use Nette\Schema\Expect;
use Nette\Schema\Processor;
use Tester\Assert;
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
test('without items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([]);
Assert::equal((object) [], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, ["Unexpected item '0'.", "Unexpected item '1'.", "Unexpected item '2'."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 'val']);
}, ["Unexpected item 'key'."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 'one');
}, ["The item expects to be array, 'one' given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, true);
}, ['The item expects to be array, true given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 123);
}, ['The item expects to be array, 123 given.']);
Assert::equal((object) [], (new Processor)->process($schema, null));
test('accepts object', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure(['a' => Expect::string()]);
Assert::equal((object) ['a' => null], (new Processor)->process($schema, (object) []));
Assert::equal((object) ['a' => 'foo'], (new Processor)->process($schema, (object) ['a' => 'foo']));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, (object) ['a' => 1]);
}, ["The item 'a' expects to be string, 1 given."]);
$schema = Expect::structure(['a' => Expect::string()->before('strrev')]);
Assert::equal((object) ['a' => 'oof'], (new Processor)->process($schema, (object) ['a' => 'foo']));
(object) ['a' => 'rab'],
(new Processor)->processMultiple($schema, [(object) ['a' => 'foo'], (object) ['a' => 'bar']])
test('scalar items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'a' => Expect::string(),
'b' => Expect::int(),
'c' => Expect::bool(),
'd' => Expect::scalar(),
'e' => Expect::type('string'),
'f' => Expect::type('int'),
'g' => Expect::string('abc'),
'h' => Expect::string(123),
'i' => Expect::type('string')->default(123),
'j' => Expect::anyOf(1, 2),
(object) ['a' => null, 'b' => null, 'c' => null, 'd' => null, 'e' => null, 'f' => null, 'g' => 'abc', 'h' => 123, 'i' => 123, 'j' => null],
(new Processor)->process($schema, [])
test('array items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'a' => Expect::array(),
'b' => Expect::array([]),
'c' => Expect::arrayOf('string'),
'd' => Expect::list(),
'e' => Expect::listOf('string'),
'f' => Expect::type('array'),
'g' => Expect::type('list'),
'h' => Expect::structure([]),
(object) ['a' => [], 'b' => [], 'c' => [], 'd' => [], 'e' => [], 'f' => [], 'g' => [], 'h' => (object) []],
(new Processor)->process($schema, [])
test('default value must be readonly', function () {
Assert::exception(function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([])->default([]);
}, Nette\InvalidStateException::class);
test('with indexed item', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'key1' => Expect::string(),
'key2' => Expect::string(),
'arr' => Expect::arrayOf('string'),
$processor = new Processor;
(object) [
'key1' => null,
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->process($schema, [])
(object) [
'key1' => null,
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->processMultiple($schema, [])
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($processor, $schema) {
$processor->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"Unexpected item '1'.",
"Unexpected item '2'.",
"The item '0' expects to be string, 1 given.",
(object) [
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->process($schema, ['key1' => 'newval', 'newval3'])
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($processor, $schema) {
$processor->processMultiple($schema, [['key1' => 'newval', 'newval3'], ['key2' => 'newval', 'newval4']]);
}, ["Unexpected item '1'."]);
test('with indexed item & otherItems', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'key1' => Expect::string(),
'key2' => Expect::string(),
'arr' => Expect::arrayOf('string'),
$processor = new Processor;
(object) [
'key1' => null,
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->process($schema, [])
(object) [
'key1' => null,
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->processMultiple($schema, [])
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($processor, $schema) {
$processor->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, ["The item '0' expects to be string, 1 given."]);
(object) [
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => null,
'arr' => [],
$processor->process($schema, ['key1' => 'newval', 'newval3'])
(object) [
'key1' => 'newval1',
'key2' => 'newval2',
'arr' => [],
$processor->processMultiple($schema, [['key1' => 'newval', 'newval3'], ['key1' => 'newval1', 'key2' => 'newval2', 'newval4']])
test('item with default value', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'b' => Expect::string(123),
Assert::equal((object) ['b' => 123], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"Unexpected item '0', did you mean 'b'?",
"Unexpected item '1', did you mean 'b'?",
"Unexpected item '2', did you mean 'b'?",
Assert::equal((object) ['b' => 123], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 123]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, 123 given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => null]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, null given."]);
Assert::equal((object) ['b' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']));
test('item without default value', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'b' => Expect::string(),
Assert::equal((object) ['b' => null], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 123]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, 123 given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => null]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, null given."]);
