use Nette\Schema\Expect;
use Nette\Schema\Helpers;
use Nette\Schema\Processor;
use Tester\Assert;
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
test('without default value', function () {
$schema = Expect::array();
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
Assert::same([1, 2, 3], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]));
Assert::same(['key' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 'val']));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 'one');
}, ["The item expects to be array, 'one' given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, true);
}, ['The item expects to be array, true given.']);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, 123);
}, ['The item expects to be array, 123 given.']);
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, null));
test('not merging', function () {
$schema = Expect::array([
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['item'],
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
[1, 2, 3],
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3])
test('merging', function () {
$schema = Expect::array([
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['item'],
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['item'],
], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['item'],
1, 2, 3,
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3])
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['item', 'newitem'],
'key3' => 'newval',
(new Processor)->process($schema, [
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
'arr' => ['newitem'],
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
'arr' => ['newitem'],
(new Processor)->process($schema, [
Helpers::PREVENT_MERGING => true,
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
'arr' => ['newitem'],
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => 'val2',
'arr' => ['newitem'],
'key3' => 'newval',
(new Processor)->process($schema, [
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
'arr' => [Helpers::PREVENT_MERGING => true, 'newitem'],
test('merging & other items validation', function () {
$schema = Expect::array([
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"The item '0' expects to be string, 1 given.",
"The item '1' expects to be string, 2 given.",
"The item '2' expects to be string, 3 given.",
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => 'val2',
'key3' => 'newval',
(new Processor)->process($schema, [
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
test('merging & other items validation', function () {
$schema = Expect::array()->items('string');
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
], $schema->merge([
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
], null));
'key1' => 'newval',
'key2' => 'val2',
'key3' => 'newval',
'key1' => 'newval',
'key3' => 'newval',
], [
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
test('items() & scalar', function () {
$schema = Expect::array([
'a' => 'defval',
Assert::same(['a' => 'defval'], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"The item '0' expects to be string, 1 given.",
"The item '1' expects to be string, 2 given.",
"The item '2' expects to be string, 3 given.",
Assert::same(['a' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['a' => 'val']));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['a' => null]);
}, ["The item 'a' expects to be string, null given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 123]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, 123 given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => null]);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be string, null given."]);
Assert::same(['a' => 'defval', 'b' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']));
test('items() & structure', function () {
$schema = Expect::array([
'a' => 'defval',
])->items(Expect::structure(['k' => Expect::string()]));
Assert::same(['a' => 'defval'], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['a' => 'val']);
}, ["The item 'a' expects to be array, 'val' given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]);
}, [
"The item '0' expects to be array, 1 given.",
"The item '1' expects to be array, 2 given.",
"The item '2' expects to be array, 3 given.",
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => 'val']);
}, ["The item 'b' expects to be array, 'val' given."]);
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['a' => 'val']]);
}, ["Unexpected item 'b\u{a0}›\u{a0}a', did you mean 'k'?"]);
['a' => 'defval', 'b' => (object) ['k' => 'val']],
(new Processor)->process($schema, ['b' => ['k' => 'val']])
test('arrayOf() & scalar', function () {
$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string|int');
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
Assert::same([1, 2, 3], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]));
Assert::same([10 => 20], (new Processor)->process($schema, [10 => 20]));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, false]);
}, ["The item '2' expects to be string or int, false given."]);
Assert::same(['key' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 'val']));
test('arrayOf() & keys', function () {
$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string|int', Expect::string()->pattern('\w+'));
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, '#' => 2]);
}, [
"The key of item '0' expects to be string, 0 given.",
"The key of item '#' expects to match pattern '\\w+', '#' given.",
Assert::same(['key' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 'val']));
test('arrayOf() & keys II.', function () {
$schema = Expect::arrayOf('string|int', Expect::string()->before('strrev'));
Assert::same(['yek' => 'val'], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 'val']));
test('arrayOf() error', function () {
Assert::exception(function () {
Expect::arrayOf(['a' => Expect::string()]);
}, TypeError::class);
test('type[]', function () {
$schema = Expect::type('int[]');
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, null));
Assert::same([], (new Processor)->process($schema, []));
Assert::same([1, 2, 3], (new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, 3]));
checkValidationErrors(function () use ($schema) {
(new Processor)->process($schema, [1, 2, false]);
}, ['The item expects to be int[], array given.']);
Assert::same(['key' => 1], (new Processor)->process($schema, ['key' => 1]));