use Nette\Schema\Expect;
use Nette\Schema\Processor;
use Tester\Assert;
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
test('int & min', function () {
$schema = Expect::int()->min(10);
Assert::same(10, (new Processor)->process($schema, 10));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 9);
}, ['The item expects to be in range 10.., 9 given.']);
test('int & max', function () {
$schema = Expect::int()->max(20);
Assert::same(20, (new Processor)->process($schema, 20));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 21);
}, ['The item expects to be in range ..20, 21 given.']);
test('int & min & max', function () {
$schema = Expect::int()->min(10)->max(20);
Assert::same(10, (new Processor)->process($schema, 10));
Assert::same(20, (new Processor)->process($schema, 20));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 9);
}, ['The item expects to be in range 10..20, 9 given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 21);
}, ['The item expects to be in range 10..20, 21 given.']);
test('nullable int & min & max', function () {
$schema = Expect::int()->min(10)->max(20)->nullable();
Assert::same(null, (new Processor)->process($schema, null));
Assert::same(15, (new Processor)->process($schema, 15));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 9);
}, ['The item expects to be in range 10..20, 9 given.']);
test('string', function () {
$schema = Expect::string()->min(1)->max(5);
Assert::same('hello', (new Processor)->process($schema, 'hello'));
Assert::same('x', (new Processor)->process($schema, 'x'));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, '');
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..5, 0 bytes given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 'foobar');
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..5, 6 bytes given.']);
test('unicode', function () {
$schema = Expect::unicode()->min(2)->max(4);
Assert::same('žšáé', (new Processor)->process($schema, 'žšáé'));
Assert::same('žš', (new Processor)->process($schema, 'žš'));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 'ž');
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 2..4, 1 characters given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 'žšáéx');
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 2..4, 5 characters given.']);
test('array', function () {
$schema = Expect::array()->min(1)->max(3);
Assert::same([1], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1]));
Assert::same([1, 2, 3], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, []);
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..3, 0 items given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..3, 4 items given.']);
test('structure', function () {
$schema = Expect::structure([])->otherItems('int')->min(1)->max(3);
Assert::equal((object) [1], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1]));
Assert::equal((object) [1, 2, 3], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, []);
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..3, 0 items given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
}, ['The length of item expects to be in range 1..3, 4 items given.']);