[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)


namespace Nette\Utils;

use Nette;

 * Basic manipulation with images. Supported types are JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, AVIF and BMP.
 * <code>
 * $image = Image::fromFile('nette.jpg');
 * $image->resize(150, 100);
 * $image->sharpen();
 * $image->send();
 * </code>
 * @method Image affine(array $affine, array $clip = null)
 * @method array affineMatrixConcat(array $m1, array $m2)
 * @method array affineMatrixGet(int $type, mixed $options = null)
 * @method void alphaBlending(bool $on)
 * @method void antialias(bool $on)
 * @method void arc($x, $y, $w, $h, $start, $end, $color)
 * @method void char(int $font, $x, $y, string $char, $color)
 * @method void charUp(int $font, $x, $y, string $char, $color)
 * @method int colorAllocate($red, $green, $blue)
 * @method int colorAllocateAlpha($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
 * @method int colorAt($x, $y)
 * @method int colorClosest($red, $green, $blue)
 * @method int colorClosestAlpha($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
 * @method int colorClosestHWB($red, $green, $blue)
 * @method void colorDeallocate($color)
 * @method int colorExact($red, $green, $blue)
 * @method int colorExactAlpha($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
 * @method void colorMatch(Image $image2)
 * @method int colorResolve($red, $green, $blue)
 * @method int colorResolveAlpha($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
 * @method void colorSet($index, $red, $green, $blue)
 * @method array colorsForIndex($index)
 * @method int colorsTotal()
 * @method int colorTransparent($color = null)
 * @method void convolution(array $matrix, float $div, float $offset)
 * @method void copy(Image $src, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $srcW, $srcH)
 * @method void copyMerge(Image $src, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $srcW, $srcH, $opacity)
 * @method void copyMergeGray(Image $src, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $srcW, $srcH, $opacity)
 * @method void copyResampled(Image $src, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH)
 * @method void copyResized(Image $src, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH)
 * @method Image cropAuto(int $mode = -1, float $threshold = .5, int $color = -1)
 * @method void ellipse($cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color)
 * @method void fill($x, $y, $color)
 * @method void filledArc($cx, $cy, $w, $h, $s, $e, $color, $style)
 * @method void filledEllipse($cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color)
 * @method void filledPolygon(array $points, $numPoints, $color)
 * @method void filledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color)
 * @method void fillToBorder($x, $y, $border, $color)
 * @method void filter($filtertype)
 * @method void flip(int $mode)
 * @method array ftText($size, $angle, $x, $y, $col, string $fontFile, string $text, array $extrainfo = null)
 * @method void gammaCorrect(float $inputgamma, float $outputgamma)
 * @method array getClip()
 * @method int interlace($interlace = null)
 * @method bool isTrueColor()
 * @method void layerEffect($effect)
 * @method void line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color)
 * @method void openPolygon(array $points, int $num_points, int $color)
 * @method void paletteCopy(Image $source)
 * @method void paletteToTrueColor()
 * @method void polygon(array $points, $numPoints, $color)
 * @method array psText(string $text, $font, $size, $color, $backgroundColor, $x, $y, $space = null, $tightness = null, float $angle = null, $antialiasSteps = null)
 * @method void rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $col)
 * @method mixed resolution(int $res_x = null, int $res_y = null)
 * @method Image rotate(float $angle, $backgroundColor)
 * @method void saveAlpha(bool $saveflag)
 * @method Image scale(int $newWidth, int $newHeight = -1, int $mode = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED)
 * @method void setBrush(Image $brush)
 * @method void setClip(int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2)
 * @method void setInterpolation(int $method = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED)
 * @method void setPixel($x, $y, $color)
 * @method void setStyle(array $style)
 * @method void setThickness($thickness)
 * @method void setTile(Image $tile)
 * @method void string($font, $x, $y, string $s, $col)
 * @method void stringUp($font, $x, $y, string $s, $col)
 * @method void trueColorToPalette(bool $dither, $ncolors)
 * @method array ttfText($size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, string $fontfile, string $text)
 * @property-read int $width
 * @property-read int $height
 * @property-read \GdImage $imageResource
class Image
	use Nette\SmartObject;

