SQLite format 3 @ � � c ) � � .r�� � y�������� g�$ X� J� 6p 5[ + e J � � * 3/2023-09-04 13:50:48Imported Contacts � � b �G ��]% � � p 1���@��e& � � b I 33E 2024-10-22 06:15:05Christiane Schrutkachristianeschrutka@gmail.com9 3#5 2024-10-22 06:04:31Lisa Schadeschadewars@gmail.com< 3%9 2024-09-02 14:57:40Robertmitty6robertmitty6@gmail.com= 3-3 2024-06-03 18:46:32Peterson Muchirimuchirii@icloud.com8 3!5 2024-03-19 09:00:07Deejayaciddeejayacid@gmail.com@ 3)= 2024-02-05 15:16:51Wawerulewis101wawerulewis101@gmail.com] 3YG 2023-12-05 13:34:41eBee Mobility Kenya Ltd INV/2023/00913catchall@ebee-africa.odoo.comG 37= 2023-10-23 14:40:25Dennis Waweru Nderitudwawerunderitu@gmail.com0 3- 2023-10-06 12:08:05Ngwatzngwatz@gmail.comB 3K 2023-09-27 14:14:11Brooksidebrookside@montessorihouse.sc.ke0 31 2023-09-27 14:14:11Infoinfo@bambini.co.ke= 3K 2023-09-27 14:14:11Infoinfo@shadelmontessoricentre.com6 39 2023-09-27 14:14:11Gigirigigiri@dukesbridge.com1 35 2023-09-27 14:14:11Imsims@montessori.co.keH 31E 2023-09-27 14:14:11Myschoolmontessorimyschoolmontessori@gmail.com6 3= 2023-09-27 14:14:11Infoinfo@littlepawshouse.com> 3M 2023-09-27 13:07:23Infoinfo@nairobimontessorischool.com/ 3/ 2023-09-27 13:02:54Infoinfo@mlckenya.com= 3!? 2023-09-27 12:34:26Officeprepofficeprep@turimail.co.ke8 3!5 2023-09-27 12:31:52Joengugi70joengugi70@gmail.com6 3; 2023-09-21 11:00:56Okelookelo@octaviacarbon.com? 3'= 2023-09-20 09:55:17Eddie Nicksonnicksoneddie97@gmail.com> 3%= 2023-09-14 09:35:22Ariel Achilaariel.achila@sunking.com C �L � C ���rR+�� ��5�j� � f � " Echristianeschrutka@gmail.com 5schadewars@gmail.com 9robertmitty6@gmail.com 3muchirii@icloud.com 5deejayacid@gmail.com =wawerulewis101@gmail.com# Gcatchall@ebee-africa.odoo.com =dwawerunderitu@gmail.com -ngwatz@gmail.com% Kbrookside@montessorihouse.sc.ke 1info@bambini.co.ke % Kinfo@shadelmontessoricentre.com 9gigiri@dukesbridge.com 5ims@montessori.co.ke " Emyschoolmontessori@gmail.com =info@littlepawshouse.com& Minfo@nairobimontessorischool.com /info@mlckenya.com ?officeprep@turimail.co.ke 5joengugi70@gmail.com ;okelo@octaviacarbon.com =nicksoneddie97@gmail.com = ariel.achila@sunking.com � � 9 3 ? 2023-09-04 13:50:48info@baiskelicentre.co.ke � � � � ? info@baiskelicentre.co.ke �o ?33 �;info@baiskelicentre.co.kelocalhost2023-09-04 13:50:482025-01-21 14:41:02en_USa:4:{s:12:"archive_mbox";s:13:"INBOX.Archive";s:11:"client_hash";s:16:"eE2O0GKPTLbrcp6e";s:9:"junk_mbox";s:10:"INBOX.spam";s:15:"namespace_fixed";b:1;} � � &? info@baiskelicentre.co.kelocalhost � ��� � 7 � �����llllG � � � � � � � � ���������������������� $M878055f6bf89f2a507a2b71af6c69937$M1bf28fbf65421fc03e8a304f52d5dff5#M 9d218d29f2ea7b7000ef59f802fd8d96 � ���@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 32025-01-21 15:07:3332025-01-16 18:24:023 2025-01-02 15:23:45 � c � "����7 � � 4�3333333�6666 � �))�tableold_dictionaryold_dictionaryCREATE TABLE "old_dictionary" ( user_id integer DEFAULT NULL, language varchar(16) NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL ) y ��Ctablefilestorefilestore(CREATE TABLE filestore ( file_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, context varchar(32) NOT NULL, filename varchar(128) NOT NULL, mtime integer NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL )��?)�indexix_cache_messages_expirescache_messages'CREATE INDEX ix_cache_messages_expires ON cache_message�+##�itableattachmentsattachments/CREATE TABLE attachments ( attachment_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event_id integer NOT NULL default '0', filename varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', mimetype varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', size integer NOT NULL default '0', data text NOT NULL default '', CONSTRAINT fk_attachment_event_id FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(event_id) )�J*�otableeventsevents-CREATE TABLE events ( event_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, calendar_id integer NOT NULL default '0', recurrence_id integer NOT NULL default '0', uid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', instance varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', isexception tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', created datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', changed datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', sequence integer NOT NULL default '0', start datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', end datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', recurrence varchar(255) default NULL, title varchar(255) NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL, location varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', categories varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', all_day tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', free_busy tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', priority tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', sensitivity tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', status varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', alarms text default NULL, attendees text default NULL, notifyat datetime default NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_events_calendar_id FOREIGN KEY (calendar_id) REFERENCES calendars(calendar_id) )�)�ytablecalendarscalendars,CREATE TABLE calendars ( calendar_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', color varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', showalarms tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', driver varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'database', CONSTRAINT fk_calendars_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) )+(? indexsqlite_autoindex_system_1system+o'�9tablesystemsystem*CREATE TABLE system ( name varchar(64) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value text NOT NULL )m;%�indexix_cache_shared_expirescache_sharedCREATE INDEX ix_cache_shared_expires ON cache_shared(expires)7K% indexsqlite_autoindex_cache_shared_1cache_shared�6%%�/tablecache_sharedcache_sharedCREATE TABLE cache_shared ( cache_key varchar(255) NOT NULL, expires datetime DEFAULT NULL, data text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (cache_key) )Y1uindexix_session_changedsessionCREATE INDEX ix_session_changed ON session (changed)-A indexsqlite_autoindex_session_1session�V�tablesessionsessionCREATE TABLE session ( sess_id varchar(128) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, changed datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', vars text NOT NULL )f/�indexix_users_usernameusersCREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_users_username ON users(username, mail_host)� �tableusersusersCREATE TABLE users ( user_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', mail_host varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', created datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', last_login datetime DEFAULT NULL, failed_login datetime DEFAULT NULL, failed_login_counter integer DEFAULT NULL, language varchar(16), preferences text DEFAULT NULL ) w � ��C�A {��� 7V ~ 7 7u A1))�tablecache_messagescache_messages%CREATE TABLE cache_messages ( user_idw�11�tablecaldav_attachmentscaldav_attachmentsCCREATE TABLE caldav_attachments ( attachment_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', filename varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', mimetype varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', size integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', data longtext NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_caldav_attachments_event_id FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES caldav_events(event_id) )�,++�mtableitipinvitationsitipinvitations0CREATE TABLE itipinvitations ( token varchar(64) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event_uid varchar(255) NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL default '0', event text NOT NULL, expires datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', cancelled tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', CONSTRAINT fk_itipinvitations_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) ) ##�itableattachmentsattachments/CREATE TABLE attachments ( attachment_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event_id integer NOT NULL default '0', filename varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', mimetype varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', size integer NOT NULL default '0', data text NOT NULL default '', CONSTRAINT fk_attachment_event_id FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(event_id) )�J*�otableeventsevents-CREATE TABLE events ( event_id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, calendar_id integer NOT NULL default '0', recurrence_id integer NOT NULL default '0', uid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', instance varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', isexception tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', created datetime NOT NULL default '1000-01-01 00:00:00', changed dAJU/ indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_xsubtypes_1carddav_xsubtypesM�,I//�tablecarddav_xsubtypescarddav_xsubtypesLCREATE TABLE carddav_xsubtypes ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, typename VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, -- name of the type subtype VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, -- name of the subtype abook_id integer NOT NULL, -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(abook_id) REFERENCES carddav_addressbooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, UNIQUE(typename,subtype,abook_id) )�HG-�indexcarddav_contacts_abook_id_idxcarddav_contactsKCREATE INDEX carddav_contacts_abook_id_idx ON carddav_contacts(abook_id)?GS- indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_contacts_2carddav_contactsI?FS- indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_contacts_1carddav_contactsH�>E--�/tablecarddav_contactscarddav_contactsGCREATE TABLE carddav_contacts ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, abook_id integer NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- display name email VARCHAR(255), -- ", " separated list of mail addresses firstname VARCHAR(255), surname VARCHAR(255), organization VARCHAR(255), showas VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- special display type (e.g., as a company) vcard TEXT NOT NULL, -- complete vcard etag VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- entity tag, can be used to check if card changed on server uri VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- path of the card on the server cuid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- unique identifier of the card