[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org)
 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com)


namespace Nette\Utils;

use Nette;

 * Finder allows searching through directory trees using iterator.
 * Finder::findFiles('*.php')
 *     ->size('> 10kB')
 *     ->from('.')
 *     ->exclude('temp');
 * @implements \IteratorAggregate<string, FileInfo>
class Finder implements \IteratorAggregate
	use Nette\SmartObject;

	/** @var array<array{string, string}> */
	private array $find = [];

	/** @var string[] */
	private array $in = [];

	/** @var \Closure[] */
	private array $filters = [];

	/** @var \Closure[] */
	private array $descentFilters = [];

	/** @var array<string|self> */
	private array $appends = [];
	private bool $childFirst = false;

	/** @var ?callable */
	private $sort;
	private int $maxDepth = -1;
	private bool $ignoreUnreadableDirs = true;

	 * Begins search for files and directories matching mask.
	public static function find(string|array $masks): static
		$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'dir')->addMask($masks, 'file');

	 * Begins search for files matching mask.
	public static function findFiles(string|array $masks): static
		$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'file');

	 * Begins search for directories matching mask.
	public static function findDirectories(string|array $masks): static
		$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		return (new static)->addMask($masks, 'dir');

	 * Finds files matching the specified masks.
	public function files(string|array $masks): static
		return $this->addMask((array) $masks, 'file');

	 * Finds directories matching the specified masks.
	public function directories(string|array $masks): static
		return $this->addMask((array) $masks, 'dir');

	private function addMask(array $masks, string $mode): static
		foreach ($masks as $mask) {
			$mask = FileSystem::unixSlashes($mask);
			if ($mode === 'dir') {
				$mask = rtrim($mask, '/');
			if ($mask === '' || ($mode === 'file' && str_ends_with($mask, '/'))) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid mask '$mask'");
			if (str_starts_with($mask, '**/')) {
				$mask = substr($mask, 3);
			$this->find[] = [$mask, $mode];
		return $this;

	 * Searches in the given directories. Wildcards are allowed.
	public function in(string|array $paths): static
		$paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		$this->addLocation($paths, '');
		return $this;

	 * Searches recursively from the given directories. Wildcards are allowed.
	public function from(string|array $paths): static
		$paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		$this->addLocation($paths, '/**');
		return $this;

	private function addLocation(array $paths, string $ext): void
		foreach ($paths as $path) {
			if ($path === '') {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid directory '$path'");
			$path = rtrim(FileSystem::unixSlashes($path), '/');
			$this->in[] = $path . $ext;

	 * Lists directory's contents before the directory itself. By default, this is disabled.
	public function childFirst(bool $state = true): static
		$this->childFirst = $state;
		return $this;

	 * Ignores unreadable directories. By default, this is enabled.
	public function ignoreUnreadableDirs(bool $state = true): static
		$this->ignoreUnreadableDirs = $state;
		return $this;

	 * Set a compare function for sorting directory entries. The function will be called to sort entries from the same directory.
	 * @param  callable(FileInfo, FileInfo): int  $callback
	public function sortBy(callable $callback): static
		$this->sort = $callback;
		return $this;

	 * Sorts files in each directory naturally by name.
	public function sortByName(): static
		$this->sort = fn(FileInfo $a, FileInfo $b): int => strnatcmp($a->getBasename(), $b->getBasename());
		return $this;

	 * Adds the specified paths or appends a new finder that returns.
	public function append(string|array|null $paths = null): static
		if ($paths === null) {
			return $this->appends[] = new static;

		$this->appends = array_merge($this->appends, (array) $paths);
		return $this;

	/********************* filtering ****************d*g**/

	 * Skips entries that matches the given masks relative to the ones defined with the in() or from() methods.
	public function exclude(string|array $masks): static
		$masks = is_array($masks) ? $masks : func_get_args(); // compatibility with variadic
		foreach ($masks as $mask) {
			$mask = FileSystem::unixSlashes($mask);
			if (!preg_match('~^/?(\*\*/)?(.+)(/\*\*|/\*|/|)$~D', $mask, $m)) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Invalid mask '$mask'");
			$end = $m[3];
			$re = $this->buildPattern($m[2]);
			$filter = fn(FileInfo $file): bool => ($end && !$file->isDir())
				|| !preg_match($re, FileSystem::unixSlashes($file->getRelativePathname()));

			if ($end !== '/*') {

		return $this;