	/** Prevent from getting resized to a bigger size than the original */
	public const ShrinkOnly = 0b0001;

	/** Resizes to a specified width and height without keeping aspect ratio */
	public const Stretch = 0b0010;

	/** Resizes to fit into a specified width and height and preserves aspect ratio */
	public const OrSmaller = 0b0000;

	/** Resizes while bounding the smaller dimension to the specified width or height and preserves aspect ratio */
	public const OrBigger = 0b0100;

	/** Resizes to the smallest possible size to completely cover specified width and height and reserves aspect ratio */
	public const Cover = 0b1000;

	/** @deprecated use Image::ShrinkOnly */
	public const SHRINK_ONLY = self::ShrinkOnly;

	/** @deprecated use Image::Stretch */
	public const STRETCH = self::Stretch;

	/** @deprecated use Image::OrSmaller */
	public const FIT = self::OrSmaller;

	/** @deprecated use Image::OrBigger */
	public const FILL = self::OrBigger;

	/** @deprecated use Image::Cover */
	public const EXACT = self::Cover;

	/** @deprecated use Image::EmptyGIF */
	public const EMPTY_GIF = self::EmptyGIF;

	/** image types */
	public const

	public const EmptyGIF = "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00!\xf9\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02D\x01\x00;";

	private const Formats = [self::JPEG => 'jpeg', self::PNG => 'png', self::GIF => 'gif', self::WEBP => 'webp', self::AVIF => 'avif', self::BMP => 'bmp'];

	private \GdImage $image;

	 * Returns RGB color (0..255) and transparency (0..127).
	public static function rgb(int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $transparency = 0): array
		return [
			'red' => max(0, min(255, $red)),
			'green' => max(0, min(255, $green)),
			'blue' => max(0, min(255, $blue)),
			'alpha' => max(0, min(127, $transparency)),

	 * Reads an image from a file and returns its type in $type.
	 * @throws Nette\NotSupportedException if gd extension is not loaded
	 * @throws UnknownImageFileException if file not found or file type is not known
	public static function fromFile(string $file, ?int &$type = null): static
		if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
			throw new Nette\NotSupportedException('PHP extension GD is not loaded.');

		$type = self::detectTypeFromFile($file);
		if (!$type) {
			throw new UnknownImageFileException(is_file($file) ? "Unknown type of file '$file'." : "File '$file' not found.");

		return self::invokeSafe('imagecreatefrom' . self::Formats[$type], $file, "Unable to open file '$file'.", __METHOD__);

	 * Reads an image from a string and returns its type in $type.
	 * @throws Nette\NotSupportedException if gd extension is not loaded
	 * @throws ImageException
	public static function fromString(string $s, ?int &$type = null): static
		if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
			throw new Nette\NotSupportedException('PHP extension GD is not loaded.');

		$type = self::detectTypeFromString($s);
		if (!$type) {
			throw new UnknownImageFileException('Unknown type of image.');

		return self::invokeSafe('imagecreatefromstring', $s, 'Unable to open image from string.', __METHOD__);

	private static function invokeSafe(string $func, string $arg, string $message, string $callee): static
		$errors = [];
		$res = Callback::invokeSafe($func, [$arg], function (string $message) use (&$errors): void {
			$errors[] = $message;

		if (!$res) {
			throw new ImageException($message . ' Errors: ' . implode(', ', $errors));
		} elseif ($errors) {
			trigger_error($callee . '(): ' . implode(', ', $errors), E_USER_WARNING);

		return new static($res);

	 * Creates a new true color image of the given dimensions. The default color is black.
	 * @throws Nette\NotSupportedException if gd extension is not loaded
	public static function fromBlank(int $width, int $height, ?array $color = null): static
		if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
			throw new Nette\NotSupportedException('PHP extension GD is not loaded.');

		if ($width < 1 || $height < 1) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Image width and height must be greater than zero.');

		$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
		if ($color) {
			$color += ['alpha' => 0];
			$color = imagecolorresolvealpha($image, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);
			imagealphablending($image, false);
			imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $color);
			imagealphablending($image, true);

		return new static($image);

