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namespace Ramsey\Collection\Test;

use Prophecy\PhpUnit\ProphecyTrait;
use Ramsey\Collection\Collection;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\CollectionMismatchException;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\InvalidPropertyOrMethod;
use Ramsey\Collection\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException;
use Ramsey\Collection\Sort;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\Bar;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\BarCollection;
use Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\FooCollection;

use function trim;

 * This test collection will test all manipulation methods on Collection.
 * The nature of those manipulation methods is that the original collection stays untouched
 * and you will receive a new one. This is why every test MUST include a assertNotSame() assertion.
class CollectionManipulationTest extends TestCase
    use ProphecyTrait;

    public function testSortNameAscWithAscendingIdAndNames(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1]);

        $sortedCollection = $barCollection->sort('name');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $sortedCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testSortNameAscWithDescendingNames(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'c');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'a');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);

        $sortedCollection = $barCollection->sort('name');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1], $sortedCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testSortNameDescWithDescendingNames(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'c');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'a');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);

        $sortedCollection = $barCollection->sort('name', Sort::Descending);

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $sortedCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testSortNameDescWithMethod(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'c');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'a');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);

        $sortedCollection = $barCollection->sort('getName', Sort::Descending);

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $sortedCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testSortWholeObject(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar2, $bar1, $bar3]);

        $sortedAsc = $barCollection->sort();
        $sortedDesc = $barCollection->sort(null, Sort::Descending);

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedAsc);
        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $sortedDesc);
        $this->assertNotSame($sortedAsc, $sortedDesc);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $sortedAsc->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1], $sortedDesc->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar2, $bar1, $bar3], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testSortOnNonObjectCollection(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('int', [88, 23, 12, 42]);
        $sortedAsc = $collection->sort();
        $sortedDesc = $collection->sort(null, Sort::Descending);

        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $sortedAsc);
        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $sortedDesc);
        $this->assertNotSame($sortedAsc, $sortedDesc);
        $this->assertSame([88, 23, 12, 42], $collection->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([12, 23, 42, 88], $sortedAsc->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([88, 42, 23, 12], $sortedDesc->toArray());

    public function testSortByArrayKey(): void
        /** @var Collection<array{id: int, name: string}> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('array', [
            ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'a'],
            ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'c'],
            ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'b'],

        $sortedId = $collection->sort('id');
        $sortedName = $collection->sort('name', Sort::Descending);

        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $sortedId);
        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $sortedName);
        $this->assertNotSame($sortedId, $sortedName);
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'a'],
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'c'],
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'c'],
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'a'],
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'c'],
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'a'],

    public function testSortNameWithInvalidProperty(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(1, 'b');

        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Method or property "unknown" not defined in Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\Bar');


    public function testSortNameWithInvalidArrayKey(): void
        /** @var Collection<array{id: int, name: string}> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('array', [
            ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
            ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
            ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Key or index "unknown" not found in collection elements');


    public function testSortShouldRaiseExceptionWhenNotSupported(): void
        /** @var Collection<string> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('string', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);

            'The collection type "string" does not support the $propertyOrMethod parameter',


    public function testFilter(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $filteredCollection = $barCollection->filter(fn ($item) => $item->name === 'a');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $filteredCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1], $filteredCollection->toArray());

        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testWhereWithTypeSafePropertyValue(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $whereCollection = $barCollection->where('name', 'b');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $whereCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $whereCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testWhereWithTypeUnsafePropertyValue(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $whereCollection = $barCollection->where('id', '1');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $whereCollection);
        $this->assertSame([], $whereCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testWhereWithTypeSafeMethodValue(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $whereCollection = $barCollection->where('getName', 'b');

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $whereCollection);
        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $whereCollection->toArray());
        // Make sure original collection is untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testWhereWithArrayKey(): void
        /** @var Collection<array{id: int, name: string}> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('array', [
            ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
            ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
            ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],

        $where = $collection->where('id', 2);

        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $where);
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],

    public function testWhereWithoutPropertyOrMethod(): void
        /** @var Collection<array{id: int, name: string}> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('array', [
            ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
            ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
            ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],

        $where = $collection->where(null, ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c']);

        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $where);
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],
                ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a'],
                ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b'],
                ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c'],

    public function testWhereWithScalar(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('int', [1, 2, 3, 4]);

        $where = $collection->where(null, 3);

        $this->assertNotSame($collection, $where);
        $this->assertSame([3], $where->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([1, 2, 3, 4], $collection->toArray());

    public function testWhereWithMultipleObjectMatches(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3, $bar2]);

        $where = $barCollection->where(null, $bar2);

