert to (i.e., 2, 16, 32, etc.)
:returns: The value represented in the specified base
:returntype: ``string``
.. php:method:: toHexadecimal($value)
Converts an Integer instance to a Hexadecimal instance.
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer $value: The Integer to convert to Hexadecimal
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Hexadecimal
.. php:method:: toInteger($value)
Converts a Hexadecimal instance to an Integer instance.
:param Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Hexadecimal $value: The Hexadecimal to convert to Integer
:returntype: Ramsey\\Uuid\\Type\\Integer
.. php:class:: RoundingMode
.. php:const:: UNNECESSARY
Asserts that the requested operation has an exact result, hence no
rounding is necessary.
.. php:const:: UP
Rounds away from zero.
Always increments the digit prior to a nonzero discarded fraction.
Note that this rounding mode never decreases the magnitude of the
calculated value.
.. php:const:: DOWN
Rounds towards zero.
Never increments the digit prior to a discarded fraction (i.e.,
truncates). Note that this rounding mode never increases the magnitude of
the calculated value.
.. php:const:: CEILING
Rounds towards positive infinity.
If the result is positive, behaves as for :php:const:`UP
<Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::UP>`; if negative, behaves as for
:php:const:`DOWN <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::DOWN>`. Note that
this rounding mode never decreases the calculated value.
.. php:const:: FLOOR
Rounds towards negative infinity.
If the result is positive, behave as for :php:const:`DOWN
<Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::DOWN>`; if negative, behave as for
:php:const:`UP <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::UP>`. Note that this
rounding mode never increases the calculated value.
.. php:const:: HALF_UP
Rounds towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant,
in which case round up.
Behaves as for :php:const:`UP <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::UP>` if
the discarded fraction is >= 0.5; otherwise, behaves as for
:php:const:`DOWN <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::DOWN>`. Note that
this is the rounding mode commonly taught at school.
.. php:const:: HALF_DOWN
Rounds towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant,
in which case round down.
Behaves as for :php:const:`UP <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::UP>` if
the discarded fraction is > 0.5; otherwise, behaves as for
:php:const:`DOWN <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::DOWN>`.
.. php:const:: HALF_CEILING
Rounds towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant,
in which case round towards positive infinity.
If the result is positive, behaves as for :php:const:`HALF_UP
<Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_UP>`; if negative, behaves as
for :php:const:`HALF_DOWN <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_DOWN>`.
.. php:const:: HALF_FLOOR
Rounds towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant,
in which case round towards negative infinity.
If the result is positive, behaves as for :php:const:`HALF_DOWN
<Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_DOWN>`; if negative, behaves as
for :php:const:`HALF_UP <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_UP>`.
.. php:const:: HALF_EVEN
Rounds towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are
equidistant, in which case rounds towards the even neighbor.
Behaves as for :php:const:`HALF_UP <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_UP>`
if the digit to the left of the discarded fraction is odd; behaves as
for :php:const:`HALF_DOWN <Ramsey\\Uuid\\Math\\RoundingMode::HALF_DOWN>`
if it's even.
Note that this is the rounding mode that statistically minimizes
cumulative error when applied repeatedly over a sequence of calculations.
It is sometimes known as "Banker's rounding", and is chiefly used in the