[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
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<files psalm-version="4.x-dev@">
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  <file src="src/Cookie/CookieJar.php">
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  <file src="src/Cookie/SetCookie.php">
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      <code>(bool) $discard</code>
      <code>(bool) $httpOnly</code>
      <code>(bool) $secure</code>
      <code>(int) $maxAge</code>
      <code>(string) $domain</code>
      <code>(string) $name</code>
      <code>(string) $path</code>
      <code>(string) $timestamp</code>
      <code>(string) $value</code>
    <TooManyArguments occurrences="9">
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int, string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
  <file src="src/Handler/CurlFactory.php">
    <FalseOperand occurrences="1">
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      <code>$options['connect_timeout'] &lt; 1</code>
    <PossiblyFalseOperand occurrences="1">
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      <code>private $handles = [];</code>
  <file src="src/Handler/CurlHandler.php">
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  <file src="src/Handler/CurlMultiHandler.php">
    <ArgumentTypeCoercion occurrences="1">
    <PossiblyInvalidArgument occurrences="7">
    <TooManyArguments occurrences="1">
      <code>trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an integer to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)</code>
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  <file src="src/Handler/EasyHandle.php">
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  <file src="src/Handler/MockHandler.php">
    <ArgumentTypeCoercion occurrences="1">
      <code>(int) $options['delay'] * 1000</code>
  <file src="src/Handler/StreamHandler.php">
    <ImplicitToStringCast occurrences="1">
    <RedundantCondition occurrences="1">
  <file src="src/HandlerStack.php">
    <PropertyTypeCoercion occurrences="4">
  <file src="src/MessageFormatter.php">
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  <file src="src/Middleware.php">
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  <file src="src/RedirectMiddleware.php">
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  <file src="src/RetryMiddleware.php">
    <TooManyArguments occurrences="1">
      <code>($this-&gt;delay)(++$options['retries'], $response, $request)</code>
  <file src="src/Utils.php">
    <ForbiddenCode occurrences="1">


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