	 * Yields only entries which satisfy the given filter.
	 * @param  callable(FileInfo): bool  $callback
	public function filter(callable $callback): static
		$this->filters[] = \Closure::fromCallable($callback);
		return $this;

	 * It descends only to directories that match the specified filter.
	 * @param  callable(FileInfo): bool  $callback
	public function descentFilter(callable $callback): static
		$this->descentFilters[] = \Closure::fromCallable($callback);
		return $this;

	 * Sets the maximum depth of entries.
	public function limitDepth(?int $depth): static
		$this->maxDepth = $depth ?? -1;
		return $this;

	 * Restricts the search by size. $operator accepts "[operator] [size] [unit]" example: >=10kB
	public function size(string $operator, ?int $size = null): static
		if (func_num_args() === 1) { // in $operator is predicate
			if (!preg_match('#^(?:([=<>!]=?|<>)\s*)?((?:\d*\.)?\d+)\s*(K|M|G|)B?$#Di', $operator, $matches)) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid size predicate format.');

			[, $operator, $size, $unit] = $matches;
			$units = ['' => 1, 'k' => 1e3, 'm' => 1e6, 'g' => 1e9];
			$size *= $units[strtolower($unit)];
			$operator = $operator ?: '=';

		return $this->filter(fn(FileInfo $file): bool => !$file->isFile() || Helpers::compare($file->getSize(), $operator, $size));

	 * Restricts the search by modified time. $operator accepts "[operator] [date]" example: >1978-01-23
	public function date(string $operator, string|int|\DateTimeInterface|null $date = null): static
		if (func_num_args() === 1) { // in $operator is predicate
			if (!preg_match('#^(?:([=<>!]=?|<>)\s*)?(.+)$#Di', $operator, $matches)) {
				throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid date predicate format.');

			[, $operator, $date] = $matches;
			$operator = $operator ?: '=';

		$date = DateTime::from($date)->format('U');
		return $this->filter(fn(FileInfo $file): bool => !$file->isFile() || Helpers::compare($file->getMTime(), $operator, $date));

	/********************* iterator generator ****************d*g**/

	 * Returns an array with all found files and directories.
	public function collect(): array
		return iterator_to_array($this->getIterator());

	/** @return \Generator<string, FileInfo> */
	public function getIterator(): \Generator
		$plan = $this->buildPlan();
		foreach ($plan as $dir => $searches) {
			yield from $this->traverseDir($dir, $searches);

		foreach ($this->appends as $item) {
			if ($item instanceof self) {
				yield from $item->getIterator();
			} else {
				$item = FileSystem::platformSlashes($item);
				yield $item => new FileInfo($item);

	 * @param  array<\stdClass{pattern: string, mode: string, recursive: bool}>  $searches
	 * @param  string[]  $subdirs
	 * @return \Generator<string, FileInfo>
	private function traverseDir(string $dir, array $searches, array $subdirs = []): \Generator
		if ($this->maxDepth >= 0 && count($subdirs) > $this->maxDepth) {
		} elseif (!is_dir($dir)) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Directory '$dir' not found.");

		try {
			$pathNames = new \FilesystemIterator($dir, \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME | \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS);
		} catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
			if ($this->ignoreUnreadableDirs) {
			} else {
				throw new Nette\InvalidStateException($e->getMessage());

		$files = $this->convertToFiles($pathNames, implode('/', $subdirs), FileSystem::isAbsolute($dir));

		if ($this->sort) {
			$files = iterator_to_array($files);
			usort($files, $this->sort);

		foreach ($files as $file) {
			$pathName = $file->getPathname();
			$cache = $subSearch = [];

			if ($file->isDir()) {
				foreach ($searches as $search) {
					if ($search->recursive && $this->proveFilters($this->descentFilters, $file, $cache)) {
						$subSearch[] = $search;

			if ($this->childFirst && $subSearch) {
				yield from $this->traverseDir($pathName, $subSearch, array_merge($subdirs, [$file->getBasename()]));