	 * Returns the type of image from file.
	public static function detectTypeFromFile(string $file, &$width = null, &$height = null): ?int
		[$width, $height, $type] = @getimagesize($file); // @ - files smaller than 12 bytes causes read error
		return isset(self::Formats[$type]) ? $type : null;

	 * Returns the type of image from string.
	public static function detectTypeFromString(string $s, &$width = null, &$height = null): ?int
		[$width, $height, $type] = @getimagesizefromstring($s); // @ - strings smaller than 12 bytes causes read error
		return isset(self::Formats[$type]) ? $type : null;

	 * Returns the file extension for the given `Image::XXX` constant.
	public static function typeToExtension(int $type): string
		if (!isset(self::Formats[$type])) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported image type '$type'.");

		return self::Formats[$type];

	 * Returns the `Image::XXX` constant for given file extension.
	public static function extensionToType(string $extension): int
		$extensions = array_flip(self::Formats) + ['jpg' => self::JPEG];
		$extension = strtolower($extension);
		if (!isset($extensions[$extension])) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported file extension '$extension'.");

		return $extensions[$extension];

	 * Returns the mime type for the given `Image::XXX` constant.
	public static function typeToMimeType(int $type): string
		return 'image/' . self::typeToExtension($type);

	 * Wraps GD image.
	public function __construct(\GdImage $image)
		imagesavealpha($image, true);

	 * Returns image width.
	public function getWidth(): int
		return imagesx($this->image);

	 * Returns image height.
	public function getHeight(): int
		return imagesy($this->image);

	 * Sets image resource.
	protected function setImageResource(\GdImage $image): static
		$this->image = $image;
		return $this;

	 * Returns image GD resource.
	public function getImageResource(): \GdImage
		return $this->image;

	 * Scales an image. Width and height accept pixels or percent.
	 * @param  self::OrSmaller|self::OrBigger|self::Stretch|self::Cover|self::ShrinkOnly  $mode
	public function resize(int|string|null $width, int|string|null $height, int $mode = self::OrSmaller): static
		if ($mode & self::Cover) {
			return $this->resize($width, $height, self::OrBigger)->crop('50%', '50%', $width, $height);

		[$newWidth, $newHeight] = static::calculateSize($this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), $width, $height, $mode);

		if ($newWidth !== $this->getWidth() || $newHeight !== $this->getHeight()) { // resize
			$newImage = static::fromBlank($newWidth, $newHeight, self::rgb(0, 0, 0, 127))->getImageResource();
			$this->image = $newImage;

		if ($width < 0 || $height < 0) {
			imageflip($this->image, $width < 0 ? ($height < 0 ? IMG_FLIP_BOTH : IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL) : IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL);

		return $this;

	 * Calculates dimensions of resized image. Width and height accept pixels or percent.
	 * @param  self::OrSmaller|self::OrBigger|self::Stretch|self::Cover|self::ShrinkOnly  $mode
	public static function calculateSize(
		int $srcWidth,
		int $srcHeight,
		int $mode = self::OrSmaller,
	): array
		if ($newWidth === null) {
		} elseif (self::isPercent($newWidth)) {
			$newWidth = (int) round($srcWidth / 100 * abs($newWidth));
			$percents = true;
		} else {
			$newWidth = abs($newWidth);

		if ($newHeight === null) {
		} elseif (self::isPercent($newHeight)) {
			$newHeight = (int) round($srcHeight / 100 * abs($newHeight));
			$mode |= empty($percents) ? 0 : self::Stretch;
		} else {
			$newHeight = abs($newHeight);

		if ($mode & self::Stretch) { // non-proportional
			if (!$newWidth || !$newHeight) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('For stretching must be both width and height specified.');

			if ($mode & self::ShrinkOnly) {
				$newWidth = min($srcWidth, $newWidth);
				$newHeight = min($srcHeight, $newHeight);
		} else {  // proportional
			if (!$newWidth && !$newHeight) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('At least width or height must be specified.');