within the collection UNIQUE(uri,abook_id), UNIQUE(cuid,abook_id), -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(abook_id) REFERENCES carddav_addressbooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE )|.9+�!indexix_itipinvitations_uiditipinvitations2CREATE INDEX ix_itipinvitations_uid ON itipinvitations(user_id, event_uid)=-Q+ indexsqlite_autoindex_itipinvitations_1itipinvitations1 t t\\ � u3�DAV.discover.VEVENT.85527bd12c17e7591ff7e9fc31c8b21a2025-01-02 09:35:38czozNjoiY2FsZW5kYXJzL2luZm9AYmFpc2tlbGljZW50cmUuY28ua2UvIjs= � �SS 8 u DAV.discover.VEVENT.85527bd12c17e7591ff7e9fc31c8b21a � ��� 3 2025-01-02 09:35:38 s �s�� J! -!libkolab-version2022122800$;!calendar-caldav-version2024082600&?!calendar-database-version2024082600/!roundcube-version2022081200 � ���� 6c-libkolab-version ;calendar-caldav-version?calendar-database-version/ roundcube-version F @ �n�����c�@� �� CZW1 indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_migrations_1carddav_migrationsY�[Y11�atablecarddav_migrationscarddav_migrationsSCREATE TABLE "carddav_migrations" ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, filename TEXT NOT NULL, processed_at TIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE(filename) )� WK1�%indexcarddav_group_user_group_id_idxcarddav_group_userVCREATE INDEX carddav_group_user_group_id_idx ON carddav_group_user(group_id)�VO1�-indexcarddav_group_user_contact_id_idxcarddav_group_userPCREATE INDEX carddav_group_user_contact_id_idx ON carddav_group_user(contact_id)zUC)�indexcarddav_groups_abook_id_idxcarddav_groupsOCREATE INDEX carddav_groups_abook_id_idx ON carddav_groups(abook_id)�TI/�!indexcarddav_xsubtypes_abook_id_idxcarddav_xsubtypesNCREATE INDEX carddav_xsubtypes_abook_id_idx ON carddav_xsubtypes(abook_id);SO) indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_groups_2carddav_groupsU;RO) indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_groups_1carddav_groupsT�iQ))� tablecarddav_groupscarddav_groupsFCREATE TABLE "carddav_groups" ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, abook_id integer NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- display name vcard TEXT, -- complete vcard etag VARCHAR(255), -- entity tag, can be used to check if card changed on server uri VARCHAR(255), -- path of the card on the server cuid VARCHAR(255), -- unique identifier of the card within the collection UNIQUE(uri,abook_id), UNIQUE(cuid,abook_id), -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(abook_id) REFERENCES carddav_addressbooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE )COW1 indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_group_user_1carddav_group_userR�N11�Ktablecarddav_group_usercarddav_group_userQCREATE TABLE carddav_group_user ( group_id integer NOT NULL, contact_id integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(group_id,contact_id), -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(group_id) REFERENCES carddav_groups(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(contact_id) REFERENCES carddav_contacts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) @U/ indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_xsubtypes_1carddav_xsubtypesM�,I//�tablecarddav_xsubtypescarddav_xsubtypesLCREATE TABLE carddav_xsubtypes ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, typename VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, -- name of the type subtype VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, -- name of the subtype abook_id integer NOT NULL, -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(abook_id) REFERENCES carddav_addressbooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, UNIQUE(typename,subtype,abook_id) )�HG-�indexcarddav_contacts_abook_id_idxcarddav_contactsKCREATE INDEX carddav_contacts_abook_id_idx ON carddav_contacts(abook_id)?GS- indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_contacts_2carddav_contactsI?FS- indexsqlite_autoindex_carddav_contacts_1carddav_contactsH�>E--�/tablecarddav_contactscarddav_contactsGCREATE TABLE carddav_co�w[55�tablecarddav_addressbookscarddav_addressbooksDCREATE TABLE "carddav_addressbooks" ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, password TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL, active TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, user_id integer NOT NULL, last_updated BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- time stamp (seconds since epoch) of the last update of the local database refresh_time INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3600, -- time span (seconds) after that the local database will be refreshed, default 1h sync_token TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- sync-token the server sent us for the last sync presetname TEXT, -- presetname use_categories TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- not enforced by sqlite < 3.6.19 FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) � L �a � � c��L � �X''�itableold_responsesold_r ;;�mviewcaldav_calendars_mergedcaldav_calendars_mergedCREATE VIEW caldav_calendars_merged AS SELECT c.calendar_id, c.user_id, c.name, c.color, c.showalarms, c.driver, cc.readonly, cc.caldav_url, cc.caldav_tag, cc.caldav_user, cc.caldav_pass, cc.caldav_oauth_provider, cc.caldav_last_change, c.calendar_id AS id FROM calendars as c JOIN caldav_calendars as cc ON c.calendar_id = cc.calendar_id WHERE c.driver='caldav'