namespace Ramsey\Collection\Test;
use Ramsey\Collection\Collection;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\InvalidPropertyOrMethod;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\NoSuchElementException;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\Bar;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\BarCollection;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\Foo;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\FooCollection;
use stdClass;
use function serialize;
use function unserialize;
* Tests for Collection, as well as coverage for AbstractCollection
class CollectionTest extends TestCase
public function testConstructorSetsType(): void
$collection = new Collection('string');
$this->assertSame('string', $collection->getType());
public function testConstructorWithData(): void
$collection = new Collection('string', ['foo', 'bar']);
$this->assertCount(2, $collection);
public function testOffsetSet(): void
/** @var Collection<int> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('integer');
$collection[] = $this->faker->numberBetween();
// Ensure that an exception is thrown when attempting to add
// an invalid type for this collection
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Value must be of type integer');
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line
* @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
$collection[] = $this->faker->text();
public function testOffsetSetPosition(): void
$offset = $this->faker->numberBetween(0, 100);
$value = $this->faker->numberBetween(0, 100);
/** @var Collection<int> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('int');
$collection->offsetSet($offset, $value);
$this->assertSame($value, $collection->offsetGet($offset));
public function testAdd(): void
/** @var Collection<int> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('integer');
public function testAddMayAddSameObjectMultipleTimes(): void
$expectedCount = 4;
$obj1 = new stdClass();
$obj1->name = $this->faker->name();
/** @var Collection<stdClass> $collection1 */
$collection1 = new Collection('stdClass');
/** @var Collection<stdClass> $collection2 */
$collection2 = new Collection('stdClass');
// Add the same object multiple times
for ($i = 0; $i < $expectedCount; $i++) {
$collection1[] = $obj1;
// Test the add() method
for ($i = 0; $i < $expectedCount; $i++) {
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $collection1);
$this->assertCount($expectedCount, $collection2);
public function testContains(): void
$name = $this->faker->name();
$obj1 = new stdClass();
$obj1->name = $name;
// Object with same properties but different identity
$obj2 = new stdClass();
$obj2->name = $name;
/** @var Collection<stdClass> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('stdClass');
public function testContainsNonStrict(): void
$name = $this->faker->name();
$obj1 = new stdClass();
$obj1->name = $name;
// Object with same properties but different identity
$obj2 = new stdClass();
$obj2->name = $name;
/** @var Collection<stdClass> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('stdClass');
$this->assertTrue($collection->contains($obj1, false));
$this->assertTrue($collection->contains($obj2, false));
public function testRemove(): void
$obj1 = new stdClass();
$obj1->name = $this->faker->name();
/** @var Collection<stdClass> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('stdClass');
// Add the same object multiple times
public function testSubclassBehavior(): void
$fooCollection = new FooCollection();
$fooCollection[] = new Foo();
$fooCollection[] = new Foo();
$fooCollection[] = new Foo();
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Value must be of type ' . Foo::class);
* @phpstan-ignore-next-line
* @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
$fooCollection[] = new stdClass();
public function testColumnByProperty(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
$bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
$this->assertSame(['a', 'b', 'c'], $barCollection->column('name'));
public function testColumnByMethod(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
$bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
$this->assertSame([1, 2, 3], $barCollection->column('getId'));
public function testColumnByArrayKey(): void
/** @var Collection<array{id: int, name: string}> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('array', [
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],
$this->assertSame([1, 2, 3], $collection->column('id'));
$this->assertSame(['a', 'b', 'c'], $collection->column('name'));
public function testColumnShouldRaiseExceptionOnUndefinedPropertyOrMethod(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1]);
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Method or property "fu" not defined in Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\Bar');
public function testColumnShouldRaiseExceptionWhenNotSupported(): void
/** @var Collection<int> $collection */
$collection = new Collection('int', [1, 2, 3, 4]);
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The collection type "int" does not support the $propertyOrMethod parameter');
public function testFirstShouldRaiseExceptionOnEmptyCollection(): void
$barCollection = new BarCollection();
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Can\'t determine first item. Collection is empty');
public function testFirst(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
$bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
$this->assertSame($bar1, $barCollection->first());
// Make sure the collection stays unchanged
$this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());
public function testLastShouldRaiseExceptionOnEmptyCollection(): void
$barCollection = new BarCollection();
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Can\'t determine last item. Collection is empty');
public function testLast(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
$bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
$this->assertSame($bar3, $barCollection->last());
// Make sure the collection stays unchanged
$this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());
public function testSerializable(): void
$bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
$bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
$bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
$barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
$collectionSerialized = serialize($barCollection);
$barCollection2 = unserialize($collectionSerialized);
$this->assertInstanceOf(BarCollection::class, $barCollection2);
$this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(Bar::class, $barCollection2);
$this->assertEquals($barCollection, $barCollection2);