			$scale = [];
			if ($newWidth > 0) { // fit width
				$scale[] = $newWidth / $srcWidth;

			if ($newHeight > 0) { // fit height
				$scale[] = $newHeight / $srcHeight;

			if ($mode & self::OrBigger) {
				$scale = [max($scale)];

			if ($mode & self::ShrinkOnly) {
				$scale[] = 1;

			$scale = min($scale);
			$newWidth = (int) round($srcWidth * $scale);
			$newHeight = (int) round($srcHeight * $scale);

		return [max($newWidth, 1), max($newHeight, 1)];

	 * Crops image. Arguments accepts pixels or percent.
	public function crop(int|string $left, int|string $top, int|string $width, int|string $height): static
		[$r['x'], $r['y'], $r['width'], $r['height']]
			= static::calculateCutout($this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight(), $left, $top, $width, $height);
		if (gd_info()['GD Version'] === 'bundled (2.1.0 compatible)') {
			$this->image = imagecrop($this->image, $r);
			imagesavealpha($this->image, true);
		} else {
			$newImage = static::fromBlank($r['width'], $r['height'], self::RGB(0, 0, 0, 127))->getImageResource();
			imagecopy($newImage, $this->image, 0, 0, $r['x'], $r['y'], $r['width'], $r['height']);
			$this->image = $newImage;

		return $this;

	 * Calculates dimensions of cutout in image. Arguments accepts pixels or percent.
	public static function calculateCutout(
		int $srcWidth,
		int $srcHeight,
		int|string $left,
		int|string $top,
		int|string $newWidth,
		int|string $newHeight,
	): array
		if (self::isPercent($newWidth)) {
			$newWidth = (int) round($srcWidth / 100 * $newWidth);

		if (self::isPercent($newHeight)) {
			$newHeight = (int) round($srcHeight / 100 * $newHeight);

		if (self::isPercent($left)) {
			$left = (int) round(($srcWidth - $newWidth) / 100 * $left);

		if (self::isPercent($top)) {
			$top = (int) round(($srcHeight - $newHeight) / 100 * $top);

		if ($left < 0) {
			$newWidth += $left;
			$left = 0;

		if ($top < 0) {
			$newHeight += $top;
			$top = 0;

		$newWidth = min($newWidth, $srcWidth - $left);
		$newHeight = min($newHeight, $srcHeight - $top);
		return [$left, $top, $newWidth, $newHeight];

	 * Sharpens image a little bit.
	public function sharpen(): static
		imageconvolution($this->image, [ // my magic numbers ;)
			[-1, -1, -1],
			[-1, 24, -1],
			[-1, -1, -1],
		], 16, 0);
		return $this;

	 * Puts another image into this image. Left and top accepts pixels or percent.
	 * @param  int  $opacity 0..100
	public function place(self $image, int|string $left = 0, int|string $top = 0, int $opacity = 100): static
		$opacity = max(0, min(100, $opacity));
		if ($opacity === 0) {
			return $this;

		$width = $image->getWidth();
		$height = $image->getHeight();

		if (self::isPercent($left)) {
			$left = (int) round(($this->getWidth() - $width) / 100 * $left);

		if (self::isPercent($top)) {
			$top = (int) round(($this->getHeight() - $height) / 100 * $top);

		$output = $input = $image->image;
		if ($opacity < 100) {
			$tbl = [];
			for ($i = 0; $i < 128; $i++) {
				$tbl[$i] = round(127 - (127 - $i) * $opacity / 100);

			$output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
			imagealphablending($output, false);
			if (!$image->isTrueColor()) {
				$input = $output;
				imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagecolorallocatealpha($output, 0, 0, 0, 127));
				imagecopy($output, $image->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);

			for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
				for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
					$c = \imagecolorat($input, $x, $y);
					$c = ($c & 0xFFFFFF) + ($tbl[$c >> 24] << 24);
					\imagesetpixel($output, $x, $y, $c);

			imagealphablending($output, true);

		return $this;

	 * Saves image to the file. Quality is in the range 0..100 for JPEG (default 85), WEBP (default 80) and AVIF (default 30) and 0..9 for PNG (default 9).
	 * @throws ImageException
	public function save(string $file, ?int $quality = null, ?int $type = null): void
		$type ??= self::extensionToType(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
		$this->output($type, $quality, $file);