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $where);
        $this->assertSame([$bar2, $bar2], $where->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3, $bar2], $barCollection->toArray());

    public function testWhereShouldRaiseExceptionWhenNotSupported(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $collection */
        $collection = new Collection('int', [1, 2, 3, 4]);

            'The collection type "int" does not support the $propertyOrMethod parameter',

        $collection->where('foo', 3);

    public function testMapShouldRunOverEachItem(): void
        $bar1 = $this->prophesize(Bar::class);
        $bar2 = $this->prophesize(Bar::class);

        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1->reveal(), $bar2->reveal()]);

        $mapCollection = $barCollection->map(fn (Bar $item): string => $item->getName());

        $this->assertNotSame($barCollection, $mapCollection);

    public function testReduceShouldRunOverEachItem(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');

        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);

        $reduced = $barCollection->reduce(
            fn (string $carry, Bar $item): string => trim("$carry {$item->getName()}"),

        $this->assertSame('a b', $reduced);

    public function testReduceShouldAllowNullInitialValue(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');
        $bar4 = new Bar(4, 'd');

        $barCollection = new BarCollection([$bar2, $bar3, $bar1, $bar4]);

        // Reduced should be the item with the lowest scoring name value.
        $reduced = $barCollection->reduce(
            function (?Bar $carry, Bar $item): Bar {
                if ($carry === null) {
                    return $item;

                if ($carry->getName() < $item->getName()) {
                    return $carry;

                return $item;

        $this->assertSame($bar1, $reduced);

    public function testReduceWithAnEmptyCollectionA(): void
        $barCollection = new BarCollection();

        $reduced = $barCollection->reduce(
            function (?Bar $carry, Bar $item): Bar {
                if ($carry === null) {
                    return $item;

                if ($carry->getName() < $item->getName()) {
                    return $carry;

                return $item;


    public function testReduceWithAnEmptyCollectionB(): void
        $barCollection = new BarCollection();

        $reduced = $barCollection->reduce(
            fn (string $carry, Bar $item): string => trim("$carry {$item->getName()}"),

        $this->assertSame('', $reduced);

    public function testDiffShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollections(): void
        $barCollection = new BarCollection();

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Collection must be of type Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\BarCollection');

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
        $barCollection->diff(new FooCollection());

    public function testDiff(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');

        $barCollection1 = new BarCollection([$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);
        $barCollection3 = new BarCollection([$bar2, $bar1]);

        $diffCollection1 = $barCollection1->diff($barCollection2);
        $diffCollection2 = $barCollection1->diff($barCollection3);

        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection1, $barCollection1);
        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection1, $barCollection2);
        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection1, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $diffCollection1->toArray());

        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection2, $barCollection1);
        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection2, $barCollection2);
        $this->assertNotSame($diffCollection2, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $diffCollection2->toArray());

        // Make sure original collections are untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1], $barCollection1->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection2->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar2, $bar1], $barCollection3->toArray());

    public function testDiffShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollectionType(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $barCollection */
        $barCollection = new Collection('int');

        /** @var Collection<string> $fooCollection */
        $fooCollection = new Collection('string');

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Collection items must be of type int');

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument

    public function testDiffGenericCollection(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');

        $barCollection1 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar1, $bar2]);

        $diffCollection = $barCollection1->diff($barCollection2);

        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $diffCollection->toArray());

    public function testIntersectShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollections(): void
        $barCollection = new BarCollection();

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Collection must be of type Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\BarCollection');

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
        $barCollection->intersect(new FooCollection());

    public function testIntersect(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');

        $barCollection1 = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2]);
        $barCollection2 = new BarCollection([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3]);
        $barCollection3 = new BarCollection([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1]);

        $intersectCollection1 = $barCollection1->intersect($barCollection2);
        $intersectCollection2 = $barCollection1->intersect($barCollection3);

        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection1, $barCollection1);
        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection1, $barCollection2);
        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection1, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $intersectCollection1->toArray());

        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection2, $barCollection1);
        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection2, $barCollection2);
        $this->assertNotSame($intersectCollection2, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $intersectCollection2->toArray());

        // Make sure original collections are untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $barCollection1->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $barCollection2->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar3, $bar2, $bar1], $barCollection3->toArray());

    public function testIntersectShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollectionType(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $barCollection */
        $barCollection = new Collection('int');

        /** @var Collection<string> $fooCollection */
        $fooCollection = new Collection('string');

            'Collection items must be of type int',

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument

    public function testIntersectGenericCollection(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');

        $barCollection1 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar1, $bar2]);

        $diffCollection = $barCollection1->intersect($barCollection2);

        $this->assertSame([$bar1], $diffCollection->toArray());

    public function testMergeShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollection(): void
        $barCollection = new BarCollection();

