<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of the Monolog package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Monolog;
class UtilsTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @dataProvider provideObjects
public function testGetClass(string $expected, object $object)
$this->assertSame($expected, Utils::getClass($object));
public function provideObjects()
return [
['stdClass', new \stdClass()],
['class@anonymous', new class {
['stdClass@anonymous', new class extends \stdClass {
* @dataProvider providePathsToCanonicalize
public function testCanonicalizePath(string $expected, string $input)
$this->assertSame($expected, Utils::canonicalizePath($input));
public function providePathsToCanonicalize()
return [
['/foo/bar', '/foo/bar'],
['file://'.getcwd().'/bla', 'file://bla'],
[getcwd().'/bla', 'bla'],
[getcwd().'/./bla', './bla'],
['file:///foo/bar', 'file:///foo/bar'],
['any://foo', 'any://foo'],
['\\\\network\path', '\\\\network\path'],
* @dataProvider providesHandleJsonErrorFailure
public function testHandleJsonErrorFailure(int $code, string $msg)
$this->expectException('RuntimeException', $msg);
Utils::handleJsonError($code, 'faked');
public function providesHandleJsonErrorFailure()
return [
'depth' => [JSON_ERROR_DEPTH, 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'],
'state' => [JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH, 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'],
'ctrl' => [JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR, 'Unexpected control character found'],
'default' => [-1, 'Unknown error'],
* @param mixed $in Input
* @param mixed $expect Expected output
* @covers Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter::detectAndCleanUtf8
* @dataProvider providesDetectAndCleanUtf8
public function testDetectAndCleanUtf8($in, $expect)
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod(Utils::class, 'detectAndCleanUtf8');
$args = [&$in];
$reflMethod->invokeArgs(null, $args);
$this->assertSame($expect, $in);
public function providesDetectAndCleanUtf8()
$obj = new \stdClass;
return [
'null' => [null, null],
'int' => [123, 123],
'float' => [123.45, 123.45],
'bool false' => [false, false],
'bool true' => [true, true],
'ascii string' => ['abcdef', 'abcdef'],
'latin9 string' => ["\xB1\x31\xA4\xA6\xA8\xB4\xB8\xBC\xBD\xBE\xFF", '±1€ŠšŽžŒœŸÿ'],
'unicode string' => ['¤¦¨´¸¼½¾€ŠšŽžŒœŸ', '¤¦¨´¸¼½¾€ŠšŽžŒœŸ'],
'empty array' => [[], []],
'array' => [['abcdef'], ['abcdef']],
'object' => [$obj, $obj],
* @dataProvider providesPcreLastErrorMessage
public function testPcreLastErrorMessage(int $code, string $msg)
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
$this->assertSame('No error', Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($code));
$this->assertEquals($msg, Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($code));
* @return array[]
public function providesPcreLastErrorMessage(): array
return [
public function provideIniValuesToConvertToBytes()
return [
['1', 1],
['2', 2],
['2.5', 2],
['2.9', 2],
['1B', false],
['1X', false],
['1K', 1024],
['1 K', 1024],
[' 5 M ', 5*1024*1024],
['1G', 1073741824],
['', false],
[null, false],
['A', false],
['AA', false],
['B', false],
['BB', false],
['G', false],
['GG', false],
['-1', -1],
['-123', -123],
['-1A', -1],
['-1B', -1],
['-123G', -123],
['-B', false],
['-A', false],
['-', false],
[true, false],
[false, false],
* @dataProvider provideIniValuesToConvertToBytes
* @param mixed $input
* @param int|false $expected
public function testExpandIniShorthandBytes($input, $expected)
$result = Utils::expandIniShorthandBytes($input);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);