			$relativePathname = FileSystem::unixSlashes($file->getRelativePathname());
			foreach ($searches as $search) {
				if (
					$file->getType() === $search->mode
					&& preg_match($search->pattern, $relativePathname)
					&& $this->proveFilters($this->filters, $file, $cache)
				) {
					yield $pathName => $file;

			if (!$this->childFirst && $subSearch) {
				yield from $this->traverseDir($pathName, $subSearch, array_merge($subdirs, [$file->getBasename()]));

	private function convertToFiles(iterable $pathNames, string $relativePath, bool $absolute): \Generator
		foreach ($pathNames as $pathName) {
			if (!$absolute) {
				$pathName = preg_replace('~\.?/~A', '', $pathName);
			$pathName = FileSystem::platformSlashes($pathName);
			yield new FileInfo($pathName, $relativePath);

	private function proveFilters(array $filters, FileInfo $file, array &$cache): bool
		foreach ($filters as $filter) {
			$res = &$cache[spl_object_id($filter)];
			$res ??= $filter($file);
			if (!$res) {
				return false;

		return true;

	/** @return array<string, array<\stdClass{pattern: string, mode: string, recursive: bool}>> */
	private function buildPlan(): array
		$plan = $dirCache = [];
		foreach ($this->find as [$mask, $mode]) {
			$splits = [];
			if (FileSystem::isAbsolute($mask)) {
				if ($this->in) {
					throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("You cannot combine the absolute path in the mask '$mask' and the directory to search '{$this->in[0]}'.");
				$splits[] = self::splitRecursivePart($mask);
			} else {
				foreach ($this->in ?: ['.'] as $in) {
					$in = strtr($in, ['[' => '[[]', ']' => '[]]']); // in path, do not treat [ and ] as a pattern by glob()
					$splits[] = self::splitRecursivePart($in . '/' . $mask);

			foreach ($splits as [$base, $rest, $recursive]) {
				$base = $base === '' ? '.' : $base;
				$dirs = $dirCache[$base] ??= strpbrk($base, '*?[')
					: [strtr($base, ['[[]' => '[', '[]]' => ']'])]; // unescape [ and ]

				$search = (object) ['pattern' => $this->buildPattern($rest), 'mode' => $mode, 'recursive' => $recursive];
				foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
					$plan[$dir][] = $search;

		return $plan;

	 * Since glob() does not know ** wildcard, we divide the path into a part for glob and a part for manual traversal.
	private static function splitRecursivePart(string $path): array
		$a = strrpos($path, '/');
		$parts = preg_split('~(?<=^|/)\*\*($|/)~', substr($path, 0, $a + 1), 2);
		return isset($parts[1])
			? [$parts[0], $parts[1] . substr($path, $a + 1), true]
			: [$parts[0], substr($path, $a + 1), false];

	 * Converts wildcards to regular expression.
	private function buildPattern(string $mask): string
		if ($mask === '*') {
			return '##';
		} elseif (str_starts_with($mask, './')) {
			$anchor = '^';
			$mask = substr($mask, 2);
		} else {
			$anchor = '(?:^|/)';

		$pattern = strtr(
			preg_quote($mask, '#'),
				'\*\*/' => '(.+/)?',
				'\*' => '[^/]*',
				'\?' => '[^/]',
				'\[\!' => '[^',
				'\[' => '[',
				'\]' => ']',
				'\-' => '-',
		return '#' . $anchor . $pattern . '$#D' . (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'i' : '');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ArrayHash.php File 1.88 KB 0644
ArrayList.php File 2.67 KB 0644
Arrays.php File 10.97 KB 0644
Callback.php File 3.58 KB 0644
DateTime.php File 3.03 KB 0644
FileInfo.php File 1.33 KB 0644
FileSystem.php File 9.41 KB 0644
Finder.php File 13.31 KB 0644
Floats.php File 2.17 KB 0644
Helpers.php File 2.6 KB 0644
Html.php File 19.84 KB 0644
Image.php File 22 KB 0644
Json.php File 2.3 KB 0644
ObjectHelpers.php File 7.07 KB 0644
Paginator.php File 4.27 KB 0644
Random.php File 1.12 KB 0644
Reflection.php File 8.66 KB 0644
Strings.php File 22.14 KB 0644
Type.php File 6.46 KB 0644
Validators.php File 10.49 KB 0644
exceptions.php File 825 B 0644