[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


 * This file is part of the league/config package.
 * (c) Colin O'Dell <colinodell@gmail.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace League\Config\Tests;

use League\Config\Configuration;
use League\Config\Exception\UnknownOptionException;
use League\Config\Exception\ValidationException;
use Nette\Schema\Expect;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

final class ConfigurationTest extends TestCase
    public function testAddSchema(): void
        $config = new Configuration();

        try {
            $this->fail('An exception should be thrown since no options have been defined yet');
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(UnknownOptionException::class, $t);
            \assert($t instanceof UnknownOptionException);
            $this->assertSame('foo', $t->getPath());

        $config->addSchema('foo', Expect::string()->default('bar'));
        $this->assertSame('bar', $config->get('foo'));

        $config->addSchema('a', Expect::string()->required());

        // Even though 'a' requires data, reading 'foo' should still work

        // But reading 'a' should fail
        try {
            $this->fail('A validation exception should be thrown since the "a" schema doesn\'t pass validation');
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(ValidationException::class, $t);

        // Overwrite the previous schema we added
        $config->addSchema('a', Expect::int(42));

        $this->assertSame(42, $config->get('a'));

    public function testGet(): void
        $config = new Configuration([
            'foo' => Expect::string('bar'),
            'required_number' => Expect::int()->required(),
            'default_string' => Expect::string()->default('default'),
            'nested' => Expect::structure([
                'lucky_number' => Expect::int()->default(42),
            'array' => Expect::arrayOf('mixed')->deprecated(),

            'required_number' => 3,
            'array' => ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2],

        // Test getting a single scalar element
        $this->assertSame(3, $config->get('required_number'));

        // Test getting a single scalar element with a default value
        $this->assertSame('bar', $config->get('foo'));

        // Test getting a single array element
        $this->assertSame(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], $config->get('array'));

        // Test getting a nested array element by path
        $this->assertSame(2, $config->get('array/b'));
        $this->assertSame(2, $config->get('array.b'));

        // Test getting a nested structure element by path
        $this->assertSame(42, $config->get('nested/lucky_number'));
        $this->assertSame(42, $config->get('nested.lucky_number'));

    public function testGetNonExistentPath(): void

        (new Configuration())->get('does-not-exist');

    public function testGetWhenSchemaValidationFails(): void
        $config = new Configuration();
        $config->addSchema('foo', Expect::int()->required());
        $config->addSchema('bar', Expect::int());

        try {
            $this->fail('A validation exception should have been thrown');
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(ValidationException::class, $t);
            $this->assertCount(1, $t->getMessages());
            $this->assertStringContainsString("item 'foo' is missing", $t->getMessages()[0]);

        try {
            $config->set('bar', 'not an integer value');
            $this->fail('A validation exception should have been thrown');
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(ValidationException::class, $t);
            $this->assertCount(1, $t->getMessages());
            $this->assertStringContainsString("item 'bar' expects to be int", $t->getMessages()[0]);

    public function testExists(): void
        $config = new Configuration([
            'str' => Expect::string(''),
            'int' => Expect::int(0),
            'arr' => Expect::array([]),
            'null' => Expect::null(),
            'nested' => Expect::structure([
                'foo' => Expect::type('int')->nullable(),



        // Re-test 'str' to check the cache

        // Test with an empty string

    public function testSet(): void
        $config = new Configuration([
            'foo' => Expect::type('int|string'),

        $config->set('foo', 'bar');
        $this->assertSame('bar', $config->get('foo'));

        $config->set('foo', 42);
        $this->assertSame(42, $config->get('foo'));

        $config->set('foo', new \DateTimeImmutable());
        $this->assertSame('bar', $config->get('foo'));

    public function testSetNested(): void
        $config = new Configuration([
            'a' => Expect::structure([
                'b' => Expect::structure([
                    'c' => Expect::string('d'),

        $config->set('a/b/c', 'e');
        $this->assertSame('e', $config->get('a/b/c'));
        $this->assertSame(['c' => 'e'], $config->get('a/b'));
        $this->assertSame(['b' => ['c' => 'e']], $config->get('a'));

        $config->set('a/b', ['c' => 'f']);
        $this->assertSame('f', $config->get('a/b/c'));
        $this->assertSame(['c' => 'f'], $config->get('a/b'));
        $this->assertSame(['b' => ['c' => 'f']], $config->get('a'));

        $config->set('a', ['b' => ['c' => 'g']]);
        $this->assertSame('g', $config->get('a/b/c'));
        $this->assertSame(['c' => 'g'], $config->get('a/b'));
        $this->assertSame(['b' => ['c' => 'g']], $config->get('a'));

    public function testSetInvalidType(): void
        $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches("/item 'foo' expects to be int/");

        $config = new Configuration(['foo' => Expect::int()]);

        $config->set('foo', 'bar');

    public function testSetUndefinedKeyDoesNotThrowException(): void
        $config = new Configuration(['foo' => Expect::int(42)]);

        $config->set('bar', 3);
        $this->assertSame(42, $config->get('foo'));

    public function testSetNestedWhenOptionNotNested(): void
        $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/cannot be indexed into/');

        $config = new Configuration(['foo' => Expect::int(42)]);

        $config->set('foo', 3);
        $config->set('foo.bar', 42);

    public function testMerge(): void
        $config = new Configuration([
            'foo' => Expect::int(1),
            'bar' => Expect::int(1),
            'baz' => Expect::structure([
                'a' => Expect::int(1),
                'b' => Expect::int(1),
                'c' => Expect::int(1),

        $config->set('foo', 1);
            'foo' => 2,
            'baz' => [
                'b' => 2,

        $this->assertSame(2, $config->get('foo'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $config->get('bar'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $config->get('baz/a'));
        $this->assertSame(2, $config->get('baz/b'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $config->get('baz/c'));

            'foo' => 3,
            'baz' => [
                'c' => 3,

        $this->assertSame(3, $config->get('foo'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $config->get('bar'));
        $this->assertSame(1, $config->get('baz/a'));
        $this->assertSame(2, $config->get('baz/b'));
        $this->assertSame(3, $config->get('baz/c'));

    public function testReader(): void
        $config = new Configuration(['foo' => Expect::string('bar')]);

        $reader = $config->reader();

        $this->assertSame('bar', $config->get('foo'));
        $this->assertSame('bar', $reader->get('foo'));

        $config->set('foo', 'baz');

        $this->assertSame('baz', $config->get('foo'));
        $this->assertSame('baz', $reader->get('foo'));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Exception Folder 0755
ConfigurationTest.php File 9.59 KB 0644