	 * Outputs image to string. Quality is in the range 0..100 for JPEG (default 85), WEBP (default 80) and AVIF (default 30) and 0..9 for PNG (default 9).
	public function toString(int $type = self::JPEG, ?int $quality = null): string
		return Helpers::capture(function () use ($type, $quality): void {
			$this->output($type, $quality);

	 * Outputs image to string.
	public function __toString(): string
		return $this->toString();

	 * Outputs image to browser. Quality is in the range 0..100 for JPEG (default 85), WEBP (default 80) and AVIF (default 30) and 0..9 for PNG (default 9).
	 * @throws ImageException
	public function send(int $type = self::JPEG, ?int $quality = null): void
		header('Content-Type: ' . self::typeToMimeType($type));
		$this->output($type, $quality);

	 * Outputs image to browser or file.
	 * @throws ImageException
	private function output(int $type, ?int $quality, ?string $file = null): void
		switch ($type) {
			case self::JPEG:
				$quality = $quality === null ? 85 : max(0, min(100, $quality));
				$success = @imagejpeg($this->image, $file, $quality); // @ is escalated to exception

			case self::PNG:
				$quality = $quality === null ? 9 : max(0, min(9, $quality));
				$success = @imagepng($this->image, $file, $quality); // @ is escalated to exception

			case self::GIF:
				$success = @imagegif($this->image, $file); // @ is escalated to exception

			case self::WEBP:
				$quality = $quality === null ? 80 : max(0, min(100, $quality));
				$success = @imagewebp($this->image, $file, $quality); // @ is escalated to exception

			case self::AVIF:
				$quality = $quality === null ? 30 : max(0, min(100, $quality));
				$success = @imageavif($this->image, $file, $quality); // @ is escalated to exception

			case self::BMP:
				$success = @imagebmp($this->image, $file); // @ is escalated to exception

				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported image type '$type'.");

		if (!$success) {
			throw new ImageException(Helpers::getLastError() ?: 'Unknown error');

	 * Call to undefined method.
	 * @throws Nette\MemberAccessException
	public function __call(string $name, array $args): mixed
		$function = 'image' . $name;
		if (!function_exists($function)) {
			ObjectHelpers::strictCall(static::class, $name);

		foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
			if ($value instanceof self) {
				$args[$key] = $value->getImageResource();

			} elseif (is_array($value) && isset($value['red'])) { // rgb
				$args[$key] = imagecolorallocatealpha(
				) ?: imagecolorresolvealpha(

		$res = $function($this->image, ...$args);
		return $res instanceof \GdImage
			? $this->setImageResource($res)
			: $res;

	public function __clone()
		ob_start(function () {});
		imagepng($this->image, null, 0);

	private static function isPercent(int|string &$num): bool
		if (is_string($num) && str_ends_with($num, '%')) {
			$num = (float) substr($num, 0, -1);
			return true;
		} elseif (is_int($num) || $num === (string) (int) $num) {
			$num = (int) $num;
			return false;

		throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Expected dimension in int|string, '$num' given.");

	 * Prevents serialization.
	public function __sleep(): array
		throw new Nette\NotSupportedException('You cannot serialize or unserialize ' . self::class . ' instances.');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ArrayHash.php File 1.88 KB 0644
ArrayList.php File 2.67 KB 0644
Arrays.php File 10.97 KB 0644
Callback.php File 3.58 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 3.03 KB 0644
FileInfo.php File 1.33 KB 0644
FileSystem.php File 9.41 KB 0644
Finder.php File 13.31 KB 0644
Floats.php File 2.17 KB 0644
Helpers.php File 2.6 KB 0644
Html.php File 19.84 KB 0644
Image.php File 22 KB 0644
Json.php File 2.3 KB 0644
ObjectHelpers.php File 7.07 KB 0644
Paginator.php File 4.27 KB 0644
Random.php File 1.12 KB 0644
Reflection.php File 8.66 KB 0644
Strings.php File 22.14 KB 0644
Type.php File 6.46 KB 0644
Validators.php File 10.49 KB 0644
exceptions.php File 825 B 0644