[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

namespace GuzzleHttp\Tests\CookieJar;

use DateInterval;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar;
use GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * @covers \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar
class CookieJarTest extends TestCase
     * @var CookieJar
    private $jar;

    public function setUp(): void
        $this->jar = new CookieJar();

    protected function getTestCookies()
        return [
            new SetCookie(['Name' => 'foo',  'Value' => 'bar', 'Domain' => 'foo.com', 'Path' => '/',    'Discard' => true]),
            new SetCookie(['Name' => 'test', 'Value' => '123', 'Domain' => 'baz.com', 'Path' => '/foo', 'Expires' => 2]),
            new SetCookie(['Name' => 'you',  'Value' => '123', 'Domain' => 'bar.com', 'Path' => '/boo', 'Expires' => \time() + 1000])

    public function testCreatesFromArray()
        $jar = CookieJar::fromArray([
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'baz' => 'bam'
        ], 'example.com');
        self::assertCount(2, $jar);

    public function testEmptyJarIsCountable()
        self::assertCount(0, new CookieJar());

    public function testGetsCookiesByName()
        $cookies = $this->getTestCookies();
        foreach ($this->getTestCookies() as $cookie) {

        $testCookie = $cookies[0];
        self::assertEquals($testCookie, $this->jar->getCookieByName($testCookie->getName()));

     * Provides test data for cookie cookieJar retrieval
    public function getCookiesDataProvider()
        return [
            [['foo', 'baz', 'test', 'muppet', 'googoo'], '', '', '', false],
            [['foo', 'baz', 'muppet', 'googoo'], '', '', '', true],
            [['googoo'], 'www.example.com', '', '', false],
            [['muppet', 'googoo'], 'test.y.example.com', '', '', false],
            [['foo', 'baz'], 'example.com', '', '', false],
            [['muppet'], 'x.y.example.com', '/acme/', '', false],
            [['muppet'], 'x.y.example.com', '/acme/test/', '', false],
            [['googoo'], 'x.y.example.com', '/test/acme/test/', '', false],
            [['foo', 'baz'], 'example.com', '', '', false],
            [['baz'], 'example.com', '', 'baz', false],

    public function testStoresAndRetrievesCookies()
        $cookies = $this->getTestCookies();
        foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {

        self::assertCount(3, $this->jar);
        self::assertCount(3, $this->jar->getIterator());
        self::assertEquals($cookies, $this->jar->getIterator()->getArrayCopy());

    public function testRemovesTemporaryCookies()
        $cookies = $this->getTestCookies();
        foreach ($this->getTestCookies() as $cookie) {
            [$cookies[1], $cookies[2]],

    public function testRemovesSelectively()
        foreach ($this->getTestCookies() as $cookie) {

        // Remove foo.com cookies
        self::assertCount(2, $this->jar);
        // Try again, removing no further cookies
        self::assertCount(2, $this->jar);

        // Remove bar.com cookies with path of /boo
        $this->jar->clear('bar.com', '/boo');
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        // Remove cookie by name
        $this->jar->clear(null, null, 'test');
        self::assertCount(0, $this->jar);

    public function testDoesNotAddIncompleteCookies()
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie()));
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name' => 'foo'
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name' => false
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name' => true
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => 'foo',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com'

    public function testDoesNotAddEmptyCookies()
        self::assertFalse($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => '',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com',
            'Value'  => 0

    public function testDoesAddValidCookies()
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => '0',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com',
            'Value'  => 0
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => 'foo',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com',
            'Value'  => 0
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => 'foo',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com',
            'Value'  => 0.0
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie([
            'Name'   => 'foo',
            'Domain' => 'foo.com',
            'Value'  => '0'

    public function testOverwritesCookiesThatAreOlderOrDiscardable()
        $t = \time() + 1000;
        $data = [
            'Name'    => 'foo',
            'Value'   => 'bar',
            'Domain'  => '.example.com',
            'Path'    => '/',
            'Max-Age' => '86400',
            'Secure'  => true,
            'Discard' => true,
            'Expires' => $t