            'Collection with index 1 must be of type Ramsey\Collection\Test\Mock\BarCollection',

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
        $barCollection->merge(new BarCollection(), new FooCollection());

    public function testMerge(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');

        $barCollection1 = new BarCollection([$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new BarCollection([$bar2]);
        $barCollection3 = new BarCollection([$bar3]);

        $mergeCollection = $barCollection1->merge($barCollection2, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertNotSame($mergeCollection, $barCollection1);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar3], $mergeCollection->toArray());

        // Make sure the original collections are untouched
        $this->assertSame([$bar1], $barCollection1->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar2], $barCollection2->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([$bar3], $barCollection3->toArray());

    public function testMergeWhenTheSameObjectAppearsInMultipleCollections(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');

        $barCollection1 = new BarCollection([$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new BarCollection([$bar2, $bar1]);
        $barCollection3 = new BarCollection([$bar3, $bar2]);

        $mergeCollection = $barCollection1->merge($barCollection2, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2, $bar1, $bar3, $bar2], $mergeCollection->toArray());

    public function testMergeFunctionalityWithKeys(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'c');

        $barCollection1 = new BarCollection(['a' => $bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new BarCollection(['b' => $bar2, 'c' => $bar1]);
        $barCollection3 = new BarCollection(['c' => $bar3, 'd' => $bar2]);

        $mergeCollection = $barCollection1->merge($barCollection2, $barCollection3);
        $this->assertSame(['a' => $bar1, 'b' => $bar2, 'c' => $bar3, 'd' => $bar2], $mergeCollection->toArray());

    public function testMergeShouldRaiseExceptionOnDiverseCollectionType(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $barCollection */
        $barCollection = new Collection('int');

        /** @var Collection<string> $fooCollection */
        $fooCollection = new Collection('string');

            'Collection items in collection with index 1 must be of type int',

         * @phpstan-ignore-next-line
         * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument
        $barCollection->merge($barCollection, $fooCollection);

    public function testMergeGenericCollection(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'a');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'b');

        $barCollection1 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar1]);
        $barCollection2 = new Collection(Bar::class, [$bar2]);

        $diffCollection = $barCollection1->merge($barCollection2);

        $this->assertSame([$bar1, $bar2], $diffCollection->toArray());

    public function testMapConvertsValues(): void
        $bar1 = new Bar(1, 'Jane');
        $bar2 = new Bar(2, 'John');
        $bar3 = new Bar(3, 'Janice');

        $barCollection = new BarCollection();
        $barCollection[] = $bar1;
        $barCollection[] = $bar2;
        $barCollection[] = $bar3;

        $names = $barCollection->map(fn (Bar $bar): string => $bar->getName());

        $ids = $barCollection->map(fn (Bar $bar): int => $bar->getId());

        $this->assertSame(['Jane', 'John', 'Janice'], $names->toArray());
        $this->assertSame([1, 2, 3], $ids->toArray());

    public function testWorksUniformlyWithTypeAliases(): void
        /** @var Collection<int> $collection1 */
        $collection1 = new Collection('integer', [1, 2, 3]);

        /** @var Collection<int> $collection2 */
        $collection2 = new Collection('int', [1, 2]);

        $this->assertEquals([3], $collection1->diff($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([1, 2], $collection1->intersect($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 3, 1, 2], $collection1->merge($collection2)->toArray());

        /** @var Collection<float> $collection1 */
        $collection1 = new Collection('float', [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]);

        /** @var Collection<float> $collection2 */
        $collection2 = new Collection('double', [1.5, 2.5]);

        $this->assertEquals([3.5], $collection1->diff($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([1.5, 2.5], $collection1->intersect($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 1.5, 2.5], $collection1->merge($collection2)->toArray());

        /** @var Collection<bool> $collection1 */
        $collection1 = new Collection('bool', [true]);

        /** @var Collection<bool> $collection2 */
        $collection2 = new Collection('boolean', [false]);

        $this->assertEquals([true, false], $collection1->diff($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([], $collection1->intersect($collection2)->toArray());
        $this->assertEquals([true, false], $collection1->merge($collection2)->toArray());


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Map Folder 0755
Mock Folder 0755
Tool Folder 0755
stubs Folder 0755
types Folder 0755
CollectionManipulationTest.php File 26.22 KB 0644
CollectionTest.php File 9.2 KB 0644
DoubleEndedQueueTest.php File 16.31 KB 0644
GenericArrayTest.php File 3.43 KB 0644
QueueTest.php File 7.51 KB 0644
SetTest.php File 5.9 KB 0644
TestCase.php File 415 B 0644
TypesTest.php File 858 B 0644