[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


 * This script check for composer dependency incompatibilities:.
 *  - All required dependencies of the extracted packages MUST be
 *    present in the main composer.json's require(-dev) section.
 *  - Dependency constraints of extracted packages may not exclude
 *    the constraints of the main package and visa versa.
 *  - The provided target release argument must be satisfiable by
 *    all of the extracted packages' core dependency constraint.

use Composer\Semver\Comparator;
use Composer\Semver\Semver;
use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
use League\Flysystem\FileAttributes;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes;

include_once __DIR__ . '/tools.php';

function constraint_has_conflict(string $mainConstraint, string $packageConstraint): bool
    $parser = new VersionParser();
    $mainConstraint = $parser->parseConstraints($mainConstraint);
    $mainLowerBound = $mainConstraint->getLowerBound()->getVersion();
    $mainUpperBound = $mainConstraint->getUpperBound()->getVersion();
    $packageConstraint = $parser->parseConstraints($packageConstraint);
    $packageLowerBound = $packageConstraint->getLowerBound()->getVersion();
    $packageUpperBound = $packageConstraint->getUpperBound()->getVersion();

    if (Comparator::compare($mainUpperBound, '<=', $packageLowerBound)) {
        return true;

    if (Comparator::compare($packageUpperBound, '<=', $mainLowerBound)) {
        return true;

    return false;

if ( ! isset($argv[1])) {
    panic('No base version provided');

write_line("🔎 Inspecting composer dependency incompatibilities.");

$mainVersion = $argv[1];
$filesystem = new Filesystem(new LocalFilesystemAdapter(__DIR__ . '/../'));

$mainComposer = $filesystem->read('composer.json');
/** @var string[] $otherComposers */
$otherComposers = $filesystem->listContents('src', true)
    ->filter(function (StorageAttributes $item) {
        return $item->isFile();
    ->filter(function (FileAttributes $item) {
        return substr($item->path(), -5) === '.json';
    ->map(function (FileAttributes $item) {
        return $item->path();

$mainInformation = json_decode($mainComposer, true);

foreach ($otherComposers as $composerFile) {
    $information = json_decode($filesystem->read($composerFile), true);

    foreach ($information['require'] as $dependency => $constraint) {
        if (str_starts_with($dependency, 'ext-') || $dependency === 'phpseclib/phpseclib') {

        if ($dependency === 'league/flysystem') {
            if ( ! Semver::satisfies($mainVersion, $constraint)) {
                panic("Composer file {$composerFile} does not allow league/flysystem:{$mainVersion}");
            } else {
                write_line("Composer file {$composerFile} allows league/flysystem:{$mainVersion} with {$constraint}");


        $mainDependencyConstraint = $mainInformation['require'][$dependency]
            ?? $mainInformation['require-dev'][$dependency]
            ?? null;

        if ( ! is_string($mainDependencyConstraint)) {
                "The main composer file does not depend on an adapter dependency.\n" .
                "Depedency {$dependency} from {$composerFile} is missing."

        if (constraint_has_conflict($mainDependencyConstraint, $constraint)) {
                "Package constraints are conflicting:\n\n" .
                "Package composer file: {$composerFile}\n" .
                "Dependency name: {$dependency}\n" .
                "Main constraint: {$mainDependencyConstraint}\n" .
                "Package constraint: {$constraint}"

write_line("✅ Composer dependencies are looking fine.");


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.gitignore File 17 B 0644
check-versions.php File 3.96 KB 0644
close-subsplit-prs.yml File 726 B 0644
set-flysystem-version.php File 1.19 KB 0644
tools.php File 227 B 0644
update-subsplit-closers.php File 597 B 0644