        // Make sure that the discard cookie is overridden with the non-discard
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        $data['Discard'] = false;
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        $c = $this->jar->getIterator()->getArrayCopy();

        // Make sure it doesn't duplicate the cookie
        $this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        // Make sure the more future-ful expiration date supersede the other
        $data['Expires'] = \time() + 2000;
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);
        $c = $this->jar->getIterator()->getArrayCopy();
        self::assertNotEquals($t, $c[0]->getExpires());

    public function testOverwritesCookiesThatHaveChanged()
        $t = \time() + 1000;
        $data = [
            'Name'    => 'foo',
            'Value'   => 'bar',
            'Domain'  => '.example.com',
            'Path'    => '/',
            'Max-Age' => '86400',
            'Secure'  => true,
            'Discard' => true,
            'Expires' => $t

        // Make sure that the discard cookie is overridden with the non-discard
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));

        $data['Value'] = 'boo';
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        // Changing the value plus a parameter also must overwrite the existing one
        $data['Value'] = 'zoo';
        $data['Secure'] = false;
        self::assertTrue($this->jar->setCookie(new SetCookie($data)));
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

        $c = $this->jar->getIterator()->getArrayCopy();
        self::assertSame('zoo', $c[0]->getValue());

    public function testAddsCookiesFromResponseWithRequest()
        $response = new Response(200, [
            'Set-Cookie' => "fpc=d=.Hm.yh4.1XmJWjJfs4orLQzKzPImxklQoxXSHOZATHUSEFciRueW_7704iYUtsXNEXq0M92Px2glMdWypmJ7HIQl6XIUvrZimWjQ3vIdeuRbI.FNQMAfcxu_XN1zSx7l.AcPdKL6guHc2V7hIQFhnjRW0rxm2oHY1P4bGQxFNz7f.tHm12ZD3DbdMDiDy7TBXsuP4DM-&v=2; expires=Fri, 02-Mar-2019 02:17:40 GMT;"
        $request = new Request('GET', 'http://www.example.com');
        $this->jar->extractCookies($request, $response);
        self::assertCount(1, $this->jar);

    public function getMatchingCookiesDataProvider()
        return [
            ['https://example.com', 'foo=bar; baz=foobar'],
            ['http://example.com', ''],
            ['https://example.com:8912', 'foo=bar; baz=foobar'],
            ['https://foo.example.com', 'foo=bar; baz=foobar'],
            ['http://foo.example.com/test/acme/', 'googoo=gaga']

     * @dataProvider getMatchingCookiesDataProvider
    public function testReturnsCookiesMatchingRequests(string $url, string $cookies)
        $bag = [
            new SetCookie([
                'Name'    => 'foo',
                'Value'   => 'bar',
                'Domain'  => 'example.com',
                'Path'    => '/',
                'Max-Age' => '86400',
                'Secure'  => true
            new SetCookie([
                'Name'    => 'baz',
                'Value'   => 'foobar',
                'Domain'  => 'example.com',
                'Path'    => '/',
                'Max-Age' => '86400',
                'Secure'  => true
            new SetCookie([
                'Name'    => 'test',
                'Value'   => '123',
                'Domain'  => 'www.foobar.com',
                'Path'    => '/path/',
                'Discard' => true
            new SetCookie([
                'Name'    => 'muppet',
                'Value'   => 'cookie_monster',
                'Domain'  => '.y.example.com',
                'Path'    => '/acme/',
                'Expires' => \time() + 86400
            new SetCookie([
                'Name'    => 'googoo',
                'Value'   => 'gaga',
                'Domain'  => '.example.com',
                'Path'    => '/test/acme/',
                'Max-Age' => 1500

        foreach ($bag as $cookie) {

        $request = new Request('GET', $url);
        $request = $this->jar->withCookieHeader($request);
        self::assertSame($cookies, $request->getHeaderLine('Cookie'));