Assert::equal((object) ['b' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']));
test('required item', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'b' => Expect::string()->required(),
'c' => Expect::array()->required(),
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, []);
}, [
"The mandatory item 'b' is missing.",
"The mandatory item 'c' is missing.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']);
}, ["The mandatory item 'c' is missing."]);
(object) ['b' => 'val', 'c' => [1, 2, 3]],
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val', 'c' => [1, 2, 3]])
test('other items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'key' => Expect::string(),
Assert::equal((object) ['key' => null], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
Assert::equal((object) ['key' => null, 'other' => 'foo'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['other' => 'foo']));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['other' => 123]);
}, ["The item 'other' expects to be string, 123 given."]);
test('structure items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'a' => Expect::structure([
'x' => Expect::string('defval'),
'b' => Expect::structure([
'y' => Expect::string()->required(),
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, []);
}, ["The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"Unexpected item '0', did you mean 'a'?",
"Unexpected item '1', did you mean 'a'?",
"Unexpected item '2', did you mean 'a'?",
"The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['a' => 'val']);
}, [
"The item 'a' expects to be array, 'val' given.",
"The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['a' => null]);
}, ["The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 123]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be array, 123 given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => null]);
}, ["The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be array, 'val' given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['x' => 'val']]);
}, [
"Unexpected item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}x', did you mean 'y'?",
"The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['x1' => 'val', 'x2' => 'val']]);
}, [
"Unexpected item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}x1'.",
"Unexpected item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}x2'.",
"The mandatory item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' is missing.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['y' => 123]]);
}, ["The item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}y' expects to be string, 123 given."]);
(object) ['a' => (object) ['x' => 'defval'], 'b' => (object) ['y' => 'val']],
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['y' => 'val']])
test('processing', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'a' => Expect::structure([
'x' => Expect::string('defval'),
'b' => Expect::structure([
'y' => Expect::string()->required(),
(object) ['a' => (object) ['x' => 'defval'], 'b' => (object) ['y' => 'newval']],
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['y' => 'newval']])
(object) ['a' => (object) ['x' => 'newval'], 'b' => (object) ['y' => 'newval']],
(new Processor)->processMultiple($schema, [['a' => ['x' => 'newval']], ['b' => ['y' => 'newval']]])
(object) ['a' => (object) ['x' => 'defval'], 'b' => (object) ['y' => 'newval']],
(new Processor)->processMultiple($schema, [null, ['b' => ['y' => 'newval']]])
(object) ['a' => (object) ['x' => 'defval'], 'b' => (object) ['y' => 'newval']],
(new Processor)->processMultiple($schema, [['b' => ['y' => 'newval']], null])
test('processing without default values', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'a' => Expect::string(), // implicit default
'b' => Expect::string('hello'), // explicit default
'c' => Expect::string()->nullable(),
'd' => Expect::string()->required(),
$processor = new Processor;
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema, $processor) {
$processor->process($schema, []);
}, ["The mandatory item 'd' is missing."]);
(object) ['d' => 'newval'],
$processor->process($schema, ['d' => 'newval'])
test('optional structure', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'req' => Expect::string()->required(),
'optional' => Expect::structure([
'req' => Expect::string()->required(),
'foo' => Expect::string(),
$processor = new Processor;
(object) [
'req' => 'hello',
'optional' => null,
$processor->process($schema, ['req' => 'hello'])
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema, $processor) {
$processor->process($schema, ['req' => 'hello', 'optional' => ['foo' => 'Foo']]);
}, ["The mandatory item 'optional\u{a0}›\u{a0}req' is missing."]);
test('deprecated item', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'b' => Expect::string()->deprecated('depr %path%'),
$processor = new Processor;
(object) ['b' => 'val'],
$processor->process($schema, ['b' => 'val'])
Assert::same(["depr 'b'"], $processor->getWarnings());
test('deprecated other items', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'key' => Expect::string(),
$processor = new Processor;
Assert::equal((object) ['key' => null], $processor->process($schema, []));
Assert::same([], $processor->getWarnings());
Assert::equal((object) ['key' => null, 'other' => 'foo'], $processor->process($schema, ['other' => 'foo']));
Assert::same(["The item 'other' is deprecated."], $processor->getWarnings());
test('processing without default values skipped on structure', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([
'foo1' => Expect::structure([
'bar' => Expect::string()->default('baz'),
'foo2' => Expect::structure([
'bar' => Expect::string()->default('baz'),
$processor = new Processor;
'foo1' => [],
'foo2' => ['bar' => 'baz'],
$processor->process($schema, [])