    public function testThrowsExceptionWithStrictMode()
        $a = new CookieJar(true);
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid cookie: Cookie name must not contain invalid characters: ASCII Control characters (0-31;127), space, tab and the following characters: ()<>@,;:\\"/?={}');
        $a->setCookie(new SetCookie(['Name' => "abc\n", 'Value' => 'foo', 'Domain' => 'bar']));

    public function testDeletesCookiesByName()
        $cookies = $this->getTestCookies();
        $cookies[] = new SetCookie([
            'Name' => 'other',
            'Value' => '123',
            'Domain' => 'bar.com',
            'Path' => '/boo',
            'Expires' => \time() + 1000
        $jar = new CookieJar();
        foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
        self::assertCount(4, $jar);
        $jar->clear('bar.com', '/boo', 'other');
        self::assertCount(3, $jar);
        $names = \array_map(static function (SetCookie $c) {
            return $c->getName();
        }, $jar->getIterator()->getArrayCopy());
        self::assertSame(['foo', 'test', 'you'], $names);

    public function testCanConvertToAndLoadFromArray()
        $jar = new CookieJar(true);
        foreach ($this->getTestCookies() as $cookie) {
        self::assertCount(3, $jar);
        $arr = $jar->toArray();
        self::assertCount(3, $arr);
        $newCookieJar = new CookieJar(false, $arr);
        self::assertCount(3, $newCookieJar);
        self::assertSame($jar->toArray(), $newCookieJar->toArray());

    public function testAddsCookiesWithEmptyPathFromResponse()
        $response = new Response(200, [
            'Set-Cookie' => "fpc=foobar; expires={$this->futureExpirationDate()}; path=;"
        $request = new Request('GET', 'http://www.example.com');
        $this->jar->extractCookies($request, $response);
        $newRequest = $this->jar->withCookieHeader(new Request('GET', 'http://www.example.com/foo'));

    public function getCookiePathsDataProvider()
        return [
            ['', '/'],
            ['/', '/'],
            ['/foo', '/'],
            ['/foo/bar', '/foo'],
            ['/foo/bar/', '/foo/bar'],

     * @dataProvider getCookiePathsDataProvider
    public function testCookiePathWithEmptySetCookiePath(string $uriPath, string $cookiePath)
        $response = (new Response(200))
                "foo=bar; expires={$this->futureExpirationDate()}; domain=www.example.com; path=;"
                "bar=foo; expires={$this->futureExpirationDate()}; domain=www.example.com; path=foobar;"
        $request = (new Request('GET', "https://www.example.com{$uriPath}"));
        $this->jar->extractCookies($request, $response);

        self::assertSame($cookiePath, $this->jar->toArray()[0]['Path']);
        self::assertSame($cookiePath, $this->jar->toArray()[1]['Path']);

    public function getDomainMatchesProvider()
        return [
            ['www.example.com', 'www.example.com', true],
            ['www.example.com', 'www.EXAMPLE.com', true],
            ['www.example.com', 'www.example.net', false],
            ['www.example.com', 'ftp.example.com', false],
            ['www.example.com', 'example.com', true],
            ['www.example.com', 'EXAMPLE.com', true],
            ['fra.de.example.com', 'EXAMPLE.com', true],
            ['www.EXAMPLE.com', 'www.example.com', true],
            ['www.EXAMPLE.com', 'www.example.COM', true],

     * @dataProvider getDomainMatchesProvider
    public function testIgnoresCookiesForMismatchingDomains(string $requestHost, string $domainAttribute, bool $matches)
        $response = (new Response(200))
                "foo=bar; expires={$this->futureExpirationDate()}; domain={$domainAttribute}; path=/;"
        $request = (new Request('GET', "https://{$requestHost}/"));
        $this->jar->extractCookies($request, $response);

        self::assertCount($matches ? 1 : 0, $this->jar->toArray());

    private function futureExpirationDate()
        return (new DateTimeImmutable)->add(new DateInterval('P1D'))->format(DateTime::COOKIE);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CookieJarTest.php File 15.44 KB 0644
FileCookieJarTest.php File 2.53 KB 0644
SessionCookieJarTest.php File 2.41 KB 0644
SetCookieTest.php File 15.65 KB 0644